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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ermolaeva Yu.V.

Based on content analysis of reports from leading job search agencies, the article examines the dynamics of demand for green professions, professional trends and requirements for candidates. Based on the results of the study, we conclude that there is a multiple increase in demand for environmentalists - industrialists in the leading economic sectors of the Russian industry: energy, metallurgy, construction and real estate, mining and oil industries, in the consumer sector, environmentalists occupy a niche in retail and food production, agriculture. Ecologists can be engaged in both highly specialized work, depending on the specifics of the enterprise (monitoring, hydrology, climatology, radiology, etc.), and occupy leadership and managerial positions (sustainability specialist), which significantly expands the range of responsibilities. In addition to environmentalists, a new class of specialists is being trained - ESG - professions with interdisciplinary skills in the field of ecology, economics and management (social management), the demand for which is growing along with the spread of ESG standards.

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Трансформация структуры и динамики спроса на ESG и экологических специалистов на российском рынке труда

Ермолаева Юлия Вячеславовна,

научный сотрудник, Федеральный научно-исследовательский социологический центр Российской академии наук (ФНИСЦ РАН)

E-mail: [email protected]

В статье на основе контент-анализа отчетов ведущих агентств для поиска работы рассматривается динамика спроса на зеленые профессии, профессиональные тренды и требования к кандидатам. По результатам исследования мы делаем вывод о многократном росте спроса на зеленые рабочие места, как на спрос на специализированных специалистов (инженер, технолог), так и на спрос экологов - промышленников в ведущих экономических отраслях российской промышленности: энергетики, металлургии строительства и недвижимости, добывающей и нефтяной промышленности, в потребительском секторе экологи занимают нишу в ритейле и в производстве продуктов питания, сельского хозяйства. Экологи могут заниматься как узкоспециализированном трудом в зависимости от специфики предприятия (мониторинг, гидрология, климатология, радиология и пр.), так и занимать руководящие и менеджерские должности (специалист по устойчивому развитию), что существенно расширяет спектр обязанностей. В дополнение к экологам готовится новый класс специалистов - ESG - профессии, обладающие междисциплинарными навыками с области экологии, экономики и менеджмента (социального управления), спрос на которых растет вместе с распространением ESG - стандартов.

Ключевые слова: динамика рынка труда, социальная структура зеленые рабочие места, зеленые профессии, модернизация рынка труда, устойчивое развитие, социология профессий.

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The Green Jobs Campaign was planned and launched as a joint effort by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the International Organization of Employers (IOE), the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the United Nations (UN). The main goals of the activities that they developed are to ensure decent and safe working conditions through the transition, developing "green" production, the gender and social equality in the workplace, struggle with climate and environmental changes Thus, the main idea of "green" jobs is expressed in a simple slogan: sustainable work is the safe work[1].

Currently, activities of the environment improvement such a conserve natural resources, energy and resources saving, producing environmentally friendly products, waste recycling, organic farming developing, introducing green standards and other areas are becoming a factor that promotes economic growth, expands employment and contributes to the emergence new jobs[2]

In particular, the ILO draws attention to the following issues[3]:

- building up joint efforts to ensure an economically efficient, socially just and environmentally acceptable transition to a green economy;

- creation of "green" jobs and promotion of sustainable enterprises;

- development of the institutional and political framework for a "just transition";

- Expanding social protection systems and promoting social inclusion in green economy transition strategies;

- integration of workers' and employers' organizations and labor market institutions into management and implementation mechanisms.

Now entrepreneurship and innovation play a key role in creating green jobs.

In modern conditions, the idea of a green economy and green employment is expanding through activities to eliminate accumulated environmental damage, within closed material supply chains and reman-ufacturing[4]. It should be taken into account that the involvement of previously accumulated waste in economic circulation can help preserve primary natural resources, obtain useful products from the resources of technogenic deposits, improve the environment and the quality of life of the population. The changes taking place in the labor market in the context of the growing interconnection between economic and

ecological systems that studied in modern literature in various aspects - the impact of environmental pollution on the health of the population and the reproduction of labor resources, as well as the creation of new green jobs through the development of environmentally oriented business activities and the implementation of measures to protect the environment, the relationship between unemployment, the level of income of the population and the conservation of natural capital. Recently, studies have appeared that analyze the issues of the economic behavior of social actors in the labor market and when they choosing a place of work, they taking into account the environmental image of the company and the social responsibility of the business more often that in the past ten years[5].

