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helplessness when it comes to the issues of spiritual ex- live them artistically» [4, 46], which again does not
perience» [4, 46], and this crisis makes them «come allow to interpret this philosophical «experience» as
back to... noble and clean experience, wake them and purely subjective.
1. Makuhin P. G. Modern Russian debate on the scientific status of philosophy in the context of truth as characteristic of philosophical knowledge//European Applied Sciences, November-December, - 2013, - 12 - p. 114-115.
2. Ilyin I. A. Religious meaning of philosophy: Three speeches: 1914-1923/I. A. Ilyin//Ilyin I. A. Collection of works: In 10 v. V 3. - M.: Russkaya kniga, - 1994. - p. 15-88.
3. Ilyin I. A. Path to obviousness/I. A. Ilyin//Ilyin I. A. Collection of works: In 10 v. V 3. - M.: Russkaya kniga, 1994. - p. 381-560.
4. Ilyin I. A. Path ofspiritual renewal/I. A. Ilyin//Ilyin I. A. Path ofspiritual renewal/Composed, edited by O. A. Platonov. - M.: Institute of Russian civilization, - 2011. - p. 17-281.
Myakinnikov Sergey Petrovich, Kuzbass state technical University, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, faculty of economics and management E-mail: [email protected]
To the question about the role of psychological factors in the development of ecologically oriented outlook
Abstract: In the article discusses conscious and outside of conscious patterns, phenomena, processes of the human mind, which can serve as a prerequisite for the establishment of an ecological orientation worldview. Keywords: mind, consciousness, outside of conscious.
Psyche is the phenomenon of existence, it is characterized by its own special reality. We believe that is ontologically lawful to position the psyche as a mental reality. But whether the media psyche subject? Or agent of a carrier of consciousness? Eligible to carry the sphere outside of conscious subjectivism? V. P. Tugarinov believes that the subject of consciousness is at the same time, and the subject of the psyche [1, 32]. Therefore, between them there are no significant differences. Subjective qualities, i. e. individuality ideal has not only the mind of man, but all his psyche. Psyche as a reality encompasses such ontological phenomenon of consciousness and outside of conscious (subconscious and unconscious). The bearer of consciousness is the subject, so the reality of consciousness, from the perspective of ontology, subjective. The mentality of the subject has not only realized but also the unconscious contents. In addition to the reality of consciousness of the subject being his psyche is also being unconscious (or insufficiently conscious) mental states and processes. The latter form of relatively autonomous region of existence of the mental or subjective reality — the reality outside of conscious. In General, the psyche is difficult perfect system designed for the active
display images of the objective environment, and their properties, parties, creation on their basis of an adequate picture of the world, is needed to regulate his conduct and activities in this world.
Any living creature with the complicated behavior has to adapt to changing environmental conditions. This organism has psyche. The basis of the psyche that creature — specific interaction of the higher nervous activity of the organism and environmental factors. External objects affect analyzers, receptors (by type of incentives, stimuli), causing a backlash from the physiology of the nervous system. Stimula-irritable effects necessarily imply the reverse reaction of the organism, leading to act. In the simplest case, this interaction «stimulus-response» is carried out at the level of elementary exteroceptive (reflexes). In the case of mental human interaction with the world is complex mutual influences of the objects in the world and psychophysiological processes display and response to these impacts. In any case there is a change of the properties of states and nervous system responds to the impact of factors. These changes are imprinted as some traces that carry the information about these factors and their transformations. On the basis of this
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information, the body reflex or more difficult — at the level of the psyche — generates the appropriate action directed at the source of external influence (or to eliminate, avoid it, and its effects).
And especially the mental (and any reflex) response to environmental factors are determined primarily by the means of transmission, storage and mutations in the genetic information (genes). Heredity and variability of inherited traits primarily determines the specifics, range and other psychophysiological characteristics and sociomental reflection and feedback on call outside. Picture of
mental interaction with external factors is further complicated by participation in the development and implementation of information for successful orientation in the reality of the processes taking place in the so-called «inner spiritual world». The dynamics of this world is initiated and supported by the influences of the surrounding nature and the social environment. Filtering information from the outside world, higher mental — spiritual (conscious) processes and states allow more flexible and accurate control and full, perfect organization of practical interaction with objective reality (pic. 1).
