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Ключевые слова
information and communication technologies (ICT) / vocal skills / application of new technologies / internet tools / electronic educational resources / информационно-коммуникативные технологии (ИКТ) / вокальное мастерство / применение новых технологий / интернет-средства / электронно-образовательные ресурсы / ақпараттық-коммуникативтік технологиялар (АКТ) / вокалдық шеберлік / жаңа технологияларды қолдану / интернет-құралдар / электрондық-білім беру ресурстары

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — G. G. Sapargalieva

The learning process in today’s world is impossible without the use of the latest means of information technology, which in the scientific world of pedagogy is usually referred to as «information and communication technologies» (ICT). The accessibility and widespread use of ICT tools provide a huge advantage and a great help to the work of modern educators. The use of modern high-tech learning tools makes it possible to strengthen the personalization of instruction, bring the teacher’s relationship with the student to a qualitatively different level of interaction, expand access to diverse training materials, and reduce the time required to find and mutual exchange the necessary information. This article discusses the features of the use of some information and communication technologies in vocal skills classes at the T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

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Процесс обучения на современном этапе невозможен без применения новейших средств информационных технологий, которые в научном мире педагогики принято обозначать как «информационно-коммуникативные технологии» (ИКТ). Доступность и широкая распространенность средств ИКТ является огромным преимуществом и большим подспорьем в работе современных педагогов. Использование современных высокотехнологичных средств обучения позволяет усилить персонализацию обучения, вывести связь педагога с обучаемым на качественно иной уровень взаимодействия, расширить доступ к разноплановым учебным материалам, сократить время на поиск необходимой информации и ее взаимообмен. В настоящей статье рассматриваются особенности внедрения некоторых информационно-коммуникативных технологий на занятиях по вокальному мастерству в Казахской национальной академии искусств им. Т. К. Жургенова.




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'T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts (Almaty, Kazakhstan)



The learning process in today's world is impossible without the use of the latest means of information technology, which in the scientific world of pedagogy is usually referred to as «information and communication technologies» (ICT). The accessibility and widespread use of ICT tools provide a huge advantage and a great help to the work of modern educators. The use of modern high-tech learning tools makes it possible to strengthen the personalization of instruction, bring the teacher's relationship with the student to a qualitatively different level of interaction, expand access to diverse training materials, and reduce the time required to find and mutual exchange the necessary information. This article discusses the features of the use of some information and communication technologies in vocal skills classes at the T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts.

Keywords: information and communication technologies (ICT), vocal skills, application of new technologies, internet tools, electronic educational resources.

Introduction with the present. The introduction of

Currently, all participants of the innovations in contemporary art and

educational process in an art university culture, on the one hand, and science

are required to maximize performance and technological progress, on the other

in connection with the need to comply hand, is the foundation for preparing

students for successful entry into life. In the conditions of following the main trends of the Bologna system of teacher training for the contact hour, it is necessary not only to provide the material, but also to consolidate it, teaching the student to apply the knowledge [1]. The main task at the same time remains not to overload the lesson psychologically - to maximize the level of interest and desire to attend classes on the subject of «Solo Singing» for students studying in the specialization of «Actor of Musical Theater», «Musical Artist» and «Vocal», as well as for actors of drama theater and cinema. In order to achieve the tasks set for the vocal teacher, it is important to use the entire arsenal provided to the modern person, including the achievements of information technology. Currently, there are all prerequisites to make learning as interesting, effective and, most importantly, successful as best possible.


The goals and objectives of the present art university are inextricably linked with the requirements of society, which at the present stage of development has increased the use of various computer technologies. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education» contains article, which guarantees that «the state provides the conditions for creating the information and communication infrastructure of e-learning using information and communication technologies» [2]. In the conditions of scientific and technological progress, the role of the teacher is changing, which is to help the student navigate the world of diverse information. The variety and increase in the volume of information, which may not always be professional and reliable, strengthens the role of a

modern teacher not just as one of the sources of knowledge, but as a mentor who is called upon to help and guide students in mastering the knowledge, skills of the vocal cantus according to the program, approved for each student. Therefore, a modern teacher is required to constantly improve their skills in using computer technology in education. «In a rapidly changing world and an increase in the flow of information, fundamental subject knowledge is an indispensable, but not sufficient, goal of education. Students should not just master the sum of knowledge, skills that the system of Kazakhstani education is aimed at (scientism). It is much more important and more difficult to instill in students the ability to independently obtain, analyze, structure and effectively use information for maximum self-realization and beneficial participation in society (competence)», the State Program for the Development of Education says [3].


In Kazakhstan, the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the education system, including in universities, is carried out within the framework of the state policy of informatization of society and education. Informatization of society is stated as the most important mechanism for the formation of the competitiveness of the national economy in the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev «Kazakhstan's strategy of joining the world's 50 most competitive countries. Kazakhstan is on the threshold of a major breakthrough in its development».

