Two Ishkashimi texts: Children talking1 Два ишкашимских текста: разговоры детей
L. R. Dodykhudoeva, Z.O. Nazarova Л. Р. Додыхудоева, З. О. Назарова
The article presents two texts documented by L. R. Dodykhudoeva and Sh. P. Yusufbekov during their fieldwork in Ishkashim in the autumn of 2011. The audio recording of these texts in the Ishkashimi language - a fairy tale and a dialogue - was completed in the village of Ryn, in the Mountainous-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan. These texts are of interest because they document the speech of the young generation of native Ishkashimi speakers (two children of 5 and 6 years old) in a domestic family context.
In addition, these Ishkashimi texts (presented with a translation and interlinear glossing) are a contribution to the corpus of written texts in the Ishkashimi language, which, like other Pamir languages, still lacks a written tradition.
Key words: Pamir languages, Ishkashimi, Mountainous-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Tajikistan, ethnolinguistics, linguacultural studies, bilingualism, folk tale, kinship terms
Вниманию читателя предлагаются два текста, записанные Л. Р. Додыхудоевой и Ш. П. Юсуфбековым в ходе полевой работы в Ишкашиме осенью 2011 г. Аудиозапись предлагаемых текстов на ишкашимском языке — сказки и диалога — была сделана в селении Рын Горно-Бадахшанской автономной области, Таджи-
1 Статья публикуется в соответствии с планом научно-исследо -вательских работ Института языкознания РАН 0182-2019-0018 «Закономерности развития и функционирования индоевропейских языков: типология языковых структур; филологический анализ текста; взаимодействие языковых, социальных, этнических и культурных процессов».
кистан. Настоящие тексты представляют интерес как документы, фиксирующие запись речи младшего (дети 5 и 6 лет) поколения жителей этого ишкашимского селения на родном ишкашимском языке в контексте семьи.
При этом данные тексты, представленные в сопровождении английского перевода и поморфемной нотации всех словоформ в высказывании, являются вкладом в корпус письменных текстов на ишкашимском языке, который — как и прочие памирские языки — до сих пор не имеет письменности.
Ключевые слова: памирские языки, ишкашимский язык, Горно-Бадахшанская автономная область, Таджикистан, этнолигвистика, лингвокультурология, сказка о козе, термины родства DOI: 10.37892/2313-5816-2021-2-35-58
1. General information about
the texts and their documentation
Most adults in Ryn (Ishkashim district) are bilingual, speaking both Ishkashimi and Tajik. However, pre-school children do not know Tajik and speak only their mother tongue, Ishkashimi. In the course of school education — beginning from 6 years old — they acquire knowledge of Tajik.
These texts were recorded by L. R. Dodykhudoeva and Sh. P. Yusufbekov during their field work in Wakhan and Ishkashim in autumn 2011 in the village of Ryn, in the Mountainous-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan. The texts were recorded in a family where all generations speak their mother tongue, Ishkashimi. This family had lived in Ryn for several generations, and all its members were born in Ryn.
The first text is a folk tale about a mother goat and its kids, widely known in Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan and also in Russia. It is known among the peoples of Tajikistan by the title "The goat with curly legs" ("Buzaki jingilapo") [Sukharev, Sukha-reva 1934: 25-44; Rosenfeld 1948: 206; Koza 1952]. Tajik versions of the tale are still widely known today as "Buzaki jingilapo"
[2013; 2019]. However, in the Tajik versions, the mother goat may have three kids, named Alül(ak), Bulül(ak) and Khishtaki-Sari-Tanür(ak) [2013], or seven kids with the addition of those named Toqchaparak, Mekhchaparak, Boloshinak and Tahshinak [2019]. Cf. the Persian version where the goat also has three kids called Shangul, Mangul, and the youngest — Angurak [Shangul i Mangul 1958].
The Tajik versions are widespread among the Tajik population, and nowadays it is difficult to find a place where this tale is unknown. It is known locally in the Tajik part of Ishkashim among adults and children under the name "The Tale of Alul(ak), Bu-lul(ak) and Khishtaki-sari-tanur(ak)" (data from field interviews by L.R. Dodykhudoeva and Sh.P Yusufbekov in 2011).
