DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-163-171
Traditional games at physical education lessons: factors and development
Zinaida M. Kuznetsova', Ilsiyar Sh. Mutaeva2, Aleksandra S. Seliverstova2*
'University of management "TISBI" Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5558-474X, kzm [email protected] 2Yelabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Yelabuga, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-9387-7033, [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-8563-3207, [email protected]*
Abstract: The article considers the main directions of traditional games wide use during physical education lessons. While studying at educational establishments children feel the need for motor activity. Action oriented games can be the most available way to satisfy the need of children for activity. Starting from junior school action games means realization becomes diverse. These action games include a lot of traditional games. Traditional games realization during physical education lessons has fragmentary and acyclic character. It becomes urgent to discuss the problem of traditional games means use at physical education lessons for positive traits of character formation and patriotic upbringing among the present schoolchildren. Research methods and material. Scientific-methodical sources analysis, questionnaire survey in order to reveal the attitude of specialists and schoolchildren of different age groups to traditional games use during physical education lessons. For the questionnaire survey we used the specialists of comprehensive schools in Nabrezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk and Yelabuga. We analyzed the results of a questionnaire survey among the specialists (physical education teachers) and junior (n=23 children), average age (n=17 children) and senior (n= 24 children) schoolchildren. Results. We analyzed the results of a questionnaire survey among the specialists and schoolchildren. We revealed their attitude to traditional games as the condition for physical readiness formation. We studied the factors, which condition the effectiveness of traditional games realization at physical education lessons. The place of traditional games in the strategy of physical training process control among schoolchildren was defined. The following aims were achieved: content and conditions of traditional games organization revelation; traditional games mastering planning and organization; means, methods and forms of games realization revelation; game roles distribution taking into account schoolchildren's readiness level; planning a rational regimen of games use during the lessons; traditional games organization watching; a rational plan of each game organization creation; mastering the game tactics and the conditions of its organization; supplementary equipment preparation. Conclusion. Theoretical aspects of traditional games organization and realization in terms of one form (physical education lessons) and comprehensive establishment in general, would help to organize the process of individual characteristics formation and each pupil's initiative, activity, industry, courage, resoluteness, psychic steadiness and physical working capacity development.
Keywords: traditional games, schoolchildren, physical education lesson, physical health, physical upbringing.
For citation: Zinaida M. Kuznetsova, Ilsiyar Sh. Mutaeva, Aleksandra S. Seliverstova*. Traditional games at physical education lessons: factors and development prospects. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(1): 128-134. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-163-171.
An important component of own traits demonstration in each nationality is traditional games. They were passed on from generation to generation as the means of upbringing and the means of life experience, qualities and personality traits transfer. They were the way of adaptation to
different life conditions in a family and in society in general. In traditional games people honored their traditions, underlined their cultural wealth. Traditional games became a symbol of friendship, peace and communication between nationalities in the Olympic Games and the International competitions organization [1,2,6,7]. Traditional
games were the way of physical qualities and intellectual abilities development, cognition and improvement in children, young people and the older generation [3,4,5,8].
Nowadays we see the necessity to increase motor activity of the oncoming generation as the base for material-subjective, social and spiritual phenomena, education and health potential interaction. Science has sufficient theoretical and practical material, which concerns different aspects of physical education and sport means, active rest, the principles of a healthy way of life, the importance of sports and action games in the system of physical upbringing in the country. Different state and municipal events are held for mass physical education, sport introduction into everyday life of different parts of society depending on age, profession and employment. It is general national and humanitarian mission of modern programs of physical education and sport development in the country and all over the world.
Many specialists carried out fundamental and applied research works dedicated to motor activity of schoolchildren, students and intellectual load influence in terms of motor activity decrease on health state [5].
Specialists also underline the concept of sports training principles and sports-oriented physical upbringing inclusion into physical education lessons as the base for schoolchildren's physical readiness effectiveness improvement [4,5,8,9,10,11].
R.I. Sadykov proved the attitude change to physical education lesson with the principles of sports training realization. It would also changes schoolchildren's morpho-functional status.