With the introduction of computer technology in the learning process, a special study was carried out that showed

that the «use of ICT in education intensifies the educational process 3 times, while at the same time it improves education quality by 2-3 times, which is confirmed by scientists and teachers from different countries (USA - Seymour Papert, professor, founder of the pedagogical philosophy of constructionism; India - Abdul Wahid Khan, deputy director general of UNESCO, Russia - Research Institute for Informatization of Education of the Russian Academy of Education -Robert I.V., special study by Kaimin V.A .; Kazakhstan - scientific school of Professor G.K. Nurgalieva)» [4, p. 1].


At the same time, using Internet tools in vocal lessons, it is necessary to systematize information in order to facilitate its assimilation by students, as well as try to make maximum use of the diverse forms and methods of applying computer technologies. Practice shows that sometimes a student gets tired of the monotonous work when teaching vocals, his interest fades, and the work capacity coefficient at the lesson is significantly reduced. In the context of the growing problem of computer addiction among young people, the issue of maintaining the health of the student is an acute issue, therefore, it is worthwhile to adhere to reasonable restrictions on the continuous use of the computer in the classroom. It is important to maintain balance using dynamic pauses and eye exercises.

In the process of informatization of higher education, one should not underestimate the degree of preparedness of the university faculty for the use of ICT in the educational process, as well as the provision of teachers with material and technical means.

Almost any teacher of vocal training

has the opportunity to use audio, video, computer, video projector and other multimedia equipment in their work. A vocal teacher's lesson is never limited to voice training only. In order to engage students in the process of understanding the world of music, the teacher instills the skills of analysis of classical and modern musical works, the ability to immerse in the creative era of composers, make historical tours of countries, studying the features of the development of culture and art in different periods of time. During the training, the vocalist is required to create his own image of a musical work, for which it is necessary to use computer technologies in the lessons to visualize the emerging associations. However, often the possibilities of using ICT to increase the content of a training session are provided by educational institutions only in lip service. Equipping classrooms with computers, multimedia tools with Internet access, universities give teachers of vocal skills the opportunity to receive and use more information, including visual material, in their work.

The creation and use of electronic educational resources in vocal lessons helps students overcome difficulties in learning, and also creates favorable conditions for closer and more effective interaction between the teacher and the student in the educational process, allows them to feel comfortable in the new education format, and enhances the level of students in their general development, opens up the possibility of using information and communication technologies for self-education, motivating them to conduct independent and research activities. ICTs contribute not only to raising the level and quality of knowledge acquired by students, but also to developing professional, highly communicative skills

and abilities necessary for each person in the modern world.

In order to protect the health of students, classes using a computer should be carried out no more than two or three times a week on days of highest working capacity: for example, on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. After the lesson, students should conduct gymnastics for the eyes, since the continuous duration of work with a computer in the classroom for students should not exceed 20-25 minutes [5, p. 3].

The use of information and communication technologies should be considered taking into account the interests and development needs of students and meet certain requirements, in other words, they should:

1. Bear a research nature.

2. To be easy and affordable for independent student studies.

3. Develop a wide range of skills and perceptions.

4. Present a high technical level.

5. Correspond to age-related needs and personality characteristics of a student.

6. Arouse sincere interest and amusement.

7. Comply with sanitary standards and rules of use.

The use of modern educational technologies in teaching vocal art enriches the educational process, makes it more interesting and accessible, as much as possible helps to maintain the student's health, increases the effectiveness of his work on the voice. The effectiveness of modern educational technologies in the vocal sphere is beyond doubt, and tested in practice for a sufficient period of time, so it can be argued that: ICTs help to improve the level of training of vocalists.

Thus, information and communication technologies occupy a significant place in the modern university of art. The process of

computerization of education is considered as one of the significant advantages over traditional forms of conducting training sessions. So, according to the research of leading specialists in the field of computerization of education (E. Mashbits, A. Yakovlev, S. Guryev, etc.), information technologies significantly expand the learning opportunities of students, increase students' motivation to learn, and contribute to the most effective disclosure of their abilities and mental activities [6].

At the same time, at the state level, the standards of infocommunication infrastructure of universities have not been approved. It is regrettable that we have to admit the existence of restrictions in the implementation of the program of informatization of education in each particular university, caused to a large extent by the location of the university, as well as the difference in local conditions and financial capabilities. The presence of such problems jeopardizes the entire process of ICT implementation and requires the development of uniform conditions for informatization of the educational process in the country's universities, its typification.

The degree of ICT use and, as a result, the modern culture of communication skills and the skills of future specialists must comply with international standards, ensuring their competitiveness and willingness to master more advanced technologies. Today this is the main socio-pedagogical task, the solution of which will significantly affect the level of economic development of the state in the future.

However, computer technologies are poorly used in modern domestic vocal practice; the development of educational computer programs for singing is at a low level.


To increase the effectiveness of vocal training, it is necessary to intensify and stimulate the work of developing and using educational computer programs, in which it is necessary to observe the principles of expediency, combining traditional methods of teaching vocals using computer tools, taking into account the various needs and interests of a person, the difference in the ability to perceive and remember information, etc.