Pic. 1. Interaction psyche and factors of the external and internal environment
So we get a General vision of the reasons for the functioning of the mind. The external world, being the habitat of the media psyche determines its genesis directly (working on it) and indirectly (through changing updating of hereditary information, and subjectively isaias, refracting in complex mechanisms outside of conscious and conscious working of the psyche). The reverse side of mental reflection — response, determiners genetically, finding an individual color during its spiritual processing entity embodied in action, appeal or to adjust their practical attitude to the world and the situation in it (source ecocentric world vision), or to eliminate the source that caused this action, change the effect of external factors (source anthropocentric worldview).
We should not forget about the interoreceptors that send signals from the inner organs, tissues, functional systems of the body. Interoceptive is to some extent an imprint of exteroceptive, as many internal bodily change is largely caused by external influences on the body, in fact, environmental factors. Impulses from the body in the psyche after their internal transformation are designed to give the subject, how to debug further practical cooperation with external entities.
Currently, increase the scope and accelerate the pace of substitution between natural and human environment they created a reality. Artificial habitats people is increasing almost exponentially year by year (from a pre-industrial society through an industrial to a postindustrial,
informational). This is related to the problems of mental reflection and regulation of what is happening in the outside world.
The human psyche is increasingly articulated not objectively changing according to their rules the world, and on man-made reality is artificially created items, events, virtual images. People, making increasingly artificial their environment, are not aware of the boundaries of intervention in the natural development of the world and their relationship with him. They also know very little and understand about the boundaries of intervention in the field have not humanized and already man-made by them in violation of the laws of the universe, the earth-nature. Many cases of this reverse intervention changed the world processes acquire the image of environmental problems, including problems of functioning of the organism and psyche, problems of interpersonal communication and social communication. The mentality that distort world, distorts itself, violates the rules of its work on psychophysical level. Such inadequate psyche moreover is distorted still applicable laws objectively changeable reality. Measure the inadequacy of these laws psyche equally artificiality of processed the information coming from the world of human culture.
The psyche, on the basis of the second law of thermodynamics, prevents the growth of entropy in the course of the evolution of nature. Its emergence and development ofhigher organisms, the person is a bright example
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of internal teleologism nature. She appears at the highest stage of development of living nature, serving as evidence of a trend towards appropriate development. In turn, this trend is a manifestation of common synergistic regularities excretion of entropy outside the complex dissipative structure (which is a living organism), capable of self-regulation. I mean the maintenance of internal order, the properties of material of homeostasis and state of soul-spiritual comfort enshrined thousands of years of evolution by overcoming chaos in its internal environment and the immediate environment.
Appropriate nature of the psyche that it focuses the subject on the action according to the purpose of selfpreservation in a changing environment. Initially, it is advisable mind, not the mind, which offers more sophisticated version of expediency. Already unconscious body is able to behave quite consistent with the objectives of future activities by the genetic programs instincts.
The mind is the result of development of nature in terms of increasing freedom of action, the increase of the ambiguities of the decisions taken by the material objects. The human psyche is apotheosis the most complete and manifested freedom, characteristic feature of which is the variability, the ability of the implementation of the infinite number ofpossibilities reflective and practical activity. You have to think that this property of the psyche, and not only consciousness. The choice of the particular opportunities for the exercise of the activity takes place at the level of the unconscious.
In extreme environmental conditions the man is not always consciously takes the most right decision in this situation, not having time to assess its validity. On the variability ofthe psyche is illustrated by the fact that in the same conditions, the same body of people (and even more different) respond to the same incentives, motivation differently. Already physiological response to one external influence (not to mention a conscious response of the subject) one organism, and even more different organisms varies due individually occurring metabolic, energy-information exchange processes of their operation at any given time.
