Информатика. Экономика. Управление// Informatics. Economics. Management
2023; 2(2) http://oajiem.com/
УДК: 004.021, 378.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47813/2782-5280-2023-2-2-0214-0223
Инструменты разработки веб-ориентированных информационных систем при индивидуальном обучении
Красноярский краевой Дом науки и техники Российского союза научных и инженерных общественных объединений, г. Красноярск, Россия Красноярский государственный аграрный университет, Красноярск, Россия
Аннотация. В статье поднимается вопрос влияния технических инноваций и цифровых технологий промышленных революций на развитие отрасли образования в разрезе индивидуального обучения, приводится краткая характеристика образовательной парадигмы в контексте технологического базиса и обуславливается актуальность применения веб-ориентированных информационных систем как наиболее перспективной технологии при обучении с учетом индивидуальных особенностей обучающегося. Рассмотрены методы проектирования, которые лежат в основе инструментальных средств разработки веб-ориентированных информационных систем, основные инструменты, в том числе конструкторы сайтов, CMS, фреймворки и библиотеки, выделены достоинства и недостатки, даны рекомендации по применению в зависимости от типа разрабатываемого сайта.
Ключевые слова: промышленная революция, индивидуальное обучение, образовательная парадигма, веб-ориентированная информационная система, no-code, low-code, pro-code, конструктор, CMS, библиотека, фреймворк.
Для цитирования: Яблокова, A. A. (2023). Инструменты разработки веб-ориентированных информационных систем при индивидуальном обучении. Информатика. Экономика. Управление - Informatics. Economics. Management, 2(2), 0214-0223. https://doi.org/10.47813/2782-5280-2023-2-2-0214-0223
Tools for developing web-based information systems for
individual training
А.А. Яблокова
A.A. Yablokova
Krasnoyarsk Regional Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations, Krasnoyarsk, Russia Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
© A.A. Яблокова, 2023
Abstract. The article is devoted to the impact of technical innovations and digital technologies of industrial revolutions on the development of the education industry in the context of individual learning, provides a brief description of the educational paradigm in the context of the technological basis and determines the relevance of using web-based information systems as the most promising technology in teaching, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student. The design methods that underlie the development tools for web-based information systems, the main tools, including website builders, CMS, frameworks and libraries, are considered, advantages and disadvantages are highlighted, recommendations for use are given depending on the type of site being developed.
Keywords: industrial revolution, individual training, educational paradigm, web-based information system, no-code, low-code, pro-code, website builder, CMS, library, framework.
For citation: Yablokova, A. A. (2023). Tools for developing web-based information systems for individual training. Informatics. Economics. Management, 2(2), 0214-0223. https://doi.org/10.47813/2782-5280-2023-2-2-0214-0223
In each historical epoch the system of scientific knowledge appears as a corresponding paradigm. Depending on the system of social values accepted by society, the fundamental initial conditions of the classical paradigm changed within the framework of various fields of scientific knowledge. The changes taking place in social structures and the dynamics of their values are associated with industrial revolutions.
The world has survived three industrial revolutions and is on the verge of a fourth. The main consequence of the first industrial revolution is industrialization [1]. One of the social aspects of the transition from an agrarian or traditional to an industrial society includes changes in the institution of education and the educational paradigm [2]. The educational paradigm in a general sense is a working model of the organization of the educational and training process, the main questions in determining which are: what, how and for what purposes a person is taught and educated in a certain period of time. Education is a way of social formation of a person, without which the functioning of both society as a whole and an individual human person is impossible. In this sense, education is a way to resolve the contradiction between "general" and "individual", within which the question of the approach to the educational process and its object is raised [3].
In a traditional society the division of labor zones were remote from each other and corresponded to a certain social stratum. Social stratification was built on the basis of the uneven distribution of scarce resources of society, including education, which in an agrarian society was predominantly elitist and accessible to representatives of the highest level of social
stratification. For representatives of the lower levels, training was of a narrowly applied nature and was considered in the context of acquiring practical knowledge and skills for the implementation of specific work activities. Although the fundamental principles of the formation of human individuality appeared in training and education, they were aimed at preparing for life in a certain stratum at the level of relevant ideological attitudes, postulates and dogmas, including taking into account the religious aspect. There is no individual approach to learning based on individual personality traits (interests, needs, abilities, intelligence, etc.). [4-5].
