Training of highly-qualified personnel using elements of a higher education institution innovation infrastructure
yflK 378.14
Kuzmina Svetlana Nikolaevna
Deputy Pro-Rector for Innovative Development, Ph D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Non-state educational institution of higher professional education St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics 190103, Saint-Petersburg, Lermontovskiy pr., 44, lit. А
In this article the specific features of the highly-qualified personnel training are examined based on a higher education institution innovation infrastructure, as well as the graduates' professional skills and competencies formation in compliance with requirements of the national economic management system, foreign experience in organization of technology parks, business incubators and enterprises, including possibilities of its utilization in the educational process, are analyzed.
Keywords: personnel training, innovation infrastructure, business-education structure, business incubator, technology park, smaller innovative enterprises, transfer of knowledge, international partnership
Russian economy needs innovations to be developed, implemented and supported. At present there is an urgent need of specialists who are able to think creatively, to implement innovations in production and in a system of production control. Processes that take place in national economy form requirements to qualifications of higher institutions' graduates with relevant professional competencies and skills. To satisfy the emerging needs, an innovation infrastructure of higher education institutions, as well as business incubators and smaller innovation enterprises that will help in formation of competencies and skills that national economic management system demands.
Let's consider specific features of the innovation structures operations from the organizational point of view at the level of national and regional economy and from the point of view of a business-educational structure, by analyzing experience of both Russia and foreign respondents.
As we know, one of the innovations development elements is availability of a certain infrastructure. This explains a growing interest in science and technology parks and business incubators, structures aiming at encouraging of new companies growth [1].
According to the experience and analysis of Russian smaller entrepreneurship on the one hand, and experience of business incubators operations abroad on the other hand, efficiency of the created enterprise increases manifold, if there is a possibility of using a business incubator mechanism to support it. Diversity of models and high flexibility allow to utilize this business development instrument in Russian conditions and fulfill its potential in solving problems of Russian cities and regions. Practical experience accumulated by business incubators worldwide allows to avoid many errors and to overcome difficulties
Fernando Albericio
Director of Barcelona Science Park
Torre R, 6a planata, Baldiri Reixac, 4, 08028
with minimal losses [2]. So, we assume that the business incubator's mission could be creating conditions for sustainable development of enterprises at the initial stage through leasing (sub-leasing) of non-residential premises and rendering consulting, accounting and legal services. It could act as a catalyst in the process of setting up and developing smaller enterprises, providing comprehensive support to them and project monitoring for the purpose of implementation in the business environment. The business incubator's objectives include:
• solving organizational problems of smaller entrepreneurship subjects, emerging at the stage of business establishment;
• formation of a favorable competitive entrepreneurship environment;
• growth of smaller subjects, increase of their viability;
• ensuring of organizational and structural conditions for development of smaller enterprises and business services quality;
• setting up a system of selection, comprehensive support and entering the market for the starting entrepreneurs;
• setting up a structure for methodical, information, consulting and legal support for smaller enterprises. In general, these are objectives to create entrepreneurship
environment, to provide conditions to set up and develop smaller enterprises in the business incubators priority fields, including development of production, implementation of innovation technologies. We assume that in line with a scope of the regions integration, business incubators must be guided by comprehensive regional development, work out the inter-regional framework for their activities.
Unfortunately, the studies show lack of any experience related to formation of regional business incubators systems, especially, in the field of high qualification personnel training. It is explained by the fact that so far business incubators have not become widespread in Russia. Yet, through formation of business incubators regional systems, there emerges some synergistic effects — interrelations between business incubators working in a region, the efficiency of their work and of functional infrastructure that supports smaller entrepreneurship in general, increases. Evidently, to increase efficiency in formation of business incubators regional systems, it is required to tackle issues related to formation of institution of regional infrastructure for supporting smaller entrepreneurship [3]. Thus, in the
opinion of A. N. Salov, director of business incubator in the city of Vladivostok, formation of business incubators regional system as a holistic institution of infrastructure to support smaller entrepreneurship is based on certain principles.
Principle of involvement. Formation of business incubators regional system should, first of all, be based upon enterprises, institutions existing in the region and available resources. Such interaction assists in synergistic effects emerging for all participants.