Consciousness is different in that reinvents the purpose of future activities and the need to choose one or another means of its implementation and a certain way, to the greatest extent possible to achieve the goal. Outside of conscious in the psyche to spread consciousness, just as the physiological processes have their material substratum, media. So, all the manifestations of consciousness basically have a corresponding reflexes, neurophysiological acts unconscious by carrier.
Information obtained in the course of mental reflection, provides human orientation in the outside world. This information should meet the needs of actions in the environment. These actions according to the principle of feedback certify the adequacy of the obtained information, exercise control over the process of its receipt (i. e. knowledge). This control is performed in social activities. Through this feedback, in fact, cybernetically, there is a comparison of received practical results (that there is) with the original ideal way (that should be). This image as a symbolic model precedes the act anticipates and beat him up.
Functionally, the mind is active power, activity, the highest manifestation of vitality, the ongoing dynamics of an ideal process. The source of mental movements inconsistency of the mutual changes of mentality and carried her reality. The psyche is a function of the body, one of its internal dynamic of the vital conditions, it is not material, and a perfect body. The mind is also a property of the brain to idealize and structure objective information coming from outside, and then reverse, based on their needs and to objectify her spiritual and material forms.
From the point of view of cybernetics environmentally explicitely mental activity is circulating through the channels of direct and feedback not just signals from the environment (as in the case of acts of irritability and conditional reflexes), and operations analysis and synthesis. Supply of information ecological character as separate signals from analyzers and receptors is carried out in a special anatomical and physiological environment of implementation of higher nervous activity. In this environment, thanks to a dense network of nerve fibers, elementary signals quickly and easily or are complexes (sensual images), or separated as in man-made cybernetic systems, the electrical pulses. These images are information encoding by means of sign systems in the cerebral cortex. The operations of analysis and synthesis inherent in the nature. Sand sealed in sandstone, sandstone, under the influence of temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, scattered in the sand. But in the psyche of these operations are performed not over substance, and above information, including on the matter.
This operational psyche specific sensitivity, characteristic of nervous system, nerve cells and their processes. It is the sensitivity of the nerves allows the mind to adequately reflect and respond to what is happening outside. The presence of sensitivity allows perceptions to be a prerequisite for emotions, values and motivation, and other areas of the psyche. The latter defines and directs
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the operations on the information according to, first of all, genetically programmed and social needs.
Thus, from the perspective of cybernetics environmentally represented psyche is the system of operational processes over the information from the outside in signals and signs implemented functions of the complicated structures of the nervous tissue of the brain and produces appropriate response received on environmental information.
For the purposes of ecological understanding of the human psyche, the most important to understand the mechanism of call to action, caused by various environmental factors. First of all, on the level of instinct such action may be called unconscious reaction of adaptation to changing environmental conditions. The impetus for it is the experience discomfort, i. e. the feeling of inconsistency vital needs, values and living conditions. The role of information in such an unconscious psychic regulation is triggered this reaction and is reduced to the invocation of information (genetic and behavioral) programs, which give the course of adaptation of the nature of expediency. These programs target the implementation of adaptive reactions of the organism, human behavior on a particular scenario. But the factors of change in the ecological environment that caused outside of conscious reaction psychological adaptation, stimulate the corresponding motive, a motive that are discovered in the future.
Conscious adaptation to the changed environmental conditions of life associated with human cognitive and practical activities. Knowledge is the ideal process of the assimilation of information about the world, but practice is the process of changing the world of material objects. Getting information ecological character and the transformation of consciousness predefined material converting environments activities. Practical habitat change precedes ecological specificity of knowledge, and then and consciousness. But the opposite is true, environmental awareness information (availability of the received knowledge) defines human practice in nature. Formed just kind of vicious circle: the consciousness and practice mutually determine each other. And yet, it is obvious that if no change ecological situation, there would be changes, development of the consciousness on the basis of received information about him.
