Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Hodovanets N. I.,
Lecturer Lehan V. P.,
Ukraine, Uzhhorod, UzhhorodNational University, The Department of Foreign Languages
Abstract. The authors of the article have conducted the analysis of innovative educational activities. The basic concepts of innovative technologies include: innovative lessons; individual work; monitoring and evaluation of student; class, group and additional training; optional elective studying; problematic and modular learning; invitation of scientists, artists, etc, art at lessons; economy and ecology of education; scientific experiment in the study of new material; applications of technology; new approaches to curriculum formation. Innovative pedagogical activity is a complex entity with various purposes and types of works corresponding to the main stages of development of innovative processes which are directed on changes creating and implementation in the teacher's own system of work.. It improves the modern educational process and the result of a society development.
Education is one of major spheres of human activity and the determinant of human development. In conditions of today's demanding and rapidly changing environment the level of education and its influence on the personal human development largely depends on the impact of learning technologies introduction based on new methodological principles developing the activity approach to learning. That is why innovative technological education is being widely introduced contrary to classical one.
In recent decades a number of scientific studies under consideration have appeared in Ukraine. Pedagogical and theoretical aspects of using IT in the educational process have been studied in the works of B.Besedin, U.Horoshok, U.Zhuk, V.Zahvyazinskyi, V.Monakhova, S.Rakova, U.Raiskyi and others. The issue of implementation of IT in the educational process is reflected in the works of N.Apatova, V.Bykov, M.Kademiya, V.Naumenko.
The purpose of this article is to provide the definition of the category «innovation», to review the pros of innovative educational activities. Innovative teaching activities is the development, distribution or use of educational innovation. The goal of any innovation is to improve the educational process.
The term «innovation» means innovation, novelty, change. Concerning the pedagogical process innovation means «setting new aims, content, forms and methods of training and education». Innovation is the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire communities. An innovative pedagogical activity has a complex, multifaceted character, embodies the unity of scientific, technological and organizational actions. Innovative activity is the system of activity directed on realization of innovations on the basis of use and introduction of new scientific knowledge, ideas and approaches.
Innovative pedagogical technologies have the humanistic focus in an education system caused by coexistence and difficult relationship in scientific pedagogy and pedagogical practice of traditional scientific pedagogy. Innovative pedagogical technologies belong to the system of the general scientific and pedagogical knowledge. They emerged and develop on the verge of the general innovation, methodology, the theory and history of pedagogy, psychology, sociology and the theory of management, economics of education. Innovative pedagogical technologies are one of the dominating tendencies of human development [2].
The current stage of education development in Ukraine is characterized by the departure from totalitarian unification and standardization of pedagogical process, by the intense reconsideration of values as well as by the search for a new theory and practice of training and education.
The following important pedagogical issues - the problem of the study, synthesis and dissemination of best teaching experience and the problem of introduction of psycho-pedagogy in practice - are the basis for innovation in education. The use of theoretical and practical innovations is the result of innovative processes. Innovative process includes analysis and assessment of pedagogical innovations introduced, creating the conditions for their successful development and application. The
need for innovative pedagogical orientation in the development of education is caused by particular circumstances:
- (1) the development of an independent country has resulted in fundamental changes in the system of education, methodology and technology of educational process in educational institutions of various types. Researches of a new type enrich not only the school practice but also the pedagogical science.
- (2) the implementation on the current stage of social request of our state development has brought up an individual capable to absorb and creatively develop the culture, who in need of constant search for new organizational forms and individual approach to identity new technologies in training and education. Thus the role and authority of pedagogical knowledge has significantly increased, the knowledge has become theoretical basis for new searches and innovations.
- (3) the attitude of teachers to the very educational process and implementation of pedagogical innovations has changed dramatically, from previously limited in the use of innovative activity to nowadyas open possibility to elect new programmes and textbooks, to use new techniques and methods of educational activities.
- (4) creation of competitiveness among educational institutions has caused the establishing on the educational market of new types of educational institutions, including non-state ones [1].
Making use pedagogical innovation in educational establishments should provide students with enhanced learning or reduction of the cost of achieving the usual outcomes of education.
