2016, том 18 [11]
УДК 65.01/378.1
V. G. Khomenko, R. Ye. Bulyk
Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University» Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Annotation. Scientific research in many medical schools of Ukraine becomes an integral part of the activity of all their faculty, staff and students, allowing to improve the learning process and to create conditions for the effective training of specialists with the adequate level.
Key words: teaching and research work of students, academic potential of students, higher medical school.
The aim of the work is gaining new scientific knowledge through research and development and their focus on the creation and implementation of new competitive technologies, types of equipment, materials, etc. for innovative development of society, training innovative type
Introduction. According to the law of Ukraine on higher education (bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada (BVR), 2014, № 37-38, p. 2004) as amended in accordance with Law number 76-VIII of 28.12.2014, BVR, 2015, № 6, p. 40 universities where scientific research work (SRW) is carried out, are bound by the provisions listed in Section XI. Scientific, scientific-technical and innovation activity in higher educational institutions is regulated by articles 65—69 [2; 3].
Higher educational institutions are aware of the role of science in their development and establishment and realize that the main objectives of science in higher schools at present is maintaining the scientific and pedagogical potential of the state, keeping the appropriate level of science and education according
to modern needs of the country; implementation of scientific research and new scientific knowledge in the scientific process of Ukraine.
Everybody understands, that an adequate learning process and educational work are impossible without scientific research work; and in general, a higher educational school cannot be full-fledged without it either [1].
Body. Implementation of Ukraine's strategic course toward integration into the European community and scientific development of the country is closely linked to structural changes in the economy and growth of high-tech industries through the use of modern information technology, education and science. Unfortunately over the years of its independence Ukraine has not adopted priority scientific and technological development, which has adversely affected the science and its potential [1; 4].
Scientific research work (SRW) is carried out in accordance with the priorities of fundamental research of HSEI of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical
Издание зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор). Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ ЭЛ № ФС77-50518 Журнал представлен в НАУЧНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ БИБЛИОТЕКЕ (НЭБ) — головном исполнителе проекта по созданию Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ)
Since 1999 e-ISSN 2226-7417
Khomenko V.G., BulykR.Ye. Training scientific human resources while carrying out students' research activity...
University" and is aimed at: improving training of professionals through innovative technologies; development and implementation of modern methods and technologies of training and education of specialists in integrated educational environment in classes.
The purpose and objectives of the SRW: the main purpose of the SRW is gaining new scientific knowledge through research and investigation and their focus on the creation and implementation of new competitive technologies, types of equipment, materials, etc. for innovative development of the society, training experts of innovative type [2; 3].
The main tasks of universities in the field of scientific and technical activity are: 1) obtaining competitive scientific and applicable results; 2) the application of new scientific and technical knowledge at the time of traning specialists with higher education; 3) formation of modern scientific human resources, able to ensure the development and implementation of innovative scientific research; 4) integration of scientific and technological activities of the University with other universities and research institutions of Ukraine; 5) promoting the protection of intellectual property and copyright of researchers as the basis of strengthening and development of science, joining the world market of high-tech products; 6) conducting research of market-determined research services, patent-license work, marketing and information support as well as a transfer of scientific and technical products according to international standards [2; 3].
Ukraine is a country with a high level of education and science. Today Ukraine has National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine, founded on November 27, 1918. The National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS) of Ukraine is the highest scientific institution in the field of medicine and pharmacy. The structure of NAMS of Ukraine includes 40 research institutes. May 17 in Ukraine is marked as a professional holiday of scientific workers — Science Day. This day was established by a Presidential Decree number 145/97on February 14, 1997 in support of the initiative of eminent scientists, research institutions and trade unions of Ukraine [1].
The science and research workers in medical higher institutions have a positive research experience and perspective planning of research areas. Now the state medical universities in Ukraine faced their major tasks: restoring prestige of scientific work, terminati-
on of outflow and migration of scientific personnel, involving talented young people in the research work.
Scientific research in many medical schools of Ukraine becomes an integral part of the activity of all their faculty, staff and students, allowing to improve the learning process and to create conditions for effective training of specialists of the adequate level. First of all, through teaching, research, taking into consideration the changes that have occurred in society, the content of education is updated, advanced educational concepts and technologies are introduced, the best domestic experience is formed and a new generation of teachers appears.
Research activity at the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics of HSEI of Ukraine "BSMU" is aimed at: continuing scientific school of chronobio-logy and chronomedicine and organization of research on science activity of the department (SRW on "Stress-induced morphological and biochemical changes in chronoperiodic and hepatorenal systems in mammals"); organization and conduct of scientific activities at the University (conferences, round tables, scientific-methodical seminars); improving academic qualifications of teachers and employees (working on candidate and doctoral dissertation research while doing postgraduate courses and the work of applicants for a scientific degree); organization of research work of students (organization of students' scientific society, students' performing research under the guidance of teachers, carrying out students' competitive research papers, preparation and conduct of students' research conferences at the University and ensuring the participation of students in international and national conferences); publication of research results (articles, theses, materials, presentations at conferences, round tables, seminars, etc.); development of the scientific base of HSEI of Ukraine "BSMU" (Scientific Laboratory) and its effective use.
The research work at the Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University" allows to realize scientific potential of its staff as well as to improve their professional level. Carring out research by involving students allows to plan real subjects of research projects, enables participation of students in the preparation of student research papers, scientific conferences and their inventive activity.
Research and teaching staff of the department carry out research and development in accordance
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Издание зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор). Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ ЭЛ № ФС77-50518 Журнал представлен в НАУЧНОЙ ЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ БИБЛИОТЕКЕ (НЭБ) — головном исполнителе проекта по созданию Российского индекса научного цитирования (РИНЦ)
Since 1999 e-ISSN 2226-7417
On line scientific @ educational Bulletin "Health and Education Millennium", 2016. Vol. 18. No 11
with the national and sector program, thematic plan, the contract and individual plans; they are responsible for the quality and timeliness of their implementation, scientific and practical value, social benefits of scientific and practical results.
One of the main directions of scientific activity at the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics of HSEI of Ukraine "BSMU" is organizing and conducting joint research with various departments.
Conclusion. The main tasks of the scientific work of the department is reasonability of training scientific and pedagogical staff, extensive use of intellectual potential of the employees of the department for the development of science, culture and science and technology progress at the Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University".
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