Our first narrator, a 6-year-old boy N., who spoke only his native tongue but had started learning Tajik in preschool classes, knew this tale as "The Tale of Bulul" (Bulul(ak) afsona). Another version of this tale, narrated by a senior Ishkashimi speaker and former teacher, Jahonoro Kholdorova, in the same village of Ryn and recorded later in 2018, is called "The Story of Alulak" [2021]2. This folk tale about a mother goat is widely known throughout Tajikistan and exists in several versions in all the Pamir languages. There is a similar folk tale in Shughnani with a plot close to the Ishkashimi tale about a goat and a wolf. On the other hand, a tale was recorded in the Khufi vernacular about a mother goat and her two kids, who were tricked and eaten not by a wolf, but by a bear [Sokolova 1966: 394-395]. A similar folk tale about a mother goat and her two kids, also eaten by a bear, is known in Torwali,
Jahonoro Qurbonovna Kholdorova was the first primary school teacher of one of the authors of this article, Zarifa Nazarova. She taught in Ryn at Sharif Rahmatov School № 20. Unfortunately, in the 2018 video recording produced by the Endangered Language Alliance (ELA), her family name was misprinted in the credits. The authors take this opportunity to express their gratitude for her diligence and commitment in teaching monolingual Ishkashimi children in the Tajik language, the medium of instruction.
one of the Dardic languages, under the title "Angaag o Bangaag (and Changaag)"3.
Our second text, a dialogue, was recorded as a conversation between an adult (B.) and a five-year-old girl (M.), who spoke only her native tongue, Ishkashimi. This dialogue formed part of the process of teaching the child kinship terms and names of family members (for more on the challenges of first language acquisition in early childhood, see [Dodykhudoeva 2021; Edelman, Dodykhudoeva 2021]. This dialogue sheds light on the structure of the extended family and names of family members, and also provides an insight into the proper names preferred by inhabitants of Ishkashim.
These texts are an additional contribution to the corpus of written texts in the Ishkashimi language, which, like other Pamir languages, still lacks written texts and a written tradition; for more details on this topic see [Pakhalina 1959; Pakhalina, Nazarova 1997; Nazarova, Nazarov 2010]. However, the first children's books in this language have just recently been published [Ibrad urvesok... 2021; Shaghol-9t urvesok 2021].
ACC — accusative (postposition ro)
CNJ — conjunction
COP — copula
D — direct case
DEM — demonstrative
DIM — diminutive
DP — discourse particle
IMP — imperative
INJ — interjection expressing admiration
3 In the form of an animated cartoon produced by the Institute of Bible Translation (IBT), it is available along with an English translation of Zubair Torwali on YouTube (March 20, 2020): https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=Q0MzDMFToaA.
IZ — izafa
MDP — motivation particle
NEG — negation, negative
NUM — numerative
OBL — oblique
PL — plural
POSS — possessive
PRF — perfect
PRS — present
PRT — particle
PST — past
PSTP — postposition
Q — question particle
SG — singular
SUF — suffix
3D — 3Deixis.
TRS — Таджикско-русский словарь (Tajik-Russian dictionary). Text 1.
Text 1. Balulak
1. Vadük na-vadük uk-pad Alulak-t Balulak-at, Xastaki-sari-tanurak* vadük.
2. Ba iv-non yazu za tamax pa xon alav-t az tamax-bo uk ciz izamam.
3. Ba tüydük, ba uk urk isu, taq-taq kanu, za az-m tamax non.
4. Ba kanon vari at-t, jak xasari kanon pos.
5. Ba jaki aviru, xaru-t uk-yona xoni na-aviru.
6. Ba i(v)-non isu, yazu za digaro-n ce sad, Alulak-t Balulak-t Xastaki-sari-tanurak kanjo?
7. Aw ba yazu za wanav-i urk xül.
8. A(w) urk sab sadük minduk.
9. Ba(d) a(w) i(v)-non oyadük, ba külüki i-der-i pay-at Alulak-t Balulak-t Xastaki-sari-tanurak-i navüldük-t,
10. a(w) urk xatük-i sadük-i, vek pavük, dedük-i pa vek.
Comments on the text
* The name Xastaki-sari-tanurak is derived from Tajik 'a small brick on the top of the oven (tanur)'. This name is based on an izafa construction:
Xsstak-i sar-i tanurak
brick.DIM-IZ sar-IZ oven.DIM
However, in the fairy tale (Tajik and Ishkashimi) it is understood as one name, fused into a single element as a result of accretion.