Action games means realization is underlined in the works of the authors as the condition for emotionality increase, schoolchildren's positive traits of character formation - collectivism, team spirit, sense of justice, joy for the success of a friend. At the same time, insufficient use of games potential during the lessons is mentioned. Offered by the specialists variant of "Sports education" subject as the strategic direction of physical upbringing modernization in senior schoolchildren proves that the unit of traditional games creation can provide
physical readiness improvement in schoolchildren starting from the 1st till the 11th form as a purposeful program of physical upbringing [11, p. 62-64].
The aim of the research is the essence and theoretical-methodical aspects determination, which are connected with traditional games realization at physical education lessons. It is also important to reveal the factors, which condition the effectiveness of traditional games realization at physical education lessons.
The planned experimental research works concerning the problem of our research work are divided into several stages. The first stage is searching. It is dedicated to studying the state of the problem according to the results of the survey among the specialists and pedagogical observation. We analyzed scientific-methodical sources and popular literature. In order to reveal the attitude of specialists and schoolchildren to the questions of action games means realization during physical education lessons we organized a questionnaire survey. It included the following questions: "What is your attitude to traditional games realization at physical education lessons?" with the following variants of answer: "perfect", "good", "negative"; "Do you use traditional games at physical education lessons?" with the following variants of answer: "Yes", "No", "never"; "What do you think, is it necessary to include traditional games into physical education lessons?" with the following variants of answer: "Yes", "very good", "negative", "never"; "Can you remember traditional games of the Republic of Tatarstan?" with the variants of answers according to the amount of traditional games.
For schoolchildren a questionnaire survey was prepared taking into account their age and was organized taking into account voluntary character of the answers, without prompts and violation.
The first question "Do you like traditional games?" with the variants of answers "Yes" or "No" for all junior, mid and senior schoolchildren. The second question - "Which of these games you played at physical education lessons?" included the following traditional games: "Holiday of Russian winter", "Lapta", "Maslenitsa", "Cockfighting",
"Palochka vyruchalochka" (Magic wand), "Cossacks and robbers" (cowboys and Indians), "Koldunchiki" (Dog vane), "U medvedya vo boru"(A visit to a bear in coniferous forest). The third question -"Enumerate, please, the games, which you played in a class". Further a questionnaire survey would be improved by adding more questions depending on the stages of our research.
For preliminary survey organization we used the specialists from comprehensive schools of Nabrezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk and Yelabuga of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. We analyzed 15 questionnaires of the specialists (physical education teachers) and junior (n= 23 children), mid (n= 17 children) and senior (n= 24 children) schoolchildren.
Physical education in the system of educational establishments plays an important role in motor development of the oncoming generation. During school and teen-age period organism adapts to the increasing intellectual loads. Considering physical education as a specific activity we understand its importance in physical development and physical qualities improvement.
Scientific-methodical sources analysis showed that in terms of modern schools we see intellectual load predominance over physical load, motor activity decrease in children and teen-agers. Specialists try to change the situation owing to innovative approaches to physical education lessons organization. Means and kinds of traditional games realization can become an alternative in changing physical education lessons content and organization.
It is a well-known fact that action games and sports games during physical education lessons are fully realized, as they are included into the program of the corresponding discipline. They are one of the available means for the need for movement satisfaction among schoolchildren. The content of action games becomes varied every year, as there appear more complicated variants of interaction between schoolchildren. Action games are the instrument of teaching the demands and riles of games in such sports kinds as volleyball, basketball, football, hockey and other games.
It should be noted that one of the pedagogical conditions during action games realization becomes not only physical and psychic health improvement, but also correct increase of physical power and motor abilities provision.
Game provides positive traits of character formation in schoolchildren and first of all communication, team spirit, sense of justice, mutual help, general joy and etc. However, it is necessary to remember that incorrectly chosen and organized game can lead to rudeness, cruelty, injustice, vanity and offence. All mentioned above can influence nervous system of schoolchildren.
Present situation in educational establishments demands innovative change even in terms of the attitude to action and sports games. Many specialists use them as the kind of activity for motor density increase at the lessons and trainings. The need of children for playing and getting emotions, knowledge and life experience becomes urgent.
Action and traditional games nowadays can't be considered as a separate element of a person's motor activity. During many ages society and relations development between the countries and nationalities improved through traditional games, holidays and fun. National coloring of all holidays depends on traditional games organization. All people can take part in traditional games.
Traditional games can become the means of motor activity increase, physical development and physical readiness improvement and also the means of getting acquainted with the traditions and social rules of people of all nationalities.
