ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 1 (30), 2020 УДК 338.48(595)
Leong Jia Shin, student of the international faculty, Kursk State Medical University
e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: the article describes the types of tourism in Malaysia, the number of tourism arrivals to Malaysia and contribution to GDP from tourism. .There are some types of tourism in Malaysia which is cultural tourism, adventure tourism, medical tourism, beach tourism and agricultural tourism. The top 10 country travel to Malaysia is Singapore, Indonesia, China, Thailand, Brunei, India, South Korea, Vietnam, Japan and Philippines.
Key words: type of tourism, number of tourism arrivals, GDP
Леонг Джш Шин, студент международного факультета Курского государственного медицинского университета
e-mail: [email protected]
Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены виды туризма в Малайзии, количество туристических прибытий в Малайзию и вклад туризма в ВВП страны. В Малайзии существует несколько видов туризма: культурный туризм, приключенческий туризм, медицинский туризм, пляжный туризм и сельскохозяйственный туризм. В топ-10 стран, путешествующих в Малайзию, входят Сингапур, Индонезия, Китай, Таиланд, Бруней, Индия, Южная Корея, Вьетнам, Япония и Филиппины.
Ключевые слова: вид туризма, количество туристов, ВВП.
Malaysia was once ranked 9th in the world for tourist arrivals [1]. The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017 ranks Malaysia 25th out of 141 countries overall.
In an effort to diversify the economy and make Malaysia's economy less dependent on exports, the government pushed to increase tourism in Malaysia. As a result, tourism has become Malaysia's third largest source of foreign exchange income.
There are many types of tourism in Malaysia. Malaysia's reputation for tourism has been growing steadily in the last few years. As European and Australian travel look for more beachfront resort, they are turning to Malaysia beautiful coast. The types of tourism in Malaysia is divided into cultural tourism, advanture tourism, medical tourism, beach tourism and agriculture tourism [2].
The first types of tourism in Malaysia is cultural tourism. The main point of cultural tourism is introduce the festival, old buildings, variety of food and clothes along the ethnic. Malaysia boasts a stunning number of impressive cultural sites worth visiting, including five UNESCO World Heritages sites. From the historics buildings of Georgetown on the Penang and the Chinese, Indian, Portuguese, Dutch and British legacies in Melaka. The majority of Malaysia's popular culture sites are located on the Malay Penisula. Sarawak likely Kuching also one of the cultural tourism. Malaysia also has crowded calender of festivals. Hari raya puasa is a muslim feast to celebrate the ending of the holy month of ramadhan. In August and September, Malaysia celebrate the Chinese Mooncake festival. From this festival celebrations and traditions introduce tourism all over the world.
The second type of tourism in Malaysia is advanture tourism. Advanture tourism is tourism that is focused on the activity in a natural area. It involves physical challenge. The tourists have opportunities for hiking, jungle trekking, rock-climbing, scuba diving and wildlife expedition abound. if you want the more challenge, you must try tracking elephants in Taman Negara, chasing orangutans near Sabah and ISSN: 2414-0309 2
ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 1 (30), 2020 Sarawak or searching own legendary bigfoot in Endau-Rompin. This is very interesting and ejoyable advantures.
Medical tourism is also one of the types of tourism in Malaysia. Malaysia became a prime destination for medical tourists seeking safe and affordable medical attention. Medical tourist in Malaysia can avails themself of english-speaking, international-trained doctors and modern facilities. Many hospitals and health care center offer accommodations for the patients and a travel partners. Malaysia also can exchange their technology in medical to treat the serious disease such as cancer with other country. Malaysia become one of the successful medical tourism in the world [1,2].
Besides that, another type of tourism is beach tourism. Malaysia has beautiful beaches scenery for release tension, for example beach on the west coast of Malaysia and the coast of Borneo attract the most tourists. They come not just for the sand and sun, but doing the activities such as jet-skiing, scuba diving and play volleyball. At the same time bunglows, hotels and luxury resorts are especially plentiful along the coastlines of the Malay peninsula such Tioman Island, Langkawi Island and Pangkor Island regularly appears in list of the world 's top ten beaches.
Lastly, agricultural tourism is also one of the types of tourism in Malaysia. Malaysia agriculture diversity has lent itself well to growing numbers of tourists seeking to cultivate an understanding of Malaysia's variety soil-bread commodities. Many travels agencies offer tours to oil palm estate, rubber plantation, fish farms and fruits orchard. In fruits orchard, where visitors can taste various exotics crops. These include rambutan, jackfruit, pineaple, mangoesteen, mango and the 'king of all fruits' the durian [2].
Malaysia record more than 20 million tourism in first 9 month of 2019.
Malaysia saw positive growth in the tourism sector in the first half of this year, boosted by stronger international tourist arrivals.
International tourist arrivals stood at 20,109,203 tourists between January and September, an increase of 3.7 per cent, compared to 19,386,115 visitors during the same period last year.
ISSN: 2414-0309 3
Table 1-The number of international tourist arrival to Malaysia in first month of 2019
International tourism Number of visitors (person)
Singapore 7868755
Indonesia 2792776
China 2413956
Thailand 1442224
Brunei 929789
India 539167
South Korea 508080
Vietnam 323393
Japan 321283
Philippines 317294
Tourist receipts for the same period in 2019 reached RM66.14 billion compared to
RM61.85 billion for the same period in 2018, indicating an increase of 6.9 per cent. Per capita expenditure for the period of January to September also grew by 3.1 per cent from RM3,190.5 to RM3,289.3," he said today in announcing the third quarter performance of the tourism sector.
The short haul market, Mohamaddin said, had retained its position as the largest contributor of tourists to Malaysia with a share of 68.7 per cent.
The contribution of tourists from the medium haul market was 21.6 per cent, while the share of tourists from the long haul market was 9.7 per cent, he added.
The highest per capita according to market distance saw Saudi Arabia recording the most for long haul at RM11,394.4; China at RM5,301.5 for medium haul and Vietnam at RM3,356.3 for short haul [2].
Table 2 -The main contributor to tourism expenditure in the first 9 month in 2019
International tourism Tourism expenditure RM (Billion) Percentage (%)
Singapore 16.3 40.35
China 12.8 31.68
Indonesia 8.8 21.78
India 2.5 6.19
Total 40.4 100
■ Singapore
■ China
■ Indonesia
■ India
Figure-The structure of contributors to tourism expenditure in Malaysia in
In conclusion, tourism brings in money. This is probably the main advantage of tourism and the reason why it has been promoted so much, especially in developing countries. The income generated can make up a significant proportion of both private, local, and national incomes. It also provide job opportunity, so the unemployment rate in Malaysia decreases [3].
1. Tourism in Malaysia // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Malaysia
2. Types of tourism in Malaysia // http://ukmstudentstourism.blogspot.com/2011/02/what-are-types-of-tourism-in-malaysia.html?m=1
3. Benifit of tourism // https://soapboxie.com/economy/Advantages-and-disadvantages-of-tourism