In the course of translation and glossing of the text some slight amendments were introduced as a more suitable alternative to the original text.
Text 1. Translation.
1. Once upon a time there lived three kids — Alulak, Bululak and Khishtaki-sari-tanurak.
2. Their mother told (them) that they should stay at home, and she (will go) and bring them something.
3. Then she left, and then a wolf comes, knocks (at the door) and says: I am your mother.
4. Then (they) open the door, and all the kids are hiding.
5. Then (he) finds all of them, and eats them, (but) one of them he cannot find anywhere in the house.
6. Then their mother comes, says: where are the others — Alulak, Bululak and Khishtaki-sari-tanurak?
7. He (the only surviving kid) tells her that a wolf ate them all.
8. That wolf sleeps during the night.
9. Then, their mother came, and cut open his (i.e. the wolf's) stomach, took out Alulak and Bululak and Khishtaki-sari-tanurak.
10. That wolf got up to drink water, he fell into the water (and drowned).
Text 1. Interlinear glossing
1. Vaduk na-vaduk uk-pad Alulak-t Balulak-at, Xistaki-sari-tanurak vaduk.
Once upon a time there lived three kids — Alulak, Bululak and Khishtaki-sari-tanurak.
Vaduk na-vaduk uk-pad Alulak-t Balulak-at
be.PRF.0 NEG-be.PRF.0 one-NUM Alulak.DIM-and Balulak.DIM-and
Xastaki-sari-tanurak vaduk Xishtaki-sari-tanurak.DIM be.PRF.0
2. Ba iv-non yazu za tamax pa xon alav-t az tamax-bo uk ciz izamam. Their mother told (them) that they should stay at home, and she (will go) and bring them something.
Ba iv-non yazu za tamax
then DEM.POSS.3PL.3D-mother say.PRS.3SG CNJ you.OBL
pa xon alav-t az tamax-bo
in house stay .PRS.2PL-and I.D you.OBL-PSTP
uk ciz izamam one thing bring.PRS.1SG
3. Ba tuyduk, ba uk urk isu, taq-taq kanu, za az-m tamax non Then she left, and at that time comes one wolf, knocks (at the door) and says: I am your mother.
Ba tuyduk ba uk urk isu
then leave.PRF.0 then one wolf come.PRS.3SG
taq-taq kanu za az-m tamax non
knock-knock do.PRS.3SG CNJ I.D-COP.1SG you.OBL mother
4. Ba kanon var-i at-t, jak xasar-i kanon pos.
Then (they) open the door, and all (the kids) are hiding.
Ba kanon var-i at-t jak xasar-i
then do.PRS.3PL door-ACC open-and all themselves.OBL-ACC
kanon pos
do.PRS.3PL hiding
5. Ba jak-i aviru, xaru-t uk-yona xoni na-aviru.
Then (he) finds all of them, and eats them, (but) one of them he cannot find anywhere in the house. Ba jak-i aviru xaru-t
then all-POSS.OBL.3D find.PRS.3SG eat.PRS.3SG-and
uk-yona xon-i na-aviru
one-NUM house-ACC NEG-find.PRS.3SG
6. Ba i(v)-non isu, yazu za digaro-n ce sad, Alulak-t Balulak-t Xastaki-sari-tanurak kanjo?
Then their mother comes, says: where are the others — Alulak, Bululak and Khishtaki-sari-tanurak?
Ba i(v)-non isu yazu
then DEM.POSS.3PL.3D-mother come.PRS.3SG say.PRS.3SG
za digaro-n ce sad Alulak-t
CNJ other.PL-3PL what become.PST.0 Alulak.DIM-and
Balulak-t Xastaki-sari-tanurak kanjo
Bululak.DIM-and Xishtaki-sari-tanurak.DIM where
7. Aw ba yazu za wanav-i urk xul.
He (the only surviving kid) tells her that a wolf ate them all.
Aw ba yazu za wanav-i urk xul
he then say.PRS.3SG CNJ them.PL.OBL.3D-3SG wolf eat.PST.0
8. A(w) urk sab saduk minduk. That wolf sleeps during the night
A(w) urk sab saduk minduk
that.D.3D wolf night become.PRF.0 sleep.PRF.0
9. Ba(d) a(w) i(v)-non oyaduk, ba kuluk-i i-der-i pay4-at Alulak-t Balulak-t Xastaki-sari-tanurak-i navulduk-t.
Then, their mother came, and cut open his (i.e. the wolf's) stomach, took out Alulak and Bululak and Khishtaki-sari-tanurak.