The introduction of computer technology in educational activities opens up great prospects for the development of the musical educational process, solving a number of significant tasks, such as: musicology, art history, research; methods for assessing learning outcomes; determination of the level of musical and vocal development of students; skills of using technical training aids; teaching programming, the creation of training computer programs in various musical disciplines.


1. Bologna process Wikipedia: free encyclopedia. - Miami Foundation, [2001] - 2010 / [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/%D0%91%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0% BD% D1% (Date of access 11.07.2019).

2. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education». Approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 No. 319-III. -URL: https://www.zakon.kz/141156-zakon-respubliki-kazakhstan-ot-27.html (Date of access: 11.04.2019).

3. On approval of the State Program for the Development of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019. - URL: https://egov. kz/cms/ru/law/list/ (Date of access: 11.04.2019).

4. «The strategy of informatization of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020». - 7 p. [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://pvroo.gov.kz/wp-content/ uploads/2017/01/1426049569442.docx (Date of access 11.07.2019).

5. «Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for working with sources of physical factors (computers and video terminals) that affect humans». - 8 p. [Internet resources] // Normative documents (informatization) // - URL: http://pvroo.gov.kz/?page_id=86/ (Date of access 11/07/2019)

6. History of the computerization of education [Electronic resource]. - URL:


https://studopedia.su/2_53429_istoriya-kompyuterizatsii-muzikalnogo- g

obucheniya.html. (Date of access 11/07/2019). g


F. F. Сапаргалиева

Т. К,. ЖYргенов атындагы Казац ¥лттыц внер Академиясы (Алматы, Казахстан)



Казiрп кезенде окыту процесiн жаца акпараттык технология куралдарынсыз елестету м^мкш емес, оларды педагогиканыц гылыми элемшде «акпараттык-коммуникатив™ технологиялар» деп айтады (АКТ). АКТ куралдарыньщ кол жетiмдiлiгi мен кецшен таралуы заманауи педагогтардыц жумысында Yлкен артыкшылыкка ие жэне оларга Yлкен демеу болып табылады. Казiрп замангы жогары технологиялык окыту куралдарын пайдалану окытуды дербестендiрудi кYшейтуге, педагопьщ бiлiм алушымен езара iс-эрекетiн сапалы децгешне шыгаруга, эртYрлi жоспарлы оку материалдарына KOлжетiмдiлiктi кецейтуге, кажеттi акпаратты iздеуге кететiн уакытты кыскартуга жэне езара алмасуга мYмкiндiк бередi. Осы макалада Т. К. ЖYргенов атындагы Казак улттык енер академиясында вокалдык шеберлiк сабактарына кейбiр акпараттык-коммуникативтiк технологияларды енгiзу ерекшелiктерi карастырылады.

ТYЙiн сездер: акпараттык-коммуникативтiк технологиялар (АКТ), вокалдык шеберлiк, жаца технологияларды колдану, интернет-куралдар, электрондык-бЫм беру ресурстары.

Г. Г. Сапаргалиева

Казахская национальная академия искусств им. Т. К. Жургенова (Алматы, Казахстан)



Процесс обучения на современном этапе невозможен без применения новейших средств информационных технологий, которые в научном мире педагогики принято обозначать как «информационно-коммуникативные технологии» (ИКТ). Доступность и широкая распространенность средств ИКТ является огромным преимуществом и большим подспорьем в работе современных педагогов. Использование современных высокотехнологичных средств обучения позволяет усилить персонализацию обучения, вывести связь педагога с обучаемым на качественно иной уровень взаимодействия, расширить доступ к разноплановым учебным материалам, сократить время на поиск необходимой информации и ее взаимообмен. В настоящей статье рассматриваются особенности внедрения некоторых информационно-коммуникативных технологий на занятиях по вокальному мастерству в Казахской национальной академии искусств им. Т. К. Жургенова. Ключевые слова: информационно-коммуникативные технологии (ИКТ), вокальное мастерство, применение новых технологий, интернет-средства, электронно-образовательные ресурсы.

Author's bio:

G. G. Sapargalieva — Doctor of arts, professor, Honored worker of Kazakhstan, Head of Department of Solo singing of the faculty of the Theatre art at the T. K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts (Almaty, Kazakhstan). e-mail: [email protected]

Автор туралы мэл1мет:

Г. F. Сапаргалиева — внертану докторы, профессор, Казак,станныц ецбек сщрген кайраткер^ Т. К. Жургенов атындагы Казак, улттык, внер академиясыньщ «Театр внерр> факультетшщ «Жеке эн салу» кафедрасыныц мецreрушiсi (Алматы, Казахстан). e-mail: [email protected]

Сведения об авторе:

Г. Г. Сапаргалиева — доктор искусствоведения, профессор, заслуженный деятель Казахстана, заведующая кафедрой «Сольное пение» факультета «Театральное искусство» Казахской национальной академии искусств им. Т. К. Жургенова (Алматы, Казахстан). e-mail: [email protected]

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