Principle of integrating efforts. Integrating of infrastruc-tural elements to support entrepreneurship into a regional complex allows to form a management infrastructure, to ensure sustainable connections, to coordinate creation and development of mechanisms to boost entrepreneurs' initiatives.
Principle of self-organization and self-regulation. Business incubators system is considered a self-regulating organization, initiating and taking measures to support entrepreneurship [4].
When using these logical principles there emerges interrelation between educational institutions, R@D centers and business. This proves the necessity of business incubators in higher education structures for the purpose of implementation of new technologies, expansion of partnership connections, promotion of goods and services in the markets. This requires a certain system that satisfies certain conditions following from our research. The system covered by the cited list should be examined as the comprehensive whole, where each element is important.
1. Coordination and regulation system for business incubators under formation should cover (in any event, at the initial stage) two basic directions of business development: on the one hand, business service, on the other hand, industrial and technological innovation sphere, R@D in innovation field, specialists training by higher education institutions that takes this specifics into account.
2. The incubation potential of smaller innovation enterprises should, to a maximum extent, use technological, information, research and technical resources that can be provided by businesses of any type and level, already functioning in the country.
3. As the offered structure is based, first of all, on Russian positive experience in business incubating, constant monitoring of this sphere development in Russia seems absolutely necessary, as well as to available extent, using of those achievements and innovations which may be efficiently adapted in the future.
4. Business incubating in the framework of the offered structure is considered to be a dual process, with its greater part aimed at setting up smaller innovation enterprises and adaptation of different scientific and technological innovations by them, and with the remaining, whereas less significant part, — aimed at sanitation of smaller businesses already functioning in the two spheres described above.
5. Business incubating should, undoubtedly, (and this is confirmed by the structure's nature per se) clearly direct the incubated business at maximum evolution using extension of partnership connections and participation in network structures of different types.
6. Paying great attention to an efficiency problem of smaller business incubating and its further operations as such, business incubating activity should equally use opportunities to increase efficiency due to rational using of different types of resources, as well as to wide application of techniques, means and methods to provide smaller businesses operations real results.
7. In the framework of business incubating itself and ^ the structure coordinating its development, an idea ^ of "growth points" should be realized (irrelevant of g their nature and reasons for their appearance), which m is being appropriately transformed into organizational ^ as well as functional elements of the structure. o
8. Business incubating should constantly take into account and realize in its practice two directions, especially important for the economic development: on the one hand, the smaller industrial business, being incubated on its own, with the incubating system per se, should jointly solve the most important regional problems; on the other hand, in the process of development and formation of the appropriate opportunities, the smaller industrial business and the system incubating it should pay special attention to the growth of the national export potential.
9. With orientation on those two spheres of the smaller industrial business described above, the incubating system should simultaneously form and develop the cluster approach and assist smaller businesses — in the framework of network structures general development — to make efforts aimed at being included into clusters and transforming traditional network relations into cluster ones.
All above-mentioned may be realized, in our opinion, through creating of technology parks capable of uniting different innovation structures, i.e. business incubators, smaller innovation enterprises, research and education centers, R@D laboratories.
At the present stage of post-crisis development technology parks are the most powerful organizational instruments to develop applied R@D and — what is especially important — to represent an exceptionally powerful means for commercialization of scientific and technological investigations, development of smaller entrepreneurship structures. Even a brief overview of statistical data on technology parks development actually in all developed and developing countries does credit for this statement.
A technology park is an organization managed by specialists, its aim being welfare growth of a local community, promotion of an innovation culture, as well as competitiveness of innovation business and research organizations [5, c. 132]. To achieve success, a technology park encourages exchange of knowledge between universities, R@D centers, companies and markets, manages them, facilitates processes of creation, growth of new innovation companies and of spinning the companies off. Besides providing areas, the technological park renders other services, in particular, forming the "R@D park" on the model of Association of University research parks of the North America, where a University R@D park , owning property, fulfills a whole range of functions: owns or plans to own land and buildings, specially intended for carrying out R@D and engineering work, allocating science intensive firms and service companies, on contractual basis or as work proceeds, cooperates with a university or other educational institution; assists in strengthening links with industry in the sphere of R@D and engineering work, helps new companies to develop and assists in economic development; helps in transfer of technologies and knowledge in business sphere between universities and companies located in the territory of the park [6, c. 124].