Ba(d) a(w) i(v)-non oyaduk ba
then DEM.D.3D DEM.POSS.3PL.3D-mother come.PRF.0 then
kuluk-i i-der-i pay-at
do.PRF-3SG his-stomach-ACC torn-and
Alulak-t Balulak-t Xastaki-sari-tanurak-i navulduk-t
Alulak.DIM-and Balulak.DIM-and Khishtaki-sari-tanur.DIM-ACC take.out.PRF.0-and
10. a(w) urk xatuk-i saduk-i, vek pavuk, deduk-i pa vek.
That wolf came out to drink the water, he fell into the water (and drowned).
a(w) urk xatuk-i saduk-i vek
that wolf get.up.PRF-3SG become.PRF-3SG water
pavuk deduk-i pa vek
drink.INF fall.PRF-3SG into water
Text 2. A dialogue of an adult (B.) with a child (M.)
B. Qarib nid, Merangez. Ti nim ciz? M. Merangez.
There are a number of compound verbs in the Ishkashimi language; they include pay kuluk 'tear, cut' [Pakhalina 1959]. Usually these verbs are used as a single unit in a phrase, but here parts of this verb were used separately. Cf. Wakhi pay(i) 'crack', Sarikoli poyi 'id'
[Pakhalina 1975], Wakhi pay Adj. 'torn' (from Tajik), pay di 'tear, cut' [Grunberg, Steblin-Kamenskiy 1976], Tajikpora 'piece, fragment, cut, torn (to pieces)' [TRS 2006]. All these can be connected with Proto-Iranian *5par- 'to separate, to divide into parts' [Edelman 2020: 164].
B.Ta-t candsola? M. Prn3sola. 3.
B. Kadi-bo ta maktab balavi? M. Uvdsola.
B. Uvdsola-t za sad, maktab balavi-o? Sot-t pa boyca-i bacagon, ane? Ti marabiya кйу? М. Zalfi(ya). 5.
B. A, ti marabiya Zalfiya-o!? Aw ta-bo xas-о? M. Aw ma-bo xas.
B. So afta-i diga ta-t xi ama-t Navid kanjo sav? M. Max-o? Moskva.
B. Moskva sav-o, Dasanbe? Dasanbe, ane? Xi varu-i maydekak-i mas-i xi-g^ usi-o? M. On.
B. Ba xi bibi-i toqa mak la-kani-o? Xi bibi mas-i us-i? Ta dar borai xi varudik naql kan, camand-yona varu ti-no? M. Da-yona. 9.
B. Iv nimo ciz? M. Totos-at Navid.
B. Navid-at Odinamamad, ane? Ta Odinamamad fri-diri, yo Navid-i? M. Odinamamad.
B. Navid-i mas fri diri, ane? Aw ti kata varu. Ti nim ciz? M. Merangez. 12.
B. Ti non nim ciz?
M. Farangis. 13.
B. Ti to nim ciz? M. Amirbek.
B. Ti ama? M. Banafsa.
B. Ti-no camand-yona ama? M. Ruy, cafur-yona. 16.
B. Iv nimo ciz? Iv nimo-i yaz?
M. Uk-yona Banafsa, uk-yona ama Towus, uk-yona Zarifa... 17.
B. Uk-yona-i diga? M. Ama Bibi.
B. Max Bibi i-bo yazon, ane? Gawarmalika i-nimi aqoni-t, i-bo
Bibi yazon, ane? E, ofarin!
B. Ku zavuk-i Sakosami isob kan, ka sakosami zavuk isob kan. M. Uk, daw, ruy, cafur, pun3, xul, uvd, ot, nuh, da, yozda, duwozda.
Text 2. Translation.
B. Sit closer, Mehrangez. What is your name? M. Mehrangez. 2.
B. How old are you? M. (I am) five years old. 3.
B. When you (will) go to school? M. (When I will be) seven years old.
B. When you will be seven, (you will) study at school? Now you're in the kindergarten, right? Who is your caregiver? M. Zulfiya.