Thus, the determining factor is the objective reality, as modified by humans (or nature). The source of the environmental change is not directly consciousness and objective processes or contradiction between environmental conditions oflife of the people, continue to meet their environmental needs. This contradiction initiates
relevant activities implemented with the aim conscious adaptation. Informational role of consciousness in this case is that it precedes a transformative environmental activities, but, not being the cause, not explaining this activity. The driving force behind the transformation of the natural environment is called a contradiction inadequate human needs of ecological environment and aimed at meeting these needs material activities. At the same time this contradiction proves to be a source of motivation to get information about changing ecological environment and the transformation of consciousness after learning this information. In turn, transformed consciousness does not induce to existing activities and provides its optimization. It is important to note that consciously learned information (unlike outside of conscious information) as its source was not so much of itself obj ectively emerging environmental situation, how many acts of its transformation. Man, as a conscious being, obtains information in the course of business, or of its results, i. e. passing knowledge of the environmental reality through social activity.
The ability to irritability complemented reflex activity is the other form of neurophysiological foundations of the higher functions of psychic feelings, thinking, consciousness as a whole. Irritability, sensitivity through cellular and intercellular of metabolite, energy exchange detects genetic information. Then, as you irritability and sensitivity due reflexes provide the body and mind are necessary for the survival of information from the surrounding natural and social environment.
I. A. Beskova believes that «the cognitive processing of the information of our cognitive system is directed genetically and flows as at before conscious, and on conscious levels» [2, 92]. Example outside of consciously feel of environmental information, the ability to anything fixed centuries of evolution in the genes, is signaling information supplied on subsensory level about the changes of the magnetic field of the Earth, natural and artificial electromagnetic fields, atmosphere pressure. These environmental factors affect feel their body, changing its internal physiological, electrochemical state.
Speaking about the relationship between consciousness and the unconscious, it is impossible to bypass the classics of psychoanalysis. Z. Freud came from the postulation of the existence of the original conflict society and nature, inside a person. The inner human nature (in the form of «Id») is contrary to all human culture, including the person (being a «Super I»).
This is because the content of the unconscious are not only biological manifestations of his mind, but
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overset, i. e. culture divest forms a natural behavior, unacceptable it behavioral manifestations of biological nature of man. Consciousness is the authority artificial world in man. And only a great effort of will, perception becomes possible not only to keep the peace culture in itself, but also to build it into their minds, to manage its nature and to regulate its own nature. But the unconscious is the instance of the outer nature in the inner nature of man, in his body.
Following after Z. Freud, distinguishing three structural parts of the psyche («Id», «Ego» and «Super ego»), we consider the environmental purpose and unity of the unconscious, subconscious and conscious. Unconscious — representation natural reality in the inner nature of the human body, in its ideal, which communicate mentality, consciousness with external laws and processes of the world. The unconscious performs the function of broadcast information from the social and natural environment, its processing and not conscious regulation of human actions in environmentally challenging conditions. The mechanism of the unconscious as though serves as a safety net and the initiator of the start of the process of awareness of what is happening. It is run by the body randomly when the incentives and motivations of its internal and external environment do not constitute a particular danger to life and do not require complex, systematic actions to address it.
In the latter case, first of all, instinctively updated before consciousness or the subconscient. This «twi-light consciousness» is «intermediate mental state between consciousness and unconsciousness» (the term A. N. Knigina) [3]. There is a lack of awareness of the present, which can be seen as a beginning understanding of the real situation. Twilight consciousness still does not allow a person even enough to know themselves, their attitude to the ecologically unfavourable to the changed environment, and especially the danger of such a change for themselves. However, before consciousness not already confronts the ecological realities in their acts of half-contemplation or half experiences, half of understanding. In no ecological society the majority is so interpreted twilight half-conscious themselves as victims of environmental crisis, and the more money necessary for its resolution.
«I» man is filled with a «clear conscience», in fact manifestations of «Super ego», when clearly knows itself and that there is in them the created world, which is part of the universe, unresponsive to human needs, but on the contrary, requiring such needs and actions for their implementation, which would correspond to
determining all things and their lives (in particular) principles of the organization of the objective reality.
