Abstract: the article under discussion raises the question of the study of introductory verbs of improper direct speech in modern linguistics. The authors of the article believe that improper direct speech, as well as direct speech, on the one hand, preserves the peculiarities of the speaker's speech - lexical, emotional and evaluative, on the other hand, as in indirect speech, it maintains the rules of substitution of personal pronouns and personal forms of verbs. Its essence lies in the fact that it almost entirely preserves the lexical and syntactic features of someone else's statement, the speaking person's manner of speech, and the emotional coloring characteristic of direct speech, but it is transmitted not on behalf of the character, but on behalf of the author, the narrator.
Keywords: text linguistics, direct, indirect and improper direct speech, introductoryverbs, semantic characteristics, author, character.
1Акрамова Нозима Музаффаровна - старший преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управления в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт;
2Юсупова Мумтоза Бахтиёр кизи - магистрант, направление: лингвистика (английский язык),
факультет иностранных языков, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье ставится вопрос об изученности глаголов ввода несобственно-прямой речи в современной лингвистике. Авторы статьи считают, что несобственно-прямая речь, как и прямая речь, с одной стороны сохраняет особенности речи говорящего - лексико-фразеологические, эмоционально-оценочные, с другой стороны, как и в косвенной речи, в ней выдерживаются правила замены личных местоимений и личных форм глаголов. Сущность ее заключается в том, что в ней почти полностью сохраняются лексические и синтаксические особенности чужого высказывания, манера речи говорящего лица, эмоциональная окраска, характерная для прямой речи, но передается она не от имени персонажа, а от имени автора, рассказчика.
Ключевые слова: лингвистика текста, прямая, косвенная и несобственно-прямая речь, глаголы ввода, семантическая характеристика, автор, персонаж.
УДК 81.25
In modern linguistics, the development of problems remains very relevant, related to the study of other people's speech transmissions. One of the modes of transmission of someone
else's speech in addition to direct and indirect speech remains the object of study for linguists. Its specificity is that it, as well as direct speech, preserves the peculiarities of the speaker's speech lexico-phraseological, emotional and evaluative elements; on the other hand, as in indirect speech the rules for the replacement of personal pronouns and personal forms of verbs are maintained. It was established, that non-direct speech is quite common in various text and can range from one lexical unit to an entire sentence.
Indirect speech is one way of transmitting of someone else's speech, characterized by the author's and of the character. Due to its peculiarities, the problem of someone else's expression during the development of linguistic thought has always been at the center of interests of scientists.
Attention of researchers attracts the problem of functioning of non-direct speech as a part of super phrase unity; a typology is being developed of non-direct speech on modern prose material on different languages; means of entry are identified and systematized of direct speech; its formal signs and etc. For example, direct speech is a improper component of such a significant concept as the theory of the "author". [1].
Studies of the "image of the author" in the literary works have recently become are very popular, and therefore, the direct speech is receiving more and more attention. All kinds of strangers' speeches are distinguished by the author's background, in which they intertwine in different ways, performing a variety of stylistic functions. In terms of component analysis, how the rule is that the reproduction of someone else's speech consists of two parts - input (author's words) and transformation of someone else's speech (internal speech of the character).
Stuart stiffened. It was, he thought, too much of the book-keeper
type of reasoning, too logical, too dry ofjuice. Present risk and ultimate advantage. The assets and debits balanced neatly. He would have liked Mullen to leap to his defense out of - well, out of what? Out of pure, unselfish decency?
The direct speech of the Uzbek language is the transmission of someone else's statement, accompanied by with the author's words. Direct speech is most often related to verbs of statements or thoughts in the author's words (say, ask, answer, confirm, exclaim, say, whisper, confirm, object, think over, decide, etc.), less often - with verbs indicating the character of speech, its connection with the previous statement (to start, to continue, to conclude, to interrupt, to finish up, etc.). Author's words may include verbs that indicate the feelings of the speaker, his/her inner state (to be happy, to be upset, to be offended, to be horrified); verbs for mimics, gestures, movements (smile, laugh, frown, breathe, jump up, approach, run up, etc.) [4].
In the definition of indirect speech, as noted by V.Vinogradov, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that in this way of transfer someone else's proverb inevitably changes its lexical-grammatical structure, becoming an appendage proposal or a member suggestions. Within the statement itself there are also significant changes (by time, modality and person categories) under the influence of the input component, and may also be observed omitting, replacing or adding new lexemes. Indirect speech always functions as part of a complex sentence, including both parts of it: transmitting (the author's speech) and transmitting (the hero's speech). The verbs that introduce indirect speech are much less than the verbs that introduce direct speech. Thus, for example, some semantic group heads do not introduce indirect Speech (smile, nod, etc.) or it's much less common than direct speech (continue, insert, plead, etc.)
The specificity of improper speech is as following: on the one hand, like direct speech, it preserves the peculiarities of the speaker's speech - lexical, emotional, and evaluative, on the other hand, as in indirect speech, it maintains the rules of replacement of personal pronouns of orthogonal forms of glazes. Its essence is that it almost entirely the lexical and syntactic features of someone else's story, the speaking person's manner of speech, and emotional coloring are preserved, which is characteristic of direct speech, but is transmitted not on behalf of the character, but on behalf of the author, the narrator. In this case, the author combines the thoughts and feelings of his character with his thoughts and feelings.
...I imagined that I would be examined on my capability of living on a Pacific island which I would inevitably fail. Have you ever lived on a small island?..
This technique is often used in fiction and journalism, when the author needs to show his characters from the inside nature, let the reader hear his/her inner voice. The first stage of the process of thinking and feeling is contaminated and contains indicative verb forms [2]. Indirectly direct speech in English fiction texts can be used not only in the form of reflections demonstrating the mental activity of the addressee, but also in the form of a sensual perception of the events of the text.
By "sensual perception," we mean ability; the state in which a person is able to be aware of the surrounding environment, has control over his or her own souls and the process of feeling and perception itself; the ability to actively experience, respond to life's impressions, sympathize with something.
The fourth journey into space... But he's never I thought I'd make such a long leap over space and time. Seven hundred years old! With such a rapidity of life, the growth of new achievements, discoveries, with those horizons of knowledge, that have already been achieved on Earth... [3].
Thus, the introductory verbs of non-direct speech in English literary texts are marked with its semantics, different kinds of internal processes of generation of the speech which belongs to the addressee.
References / Список литературы
1. Bakhtin M.M. Problems of the text. // Bakhtin M.M. Sobr. Soch. M. M.: Russians dictionaries, 1996. T. 5. P. 306-328.
2. Vinogradov V.V. About the theory of artistic speech. M.: Higher school, 1971. P.p. 241243.
3. Efremov I.A. Andromeda Nebula. Fantastic works / Ivan Efremov. Moscow: Excmo, 2008. P. 786.
4. Popova L.G. Reproduction of internal speech in German and Russian artistic texts from the perspective of pragmatic linguistics. Michurinsk: Moscow State Agrarian University, 2001. P. 145.