УДК 316.77:378-054.6
E.Yu. Gagarina Е.Ю. Гагарина
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of communicative behavior of a multicultural personality of a foreign student. Modern processes of globalization and internationalization have a significant impact on the development of higher education in all countries of the world. The article presents the relevance of the development of the communicative behavior of the multicultural personality of a foreign student. The author analyzes the content of the concepts of "communicative behavior", "multicultural personality" and offers the definition of "multicultural personality of a foreign student". The functional components that are necessary for the development of the multicultural personality of a foreign student are listed and examples of factors that reduce the level of communicative behavior are given.
Key words: communicative behavior, intercultural interaction, culture, multicultural personality, multicultural personality of a foreign student, educational environment, social adaptation, language.
Статья посвящена проблеме формирования коммуникативного поведения поликультурной личности иностранного обучающегося. Современные процессы глобализации и интернационализации оказывают значительное влияние на развитие системы высшего образования всех стран мира. В статье представлена актуальность развития коммуникативного поведения поликультурной личности иностранного обучающегося. Автор анализирует содержание понятий «коммуникативное поведение», «поликультурная личность» и предлагает определение «поликультурная личность иностранного обучающегося». Перечислены функциональные компоненты, которые необходимы для развития поликультурной личности иностранного обучающегося, и приведены примеры факторов, снижающих уровень коммуникативного поведения.
Ключевые слова: коммуникативное поведение, межкультурное взаимодействие, культура, поликультурная личность, поликультурная личность иностранного обучающегося, образовательная среда, социальная адаптация, язык.
Since the beginning of the 2000s, extensive processes of globalization and internationalization have been rapidly developing, resulting, among other things, in
ISSN 2712-9519. ЛИНГВИСТИКА И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. 2020 №1 (1). increased interest of universities in the education of foreign citizens. Internationalization is a long process in which the present socio-cultural reality offers intercultural interaction in the educational system in various conditions of cultural diversity and standardization. The internationalization of higher education increases the importance of the multicultural education of foreign students. In recent years, researchers have focused on the multicultural education of foreign citizens as students of Russian universities and the multicultural personality of a foreign student. Thus, the issues of communicative behavior of the personality of a foreign student, as well as formed communication skills and the possibility of their application, acquire a great importance.
We consider it is necessary to clarify such concepts as "multicultural personality" and "multicultural personality of a foreign student". We find interesting Yu.V. Agranat's definition of a "multicultural personality" as a tolerant person, with a highly developed sense of empathy, emotionally stable, able to live in a multinational world, interact with people of different cultural, racial, ethnic, or other groups, successfully function in a diverse modern society [1, p. 59]. The opposite point of view is expressed by G.B. Kuchikova: "A multicultural person refers to a creative, humanistic, bilingual, ethno-tolerant person with formed culture-forming values, possessing cultural competence, self-identification, intercultural communication skills in cultural pluralistic environment, adaptation to other cultural values, capable of creating material and spiritual wealth. A multicultural person is a subject with a positive self-concept" [3, p. 38], and L.V. Ivanova believes that "when speaking of multiculturalism as the ability to engage in dialogue, to understand a person of a different culture, to accept him the way he is, and also as the possibility of enriching his own culture, when understanding another we enrich ourselves. We believe that multiculturalism is one of the effective means of confronting the negative consequences of globalization" [2, p. 83].
After examining various sources we came to the conclusion that a multicultural
person is a tolerant person, presumably bilingual, able to develop in a multicultural
space. We perceive a multicultural person as a person who has a high level of 92
ISSN 2712-9519. ЛИНГВИСТИКА И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. 2020. № 1 (1) development of spiritual and moral values, labor skills, is in constant search for new information, in the stage of self-improvement and development, with the ability and skills to correctly assess the events of the international life of society and the state taking into account spiritual and moral values of the individual.
We take into account that the concept of a multicultural personality of a foreign student is complex and multidimensional; it also includes many components, criteria, parameters and a whole system of personal qualities. It is necessary to clarify the subject of understanding the multicultural personality of a foreign student - this is a foreign citizen who is staying on the territory of the Russian Federation and is studying at a university. Note that for a foreign citizen, foreign language proficiency (English, Russian, French, Arabic, Spanish, etc.) opens up wide possibilities: mobility in intercultural space, communication and mutual understanding, openness, and in-touch capabilities. It should be noted that in this article we take as multicultural personality of a foreign student a foreign citizen who has arrived to study at a higher educational institution on the territory of the Russian Federation.
For the successful implementation of the educational process, a foreign citizen must have: multicultural qualities, a basic level of knowledge of the language and culture of the host country, non-confrontational attitude, respect and understanding of this culture, as well as knowledge of the rules for staying as a foreign citizen in the state. [5, p. 99]. We are interested in the process of formation of communicative behavior and multicultural personality skills of a foreign student.
I.A. Sternin's research in the field of studying a model for describing communicative behavior offers to consider communicative behavior as a set of norms and traditions of communication of a nation, of social, age, gender, professional and other groups, as well as of individuals. The author stresses that "the communicative factor is a unit of communicative parameters, on the basis of which one can describe the communicative behavior of a multicultural personality" [7, p. 8].