Some specific features of organizational and functional technology parks in the Western Europe are described in the Table.
One could hardly doubt operational efficiency of structures which transfer innovations, assist in jobs creation, mitigation of regional tension, etc. In our opinion, capabili-
Type Specific features Examples
1 Government authorities are the most active chains and organizers. The park is a catalyst, it coordinates and participates in formation of a whole range of different development projects, motivating regional economics, as it owns local infrastructure. Nimes, Marseille, Strasbourg (France), Bari (Italy), Nottingham, Lester (Great Britain), Syke, Saarbrücken (Germany)
2 The dominating sector is the entrepreneurship one. The park acting in the interests of local enterprises. These parks are closely connected with local enterprises; they affect the local economy. Science park (Knowledge Park), Velez Park in Barcelona (Spain), Vannes, Caen (France), Kassel, Bonn, Schwerte (Germany), Hartlepool, Selkirk (Great Britain)
3 Parks with priority direction in applied research. These are the parks called technological ones. They are located near major fundamental universities — initiators for their creation Heriot-Watt in Edinburgh, Southampton, Surrey in Guildford (Great Britain), Milan, Florence (Italy), Frankfurt an der Oder, Berlin (Germany), parks of Lyon Technopolis (France)
4 R@D in "attractive" companies is becoming more intense. The principal issue is transfer of advanced technology, while accompanying regional development is of secondary importance Cambridge, Warwick in Coventry (Great Britain), Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), Nurnberg, Karlsruhe (Germany), Nantes (France)
5 Parks organized by authorities under the universities, with R@D centers created being the secondary objective of the universities Grenoble, Bordeaux, Toulouse (France), South Bank in London, Durham (Great Britain)
б This type is represented by powerful R@D centers affecting regional development. The parks assist in deployment of new technologies in local industries Málaga (Spain), Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Leuna (Germany), Reading, Colchester, Norwich (Great Britain)
Ч The regional government activates production in university centers. These parks act as centers for regional development Valladolid (Spain), Nancy, Chambery, Lille, (France), Birmingham, Manchester (Great Britain), Hannover, Essen (Germany)
ties of such structures may be used to integrate efforts of power, business and business-educational structures, allowing to take into account a business need in personnel of appropriate qualification and to train specialists who will find jobs, which is important for all parties concerned.
In Finland, Spain, England and other countries availability of technology parks and business incubators is considered to be an integral part of the system of specialists training, and those specialists possess appropriate professional competencies and are in demand in the market. All of them are formed at the universities, directly participating in their work. Principles used in the European educational system, creation of business incubators and technology parks so that to integrate efforts by science, education and business in the field of specialist training. So far they have not been granted sufficient support in the national education system of Russia. That is why experience of European countries and its adaptation to current Russian conditions are of special interest.
Many institutions of higher education in Russia intending to comply with requirements in the field of high qualification specialists training, form partnership relations with foreign institutions of higher education, integrate with business. St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics, for example, may be called an advanced institution of higher education in this relation; its management organizes foreign internships for professors and teaching staff to study advanced experience, to develop international relations and implement new technologies in practical activities of higher education institution. The University organized internships to higher education institutions of Germany, Finland, Spain, Italy, England and other countries that have developed partnership relations and a system of high qualification personnel training at the world standards level. This contributed to creation of
eleven international projects both in the field of academic mobility of students and teaching staff and in the field of R@D work activation.
The experience of interaction between a higher education institution and business structures is of interest. For example, Fernando Albericio, Director of Barcelona Science Park, shared his experience during a working visit by a delegation of St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics to the University of Barcelona [7].
He said that for a long time there has been a gap between science, universities and enterprises in Spain. The results of R@D work conducted in the universities were not applied in practice; companies could not utilize the most updated developments. In XXI century in Europe (England, France, Spain, Germany) there appeared an idea to set up «campuses of international improvement», called upon to become a bridge between science and practice. One of such campuses became a joint project of the University of Barcelona and Polytechnic University of Catalonia resulting in creation of Barcelona Science Park. This is an effort to create a XXI century university, which will be training new managers and conducting R@D work , as well as transferring knowledge for economic development of the country, consistently realizing a chain « investigation of demands — product design — product development — testing of the product — commercialization of the product».