B. Oh, yes, your caregiver (is) Zulfiya! ? You like her, is that right? M. Yes, I like her.
B. Next week you, your aunt and Navid where will you go? M. All of us? To Moscow (everybody laughs). 7.
B. To Moscow or to Dushanbe? To Dushanbe, is that right? Your little brother will go with you? M. Yes.
B. You'll leave your grandmother here alone? Or will you take her with you? You tell me about your brother. How many brothers do you have? M. Two.
B. What are their names? M. Totosh and Navid.
B. Navid and Odinamamad, right? Who do you love most, Odinamamad or Navid? M. Odinamamad.
B. You like Navid too, right? He's your elder brother. What's your name? M. Mehrangez. 12.
B. What's your mother's name?
M. Farangis.
B. What's your father's name?
M. Amirbek.
B. (And what about) your aunt? M. Bunafsha.
B. How many aunts do you have? M. Three, four. 16.
B. What are their names? Call them by their names M. One is Bunafsha, one aunt is Towus, one — Zarifa. 17.
B. Another one? M. Aunt Bibi.
B. We (the family) call her Bibi, right? Her real name is Gawarmalika.
Well done!
B. Count in Ishkashimi.
M. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Text 2. Interlinear glossing
B. Qarib nid, Merangez. Ti nim ciz? Sit closer, Mehrangez. What is your name? Qarib nid Merangez Ti nim ciz
close sit.IMP Mehrangez your.POSS name what
M. Merangez. Mehrangez.
Mehrangez Mehrangez 2.
B. Ta-t candsola?
How old are you?
Ta-t cand.sola
you.D-COP.2SG how.many.year.SUF
M. Pun3sola. (I am) five years old. pun3.sola five.year.SUF
B. Kadi-bo ta maktab balavi? When you (will) go to school?
kadi-bo ts maktab bslavi when-PSTP you.D school study.PRS.2SG
M. Uvdsola.
(When I will be) seven years old.
B. Uvdsola-t za sad, maktab balavi-o?
When you will be seven, (you will) study at school?
uvd.sola-t za sad maktab balavi-o
seven.year. SUF-2SG CNJ become.PST school study.PRS.2SG-Q
Sot-t pa boyca-i bacagona, ane? Ti marabiya kuy? Now you're in the kindergarten, right? Who is your caregiver? Sot-t pa boyca-i bacagona ane
Now-COP.2SG in garden.DIM-IZ infant.PL.SUF right.Q
Ti marabiya kuy
your.POSS caregiver who
M. Zalfi(ya). Zulfiya.
Zalfi(ya) Zulfiya
B. A, ti marabiya Zalfiya-o!? Oh, yes, your caregiver (is) Zulfiya!?
A ti marabiya Zalfiya-o
alright.DP your.POSS.2SG caregiver Zulfiya-Q
B. Aw ta-bo xas-o? You like her, is that right?
Aw ta-bo xas-o
her.DEM.D.3D you.D-PSTP good-Q
M. Aw ma-bo xas. Yes, I like her.
Aw ma-bo xas
her.DEM.D.3D I.POSS-PSTP good
B. So afta-i diga ta-t xi ama-t Navid kanjo sav? Next week you, your aunt and Navid where will you go?
So afta-i diga ta-t xi ama-t
now week-IZ next you.D-and REFL.POSS aunt-and
Navid kanjo sav Navid where go.PRS.2PL
M. Max-o? Moskva. We? In Moscow (all laugh)
Max-o Moskva
we.D.lPL-Q Moscow
B. Moskva sav-o, Dasanbe? Dasanbe, ane? To Moscow or to Dushanbe? To Dushanbe, is that right?
Moskva sawi-o Dasanbe Dasanbe ane
Moscow go.PRS.2SG-Q Dushanbe Dushanbe right.Q
B. Xi varu-i maydekak mas xi-gul usi-o? Your little brother will go with you? Xi varu-i maydekak-i mas
REFL.POSS brother-IZ little.DIM.DIM-ACC also
xi-gul usi-o
M. On.
B. Ba xi bibi-i toqa mak la-kani-o? Xi bibi mas usi?
You'll leave your grandmother here alone? Or will you take her
with you?
