THEORETICAL OVERVIEW ON DEVELOPING WRITING PROFICIENCY RESEARCH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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English / writing / skills / creative / reading / language learning / techniques / education / EFL/ESL classrooms / proficiency

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Maksotova Nazik Kuanyshkyzy, Madina L. Anafinova

This review article examines several methods for improving writing in English, highlighting the significance of organized writing, artistic expression, and vocabulary growth. It incorporates a variety of techniques, including reading widely, writing creatively, and using technology to enhance language learning. It talks about how reading numerous of genres expands vocabulary and how writing creatively encourages emotional expression and imagination. It also emphasizes how literature can enhance critical thinking and language awareness. The evidence backs up the inclusion of creative writing in language education, both in official and informal settings, as it fosters long-term advantages like flexibility, uniqueness, and improved communication abilities. This paper presents practical insights into developing writing proficiency in EFL/ESL learners through an in-depth analysis of instructional strategies and classroom practices.

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Student of the Faculty of foreign language teacher training «Astana International University»,

Astana, Kazakhstan


Scientific advisor, Candidate of Philological Science, Ass.Prof. Astana, Kazakhstan

Abstract: This review article examines several methods for improving writing in English, highlighting the significance of organized writing, artistic expression, and vocabulary growth. It incorporates a variety of techniques, including reading widely, writing creatively, and using technology to enhance language learning. It talks about how reading numerous of genres expands vocabulary and how writing creatively encourages emotional expression and imagination. It also emphasizes how literature can enhance critical thinking and language awareness. The evidence backs up the inclusion of creative writing in language education, both in official and informal settings, as it fosters long-term advantages like flexibility, uniqueness, and improved communication abilities. This paper presents practical insights into developing writing proficiency in EFL/ESL learners through an in-depth analysis of instructional strategies and classroom practices.

Keywords: English, writing, skills, creative, reading, language learning, techniques, education, EFL/ESL classrooms, proficiency.

There is no denying that writing is an essential ability for learning any language, but it's especially important for English since competency frequently depends on both creative expression and structural correctness. Developing good writing abilities takes more than just knowing syntax and vocabulary; it also calls for an awareness of how to organize and convey thoughts. Writing requires a strong foundation, a logical structure, and well-defined objectives, much like building a framework. Writing skills can be greatly improved by using strategies like reading a lot, expanding one's vocabulary, and being exposed to a couple of writing styles. Additionally, there are several benefits to including creative writing in language instruction, including enhanced language proficiency as well as the development of creativity, self-expression, and critical thinking. The combination of literature and technology enhances the learning process even more by exposing students to real-world language usage and promoting creative writing techniques. Therefore, the integration of creative and traditional methods in writing education is essential to the overall development of writing abilities, which benefits students' linguistic and intellectual growth.

This work discusses the difficulty of helping non-native English speakers write better, concentrating on problems like inadequate organization, a small vocabulary, and a lack of originality. It draws attention to the differences between conventional teaching techniques and the demand for more interesting, cutting-edge strategies, such as fusing technology and creative writing into the curriculum. It also emphasizes the necessity for more dynamic teaching strategies to support students' writing in both linguistic accuracy and personal expression, as well as the significance of varied reading exposure to improve writing skills.

Adam, A. A. S., & Babiker, Y. O proposed the work Role of Literature in Enhancing Creative Writing from Teachers' Perspectives. Considering it examines how English literature can improve creative writing, this study is important. It looks at the relationship between teaching literature and helping students become better writers. According to Lazar, reading literature to students fosters better linguistic awareness, aids in interpretation, and enhances language acquisition. According to her, including literary works in instruction fosters interpretation, creativity, critical

thinking, and emotional awareness while also providing cultural context. Stern concurs that kids' writing abilities are enhanced through exposure to literary materials [1, p.110]. After conducting the investigation responding to a questionnaire of English language and literature professors and instructors at universities, reading literature can be a useful tool for inspiring creative writing. Literature, when taught well, can pique students' imaginative creativity. Enhancing creative writing skills and literary appreciation requires instruction in a choice of literary genres and figures of speech, as well as the application of numerous critical theories and literature circles. Teachers also think that students' creative writing skills are greatly enhanced by class debates, writing workshops, and creative writing assignments from literature professors [1, p.115].