Main objectives of the Barcelona Science Park:
1) Encourage carrying out of high-class research using a wide spectrum of technological support;
2) Introduce dynamics to relations of business and universities;
3) Encourage development of «start up» companies and new innovation structures;
4) Implement R@D work results in economics, be useful to the society.
SP Barcelona Science Park
International Improvement Council
Now the Barcelona Science Park unites 75 companies, 3 R@D institutes (in biology, medicine and bio-engineering): IRB (includes 27 R@D groups), IBEC (includes 14 R@D groups), IBMP (CSIC; includes 22 R@D groups), where work more than 2000 professionals (46% men, 54% women).
When creating the Barcelona Science Park a concept was developed, complying with it the Park is:
• An international center in education, R@D work, transfer of knowledge, innovation activities, continuous education;
• A coordinator in universities activities in all their spheres, socially integrated in the local environment, providing quality services and a sustainable development policy;
• A key player in promotion of social, economic and business activity in Spain and Western Europe.
The Science Park activity aimed at achievement of perfect quality utilizing the following measures is also of interest:
• Joint utilization of instruments complementing each other, to form professional skills by R@D and innovation organizations under University of Barcelona and Polytechnic University of Catalonia;
• Active participation in change of the economic model through creation of new activities based on innovation and knowledge;
• Mobilization and motivation of talented youth;
• Availability of an integrated model adapted to this particular territory, leading to development of the society;
• Comprehensive internationalization;
• Educational process with orientation on students, first of all.
The strategic objective of the Barcelona Science Park is also defined here, i. e. uniting of university, R@D , business and social enterprises, composing a framework for strategic cooperation so that to form an ideal scientific and technological environment in Europe.
To achieve the project's objectives, the following tasks were set:
• Coordinate activities and maximize transparency of different organizations, included into alliance, in order to allocate the first hundred of enterprises of this sphere in the Barcelona Science Park;
• Consolidate the best teaching staff in curriculums, developed in the process of European countries convergence;
• Increase academic efficiency through emphasizing efforts on spheres which are priorities for the alliance, and through facilitation of employment;
• Actively promote mobility policy, allowing to expand student exchange, teaching and R@D staff mobility;
• Create a new R@D infrastructure and innovation services, using professional and efficient techniques;
• Combine principles of knowledge transfer and evaluation through development of clear innovation models, that will allow to transform the environment significantly;
• Transform spaces into meeting places, which will encourage successful education, cultural exchange, research and socialization;
• Motivate dynamics in education, research, management, social interaction;
• Widen the spectrum of social, cultural, sport activity complying with current and future needs of the students included into the educational space;
• Fully adapt the campus for the handicapped, thus confirming its reputation as the key institution in research, development and implementation of innovations in the rehabilitation technologies field.
So, strategic union of University of Barcelona and Polytechnic University of Catalonia in the framework of the Barcelona Science Park is one the strengths of the project.
Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and Spanish National Research Council are also partners of this project as well as main international university networks, where the University of Barcelona and Polytechnic University of Catalonia are included.
The Barcelona Science Park is a collective project, its aim being strengthening of the joint and cooperative management idea. Participation of different groups (university, business, institutional, government and social) in the managing process of the Barcelona Science Park is an important point. Consequently, all the above-mentioned groups of this project participate in creating the managing structure of the Barcelona Science Park.
The Managing Committee is presented by Rectors of University of Barcelona and Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Mayor of Barcelona, Chairpersons of Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and Spanish National Research Council.
Its managing structure also includes: Science Council, City Council and Business Council (see Figure).
Some measures combined in 6 groups in compliance with Regulations of Ministry of Education, are undertaken
^ in the Barcelona Science Park. Aimed at modernization ^ of the national economy, they assist in scientific and g academic development, make the university system in-
m ternational and include the latter into a new economic
^ model based on knowledge and innovations. о One of the most important directions is activity in the field of academic modernization, connected, first of all, with satisfaction of business needs in specialists of appropriate qualification and competencies.
Education in the educational structure under research is a fundamental function of universities. The society requires complex and quality education of students, ensuring a certain level of training and integration into the business environment. It is assumed that a process of European higher education space creation will bring significant changes to the educational model and training and employment quality. Actions undertaken in this sphere include changes in the training model and aspects of the graduate training quality, possibilities to be employed in his/her professional field. These measures are aimed at improvement of the campus' international position, creation of the doctorate programs and development of entrepreneurship and innovation skills of the graduates.
Consistently examining integration of education, science and business, one should comment upon modernization in scientific field.
In this context the Barcelona Science Park is an association of educational, research and business institutions that jointly form a basis for strategic cooperation aimed at achievement of the leading position in scientific and technological fields in the Southern Europe. At present the Barcelona Science Park opens its research institutions for the university community and industrial sector and provides research and technological services of the highest quality. Actions undertaken in this sphere are aimed at grouping and coordination of scientific infrastructure and blocks of research and technological service, at improvement of research and technological equipment and modernization of objects, as well as at recruitment and training of researchers and technologists. These actions include:
• Concentration or/and coordination of infrastructure and blocks of scientific-technological service;
• Modernization and purchase of new equipment;
• Modernization of main scientific infrastructure of oceanography and experimentation channel;
• Setting up of ChemBioBank laboratory;
• Expansion and modernization of animals applied research laboratory;
• Proposal of some pre-doctoral theses and several positions in doctorate programs with inclusion of international personnel in the Barcelona Science Park;
• Mechanisms to promote stipends and scholarships. Thus, the above-described processes lead to necessity to transform the campus in compliance with new objectives and strategic aims.
Initially the University buildings and equipment were designed, constructed and fixed in compliance with internal needs of the University. Now the situation has dramatically changed: new campuses are perceived as a creative part of the urban environment and a factor of social, economic and regional stimulation. That is why the actions proposed in this sphere, are aimed at increasing of the level of accessibility and sustainable development of science and practice.
To comprehensively realize a new educational model adapted to the European Higher Education Space, «The Barcelona Science Park» project includes a number of measures aimed at innovations in the educational field,
consolidation of the existing projects and increase in participation of the teaching staff with a clear orientation at the students' environment. These measures include learning innovations, adaptation of zones, classrooms and services to the requirements of the European higher education space, assisting students in employment and programs to cooperate secondary and vocational education. This is contributed by:
• assistance in launching of educational innovations projects in the campus;
• involvement of the teaching staff in innovative educational activity;
• modernization of fiber optic systems, expansion and reconstruction of WiFi zones in the campus;
• renewal of the equipment, programs and infrastructure of IT class-rooms, re-equipping of educational and research resources;
• adaptation of class-rooms to the new needs of the European higher education space and campus in general to learning 24-hour a day;
• expansion of academic infrastructure for Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. programs;
• increase of number rooms available for professional work and learning and personal attention to students in the last year of education aimed at assisting in their inclusion into the work environment;
• increase of professional career orientation quality;
• development of motivation programs to enter universities for secondary schools pupils, etc.
One of the most important tasks to be tackled in the European higher education space is activity on knowledge transfer.
Over the last years the University of Barcelona and Polytechnic University of Catalonia have taken serious steps to achieve leading positions in knowledge formation. Twenty two research institutes, the Barcelona Science Park (the first model of university researchers integration in Spain), more than 200 new organizations, 47 subsidiaries (9 of them affiliates), great number of national and international patents (192 over the last three years) and various instruments to transfer knowledge and estimations made the Barcelona Science Park a leader in the innovation process through research and technological knowledge. This sphere includes creation of the Centre for Innovation and Advanced Technologies, several programs for innovations stimulation, as well as consolidation and internationalization of research estimates:
• creation of the Centre for Innovation and Advanced Technologies;
• formation of International Center for Business Adaptation;
• provision of knowledge for the market program (K2M);
• mini-cluster program «Research, developments and innovations» (R&D&I);
• development of university business-programs;
• knowledge estimation and transfer program, collected by research groups;
• personnel training on technical data transfer in the foreign arena;
• assistance in internationalization of data transfer process;
• marketing of industrial and intellectual ownership;
• creation of platforms and launching grounds to be included into research groups and subsidiaries;
• setting up of a seed fund for technological companies;
• alliance with leading organizations in their professional field, recipients of knowledge collected in course of R&D&I programs.
Let's examine one of the important activities— interaction between the campus and its environment.
Actions offered in this sphere are directed at stimulation of the Barcelona Science Park campus' model. It covers not only typical university activities, but also shared values by university members, connected with the environment, i.e. mobility, development of didactic, cultural, social and sport zones, as well as new architectural infrastructure:
• adaptation of multi-functional zones for holding cultural and social events, open for the city;
• transformation of the city for the purpose of creation of new social zones;
• modernization of class-rooms and conference halls so that to adapt them to new events formats;
• modernization of sports grounds;
• organization of university hostels in sport districts;
• a space for student and neighbouring associations affiliated with municipality;
• popularization of biking;
• popularization of walking in the campus' territory;
• organization of internal public transportation to connect buildings and zones located far from the campus;
• popularization of public transportation use for going to the campus;
• construction of the Center of Scientific Infrastructures for Research and Technological Innovation (CICRIT);
• construction of the Architecture, Urbanism and Construction (AUEB) building;
• construction of the L2 service building;
• construction of the new dormitory;
• construction of the building for carrying out doctor's research in technological sphere by research groups;
• provision of campus with new structures, equipment, development of its future configuration.
Having examined specific features characterizing the Barcelona Science Park operations organization, one should note significance of the efforts made. This is confirmed by such aspects, as teaching quality improvement, technological portfolio development, search for and promotion of talents, transfer of knowledge, technologies, innovations, as well as integration into European higher education space.
Over the last two years the Barcelona Science Park has worked and developed in different spheres of the campus project. In the sphere of teaching quality improvement, undertaken actions allowed the universities to join efforts in the following spheres:
• coordination of international relations;
• setting up of joint presence abroad, especially in networks and organizations specializing in innovations and transfer of knowledge;
• quality increase of Bachelor and post-graduate degrees offered in the European space;
• expansion of post-graduate courses taught in English, as well as inclusion of disciplines related to entrepreneurship and innovations into the curriculum.
To complete the work on a catalogue of scientific-technical objects in the University of Barcelona, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), a general technological portfolio is being formed, that will be open for access of all researchers irrelevant of their membership. To add to modernization of some objects (wave flow for oceanography and experimenting ChemBioBank, DNA sequence generator), «Initiatives» by the Barcelona Science Park were launched in spheres where the potential of this alliance is obvious, such as Science and Technology of Space (Initiative BKC in sciences and technologies
of cosmos and space), as well as nano-science and ^ nano-technologies. ^
The Barcelona Science Park utilized its resources to g increase attractiveness of those positions were applicants m are searched, for example, those offered by program ^ Ramón y Cajal or Catalan Institution for Research and o Advanced Studies (ICREA) scheme. Besides, the program of «commitment to talents» is supported, it promotes the teaching staff and researchers, accredited by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), who as a rule are members of the Barcelona Science Park.
New learning technologies and newly adapted spaces, classrooms and services for students and teaching staff became the priority during the integration of the Barcelona Science Park in the European higher education space. The major part of financial resources was received from the Ministry of Education of Spain.
Significant participation (in percentage) was registered in programs of cooperation with secondary and vocational training centers (VT) (Natural Resources Observatory, Summer research campus, cooperation with VT centers for students on internship at unique research installations, etc).
In the field of knowledge transfer and innovations the Barcelona Science Park assisted in setting up Centers of Innovations in Technology (CITs) and promoted operative programs needing stimulation of innovations.
Near new buildings (Til lers building) soon there appear those designed anew, some of them still being at the 0-stage (CICRIT building).
Transformation of the Barcelona Science Park which is in progress now, allows to use progressive methods from the sustainable development sphere (monitoring of energy and water consumption, programs for decreasing quantity of waste down to 0, efficiency of energy consumption) in other fields of the universities — members of this association. Re-organization of the campus, arrangement of parking places, pedestrian zones, accessibility of new districts and construction of new social areas — all this assists in creation of a full-scale campus. The latter encourages formation of civil-minded and socially responsible persons, thus making the Barcelona Science Park more attractive and allowing to attract high-class specialists there.
Thus, European countries experience confirms efficiency in integrating efforts of science, education and business. Three important points that are of growing importance for Russian practices may be emphasized [8; 9].
First of all, this is the amount, forms and methods of state support. It is the technology parks today that are becoming the most important organizational form that perceives, and speaking figuratively, "processes" funds of this type (Fig. 1). Forms of support within the technology parks framework are rather diverse per se, and their combinations may be very interesting [10].