According to the scientist, we present the practical orientation of this article as
the verbal and non-verbal communicative behavior of the multicultural personality of
a foreign student in standard communicative situations (meeting, greeting,
ISSN 2712-9519. ЛИНГВИСТИКА И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. 2020 №1 (1). acquaintance, leave-taking, apology, congratulation, prohibition, refusal, remark, prompting, compliment, etc.) to the following communication areas: communication with teachers at the university, communication with foreign citizens, communication in a cafe, communication on the street, communication in the spare time, written communication, telephone communication, etc. Gestures (affirmation, denial, consent, disagreement, request, joy, grief) can be attributed to non-verbal communicative behavior.
The main difficulty for foreign citizens of near and far abroad studying in a Russian university consist in the fact that learning or improving the form of communicative behavior is supported by disciplines developed and implemented as an addition to the curriculum of educational programs in terms of addition of hours of the Russian language due to the variable and elective disciplines, as well as the teaching of the discipline "Russian as a Foreign Language". The difficulties include the level of students' involvement in the educational process and the socio-educational environment of the university.
The prospect for solving this problem consists in the participation of foreign students in Olympiads, conferences, creative and musical evenings, where communication in the language of culture takes place. That is, cognitive conditions through communicative behavior are sustained, during which the analysis of the information received, comparison, acceptance or denial, juxtaposition occurs. Thus, the result of all these processes is the knowledge gained about the foreign language culture, which helps the multicultural personality of foreign students to learn more about the country's culture. [6, p. 49].
It is necessary to clarify that in the present article we do not dwell on the problem of adaptation of foreign citizens studying at a university; we conclude that the quality of their professional training is affected by socio-cultural adaptation both in the host country and in the educational institution. Attention to the above issue in higher education institutions of the Russian Federation is relevant.
In our opinion, the presence of modern gadgets fitted with such programs as
Google Translator, Yandex Translator and others, significantly reduces the 94
ISSN 2712-9519. ЛИНГВИСТИКА И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. 2020. № 1 (1) development of communication skills among foreign students. In turn, this "simplified" approach violates the verbal and cogitative process of a multicultural personality, simplifies, reduces and supplants communicative behavior in socio-cultural spheres. It is not difficult for a foreign citizen who does not speak Russian to make purchases, due to the fact that at present every city has chain stores where one can make purchases without engaging in dialogue with sellers and cashiers, and make payments by bank transfer. Leisure or free time is not spent visiting the theater or cinema; but due to the lack a sufficient level of language proficiency, to understand what happening, companies of like-minded is people are forming groups where communication takes place in their native language. In the studied problems of communicative behavior, the central issues are the need for work upon multicultural education of foreign students. Our own observations and special studies in this regard showed that for all conditions created for the convenience of a modern person, it is necessary to use a differentiated approach, for example, replace the use of an electronic translator with a dictionary, through which one can increase his vocabulary. However, new challenges put forward new approaches to their solution in the education system as well. In this article, we intentionally draw attention to the problem of the formation of the communicative behavior of the multicultural personality of a foreign student. We believe that the complex of all types of work in this direction (increasing in-class hours in the field of "Russian as a Foreign Language", active work on the social adaptation of foreign citizens studying at the university, the opportunity to have a permanent communicative contact, involvement in events held at the university and in the city and much more) will significantly improve the results.
Summing up, we should note that the key task of the multicultural personality
of a foreign student is the preservation and mutual development of cultural values.
The multicultural personality of a foreign student is a multifaceted personality with a
dual nature, who speaks at least two languages (the language of the state of his
citizenship and dialects). The study of the Russian language as a means of
intercultural interaction, which is necessary for educational activities in the Russian
ISSN 2712-9519. ЛИНГВИСТИКА И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ. 2020 №1 (1). Federation, plays a great role for the intellectual development of a multicultural personality in modern society. The motivating factor, in our opinion, is the knowledge of the language, words, expressions related to everyday realities. The formation of a multicultural personality of a foreign student, capable of cultural communication, should become a necessary component of the formation of a professional personality in the process of studying at a university.
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УДК 81:372.881
Т.В. Дроздова T. V. Drozdova
В статье обосновывается рациональность обращения к ментальным форматам репрезентации экспертного знания, выполняющим роль когнитивных доминант, и средствам их объективации на уровне языкового сознания профессионального сообщества при обучении специализированному иностранному языку. Рекомендуется проводить анализ содержания профессиональных понятий и категорий на практических занятия, сравнивая иноязычные и русскоязычные языковые средства их репрезентации. В качестве примера приводится анализ экономического концепта COMPANY/КОМПАНИЯ.
Ключевые слова: экспертное знание, когнитивные доминанты, концептуальный признак, языковая репрезентация, термин, иностранный язык для специальных целей, обучение.
It is argued in the paper that in teaching foreign language for special purposes it is quite reasonable to refer to dominant formats of expert knowledge representation as they not only activate the mental image of the professional field, but also provide for better acquisition offoreign language units which objectify cognitive structures. The author suggests conducting analysis of special concepts and categories in class for the students to compare verbal means of their representation in foreign an native languages. Analysis of the economic concept COMPANY/КОМПАНИЯ is given in the paper.
Key words: expert knowledge, dominant concepts, conceptual features, verbal representation, term, foreign language for special purposes, teaching.