It is important to note the unity of these three basic mental modes. The subconscious and unconscious, with all his empirical relevance and effectiveness of responses to environmental problems do not exist (although in opposition) without actually consciousness, supplementing them in an extremely difficult and dangerous cases involving a serious threat to life. Consciousness is purely consciousness only in comparison with the «Id» and the « Ego », when mapping in the psyche of all that does not fit their definition. At the same time, both outside of conscious may not exist for media psyche, not being meaningful and actually understood consciousness. The basis of unity of all the modes of the psyche is its informational nature. Information, but rather the operation, the procedure for it’s obtaining, processing broadcast in exteriorization and assimilate underlie as the unconscious, subconscious and unconscious.
Interesting point of view on the ratio of mentality, consciousness and outside of conscious expresses V. L. Raikov. He believes that the «psyche», «reflection» and «unconscious» is «satellite» of consciousness. They are «... some analogues of the process of consciousness that exist usually as little thoughtful, unnecessary repetition without this, an adequate scientific basis ... and often not needed at all» [4, 7]. It basically replaces the semantic content of the psyche expanded interpretation of consciousness. Outside of conscious replaced them different variations of consciousness («organic consciousness» through the channels of perception, emotional consciousness, non-verbal, but the sign «symbolic» consciousness, «mathematical» a mind, «music», «chess», visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and other consciousness» (ibid.). But here he states that «organic assimilation of the world by channels of perception can be perceived, but also can’t be realized» [4, 7]. This clause is still not prevent him to identify psycho-physiological mechanism with consciousness. Apparently, not fighting for the overthrow of the centuries-old tradition of using the concepts of the psyche, Raikov justify its use in case of identification with the mind, mental processes «all processes occurring in the body» [4, 8]. But as a special reflection and regulation of the actions of the mind by this author is not accepted. Furthermore, it separates the concept of reflection from the processes of consciousness and psyche on the grounds that «the reflection is a reflection of» without attributed to the peculiar mentality and consciousness of assimilation, processing of the received
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information. So mechanically understand reflection cannot be creative.
If the reflection is subjective (as judged from the perspective of himself, not having the status of the object and it is characterized), the consciousness is always objectively (because there is adequate learning actually). Ultimately, Raikov admits that «no one knows what the mind is and how it differs from consciousness» [4, 16]. It is known that ignorance can produce many kinds (including bizarre, extraordinary) explanations of options understanding.
In this regard, ecologically incorrect and even dangerous represented the idea Raikova to create a perfectly clean mankind gene pool by removing the «biological genetic program of aggression, anger, hatred, and desire for destruction». This, in his opinion, must be one of the most important and immediate goals of mankind, the achievement of which will relieve people from «fatal difficulty» development of human society [4, 106]. He does not want to admit that there are genes of hatred or love, good or evil, and that these psychological traits, by and large, is necessary as a means of adapting to changes in their environment. How here not to recollect «common cause» N. F. Fedorov and no less beautiful utopia other Russian cosmists.
In actually, we believe, the mind as unity outside of conscious and consciousness is an integrative mechanism of activation of innate information programs of natural inclinations, mediated by non-verbal specifics of perception (tactile, emotional and verbal means (sensual, conceptual), which are interpreted ideal way. Itself activation of genetic information starts from the outside, under the influence of external factors (and not the will of man). These factors largely determine reverse reaction, which lies restructuring, adjustment of psychophysiological processes genetic determinants of functioning of the perceptual-physical, emotional, rational, values-motivational areas of the psyche. It turns out that the mechanism of the mind is eco-friendly in nature.