Apart from that Andania, R. A., Dewi, R. F., Romadhoni, M., & Yen, A.C. underlined the role of creative writing in the paper Fostering creative writing through poetry in EFL classroom. The study indicates by bringing the classroom to life, creative writing—especially poetry—improves student engagement. It makes the case that in order to effectively foster creativity in language instruction, teachers ought to undergo specialized training. Additionally, including emotional and artistic expression in language examinations necessitates new grading methods that focus on students' tones in poetry, rather than just linguistic accuracy [2, p.200]. As per the research done, the warm-up strategy comprises introducing poetry to students and having a conversation about its attributes based on the teacher's perspective. In keeping with Cronin and Hawthorne's (2019) assertion that poetry encourages creative making, this method seeks to improve students' literary abilities and critical thinking. The second method, called lead-in, entails mentoring students through the entire process of writing poetry, from choosing a theme to getting their work published. Sigvardsson (2019) asserts that allowing children to use natural language in their poems fosters creativity and emphasizes the importance of teaching poetry as a means of real expression. Aladini and Farahbod (2020) have observed that poems are a useful tool for teaching authentic language structures in EFL or ESL classrooms [2, p.211]. Lastly, the study evaluated students' English learning experiences through poetry and identified fourteen significant themes, including difficulties, wants, sufferings, and failures. Additionally, it discovered twenty-two emotional reactions in the students' poetry, expressing both favorable and unfavorable sentiments on language acquisition [2, p.212].

The following work Developing Creative Writing Skills in a High School ESL Classroom was written by Avramenko, A. P., Davydova, M. A., & Burikova, S. A. showed that the academic discipline of creative writing was established in the late 1800s. It saw significant growth in the USA and the UK, which provide all kinds of comparable programs, after starting in the USA, the UK, Australia, and South Africa. Since the 1960s, writing creatively has become popular and is seen as an indicator of literacy. A portion of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) covers creative writing. The CEFR considers creative writing widely, noting that diverse sorts of descriptions, reviews, and texts not limited by rigorous standards can be considered creative writing [3, p.56]. Moreover, creative writing, in contrast to expository works, is based on the author's imagination, keen observation, intuition, and life experiences. It is the "recreation of emotional experiences within the mind," according to Sharples (2013) [3, p.59]. Nevertheless, research has highlighted the benefits of creative writing for language learners from both psychological and linguistic perspectives. Psychologically, it helps reduce anxiety, boost motivation, and enhance self-confidence. Linguistically, it improves writing skills. Studies by Leki (1992), Lee (2012), and Stellar (2013) have explored these aspects. Additionally, creative writing is seen as a means for learners to articulate their voices and express their identities [3, p.60]. Thus, it would appear advantageous to incorporate creative writing, which would teach students to basic creative writing approaches, within required language classes. It should also be included in extracurricular activities that help those who are interested in academic competitions learn more [3, p.64]. Last but not least, the long-term advantages of creative writing stem from its ability to develop creative people with adaptable minds, unique perspectives, high output, and originality—qualities that are beneficial in any line of work [3,


According to Maharsi I. in the article Finding the connection between extensive reading and story writing determined learning objectives and particular settings can be catered for when incorporating technological applications into the teaching of productive skills like writing and receptive skills like reading [4, p.187]. Besides, Husna (2006) reported that 80% of EFL students had vocabulary problems, 15% had reading comprehension concerns, and 5% had other challenges that resulted in sluggish reading speeds. These findings suggest that many EFL students struggle with text comprehension. Writing is enhanced by substantial reading, as demonstrated by Lee and Hsu (2009). Vincent (2003) discovered that PDA use improves organizational abilities and motivation, and Lin and Yang (2011) demonstrated that writing is improved by Wiki-based projects. Montelongo and Herter (2010) provided evidence that the use of technology in science classrooms facilitates comprehension and authoring of texts [4, p.188]. Furthermore, extensive reading positively affects students by enhancing convenience, reducing anxiety, and boosting intellectual values. It is also shown to improve vocabulary after a 10-week program and fosters a positive attitude toward reading English texts, even among less meticulous readers. The effectiveness of a reading program relies on motivating students, program management, and monitoring [4, p.188]. The results found that extensive reading programs enhance students' awareness of tenses and sentence structure, activating their prior knowledge and exposing them to various sentence forms. This exposure improves vocabulary and writing quality (Soltani, 2011; Tsang, 1996). Students also develop a love for English storybooks, gaining knowledge of story elements that aid in their own writing. They become inspired to create their own stories, drawing from the ideas, plots, and characters they encounter. Additionally, repeated exposure to tenses in these books serves as grammar scaffolding, positively affecting their writing skills [4, pp.193-194].

