який виклав у в№ний доступ у мереж1 3,5 тисячi курав. Згодом, аналопчно зробили iншi провiднi ЗВО свиу (Стенфорд, Гарвард, Ушверситет Джона Хопк1нса та iH.). Як зазначають дослiдники [11], те-хнологiя МООС забезпечуе:
- розширення демокрaтичностi освiти - елiтнi ушверситети стають ввдкритими для всiх;
- автори курав - крaщi виклaдaчi проввдних yнiверситетiв;
- вiльний доступ до навчальних кyрсiв - ство-рення ввдкритого освiтнього простору;
- доступ до навчальних мaтерiaлiв, !х спосiб представлення, процес контролю та ощнювання стають бiльш досконалими - реaлiзyeться модель навчання стyдентiв XXI столитя.
На даний час у свгговш освiтнiй прaктицi фун-кцюнуе низка МООС-платформ, на яких розмщеш ресурси з багатьох навчальних дисциплш -Coursera, MIT Open CourseWare, EdX, Khan Academy, Codecademy, UMass Boston Open Courseware, Udacity та ш. Трyднощi для впчизня-них педагопв i стyдентiв полягають у тому, що пе-реважна бшьшють ресyрсiв на цих платформах ан-гломовнi. Серед укра!номовних МООС варто ввд-значити:
- Prometheus (перший та найб№ший проект безкоштовно! освгга в Украш). Тут можна само-стiйно i безкоштовно вивчити деяк курси i здобути сертифiкaт про !х yспiшне завершения;
- ВУМ on-line. Ця платформа пропонуе курси ввд проввдних виклaдaчiв бiзнес-шкiл, громад-ського сектору, практиков з бiзнесy та сощально! сфери, сформоваш з вiдео-лекцiй, практичних за-вдань та контрольних запитань (для перевiрки на-бутих знань). Теми навчальних курав пов'язаш з персональним розвитком та реaлiзaцiею власного потенцiaлy, розумшням побудови та дiяльностi ввд-критого сустльства i його формування в Укра!ш.
Досвiд використання iнформацiйних техноло-гiй навчання у вищiй школi свiдчить, що цi технологи сприяють бiльш ефективнiй професiйнiй щд-готовцi майбутнiх фахiвцiв. Особливого значения вони набули останшм часом, коли внаслвдок панде-мй' коронавiрусу навчання в основному здшсню-еться он-лайн. Проте, незважаючи на високу ефек-тивнiсть iнформацiйних технологiй, в забезпеченш освiтнього процесу у вищiй школi цi технологи варто поеднувати з iншими педагогiчними технологi-ями.
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Yasynska E.
Department of Social Medicine and Health Organization Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine
«Bukovina State Medical University», Chernovtsy
The article highlights the topical issues of the introduction of blended learning in higher educational institutions, discloses the essence of blended learning, identifies methodological approaches on which the learning process in a higher educational institution is based when using the blended learning model. Described methods, forms of organization and tools that are used in blended learning, as well as highlights its objectives and advantages in the educational process.
Key words: blended learning, traditional learning, distance learning, methods, forms of organization and teaching aids, innovative technologies, advantages and disadvantages.
The introduction of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process of a higher educational institution creates new opportunities for the implementation of the didactic principles of individualization and differentiation of education, has a positive effect on the
development of students' cognitive activity, their creative activity, consciousness, realizes the conditions for the transition from learning to self-education. According to this approach, an integrative indicator of the
quality of training of future specialists is their professional competence - a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, ideological and civic qualities, moral and ethical values that determine a person's ability to successfully carry out professional and further educational activities. This requires the use of innovative pedagogical technologies based on a new philosophy of education, associated with the approval of an understanding of the essence of the educational process, when the emphasis is shifted from the final result to the process of its creation, focusing the participants' attention on the efforts made, on the self-assessment of achievements. Thus, conditions are created that ensure the prolonged formation of the competencies of future specialists. Blended learning is considered one of the promising areas of education development in the modern world. The problem of using blended learning technology in a modern Ukrainian university is becoming topical. Blended learning is considered one of the promising areas of education development in the modern world. The problem of using blended learning technology in a modern Ukrainian university is becoming topical. Blended learning is considered one of the promising areas of education development in the modern world.
Purpose: to analyze the organization of the educational process in the context of higher education using blended learning.
Blended learning is "a teaching system that combines face-to-face, distance learning and self-learning, including interaction between learning subjects and interactive sources of information, which reflects all components inherent in the educational process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) that function continuously. interacting with each other, forming a single whole". In addition, blended learning is a purposeful process of acquiring knowledge, acquiring skills and abilities, mastering the methods of cognitive activity by the subject of learning and developing his creative abilities based on the complex and systematic use of traditional, innovative pedagogical technologies and information and communication technologies of learning on the principles of mutual complementarity with the aim of improving the quality of education.
There are 4 models of blended learning: rotational, flexible, self-mixing and deep virtual.
1.Rotary model
In this model, students are on duty online and offline according to a specific schedule or teacher's instructions. These parts may include: small group or whole class work, group projects, one-to-one work with a teacher (s), and writing assignments.
The rotary model contains four subspecies:
2. Rotation by station
In this model, studentswork in the classroom and pass separate stations according to a certain schedule. That is, various activities are on duty: group work, work on a project, and work with a teacher. They must perform some of the tasks online. Stations can cover individual or group work as well as whole class work.
A distinctive feature of this model is that all students must complete all stations. The division of students into groups and individual instruction by the
teacher (koi) are very flexible. Therefore, groups can change during the school year depending on the needs of the students.