Ba xi bibi-i toqa mak la.kani-o
then REFL.POSS grandmother-ACC alone here leave.PRS.2SG-Q
xi bibi-i mas usi
REFL.POSS grandmother-ACC also carry.PRS.2SG
B. Ta dar borai xi varudik naql kan, camand-yona varu ti-no? You tell me about your brother. How many brothers do you have? Ta dar borai xi varudik naql kan
you.D in about REFL.POSS brother.DIM story do.IMP
camand-yona varu ti-no how.many.NUM brother your.POSS.2SG-PSTP
M. Da-yona. Two.
Da-yona Two-NUM
B. Iv nimo ciz? What are their names? Iv nimo ciz
DEM.POSS.PL.3D name.PL what
M. Totos-at Navid. Totosh and Navid.
Totos-at Navid Totosh-and Navid
B. Navid-at Odinamamad, ane? Ta Odinamamad fri diri, yo Navid-i? Navid and Odinamamad, right? Who do you love most, Odinamamad or Navid?
Navid-at Odinamamad ane Ta Odinamamad Navid-and Odinamamad right.Q you.D Odinamamad
yo Navid-i or Navid-ACC
M. Odinamamad. Odinamamad.
Odinamamad Odinamamad
B. Navid-i mas fri diri, ane? Aw ti kata varu. Navid you also like, right? He is your elder brother.
Navid-i mas fri.diri ane
Navid-ACC also like.PRS.2SG right.Q
Aw ti kata varu
He your.POSS.2SG big brother
B. Ti nim ciz? What is your name?
Ti nim ciz
Your.POSS.2SG name what
M. Merangez. Mehrangez.
Merangez Mehrangez
B. Ti non nim ciz? What is your mother's name? Ti non nim ciz
Your.POSS.2SG mother name what
M. Farangis. Farangis.
Farangis Farangis
B. Ti to nim ciz?
What is your father's name?
Ti to nim ciz
Your.POSS.2SG father name what
M. Amirbek. Amirbek.
Amirbek Amirbek
B. Ti ama?
(And what about) your aunt?
Ti ama
Your.POSS.2SG aunt M. Banafsa.
Banafsa Bunafsha
B. Ti-no camand-yona ama? How many aunts do you have? Ti-no camand-yona ama
your.POSS-PSTP how.many-NUM aunt
M. Ruy, cafur-yona. Three, four.
Ruy cafur-yona three four-NUM
B. Iv nimo ciz? Iv nimo-i yaz?
What are their names? Call them by their names.
Iv nimo ciz iv
nimo-i yaz
name.PL-ACC say.IMP
M. Uk-yona Banafsa, uk-yona ama Towus, uk-yona Zarifa... One is Bunafsha, one aunt is Towus, one — Zarifa.
Uk-yona Banafsa uk-yona ama Towus uk-yona Zarifa one-NUM Bunafsha one-NUM aunt Towus one-NUM Zarifa
B. Uk-yona-i diga? Do you have another one?
Uk-yona-i diga one-NUM-IZ another
M. Ama Bibi. Aunt Bibi.
Ama Bibi aunt Bibi
B. Max Bibi i-bo yazon, ane?
Gawarmalika i-nimi aqoni-t, i-bo Bibi yazon, ane? E, ofarin! We (the family) call her Bibi, right? Her real name is Gawarmalika. Well done!
Max Bibi i-bo yazon ane
we Bibi DEM.POSS.3SG.3D-PSPT say.PRS.1PL right.Q
Gawarmalika i-nim-i aqoni-t
Gawarmalika DEM.POSS.3SG.3D-name-IZ real-and
i-bo Bibi yazon
ane e ofarin right.Q INJ great 19.
B. Ku zavuk-i Sakosami isob kan, ka sakosami zavuk isob kan. Count in Ishkashimi.
Ku zavuk-i Sakosami isob kan
let.MDP language-IZ Ishkashimi count do.IMP
ka Sakosami zavuk isob kan in Ishkashimi language count do.IMP
M. Uk, daw, ruy, cafur, pun3, xul, uvd, ot, nu(h), da, yozda, duwozda 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Uk daw ruy cafur pun3 xul 1 2 3 4 5 6
uvd ot nu(h) da yozda duwozda 7 8 9 10 11 12
Source texts
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Лейли Рахимовна Додыхудоева Институт языкознания РАН Москва, Россия
Leyli Rahimovna Dodykhudoeva
Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
leiladod@yahoo .com
Зарифа Одинамамадовна Назарова Институт языкознания РАН Москва, Россия
Zarifa Odinamamadovna Nazarova
Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia