словообразования, грамматические особенности частей речи, многообразие тропов, синтаксических фигур [2, стр. 82]. Язык рекламы можно назвать особым подстилем, сформировавшимся на стыке официально-делового и публицистического стилей, востребованным и быстро развивающимся.
Список литературы
1. Вахитова Т.Ф. Стилистика газетной рекламы как жанра // [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: Шр://а1Ис1ек7/сот/ай1с1е/12382/ (дата обращения: 06.12.2017).
2. Воронцова Ю.А. Язык рекламных текстов. // Международный научный журнал «Инновационная наука», 2016. № 5. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://cyber1eninka.rU/artic1e/n/yazyk-rek1amnyh-tekstov/ (дата обращения: 06.12.2017).
3. Исаева З.Н., Яхияева С.Х. Русский язык и культура речи: учебное пособие. Часть 1. Теория. Махачкала. ДГУ, 2014.
4. Кара-Мурза Е.С. Язык рекламы в нормативно-стилистическом аспекте // Вестник Московского университета, 2008. № 6. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://istina.msu.ru/publications/article/7719430/ (дата обращения: 06.12.2017).
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6. Международный кодекс рекламной практики. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:http://arhiv.inpravo.ru/data/base311/(дата обращения: 06.12.2017).
12 3
Kuchmurodova G.Kh. , Kenjaeva K.A. , Khatamova S.M.
1Kuchmurodova Gulnora Khatamovna - English Language Teacher, FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES,
Abstract: the article is devoted to clarification of the term called distant education and its beneficial features in contrast to traditional. The main task of the article is to justify and explain distant education as a new form of learning. The author examines the forms of learning, the major directions of development of distant education, shows the differences between the form of distant education and the traditional one. Distant education is proved to be regarded as an independent form of training, because it has significant distinctions, which can not be realized in the traditional manner. Keywords: distance learning, form, technique, and tool.
Up to the date such notions, like distant education, part time education and others are not separated. However today distant education (DE) has proved it's significance and necessity. The educational community realizes that distant education has got potential perspectives linking with the realization of education through the whole period of life.
Nevertheless, the following question is still having active sense: DE - is the form of education or technology? Which is the serious problem for inasmuch as, the strategy and tact of bringing DE into life and also the training teachers to DE rely on perception of this question.
At present the researches and practices of distant education harvested the next major distinctions.
DE - is synthetic, integral and humanitarian form of education locating on the usage of wide spectrum of traditional and modern information technologies and their technical means, which are applied for delivering the study materials, for independent study, for the exchange between teachers and learners in dialogue manners [1, p. 48].
DE - is the form of education in which interaction of teachers and learners happens in distance and reflects all inherence of components related to education process (aim, contents, methods, organizational forms, and means of study).
DE - is the technology of studying in far intervals, in which teacher and learner physically stand in different locations. In the past distant education was conceived as part time education. Now this is the means of study that uses the case - TV and network technology education.
DE - is the education with the help of telecommunication means in which subjects of study (students, pedagogies, tutors and others) having spatial or temporary remoteness they bring to life common education procedure, dedicated to create outer and inner educational products on their own.
On accordance of above cited examples it is obvious that there is not unique distinction toward the term DE. However in Uzbek HEI nowadays the DE is presented as the technology of distant learning and consolidated by the legislative base of the country.
Distance education allows us to study at home or in our office, according to our own schedule, there are no classes to attend. Generally, each course comes with a manual that may be accompanied by videotapes, audiotapes, audio CDs, computer diskettes, CD-ROMs, etc., depending on the nature of the course. As well, many courses incorporate computer conferencing, e-mail, listservs, computer-based quizzes, and the Internet. Some courses are entirely on-line, using the World Wide Web as an innovative learning environment. Distance education provides a contemporary means through which the University may expand in aiding others in furthering their education. Continuing education consists of non-degree courses, workshops, conferences, and certificate programs for our professional development and personal enrichment.
Let us to see how distant education differs from other education types. The particular part of the material is not based autonomously but regular converse with the pedagogue.
• Constant contact with the teacher (tutor) on accordance of frequent emerging questions in the field of telecommunication means;
• Possible organization of discussions, collaboration on projects and other types of group works at any time.
• Transfer theoretical data to the participants in a form of printed or e-versioned textbooks, enabling them completely reject the oral sessions with the visit to HEI or substantially reduce their quantity and length.
The difference of DE from full time education is that the significant part of the data will be obtained not in the class but with the help of Internet technology i.e. in DE work of students are considered to be organized on the basis of self study. The criterion that separates DE from FTE is as follow: Flexible scheme of study process which could be totally free in open education, or be linked to limited number of control points (take an exams and etc), or to group exercises furthermore, to the fulfillment of lab works on facilities [2, p. 127].
In general this form of education is quite suitable to the modern society that we are living. Because the fast speeding world never stops from movement it always in action therefore the requirement is also high. The incorporation of already existing education standards with the newest one simply supplies the learners with the wings to fly high. We can see the light in the end of the tunnel if we take care about this and learn it in a better way.
1 Andreev A.A. Vvedenie v Internet-obrazovanie: ucheb. posobie G' A.A. Andreev. M.: Logos,
2003. 76 s.
2 Pidkasistiy P.I. Kompyuternoe texnologii v sisteme distantsionnogo obucheniya G' P. I.
Pidkasistiy, O.B. To'henko G'G' Pedagogika, 2000. № 5. S. 7-12.
3 Elektronniy nauchno-prakticheskiy jurnal «Voprosy Internet-obrazovaniya». № 8.
4 Polat E.S. Distantsionnoe obuchenie: kakim emu byt'? G E.S. Polat, A.E. Petrov G.G. Pedagogika, 1999. № 7. S. 29-34.
5 Prepodavanie v seti Internet: ucheb. posobie G' otv. red. V. I. Soldatkin. - M.: Vysshaya shkola, 2003. 792 s.
6 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning. Teaching. Assessment. The Council of Europe. Strasburg, 1996. The final draft was published in 2001. 260.