Before Raikova lively activity of perception and realization of processed information has interested many people. Marxists, for example, drew attention to the fact that if you understand only as a reflection of the ability of the passive playback properties that appear in the mind from outside, then what remains inexplicable is the ability of the mind to the appropriate effect to the objects of the world. In the middle of the last century «Yugoslav comrades » in order to explain the creativity of consciousness abstracted from the psyche, broke the connection of psycho-physiological processes of the body and socio-
psychological characteristics of the individual society. This allowed him make criterion creativity of consciousness practice instead of reflection as a criterion of the whole psyche. A similar opinion is shared by some on the marxist configured materialists. So, F. T. Mikhailov sees no connection between consciousness and reflection, thinking to explore first is sufficient to find out the laws of society [5, 8-17]. Traditionally the marxist position on the ratio of the mind and consciousness is S.E Achin. He says that consciousness is the highest stage of the development of the psyche is a purely human phenomenon arising in the socio-cultural environment [6, 24-25]. Another marxist A. I. Yakovlev, on the basis of materialistic theory says that consciousness is a property of specially organized matter of the brain. However, he believes that «to make any distinction between consciousness and psychology impossible» [7, 83]. Claiming indissoluble unity of mental and conscious, Yakovlev detail traces the formation of notions of «nervous energy», considering it (and not information) the material means for the transformation of electrical pulses neuromuscular processes, reactions to external factors in mind [7,: 139-148; 194-199]. He tries to capture the moment when the nerve impulse is transformed into a feeling, and from there moves on to the conscious perception — full sensuous image, pointing to the role of visual analyzers and receptors.
Professional psychologists mean by consciousness highest form of development of the psyche, referring to scientific data about the evolution of the psyche and behavior of animals and humans [8,47]. For many researchers hold the viewpoint that the consciousness and mind are definitely biosocial character is obvious that the psyche is inseparably with consciousness at all levels and in all forms of their joint manifestations [8, 55].
But one has only to try to understand the reflection is found common ground of all mental processes and the missing link to connect the mind with the consciousness, outside of conscious and reflection. Reflection is, first of all, mutual imprinting properties of the interacting objects in the structures of each other. The result of this imprinting serves as information. Already at the stage receptor feeling of mental reflection provides fixing of the qualities of those objects that are felt and reverse — almost ability to capture the quality of some of the outcomes of the media of the psyche in the changed structure of these processes.
How to before conscious and the conscious level of the mind is processing information about the environmental situation? In the mid-twentieth century, cognitive psychology was known that the information about
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the properties of the perceived incentives not only understood, but are processed in parallel automatically at the level ofbefore consciousness. Incentives, such as was considered, analyzed only after subconscious focus attention to them. In other words, they must pass through the channel selection before participating in making sense of the information contained therein.
This means, in our case that the stimulus from the external environment, the environmental situation in the focused attention of the subject of the psyche can’t be understood. After that the incentives are verbal analysis, the result of which is clothed in a landmark report (for example, in the form of words). If these environmental, in fact, the incentives do not appear in the center of attention, i. e. were not realized, and could not be subj ected to verbal analysis, has not acquired the language form. This means that without focusing no awareness of environmental information, and without realizing it is not possible concentration of attention.
But later it turned out that such incentives already subconsciously processed out of the attention can then be detected in the center of attention, activating the conscious processing. In this case, before consciousness becomes capable not only to the recognition of objective properties of the external source of stimulus, but in the special conditions occurs before conscious an analysis of the value of the incentive before the conscious concentration on him. And only thanks to the mechanism for obtaining and processing information gives, determines the value of this incentive before realization. It turns out that the possible cognitive situation when the subject is not yet able to make significant, verbal information received from the stimulus, but this information has already passed before conscious processing. In particular, auditory and visual stimuli, processed in the sphere of the unconscious to focus attention attract the information already in the spotlight. Moreover, the realization of input occurs not at once. Therefore, the significance of the symbols (words, phrases, sentences) can be made up their awareness and out of it. Man can realize, but not to express verbally obtained the information they.
At the level of before consciousness is not just a recognition of the familiar, simple physical stimuli from outside attention, but before analysis images of perception. Most likely, the mind does not interfere in the processes of supply and processing of input information and, in parallel, accompanies them. It produces more flexible, in-depth analysis of information from the incentives of the unknown, new content. While before consciousness carries out mainly the identification and detailed analysis
of the usual incentives. In the second case, part of the consciousness is not mandatory.