Other aspect of modern development is clusters. At present they are counted on to great extent, also in development of Russian economy (Fig. 2) [7].
In compliance with statistical data, almost 2/3 of parks in some way or another try to use cluster development and adequately organize their structure and activity in general, meeting the challenges of this development.
As testified by main provisions of the sustainable determinants system for formation and development of business incubating, technology parks, clusters (Fig. 3), it does not just determine the business incubating ideological base, but also, to a certain extent, provides
50 40 30 20
Grants Subsidies Consulting Tax Advantage- Non-financial
privileges ous loans forms
Fig. 1. State support for technology parks residents' activity
Absent No data Exist
Fig. 2. Availability of clusters in the regions of technology parks allocation
................................................................... Cluster formation Big business and industrial innovation sphere service Use of existing business opportunities \ ^^ Monitoring of Russian experience \
\ Export regionalization Creation and improvement
\ and development N. ^^^^ of small industrial
N. organizations /
Nv Expansion^^^^^^ /
Points N^ of participation ^
Dual process \ in network
of increase of efficiency \ structures ^^
growth N.
Fig. 3. Sustainable determinants of business incubating development [10]
guidance on a number of organizational, functional, informational and other elements, which — one way or another — should be reflected in the future structure.
Thus, consistently growing competition both in the educational services market and in other spheres worldwide, forms a necessity to integrate efforts by power, business
and business-educational structures with an aim to develop professional, competencies of graduates, meeting business requirements, with appropriate training and creative thinking — those graduates who, at the end of the day, will ensure Russia's high ranking in the world community.
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Методы прогнозирования в разработке сценариев развития государственной политики в области образования
Methods of forecasting in working out of scenarios of development of a state policy in the sphere of education
^^^^ Кузьмин Алексей Евгеньевич
преподаватель Северо-Западного института Ш Российской академии народного хозяйства
| и государственной службы при Президенте
< ^ W Российской Федерации
199178, Санкт-Петербург, Средний пр., В. О., д. 57
Kuzmin Aleksey Evgenievich
199178, Saint-Petersburg, Sredniy pr., V. O., 57
В статье дается содержательный анализ методики прогнозирования применительно к разработке сценариев развития государственной политики в области образования, а также исследуются технологии прогнозных методов, прежде всего метода Форсайт. Автор статьи рассматривает различные методологические и организационные принципы метода Форсайт, влияющие на формирование стратегии развития в области образования. Общим является вовлеченность различных общественных сил в обсуждение и сопоставление долгосрочных прогнозов, стратегий развития, выработки все более полного комплексного видения будущего системы образования.
In the article the substantial analysis of a technique of forecasting with reference to working out of scenarios of development of a state policy in the sphere of education is given, and technologies of look-ahead methods, first of all a method Foresight are investigated. The author of article considers various methodological and organizational principles of a method Foresight, strategy of development influencing formation in the sphere of education. The general is the involvement of various public forces into discussion and comparison of long-
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term forecasts, strategy of development, development of more and more full complex vision of the future of an education system.
Ключевые слова: образование, государственная политика, реформа, модернизация, прогнозирование, Форсайт
Keywords: education, state policy, reform, modernization, forecasting, Foresight
Прогноз всегда имел огромное значение в жизни общества, ведь оно постоянно стремилось быть готовым к возможным последствиям различных событий, пыталось спрогнозировать их, чтобы свести к минимуму проявления негативных последствий и максимально использовать положительные последствия для своего блага.
Прогноз — это научно обоснованное суждение о возможных состояниях объекта в будущем, об альтернативных путях и сроках его существования. Э. Янч дает свое краткое определение прогноза: «Прогноз (англ. forecast) — вероятностное утверждение о будущем с относительно высокой степенью достоверности» [1, с. 22].
Согласно определению, прогнозирование — это способ научного предвидения, в котором используется как накопленный в прошлом опыт, так и текущие допущения насчет будущего с целью его определения.
В настоящее время насчитывается более 150 методов прогнозирования. Базовых методов гораздо меньше, многие из них скорее относятся к отдельным способам и процедурам прогнозирования, либо представляют собой набор отдельных приемов, отличающихся от базовых методов количеством частных приемов и последовательностью их применения [2].