Station Rotation is the most popular model among US schools. Its advantage is the ability to minimize equipment costs. After all, parts of the students take turns working with electronic devices, and not the whole class.
Working in small groups with a teacher (coy) provides an in-depth understanding of the subject. And working online after that allows you to consolidate new information and repeat half-forgotten lessons.
3. Rotation by laboratories
The model is similar to the previous one, but in it the students do not change within the classroom, but within the educational institution. One of the stations does not just work online, but work in a separate room - a laboratory.
this model is the most popular in Brazil, Malaysia and South Africa. It is easier for these countries to equip a separate room with computers than to provide a tablet or smartphone for each student.
The advantage of this model is the ability for the teacher to provide instruction to the entire class at the same time. If a certain group of students is experiencing difficulties, the teacher can immediately work with them separately. Therefore, this model is most similar to the traditional teaching model, in which the teacher works with the entire class at the same time.
4. Flipped class
With this model, students, according to a specific schedule, change the online part of the house to the offline part in the classroom. That is, at home they learn theoretical material and watch lectures. And in the classroom, they work with a teacher or in groups on practical tasks and projects.
If the lecture remains revised or incomprehensible, doing the hands-on exercises will help to show the knowledge gaps and better explain the material.
The advantage of such a system is that the educational institution does not have to additionally purchase equipment, because the students use it at home. In addition, the teacher can independently make instructional videos for his students, depending on their level and needs.
In our opinion, the goal of blended learning is to combine the advantages of traditional and distance learning with the use of the capabilities of a learning environment where students and teachers can carry out the process of learning and learning in a convenient environment; the teacher briefly explains the educational material and dwells on difficult moments in the classroom, students study other things on their own; both eye and online consultations are carried out. Students in the classroom spend more time practicing skills.
This organization of training has a number of advantages:
- students can independently acquire new knowledge using electronic resources at a convenient time for themselves, and in the classroom, in communication with the teacher and classmates, practice new skills;
- students study at a convenient time and place (flexibility and availability); - allows you to balance the basic and related knowledge of students through independent study of the theoretical materials offered by the teacher and the implementation of additional tasks, that is, the process of organizing the independent cognitive activity of students takes place;
- variety in the choice of forms of organization of training;
- organization of group educational activities: joint work on projects, conducting discussions, seminars organized in the form of electronic teleconferences, forums, the process of developing online communication skills is taking place;
- stimulates the development of self-education skills among students (forms a responsible attitude to learning, time planning, choosing the pace of mastering educational material, etc.);
- takes into account the individual characteristics of students in the perception and processing of educational material;
- expands the circle of students (enrichment of opportunities for distance learning and external studies, attracting foreign students, the possibility of teaching people with disabilities);
- the use of modern software and hardware, which makes training more effective;
- using new tools and teaching methods, building new teaching models;
- allows you to more fully use the potential of the educational material;
- accountability and transparency of the results of educational activities of students (all stages of educational and cognitive activities of students and the assessment of their results are reflected on electronic media and are available to all participants in the educational process);
- the costs of organizing the educational process are significantly reduced (cost-effectiveness).
In addition, there are the benefits of blended learning, improve the teaching process:
- the student learns to prepare for the lesson;
- motivation of students increases;
- emphasis is placed on advanced learning;
- efficient use of time;
- flexibility of training;
- it is easier to analyze the achievements of each student;
- advanced diagnostic tools;
- interactivity; - training in teams;
- work from home;
- saving money by reducing travel;
- varied learning opportunities.
Currently, there are problems in the implementation of blended learning.
• Technology challenges:
- providing participants in the educational process with technologies, means a step-by-step introduction of technologies into the educational process (from simple to complex)
- resistance to the desire to use technology because it is available.
• Organizational challenges: - overcoming the belief that blended learning is not as effective as traditional classroom learning;
- management and monitoring of student progress.
• Instructional / design challenges:
- look at how to teach, not what to teach (careful planning should determine at what stages cooperation is necessary, and at which work in the network or work in the classroom)
- delivery of the learning environment to achieve the goal (it is necessary to carefully define the goals using.;
- implementation of online interactive exercises;
- providing the student with requirements for assessing performance in individual tasks and in the course as a whole;
- ensuring the coordination of all elements of the course, this means that the methodological instructions should contain answers to frequently asked questions, contact information, schedule and procedure for studying the course material.
For the successful organization of blended learning, the following disadvantages must be foreseen and avoided:
• ineffective time management;
• lack of self-discipline;
• technical problems;
• cooperation problems;
• low quality of educational material.
An important factor is the formation of sustainable motivation for educational and cognitive activities, which must be maintained throughout the entire learning process. The teacher should stimulate self-control, encourage and develop various ways of productive collaboration with students. Having made an analysis of the peculiarities of using the mixed form of education, we can conclude that its great advantage is that it allows taking into account the individual learning style: the level, type of cognitive abilities, the speed of mastering the material, ensures the involvement of students in educational activities, and increases academic performance. The downside to blended learning is the misconception that the use of Internet technology obviates the need for full-time education. Using the possibilities of Internet resources, students believe that they have already mastered everything, and they do not need further mastery of knowledge at the university in person. Of course, the introduction of blended learning requires a lot of effort. This is both the need to amend the regulatory framework, and investments in the development of the necessary educational content and retraining of personnel.
Conclusions: The development of a blended form of education provides more opportunities for the implementation of the educational process and can become one of the key areas of modernization of education in higher educational institutions.
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