The greening of the labor market can be understood as the introduction in the labor market of the principles of rational use of natural resources and reducing the negative impact on the environment, which creates conditions for decent work, economic growth, and the preservation of natural capital. We highlight the following activities: planning and financing the process of greening the employment of the population; formation of state policy in the field of green employment; introduction of modern means of labor and new technologies; ensuring the economic interest of the employer in the creation of green jobs; formation of legislation in the field of green employment training employees in new competencies required to work in green sectors of the economy. In itself, the idea of achieving safe working conditions is not new and is being promoted in almost all civilized states, including Russia, but is expressed in fundamentally different ways. In Russia those working conditions are considered safe when its complyinh with the standards and the letter of the law, although recently, in order to achieve maximum efficiency all new regulations have been adopted. One of the latest innovations, recognized as effective, including by the International Labor Organization, is the transition to a special assessment of working conditions, which involves the transition to taking into account the specific impact of harmful and hazardous production factors on the health of workers.

The legal framework governing relations between the employer, the state and employees is still being formed, improved to constant changes in the green labor market. However, in addition to the already adopted system for assessing working conditions, other steps are being taken in this direction. In particular, the introduction of the best available technologies (BAT) into the production processes of many enterprises, the use of which also makes it possible to reduce the negative impact of industrial facilities on the environment. So, at the end of October, several BAT information and technical reference books went through the approval procedure and will soon be published and distributed to production facilities. In addition, resource saving projects are also leading to "green" production - Federal Law No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" is focused on this.

Federal Law No. 426-FZ «On the Special Assessment of Working Conditions» has already made it possible to significantly reduce the number of work-related injuries in the past year and a half since its adoption. However, Russia is still a long way from the transition to a «green» economy and «green» jobs. Russia plans to implement the principles of «green economy» and create «green» jobs in order to prevent dangerous climate change and the depletion of natural resources. International Labor Conference of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which takes place in Geneva. Within the framework of the Paris Agreement, measures are being taken to prevent dangerous climate change, the depletion of natural resources, which can seriously affect the quality of life of current and future generations, and measures are being developed to ensure sustainable economic development, social justice and environmental protection. (service of the Ministry of Labor).

By 2030, there will be about 100 interdisciplinary professions, among them many professions directly or indirectly related for the regulation of the environmental problems and sustainable development issues. This means that understanding one area will not be enough to be competitive. The world needs employees who use elements from different fields and combine its in the field of sustainable development. Needs in the real world are not broken into separate pieces -they are interconnected and require a comprehensive solution. An interdisciplinary approach allows to coping with complex problems that are beyond the power of a professional from one field. Interdisciplinary learning allows the employee to adjust the future specialty to suit their interests. Often, in addition to the main direction, universities allow students to choose a course (s) from another field. For example, in the USA such a system is called major and minor, respectively[6].

Growing demand for environmental specialists and new directions in the profession

We want to highlight a few key trends that are creating an increased demand for environmentalists and sus-tainability professionals in Russia:

Industries, taxes, and economy. For 2021 year, according to Cornerstone agency, the need for labor protection, industrial safety and environmental specialists in mining companies increased by 40-50% over the year. The trend of growth in demand for employees of these specialties in companies in the mining and metallurgical industries is confirmed by the international staffing group ANCOR. More environmentalists will be needed not only in industry, but also at various levels of government, and in national research centers, the demand for such specialists is already growing from representatives of the financial market - consulting and appraisal companies, as well as investment funds. They need ecologists to evaluate and monitor companies' environmental impact targets, identify climate and environmental risks for investors in companies' operations, and identify cases



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of «greenwashing» - when companies create a false image of their environmental friendliness.

Global Climate Change. The demand for environmentalists for environmentalists is linked to the climate agenda. In July 2021, the European Commission introduced the EU Green Deal plan, a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 from 1990 levels. Companies are beginning to understand that compliance with social and environmental standards. is no longer a question of image in the international arena, but a question of the economy. This forces companies to drastically increase the staff of specialists who will help reduce the amount of taxes and fines.

Risks and disasters preventing. Environmental disasters continue to occur in Russia and the world due to the fault of large Norilsk Nickel companies for spilling oil products in the Ambarnaya River near Norilsk in May 2020. In January 2019, the dam of a reservoir with mining waste collapsed at the iron ore mine of the Brazilian mining company Vale. In May 2020, while developing one of the deposits in Australia, the British-Australian mining concern Rio Tinto destroyed two rock caves of Juukan. More knowledgeable industrial environmentalists and ESG agendas can help prevent such catastrophes through in-depth company lifecycle analysis and expanded responsibility for occupational health and safety.

Over the past year alone, salaries for health, safety and environmental professionals have risen by an average of 30%, according to Cornerstone's calculations. Now its possible to find a candidate with the condition of moving to the regions for a salary of 350,000 rubles (a year earlier - 250,000 rubles), and the head can count on a salary of 1 million rubles. The ordinary specialists today can receive 100,000 rubles per a month, and a manager - 10 million rubles per a year[7].

The number of job offers for environmentalists published on hh.ru in less than 3.5 years is changed. The growth curve is replete with significant fluctuations (especially the sharp decline in the spring of 2020 is attributed to the pandemic). However, the general trend is obvious: specialists in the field of «ecology» and «sustainable development» are becoming more and more demand. Since 2017, there have been about a hundred proposals, and in 2021 there were about 800 proposals. This is due both to the crisis in the environment and to changes in Russian environmental legislation: enterprises hire environmentalists to improve their environmental performance and not fall under sanctions. This trend has a desire for sustainable development and increasing the need for employees.

One of the most popular requests from Head Hunter is an environmental engineer (environmental engineer, engineer for labor protection, industrial and environmental safety engineer). It can be including the such professions as Environmental Manager, engi-e neer for labor protection, industrial safety, engineer s for environmental safety, Environmental designer, ^ Environmental Services Sales Manager, Ecologist-° radiologist, Ecologist-developer, Lawyer (environmen-H tal law), Sustainability Developer, Project manager for

sustainable development, Consultant to the Sustainability Group These are mainly positions without a number of enterprises and entities do not have the right to carry out their activities. Also in the labor market there is a high need for environmental designers (Sustainability Developer), environmental radiologists and environmental developers, sales managers for environmental services, environmental teachers in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. In the economic, construction and industrial sectors, the profession of a hydrologist is in demand. These specialists study the processes that take place in natural and artificial reservoirs, the state of groundwater, a smaller request concerns oceanology. In the field of legal services, there is still a relatively modest pool of requests for the search for lawyers specializing in environmental protection. They represent the interests of clients in supervisory authorities and courts. There is became popular new profile - consultants, or sustainable development managers. In corporations, such professionals perform job functions related to the responsibility of the company for environmental and social impact. The range of tasks is wide: from reducing emissions to developing the territory of presence.

An ecologist is a specialist who organizes the protection of the life and health of people, flora and fauna from the consequences of irrational and uncontrolled use of the achievements of modern production, science and technology. The ecologist maintains a balance between environmental enterprises and the needs of the scientific, technical and economic development of the country, focusing on the observance and improvement of technological regimes, production culture, rules for the transportation of hazardous substances, and methods of self-defense of citizens.

Acquired Skills The main functions and responsibilities of an environmentalist

• environmental legislation; • fundamentals of genetics; • fundamentals of plant and human physiology, hydrology, soil science, etc.; • allowed indicators of emissions from industrial enterprises, methods of their control, etc. • take samples, prepare analytical solutions, conduct their research with entering the results in the registration log; • use measuring instruments to determine the concentration of harmful substances in various natural environments; • make calculations and exercise control over the activities of industrial enterprises, etc. conducting audits and consultations on environmental issues; • resolution of issues related to illegal and dishonest actions; • consideration of complaints, filing lawsuits in the courts; • participation in research work (laboratory research); • organization of environmental PR campaigns; • study of the consequences of negative interventions in the environment, search for possible solutions to problems

In Russia, the ecologist is quite independent in his activities. He can make his own decisions within the framework of the assigned tasks, while being limit-

ed by regulatory requirements and documents. It includes many specializations: agroecologist; bioecolo-gist; geoecologist; environmental protection engineer; landscape ecologist; medical ecologist; specialist in the field of aquatic environment protection; urbanist-ecologist; ecoanalyst; an ecologist responsible for the protection of the atmospheric air or the aquatic environment; environmentalist responsible for activities in the field of waste management; reporting environmentalist Professional skills in the field of environmental safety (16%) naturally lead in the top ten requirements for environmentalists. These include knowledge of environmental legislation, standards and regulations for environmental protection, the ability to navigate environmental documentation, experience in performing special calculations. Second place is occupied by confident computer skills (12%), and third place is occupational health and safety skills (10%). More specialized skills are less frequently required. Interaction with supervisory authorities accounted for only 5%, while skills in the field of labor protection, fire and industrial safety, as well as the ability to work in a team, occupied 4% each. On the ninth and tenth places - business correspondence and knowledge of highly specialized programs (3% each)[8].

The highest demand for environmental specialists was demonstrated by the construction and real estate sector (almost 16% of all vacancies). Business services companies accounted for 9.7%. This was followed by the mining industry (7.8%), food production (7.5%) and retail (7.4%). The oil and gas sector is in the middle of the rating (5.3%). Also, enterprises of metallurgy, logistics and transportation, energy, and agriculture are looking for environmentalists. Russian universities are actively building up their educational base in the direction of protecting and replenishing the planet's resources. If you are in the process of choosing or changing careers and you are interested in caring for the planet, consider applying to the faculties of ecology, biology, forestry, geology, geodesy, geography, zoology, agronomy and environmental management, oceanology and hydrology[8, 9].

From environmentalists to an interdisciplinary profession: ESG - specialists

Separately, we should touch on such a transdisciplinary profession as ESG - it is designed to train specialists who are ready to assess the risks of sustainable development on the issues of the modern ESG agenda and find adequate solutions at various levels of management: corporate, regional and state. It is equally important to master the skills of forming corporate development strategies taking into account ESG guidelines, assessing and managing environmental risks, using responsible investment and optimizing resources as part of the strategic management of innovative development.

For the first time such a position appeared relatively recently, in 2004, at DuPont, according to a study by the Weinreb Group (an American company engaged in the selection of specialists in the field of sustainable development, SD). Today, there is a sustainable de-

velopment manager in almost every international public company. The report The State of the Sustainability Profession (2018) by GreenBeez reported that 44 public companies in the United States had such an executive on the board of directors[9].

According to a study by the Harvard Business School, the activity of a manager in the field of SD consists of three stages. At the first stage, he ensures that the company's processes comply with the main environmental and social requirements of the state and NGOs - from reducing emissions and transparency of the supply chain to respecting the rights of minorities and developing the territories of presence. Once these points are aligned, the manager focuses on striking a balance between sustainability and profitability: any emissions, discharges or waste are unproductive. Finally, he comes to the third, innovative stage, in which the company's sustainable development strategies are implemented. The GreenBeez report, based on a survey of companies with annual revenues of more than $1 billion, captures that the profession continues to transform from tactical tasks - reporting and engaging with stakeholders - to strategic management. At the same time, industry experts appear in different departments of companies, and not only in specialized divisions, which makes it possible to introduce sustainable development practices into the core activities of organizations; this is what distinguishes sustainable development management from corporate social responsibility practices[11].

Meanwhile, according to the Weinreb Group, a large proportion of managers come to the profession from business and lack an understanding of social and environmental risks and the ability to relate them to business practice, which requires the integration of sustainability courses into business education.

A 2018 study by the English industry recruiting agency Acre of the salaries of sustainability managers in the US, UK and EU markets shows that in the UK, the average annual salary in the market rose to £54,000 between 2010 and 2018, which is noticeably less than in the US (up to £90 thousand). The highest paid occupations in the UK are natural resource extraction, healthcare and consumer goods manufacturing, with average wages of £97,000, £89,000 and £81,000 a year respectively. SD manager in Russia receives from 60 thousand per month to 120 thousand per month, depending on the company[12]

So, on the Russian Head Hunter there are 46 ESG-vacancies in Russia, while Esg specialist vacancies I Glassdoor Specialist ESG and 546 jobs for 2022 The ESG specialists included an expert in working with ESG indicators, an ESG communications specialist, an ESG transformation manager, and a company climate specialist. Given the increased interest of companies in ESG issues, a request for specialized specialists has appeared. However, the eSg concept implies a wider range of competencies, including the social component of the company's activities and knowledge in the field of corporate governance, operational risks and risks of conflict of interest. Specialists with such knowledge and skills will certainly be in demand



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in the market in the near future ESG Metrics Expert, ESG Communications Specialist, ESG Transformation Manager, Company Climate Specialist, Sustainability management in many companies is becoming a full part of strategic management.

The market is increasingly in demand for managers who combine knowledge in several areas at once: environmental protection, labor safety, supply chain sus-tainability, compliance with international standards, etc. Integrating ESG factors into a company's strategy can increase business value and performance. And new financial tools based on big data and machine learning, allow investors and consumers to use ESG information to make decisions that serve to transfer capital from less stable companies to more stable ones. Accordingly, in corporations are being created job functions related to responsibility for environmental and social impact - a chief sustainability officer (Corporate sustainability officer or Corporate sustainability manager).

From CSR to Sustainability Management

By now, the world's leading manufacturing companies have realized that their business cannot develop successfully, not only without taking into account the interests of the company's shareholders, but also of society as a whole. Consequently, it became necessary to combine individual elements of the company's strategy, which determine the company's relationship with the external environment, and develop integrated approaches to interaction with society, one of the elements of which is CSR. In an increasingly competitive consumer goods market, corporate social responsibility of an organization is seen as a concept in which companies voluntarily integrate social and environmental policies into their business to achieve commercial success in ways that are based on ethical standards and respect for people, communities and environment. Therefore, the successful development of a modern company is possible only if its management realizes that the company itself and its activities are inextricably linked with the social well-being of the society where it operates and is itself part of this society.

At present, a certain set of knowledge in the field of corporate social policy has been formed in the scientific literature. So, for example, the analysis of the essence, principles of CSR of organizations is devoted to the works of such foreign authors as G. Bow-en [12], Bansal, [13]. The process of formation and development of CSR concepts, as well as attempts to systematize them, are considered in the works of D. Windsor [14]),[15]. proposed a model linking CSR with the concepts of «sustainable development», «corporate sustainability», «stakeholder relationship management».

Also, leading international and Russian organiza-e tions such as the UN, the World Business Council for


s Sustainable Development, the World Bank, the World S Economic Forum, the Russian Union of Industrial° ists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), regularly researching H CSR issues.

In Russia, the popularity of the profession is also growing from year to year. According to HeadHunter, in 2016, employers placed 18 requests for a vacancy in the field of SD, in 2017-15 vacancies, in 2018 - already 35, and in the incomplete 2019-49 vacancies. "The position of "manager for sustainable development (corporate social responsibility)", although it has remained very rare, has definitely ceased to be exotic. The functionality is in demand, mainly in international, as well as in large Russian manufacturing companies could be found in completely different departments of the company: labor protection, corporate training, supply and purchase, audit, CSR, PR[16].

According to the RSPP rating, in 2018 the leaders in the indices of corporate stability, responsibility and openness were such companies as: ALROSA, Aer-oflot, Gazprom, EuroChem, Zarubezhneft, KAMAZ, MTS, NOVATEK, NLMK, Norilsk Nickel, InterRAO, LU-KOIL, Metalloinvest, Rosatom, Rosneft, RUSAL, Russian Railways, Russian Grids, Rostelecom, RusHydro, SIBUR, AFK Sistema, Severstal, SUEK, Sberbank, Sakhalin Energy, Tatneft, Transneft, Uralkali[17]

Sustainable development is beginning to form into an independent industry and requires deep knowledge, as well as specialized education. Only stable companies that are not in a "state of survival" can single out sustainable development as a separate structure. Svetlana Gerasimova, Head of the School of CSR and Sustainable Development of the MIRBIS School of Business, also emphasizes that in Russia everything related to sustainable development management is at an early stage of development[18]. According to her, in Russia there are more managers who are engaged in social design. The approach to understanding sustainable development from the point of view of ecology and industrial safety is also traditional. Corporate responsibility and sustainability management is more related to the functionality of PR, HR. "There is an acute shortage of managers who are able to manage sustainable development from the point of view of the economy - productivity, innovation, creation of new products and markets, project acceleration, digitalization. There are not enough specialists who can develop new business models. The demand for them is high in the world and, I think, will increase in Russia," notes Svetlana Gerasimova [19].

According to MIRBIS, the spread of salaries is approximately as follows: an analyst, a specialist in the field of SD costs 50-60 thousand rubles. per month, a manager - 60-150 thousand rubles, and a project manager and strategist - 100-150 thousand rubles. and higher. Difficulties with finding a job are present, but there is also hope for an increase in the number of companies for which sustainable development is a top priority. In Russia, teaching sustainable development today is a program of additional professional education and general education programs, experts say. Training is conducted in private business schools and has an applied goal of working with companies - for example, Schools of CSR and sustainable development, including international certifications in accordance with standards and general managerial trainings, webinars.

Trainings and seminars are conducted by the Quartet companies[20]. At the same time, institutes and centers for CSR and sustainable development began to appear in universities - RANEPA, Skolkovo, Higher School of Economics, UrFU, St. Petersburg State University and MIRBIS, KFU, RCTU named after. Mendeleev, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Ural Federal University, Moscow State University, MGIMO, «green» innovations and technologies in industry - at the Moscow State Technical University of Bauman., there is a «Russian School of Sustainable Development», whose participants are members of the academies of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and MAEBP, Moscow State University, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow State University of Humanities, State Institution «Dubna», SPbPU, ENU, KazIITU, KR-SU. The demand for a profession will grow: sustainable development is a breakthrough topic, the qualifications of people in it must be very high, integrating many areas and competencies[21].


Ermolaeva Yu.V.

Federal center of theoretical and applied sociology Of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Based on content analysis of reports from leading job search agencies, the article examines the dynamics of demand for green professions, professional trends and requirements for candidates. Based on the results of the study, we conclude that there is a multiple increase in demand for environmentalists - industrialists in the leading economic sectors of the Russian industry: energy, metallurgy, construction and real estate, mining and oil industries, in the consumer sector, environmentalists occupy a niche in retail and food production, agriculture. Ecologists can be engaged in both highly specialized work, depending on the specifics of the enterprise (monitoring, hydrology, climatology, radiology, etc.), and occupy leadership and managerial positions (sustainability specialist), which significantly expands the range of responsibilities. In addition to environmentalists, a new class of specialists is being trained - ESG - professions with interdisciplinary skills in the field of ecology, economics and management (social management), the demand for which is growing along with the spread of ESG standards.

Keywords: green jobs, green professions, labor market modernization, labor market dynamics, social structure, sustainability science, sociology of professions.


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8. Head Hunter Environmental spesialists dynamics URL: https:// hh.ru/article/29134 (date 12.07.2022)

9. WeinREB Group Du Pont Sustainability Solutions URL: https:// www.consultdss.com/careers/ (date 12.07.2022)

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20. Business environment in Russia. URL: https://embaconsor-tium.org/index.php/international-program-information/mirbis-moscow-international-higher-business-school-moscow-rusia (date 12.07.2022)

21. The pink future of the green professions URL: https://plus-one.ru/economy/2019/08/01/pink-future-green-career(date 12.07.2022)

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