The upbringing value of all kinds of traditional games is obvious, as people have to demonstrate physical efforts and the skills, intellect, dexterity, cunning, quickness of reaction in the changing situations and communications.
Traditional games outdoors and in different natural conditions provide physical development of the oncoming generation, training for adult life.
Traditional games realization at physical education lessons can be pedagogically reasonable and effective if we realize the following conditions:
- we created classification of traditional
games according to the national feature, conditions of organization, territorial traditions and traditions of the nationalities;
- we divided games into different kinds taking into account the influence of physical readiness formation in a complex physical qualities display;
- games realization is defined according to the degree of positive personality traits display, which are formed during the game and game situation;
- the games are selected and included into the program of events and lessons taking into account geographical position of the educational establishment;
- we took into consideration the national policy in the sphere of tourism and rest of the country and the territory;
- we defined the place of the games in the system of physical upbringing of schoolchildren;
- traditional games realization is considered as the addition to physical education lesson.
During the topic consideration we organized a questionnaire survey in physical education teachers. We revealed their attitude to the questions of traditional games realization at physical education lessons.
The first question was "What is your attitude to traditional games realization at physical education lessons?", the answers were the following: «perfect» - 6 (60%), good - 2(20%), didn't answer 2(20%) of respondents. It means that traditional games are not so actively realized at physical education lessons.
The second question was "Do you use traditional games at physical education lessons?", the answers were the following: "Yes" - 20 respondents (20%) and "No"-- 80%.
The third question was "What do you think, is it necessary to include traditional games into the content of physical education lessons?". The respondents answered that traditional games inclusion is necessary for emotional coloring of physical education lesson, especially for junior schoolchildren - 100% of respondents. Also all respondents underlined the importance oftraditional games use for mid and senior schoolchildren, as they experience lack of team spirit and communication.
The 4th question was "Can you enumerate traditional games used at physical education lessons in your region?" All respondents mentioned national holiday Sabantuy as the main event with traditional games. Two specialists mentioned that they have big and small Sabantuy at school only in terms of extracurricular activity with schoolchildren. Nobody mentioned traditional games use at physical education lessons.
A questionnaire survey among schoolchildren was held without violation and prompts. The first question was the following: "Do you like traditional games?". Junior, mid and senior schoolchildren gave the same answer - "Yes" (100%). It means that a game as a kind of activity should take a central place in physical upbringing of schoolchildren. Pedagogical observation showed that in traditional games, holidays and fun activity of parents makes children take part in the events.
The second question was "Which of these games you played at physical education lessons?" Junior schoolchildren named 64% of games from the offered list. Mid schoolchildren know 84% of traditional games from a general list of games. 100% of senior schoolchildren were able to name all games from the offered list.
The third question was "Enumerate, please, the games, which you play in class". All respondents enumerated presented by us games "Maslenitsa", "Small Sabanuy".
The held survey proved our theory that traditional games are not often included into educational-upbringing activity of an educational establishment. Schoolchildren take part in winter and summer games, holidays and Sabantuy. Educational establishments organize sports holidays and events with traditional games inclusion. However, traditional games are not often used at physical education lessons, sports and outdoor games are more often preferred (20-25% of general time). At the same time, great part of time, in the opinion of schoolchildren, is given to football and basketball (65%).
The question of traditional games importance and their inclusion into physical education lessons remains urgent and demands further study.
Taking into account motor activity change and physical health state of schoolchildren it is necessary to reconsider the questions of physical loads increase at the lessons, but psychological, emotional and social-cultural factors should also be taken into account.
Schoolchildren's intercultural
communications formation at physical education lessons helps to consider spiritual education as the factor of psychosomatic organism functioning optimization. It helps to combine different research works, directed toward schoolchildren's health formation through human relations and detailed images of national education understanding.
All innovative technologies, created in terms of educational establishments, should include the concept of nation health formation through the ideals, images and traditions. Physical education lesson in modern society should not only solve the objectives of teaching skills and abilities of motor actions fulfillment, but also form schoolchildren's need for health improvement, being a worthy society member, take part in communications and master important skills of activity in society.
As an alternative to a traditional technology of "Physical education" discipline organization it is necessary to create the lesson, where apart from educational and health-improving objectives in terms of the upbringing aims realization there would be the unit, connected with traditional games introduction. It would be the condition for the oncoming generation adaptation to life through games. They provide getting acquaintance with the traditions of the place children live in.