The effectiveness of innovation depends on costs required on implementation of specific innovations and its long-lasting useful effect. If within a short time after the introduction of innovations the problem of studying the new is relevant and if that new neutralizes the effect of the previous, the useful effect of such innovation is significant and therefore the cost of its implementation is justified. Thus, innovation depends on the efficiency achieved due to the useful effect, duration of use of innovative technologies, the cost of its implementation [2, p.60-65].
The basic concepts of innovative technologies include: innovative lessons; individual work; monitoring and evaluation of student achievements (through tests, assignments, workbooks, etc.); class, group and additional training; optional elective studying (deepens the knowledge); problematic and modular learning; invitation of scientists, artists, etc, art at lessons; economy and ecology of education; scientific experiment in the study of new material; applications of technology (via slides, movies, recorders, television, computers, computer classes, radio and television programmes, Internet, multimedia technology, etc.); new approaches to curriculum formation [3].
Innovative technologies require from a teacher:
- the study of literature (optional);
- the analysis of pedagogical experience of teachers-innovators;
- the development of a plan of new technology introduction;
- the optimal combination of human, natural and mathematical and professional knowledge [3].
Pedagogical technologies can be classified as follows:
1. Structural and logical technologies: the stage-by-stage organization of system of training, that provides logical sequence of statement and the solution of didactic tasks on the basis of selection of their contents, forms, methods and means of training at each stage taking into account stage-by-stage diagnostics of the results.
2. Integration technologies: the didactic systems providing integration of intersubject knowledge and abilities, different types of activity at the level of integrated courses, educational themes, lessons, training days. Gaming technologies: didactic systems of use of various games with the formed ability to solve the problem through compromise choice (dramatized, business and role-playing games, imitating exercises, individual training; solutions of practical situations and tasks; computer programmes, etc.).
3. Training technologies: system of activity for working off certain algorithms on the solution of standard practical tasks by means of computer (psychological trainings of intellectual development, communication, solution).
4. Information and computer technologies: these are realized in didactic systems of computer training on the basis of dialogue «person-machine» by means of various educational programmes (training, controlling, etc.).
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5. Dialogue technologies: set of training forms and methods based on dialogue thinking in interacting didactic systems of subject - subject level (pupil-teacher, pupil-author, teacher-author, etc.). Dialogue forms are considered to be the most widely spread among other modern technologies [3].
All of the mentioned above allows to consider innovative pedagogical activity as a complex entity with various purposes and types of works corresponding to the main stages of development of innovative processes which are directed on changes creating and implementation in the teacher's own system of work.
The specific features of innovative training are; its openness to the future, ability to anticipation on the basis of continuous revaluation of values, a mood on constructive actions in constantly updated situations based on innovative pedagogical technologies.
Professionalization of a teacher and his/her entry into an innovative operating mode are impossible without creative self-determination in which the leading role is played by innovative pedagogical technologies. Innovative pedagogical technologies as the principle of pedagogy provide conditions for the development of a personality, implementation of his/her right for an individual creative contribution, personal initiative, freedom of self-development [2].
According to S.Sysoieva the use of innovative pedagogical technologies in education is «to provide personal and professional development of a personality, his/her professional and social mobility, competitiveness in the labour market, adaptive flexibility» [5, p.45-53]. Some researchers (V.Shatalov, M.Huziyk, B.Dehtiarov, M.Paltyshev, O.Zakharchenko) interpret them as a complex, integrated process covering subjects, ideas, ways of organization of innovative activity and provides productivity of an innovation. In this context we consider innovative approaches as changing the nature of training to its target orientation, interactions of teachers-students, their positions in educational process.
Modern innovative pedagogical technologies:
- enrich the educational process by introducing the active, analytical and communicative ways of training;
- provide the high level of teaching and educational process;
- form competence of future specialists;
- provide formation of analytical, organizational, design, communicative skills;
- develop the ability to make correct decisions in non-standard situations;
- form the ability to build own educational programmes;
- are the resource for a change in the content of education and structure of educational process according to the international requirements;
- are focused on stimulation of creative potential.
Much attention is to be paid on clarity and definiteness of fixing the results, existence of criteria of their achievement, the step-by-step and formalized structure of an activity [2].
Thus, innovative pedagogical technologies are system processes with purposeful impact on a «student» aimed at satisfying the totality of his/her needs; these are the newly created or advanced pedagogical systems providing the high level of teaching and educational process. Innovations in pedagogical activity are inevitable, they improve the modern educational process and the result of a society development.
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