VOLUME 2 I ISSUE 1 I 2021 ISSN: 2181-1601
Farangiz Otabekovna Irgasheva
Student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
This papper describes the content and importance of teaching preschool children to pronounce correctly, the main stages of teaching correct pronounciation, ways to teach correct pronunciation in children's speech development classes.
Keywords: preschool age, pronunciation, correct pronunciation, content, essence, method, development.
The development, prospects, prosperity, spiritual growth of any country depends on young people who are educated, have common intellectual potential, have good qualities in their hearts and minds, and are always mature and well-rounded. It is an honorable and at the same time responsible task for educators and teachers to sincerely serve, to bring up a selfless, faithful generation, to bring teaching to the level of meaningful and quality work. The organization of harmonious education has always been an important requirement and the main goal of society. To this end, we can quote the words of the first President Islam Karimov: "The future of our country, the future of our people, the prestige of our country in the world community, first of all, how our children grow up, grow up and become human beings. depends"
The National Training Program and the Law on Education, adopted on August 29, 1997, are a clear proof of our opinion. In this regard, special emphasis is placed on teaching young people to express themselves independently, to understand the views of others, to pay attention to the possibilities of expression, to learn and teach a foreign language. In the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Oliy Majlis of January 24, 2020, special attention was paid to the field of preschool education. According to him, it is necessary to introduce a system of preparation of 6-year-olds for school and increase the coverage of children in preschool education by 60%. From one and a half to three years of age, speech comprehension develops rapidly, vocabulary increases dramatically, and vocabulary improves. They can easily repeat first sound combinations, and then simple phrases, short poems. During this period, speech is formed not only with adults but also as a means of communication with peers. It is during this period that the child develops vocal pronunciation and listening skills. The main task in this period is to constantly develop listening skills,
VOLUME 2 I ISSUE 1 I 2021 ISSN: 2181-1601
strengthen and develop the members of the speech apparatus. Basically, these are the simplest groups of sounds: -unlilar-a, i, o.-lab-lab consonants-b, m, p.-tongue back consonants-k, g, x.-lab-tooth consonants-v, f.- prepositional consonants-t, d, n. shuvillovchilar-sh, j, ch; sonorlilar-l, r. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to achieve the correct pronunciation of children from the age of 3. As a result of regular practice, children begin to pronounce these sounds correctly, at the age of 5-6 years. Adding sound imitation to various activities of the child will help children to determine not only the correct pronunciation of different types of sounds, but also not only helps to strengthen, but also helps to pronounce sounds and words clearly and intelligibly.
Pronouncing the same sound several times helps to develop speech breathing. The main stages of learning to pronounce correctly. The way to achieve correct pronunciation includes 3 steps:
1 Stage 2: Development of pronunciation of some sounds. Stage 2: Formation of pronunciation of some words Step 3: Forming the pronunciation of standard sentences.
Step 1 - Forming the pronunciation of individual sounds - this involves working on the pronunciation of hard and soft, loud and unvoiced consonants. B-lab consonant is an explosive, resonant consonant. may come in the beginning and in the middle. If it comes at the beginning-B ..., if it comes at the end -... B, if it comes in the middle ... b ..., b-v. For example, aroba - arava, kabob-kavob.
P -lab consonant, explosive consonant sound. P ..., ... p ..., ... p, b and f are pronounced instead of consonant sounds, fabrika - pabrika, kelib - kelip.
D-is a pre-spoken, explosive, resonant consonant sound. D ... , ... d ... , ... d, t can be pronounced as a consonant sound. For example, o'tdi-o'tti, ketdi-ketti. S is a slurred, slippery, voiceless consonant sound. It can come at the beginning, at the end, in the middle of a word. It is pronounced in the form of its own sound pair - z. For example, soatsoz (watchmaker)
Stage 2 - the formation of the pronunciation of individual words - this is the correct
pronunciation of the lexicon, emphasis, emphasis on the word.
Lexically: "Ko'klam keldi (spring is coming)", one means the name of the season.
One of the words "kul(ash)" means action, and the other means something.
The word "o't(grass)" also means action, and the other means grass.
The accent falls on the last syllable of the word and means a stronger pronunciation of
the syllable in the word than the others: tikuvchi, ti-kuv-chi.
Step 3 - Forming the pronunciation of model sentences - this involves special work on specific speech tones. For example, a sparrow is a small bird(chumchuq - kichkina
ISSN: 2181-1601
qushcha). Our garden is a favorite place (Bizning bog'chamiz sevimli makon.), My dear mother (Onajonim - mehribonim).
If 3-year-olds can't pronounce sounds like s, z, sh, ch, r, l well enough, they shouldn't start practicing them right away, as this can cause children to become accustomed to mispronouncing them. At the age of 5 to 7 years, the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds can be done in connection with the stratification of sounds, which are often pronounced by children mixed. It is necessary to pay special attention to the pronunciation of voiced and unvoiced sounds, v-f, z-s, j-sh, b-p, d-t, g-k, as well as l and r.
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