The works analysis drives us to the following conclusion: the success of traditional games realization system at physical education lessons is mainly conditioned by two components - physical and psychic health level improvement among schoolchildren and effectiveness in social sphere.
The first component realization can be achieved by means of two ways:
- owing to the program of physical activity formation with the help of traditional games;
- owing to administration and managers of "Traditional games are the connection of generations" project support.
Each of these approaches provides practical use of the definite ratio of traditional games at the lessons, which further conditions the peculiarities of schoolchildren's behavior in social life.
The effectiveness of "Traditional games are the connection of generations" project realization is conditioned by several factors, which are the base of physical education lesson upbringing orientation objective estimation and determination.
These factors include the following:
- spatio-temporal accuracy of interaction between schoolchildren during the game;
- the diversity of motor actions, quick-wittedness, sharpness of mind, dexterity, persistence;
- frequency and effectiveness of traditional games realization;
- effectiveness of communications between each other and in a team;
- effectiveness of competition between the participants;
- effectiveness of games, their emotional coloring;
- participants' behavior, mood estimation after the game.
The main factors of traditional games realization can be the following:
- coordination of actions of team members in a game;
- participants' reliability in a game and in game situations;
- the effectiveness and purity of game actions and plans achievement;
- usefulness and rationality in actions and in game activity at the lessons.
Presented above factors condition the effectiveness of traditional games realization. It is important to mention that the factors' individual effectiveness demonstration can influence the behavior of schoolchildren. It can be the level of schoolchildren's skills and abilities in game activities, which are gained during training and multiple repetitions. This situation demands game techniques mastering, which increase the effectiveness of the game and psycho-emotional state of schoolchildren.
It should also be noted that players have to
know technical actions taking into account the rules of the game, which provides the effectiveness of skills and abilities realization in motor actions.
The first and the second items, which we mentioned above, are connected and can be improved during training. In order to prove two mentioned above items it is necessary to organize "Traditional games festival" festival, the organization of which is possible both at a school level and at the level of the Republic.
Important events planning at school would help to influence the following conditions change:
- the presence of new motor abilities, skills and knowledge in schoolchildren's motor activity;
- high level of all mastered actions;
- using motor actions, which are realized by means of traditional games, in everyday life;
- effectiveness of motor actions in terms of competitions;
- activity of the participants in creative work and level of moral-volitional qualities, directed toward the plan of the game realization;
- the level of physical and psychic qualities development;
- the level of functional abilities of an organism;
- age and experience of taking part in game
Considering different aspects of traditional games realization for schoolchildren we should pay attention to an individual style of a schoolchild formation. It would help to form the style and coloring of an educational establishment.
Traditional games help to form an individual style of activity of each participant and organization. It is the main aim of traditional games festival organization.
Thus, theoretical aspects of traditional games organization and realization in terms of one form (physical education lessons) and comprehensive establishment in general, would help to organize the process of individual characteristics formation and each pupil's initiative, activity, industry, courage, resoluteness, psychic steadiness and physical working capacity development.
The main units of the strategy of physical training process management among schoolchildren
by means of traditional games can become the following:
- content and conditions of traditional games organization study;
- traditional game mastering, planning and organization at the lessons
- means, methods and forms of games realization revelation;
- game roles distribution taking into account schoolchildren's readiness level;
- planning a rational regimen of a game;
- traditional games organization watching;
- a rational plan creation of each game organization;
- planning traditional games means in the system of physical upbringing;
- tactical structures of the game and conditions of organization mastering;
- supplementary equipment preparation;
- game playing and festival results analysis.
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Submitted: 20.02.202' Author's information:
Zinaida M. Kuznetsova - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny branch of "University of management 'TISBI"", 423807, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Komsomolskaya embankment, House. 6, e-mail: kzm [email protected]
Ilsiyar Sh. Mutaeva - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor, Yelabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, 423600, Russia, Yelabuga, Kazanskaya str., House 89, e-mail: [email protected]
Aleksandra S. Seliverstova - Lecturer, Yelabuga Institute (branch) of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, 423600, Russia, Yelabuga, Kazanskaya str., House 89, e-mail: [email protected]