Input processing and recognition of incentives represent the initial stages of information processing psychophysiological mechanism. This assimilation of different information from incentives is outside of consciousness at the same time numerous brain structures. Not all of the processed data are subject to careful attention to the subject. Of many competing incentives are worthy of attention are those that are especially important and interesting. Such a selection, it seems, is not without the participation of the consciousness. Especially good this fact is demonstrated on examples with environmental information. First, select a part of environmental information is being before the election before conscious processing without the participation of attention. The most important incentives are the first to come into focus. Note that the environmental conditions of the external environment is very dynamic, constantly evolving. In this regard, there is a constant updating of these incentives and before conscious determine their significance in each time unit.
Such before conscious evaluation and selection of incentives, at least, will be determined hereditary structures and implemented in the form settings sensual analyzers before entering the incentives of information about the state of the natural environment. This setting is found, in particular, in striving to process information sensual images with the help of especially important, common words signifying the relationship between parts of incentives. And even at the level of consciousness of such a choice is not always complete without the participation of the unconscious preliminary portion choice consisting, for example, in the special activity of brain structures. So, we discovered that the conscious intention to act «is preceded by (with an interval of one second) slow negative shift in the electrical potential (so-called «potential readiness») [2, 85]. This means that already subconsciously man decides, after which it is recognized.
Part of the consciousness in the processing of incoming information increases when the information comes from new, unknown incentives, in cases of learning new skills and abilities. But in this case, background and many of the nuances of such processing is not controlled by consciousness. Awareness of new incentive pay attention only facilitates the development of communication. Moreover, awareness precedes before conscious processing with participation of attention (described above). Then consciously recognized unfamiliar stimulus through a combination of sensory data received from
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a variety of input receptors and analyzers (visual, auditory, tactile, etc), from which integrates more complex and relevant reality sensual code. The name of the stimulus, it often requires understanding of the production relations associative properties between different systems of encoding information (for example, visual, syntactic and semantic). The development of such associations is made in the course of training, education, self-education, which are provided significant concentration of attention on the processing of incoming information. Although the generation of these relations, as well as the generation of coding systems is not available consciousness for introspective analysis.
In the General sense, it should be argued that information processes in the psyche, accompanied by awareness, perceived go with obligatory participation of attention. Only possible in principle experimental cases of data processing with the involvement of attention, but unconscious. In fact principal, total separation of focusing on the processed information from her comprehension impossible. Although evolutionary, animals attention occurs much earlier consciousness of man.
Let’s talk about the relationship conscious and outside of conscious areas of the psyche with memory. It is obvious that long-term memory is filled, is updated through consciousness. Only consciously experiencing environmental event to remember. This consciousness, which includes short-term memory, and long-term memory are different from the process of encoding information, transfer it from one type of memory to another, information search in the annals of memory that are carried out without the direct involvement of consciousness. Moreover, the content of the unconscious can affect the memorization of information.
Most often before conscious information, not reached the stage of selection you engage the attention quickly forgotten (about 30 sec.). How was still not perceived as such information may also be stored in long term memory and to emerge from it passing consciousness. For example, «pain incentives» may be inscribed encoding system in long-term memory without their awareness through hypnosis [2, 87-88]. The subconscious mind
by obtaining information from stimuli from the outside not only able to handle it yourself, but also to develop them adequate reaction — to produce an act of identification, without the involvement of consciousness. Processed outside of consciously information may affect the implementation of planning (for example, speech structures, process the formation of speech). Some researchers take into question the very need for awareness repetition of educational material for its storage in the course of training.
About the leading role of the unconscious and before conscious in mental activity and speaks the fact of mental creativity and sensual creativity. A new idea for a long time hatched, passing the latent period outside of conscious aging, and is born in the minds suddenly, unexpectedly, coming to a head, even in the absence of conditions for creative work, outside of psychology of it. Thus, creative decision-making is not strictly a conscious process.
However, studies show that is not perceived in the course of training information can fill up long-term memory, but could not be detected and extracted from it. It seems that it just activated some function of consciousness, which provides access to identification subconsciously stored in long term memory information, its extraction and broadcast, activation in different mental processes (thereby consolidating, integrating their joint functioning).