Industrialization led to the destruction of the estate system, which was replaced by a class system. Changes in the structure of society, urbanization and the emergence of new professions due to technological progress have led to an increase in the number of jobs, and as a result, it became necessary to change the existing principles of education. In an industrial society, the zones of division of labor, in contrast to an agrarian society, had a certain common basis, thanks to which the idea of the right to affordable education and universal literacy appears, and the concept of a mass education system is born. In this concept, education is not highly specialized and is presented as a kind of general basis, having studied which, in the future, it is possible to master the main set of professions, and professional skills correlate with the knowledge gained in the process of studying the specifics of a particular profession. The ideas of the educational system contained the inadmissibility of leveling the personality, the need for comprehensive development and individual characteristics of each person for the benefit of the development of the state, in which the need for individualization is transferred to the national-state level, and the interests of society acquire a personal character [6-8].
The second industrial revolution brought about changes in the composition and level of training of workers, continuing the development of mass training. The technological breakthrough and the emergence of new industries required qualified specialists, so the paradigm of the industrial society was focused primarily on the streaming and assimilation of practical and scientific, unambiguously interpreted knowledge [9].
The third industrial revolution was the beginning of the transition from industrial to post-industrial society. In the conditions of the formation and development of the information society, the new paradigm of education means a rejection of the interpretation of education as from obtaining ready-made knowledge for the benefit of the state and society and takes the form of self-realization of the individual through the introduction of information and communication technologies in education, which changes the goals, conceptual and
terminological apparatus and the content of the educational process, correlating with such concepts as informatization, digitalization and digital transformation. The fourth industrial revolution continues the development direction of the third industrial revolution, but with a closer interconnection of technologies, in contact with the ideas of digital transformation [8].
In the context of the technological basis, the educational paradigm of the post-industrial society provides for the informatization of education, i.e. implementation of a set of measures to transform pedagogical processes through the introduction of modern technologies as auxiliary tools in traditional teaching methods and forms of organizing the educational process, its digitalization, i.e. a qualitative change in the forms of obtaining knowledge, in which technology is considered as a factor in increasing the availability of education, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student and the quality of knowledge, and digital transformation, i.e. revision of educational strategies. The effectiveness of technology implementation directly affects the results of informatization, digitalization and digital transformation, which include improving the quality and changing the content of education, so the issue of implementing the technical component is relevant.
It should be noted that in the paradigm of a post-industrial society, information is considered as a fundamental strategic resource, which makes it one of the most demanded and defining technologies in any field of activity for processing and managing data, as well as those used for their storage, transmission and distribution.
One of the aspects of technical implementation in the context of learning, taking into account individual characteristics, is the choice of an information system for learning based on the needs of a certain category of students and the level of the educational program being acquired, in connection with which existing and new tools for developing information systems for individual learning (t .e. systems for working with data), including for web-based information systems, and the issue of choosing software tools for developing various types of Internet resources for individual learning, depending on a number of factors, remains open, the solution of which is given quite a lot of attention by researchers in the field of information technology.
Web-oriented information systems include websites of educational institutions, platforms and services for online learning, educational platforms for online courses, digital encyclopedias, information and reference systems, multidisciplinary and industry databases,
portals, electronic archives, electronic catalogs of libraries, electronic library systems, electronic libraries, sites containing announcements and information about scientific events [10].
Web-oriented information systems or sites for individual learning differ in subject matter, structure, functionality, purpose and development method. Methods and design tools are considered in the context of the development method.
It is noted that when choosing tools for developing web-oriented information systems, developers are guided by a number of criteria, in particular, the type of site, the site architecture, which consists of a client (user interface implementation, generation of user requests to the server and processing of received responses) and server (storage, protection and access to data, receiving incoming requests, generating and sending a response to user requests) parts and functions required from a web-oriented information system, current trends observed in web development recently and web standards used for development, correct operation and maintenance of sites [11].
There are three approaches to the design and development of web-based information systems: No-code or zero-code, low-code and pro-code or classical programming [12-13]:
• No-code is a drag-and-drop method of simplified design and development of websites in a visual IDE that does not require writing code: the user selects GUI components from ready-made platform templates, customizes them, fills blocks with multimedia and text content. Tasks on the server side of the system are configured and processed automatically by the platform.
• Low-code, like zero-code, is based on the principle of visual modeling, but is a more flexible method, because is not limited to platform libraries and allows the possibility of editing the source code and integrating with the new one.
• The pro-code method involves the development of a site by writing code in programming languages using development environments implemented in these languages.