When it comes to the paper Tekhnika "kreativnoe pis'mo na osnove literaturnykh tekstov" v protsesse obucheniya inoyazychnoi pis'mennoi rechi was written by Makarova, Y. A pointed that there are various methods used in teaching writing in foreign languages. Scholars like I.S. Yakimanskaya, V.V. Serikov, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, and E.V. Bondarevskaya endorse the personality-oriented approach. The second method, which is supported by I.A. Zimnaya, A.A. Leontiev, A.N. Leontiev, and S.L. Rubinstein, concentrates on individual activity [5, p.191]. K. Spinner asserts that students interact creatively with original literary texts by adding to, rephrasing, and changing their substance. The approach known as "creative writing based on literary texts" encourages students to work creatively, exposes them to a range of methods and approaches, and develops their capacity for introspection, self-evaluation, and individual and group text editing. Thus, this method also improves students' independence. As a result, the method of "creative writing based on literary texts" emphasizes both the process of creation and the finished product, which are the unique texts written by each student [5, p.191]. Literary texts serve as the initial stimulus for the creative process in this instance. Literary writings give terminology that isn't usually present in textbooks, giving students a rare chance to interact with real language that they might not otherwise come across—especially if they are unable to visit a nation where the language is spoken [5, p.192]. "Creative writing based on literary texts" is a technique that seeks to accomplish many objectives. Its main goal is to create a unique, innovative product. Other goals consist of the growth of imagination; the development of creative skills, giving kids the opportunity to write; enabling the written expression of oneself, as well as the communication of feelings and experiences; and improving communication abilities when writing in a foreign language. Beno points out that because literary writings always include a reader, they are essential for developing communication skills; enriching vocabulary and grammatical knowledge; fostering student autonomy; and increasing interest in studying a foreign language [5, p.193]. The "creative writing based on literary texts" technique offers several advantages. Firstly, it exposes students to authentic language, akin to interacting with a native speaker, and includes regional idioms found in literary texts, thereby expanding their vocabulary. Additionally, students are encouraged to freely express their views without constraints imposed by the teacher regarding length, content, or style. This freedom promotes the development of creative skills, as crafting a creative text inherently involves ingenuity. Furthermore, students temporarily

assume the roles of fictional characters through the "empathy" technique, which stimulates creativity and imagination [5, p.195].

Another article is Ochilova's paper Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing English Writing Skills illustrates that writing properly is similar to constructing a framework. It requires a solid foundation, a well-thought-out structure, and a clear goal. The primary thesis or argument serves as the foundation and should be strong and convincing. The arrangement of concepts in a logical progression is referred to as the framework. This entails a concise introduction that sets the scene, an elaborate body that develops important concepts, and a concluding statement that restates the major point. Each section needs to be well-developed to promote the main idea [6, p.626]. The author developed the idea that several methods can improve English writing skills. First, reading widely entails immersing oneself in diverse texts, which exposes one to a wider range of writing styles and expands one's vocabulary. For instance, historical books introduce era-specific words, whereas scientific publications supply specialized jargon. Exposure to many writing styles also aids in the learning of syntax and sentence structure, improving language proficiency and respect for written expression. The next is that effective communication requires a wide vocabulary and careful word choice. Rich vocabulary enables exact expression; for example, to indicate deeper feelings, one can use the word "elated" instead of "happy." Word choice is also influenced by context; for example, "start" works better in informal contexts whereas "commence" works well in formal writing. In the end, societal, technical, and educational variables influence how writers evolve [6, pp.627-628].

To conclude, this review clarifies that enhancing writing skills in English necessitates a multimodal strategy that includes organized methods, artistic expression, a lot of reading, and the incorporation of technology. Poetry, creative writing prompts, and literary texts are used in language education to encourage imagination, emotional expression, and critical thinking. Reading widely and being exposed to a huge amount of writing styles also greatly enhances one's vocabulary, sentence structure, and overall writing quality. Together with technology, creative writing in language courses offers linguistic and psychological advantages by inspiring students and building their self-esteem. In the end, these techniques develop flexible, imaginative minds with effective communication abilities—qualities that are critical in both academic and professional contexts.

1. Adam, A. A. S., & Babiker, Y. O. (2015). The role of literature in enhancing creative writing from teachers' perspectives. English Language and Literature Studies, 5(1).

2. Andania, R. A., Dewi, R. F., Romadhoni, M., & Yen, A.-C. (2024). Fostering creative writing through poetry in EFL classroom. Acitya: Journal of Teaching & Education, 6(2).

3. Avramenko, A. P., Davydova, M. A., & Burikova, S. A. (2018). Developing creative writing skills in a high school ESL classroom. Training, Language and Culture, 2(4), 55-69.

4. Maharsi, I. (2016). Finding connection between extensive reading and story writing. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 35(2).

5. Makarova, Y. A. (2015). Tekhnika "kreativnoe pis'mo na osnove literaturnykh tekstov" v protsesse obucheniya inoyazychnoi pis'mennoi rechi [Technique "creative writing based on literary texts" in the process of teaching foreign language writing]. Aktual'nye Voprosy Sovremennoi Nauki.

6. Ochilova, L. B. (2024, April 23-24). Comprehensive guide to enhancing English writing skills. International Scientific and Practical Conference.


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