D. Kahneman, A. Treisman and B. J. Baars believe that the attention is involved in broadcast learned information in other psychiatric departments of its processing [9]. The brain of man by man himself is modeled more like a «black box», which highlights only the input signals (knowledge) and reaction to the output (activity) without views of what is happening in the brain. From this in mind, it follows that any brain model of information processing is very conditional, incomplete. That allowed I. A. Berkovoy to assume that «the content of consciousness, which follows from the data of the processes of information processing that occurs due to the participation of the consciousness in this processing» [2, 91].
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5. Mikhailov F. T. Consciousness and self-consciousness//Philosophical Sciences. - 1990. № 6. - p. 8-17.
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6. Achin S. E. Phenomenology of consciousness. - Vladivostok, Dalnauka, - 1992.
7. Yakovlev A. I. Materiality of consciousness. - M: INFA-M, - 2011.
8. General psychology. - M: Pedagogy, - 1973.
9. Kahneman D., Treisman A. Changing views of attentions and automaticity. In: Varienties of Attention (ed. R. Para-suraman, D. R. Davies) - Academic Press. - 1984.
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Peschkov Wladimir Georgievich E-mail: [email protected]
Philosophischer Traktat. Paradoxen
Abstrakt: Der wahre Traktat erklärt den Kern von Paradoxen.
Keywords: Paradoxen, Realität, Abstraktion, Wirklichkeit.
Пешков Владимир Георгиевич E-mail: [email protected]
Философский трактат. Парадоксы
Аннотация: Настоящий трактат объясняет сущность парадоксов.
Ключевые слова: парадоксы, реальность, абстракция, действительность.
Парадоксы — неотъемлемая часть современной науки. Если довериться здравому смыслу, то при истинных посылках должны быть истинные следствия, но нет, в конце обязательно возникает парадокс, как у Б. Рассела в теории типов. Естественно дело тут в посылках, и, кажется, формализуй посылки, и следствия будут истинными, но нет, и формализованные теории пришли к парадоксу, поэтому проблему парадоксов смотреть нужно глубже.
Мы существуем в мире действительности, действительность — это синтез реальности с абстракцией. Реальность создаёт энергия движения, движение создаёт самостоятельные, вращающиеся сущности — элементарные частицы (далее: эл. частицы), материи. Эл. частицы заполняют собой весь бесконечный объём вселенной. Взаимодействуя между собой, они образуют континуум — сплошную среду. Эл. частицы — это не отдельная сущность. Отдельная сущность не может существовать без взаимодействия с другими сущностями, а если она взаимодействует, то это уже не отдельная сущность, а самостоятельная часть механизма взаимодействия.
В реальности вращение эл. частиц непрерывно, поэтому длительность, которую оно создаёт, также непрерывна. Взаимодействие эл. частиц непрерывно, поэтому протяжённость, которую создаёт взаимодействие эл. частиц, также непрерывно. Непрерывность протяжённости и длительности говорит о том, что
в реальности не существует отдельной сущности, т. е. не существует дискретности.
Абстракцию создаёт человек. Он, с помощью органов чувств, не только познаёт наш мир, но, прежде всего, он его себе создаёт. Человек, родившись, не имеет никаких знаний, т. к. не имеет опыта, но он имеет душу, которая обладает разумом, чувствами и памятью. Между душой и внешним миром находятся органы чувств, которые и поставляют ей информацию о внешнем мире. В реальности вещество отличается структурой строения от поля, поэтому оно отражает электромагнитные волны, передаваемые полем. Эти волны и являются источником информации, на основании которой человек создаёт абстрактный мир. Из поступающей информации душа создаёт образы в первую очередь, придавая внешним бесформенным объектам геометрическую форму. Затем наполняет её ощущениями, цветом, звуком, твёрдостью, мягкостью и т. д. Создавая образы (отдельную сущность), человек неизбежно создаёт между ними пространственные отношения. Т. е. создаёт пространство — «пустоту». Смена дня и ночи, режим кормления, смена времён года и т. д. создают временные отношения.
Здесь стоит заметить, что процесс создания абстрактного мира происходит бессознательно, вместе с молоком матери. И только, когда человек создаст образы окружающего его мира, создаст между ними пространственные и временные отношения, с