Previously, before the ubiquity of web technologies, layout and programming, as well as filling websites with text and multimedia content, were carried out by developers in accordance with the pro-code method, i.e. manually. In rare cases, the first IDEs were used, but mostly the sites were developed using text editors (for example, the Notepad program on the Windows operating system) by adding special tags for markup to the file, connecting and filling in style sheets that set the parameters for the graphic design of elements, and scripts, responsible for performing specific tasks. Manual site development required basic web technologies such as HTML hypertext markup language, CSS web page appearance description language, and a cross-platform object-oriented scripting language used to create interactive JavaScript web pages. With the development of programming languages and technologies, various tools have appeared that allow the development of web-oriented information systems according to the principles of no-code and low-code, among which are the following: website builders, CMS, frameworks and libraries.
Constructors or SaaS platforms are specialized online platforms that allow you to develop web-based information systems in a visual editor using ready-made templates and design patterns with the possibility of customizing them and connecting a number of modules and third-party integrations, but limited in terms of making changes to the original the code [14-15]. Website development is carried out according to the no-code principle, completely in automatic mode and does not require knowledge of basic web technologies, allowing you to work with the implementation of GUI tasks on the client side of the information system, but the server part of the site for users working with the platform is closed and available only to platform developers, Accordingly, not all tasks that the system must solve can be implemented on the server side, limited by the capabilities of the functional modules and services of the platform used. Many SaaS platforms provide a choice of tariff plans, depending on which users have different options, so the main advantage of a platform solution is the development of a relatively high-quality website at a low cost. It should be noted that in addition to online platforms, there are free and shareware website builders with local installation and hosting, similar in capabilities to SaaS platforms. But SaaS platforms and local site builders are not flexible enough in terms of design and development, and if, in accordance with the terms of reference for the development of the site, niche and innovative solutions are supposed to be
introduced into the project, then another tool should be used, SaaS is recommended to be used in simple projects.
CMS is a software that is installed and configured on a local server or hosting, with the help of which websites are created and edited, content is added and managed. As a rule, CMS are quite versatile and it is possible to create standard sites of various types on them, the functionality of which is built into the system, but with a certain amount of customization. Content management systems have more flexible and advanced functionality compared to SaaS platforms and local website builders, customization extends not only to graphic design, but also to functionality, allowing you to install scripts, plug-ins and extensions depending on the direction of the project with the possibility of optimization according to the principle low-code, but still not allowing to go beyond the capabilities of the platform used and in some cases causing problems with system performance. CMS allow you to solve problems on the client and server sides of the system [16-17].
A framework is a software platform for developing websites that defines a unified structure and architecture of the system and provides interaction between its components, based on the pro-code method. Most often, frameworks work with complex projects, so the main purpose of the framework is to simplify the solution of typical tasks specific to specific web-based information systems and programming languages, and free up time to work with tasks that require non-trivial approaches. Unlike CMS, the framework contains only software modules and technologies, the developer adds components and functions, taking into account the logic of a particular project. The main advantages of using the framework, if supported by development organizations, include stability, speed, ease of maintenance and adjustments. The disadvantages of using frameworks include limitations in the architecture and, in some cases, the problem of reliability and security associated with the fact that some frameworks are open source [18-21].
A library is a set of ready-made functions and classes that is used to solve specific problems in a specific subject area within a project. Libraries are not an independent development tool, but only an addition used in conjunction with CMS and frameworks [22].
Thus, the analysis of tools for developing web-based information systems for individual training allows drawing the following conclusions. It is recommended to use SaaS solutions when developing simple projects, in which user scenarios for working with data presented in
the information system database are available without registration and do not contain modules for working with a personal account, which include websites of educational institutions, digital encyclopedias and sites containing announcements and information about scientific events.
Resources that provide access to the full use of the functionality of services after user registration and authorization require constant technical support and updating of software components, as well as the availability of technical documentation, therefore, for complex web projects, frameworks and CMS are most often used, which include the largest part web-oriented information systems for individual learning: platforms and services for online learning, educational platforms for online courses, information and reference systems, multidisciplinary and industry databases, portals, electronic archives, electronic catalogs of libraries, electronic library systems, electronic libraries.
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Яблокова Алена Александровна,
младший научный сотрудник, Красноярский краевой Дом науки и техники Российского союза научных и инженерных общественных объединений, г. Красноярск, Россия; аспирант, Красноярский государственный аграрный университет, г. Красноярск, Россия e-mail: [email protected]
Alena Yablokova,
Junior researcher, Krasnoyarsk Regional Science and Technology City Hall of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; post-graduate of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasniyarsk, Russia e-mail: [email protected]
Статья поступила в редакцию 02.05.2023; одобрена после рецензирования 29.05.2023; принята
к публикации 02.06.2023.
The article was submitted 02.05.2023; approved after reviewing 29.05.2023; accepted for publication