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Ключевые слова
work motivation / incentive system / staff / employee / enterprise / efficiency. / мотивація праці / система стимулювання / персонал / працівник / підприємство / ефективність.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Красняк О. П., Амонс С. Е.

У статті розглянуті основні питання сучасного етапу стимулювання праці персоналу на підприєм-ствах України. Проаналізовано вплив поточних умов економічної кон'юнктури на продуктивність праці і процес мотивації співробітників організацій. Перераховано приклади методів ефективного стимулю-вання праці персоналу на українських підприємствах. Встановлено, що для вітчизняних підприємств джерелами підвищення продуктивності праці ста-ють організаційно-економічні фактори, які впливають саме на ефективність «живої» праці, доповню-ють матеріально-технічні фактори та створюють передумови реалізації особистісного потенціалу працівника. Наголошено, що мотиваційний механізм, як важливий фактор формування ефективної системи стимулювання в процесі управління персоналом, вимагає постійного дослідження процесу розвитку та його структуризації і вдосконалення.

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The article considers the main issues of the current stage of stimulating the work of staff at the enterprises of Ukraine. The influence of current conditions of economic situation on labor productivity and the process of motivation of employees of organizations is analyzed. Examples of methods of effective stimulation of work of the personnel at the Ukrainian enterprises are listed. It is established that for domestic enterprises the sources of increasing labor productivity are organiza-tional and economic factors that affect the efficiency of "live" work, complement the material and technical factors and create the preconditions for the realization of personal potential of the employee. It is emphasized that the motivational mechanism, as an important factor in the formation of an effective system of incentives in the process of personnel management, requires constant research of the development process and its structuring and improvement.


«етуушиим-лшшау» 2021 / economic sciences


Красняк О.П.

к.е.н., доцент, доцент кафедри аграрного менеджменту та маркетингу,

Вгнницький нацюнальний аграрний унгверситет

Амонс С.Е.

к.с.-г.н., доцент, доцент кафедри ботатки, генетики та захистурослин,

Вгнницький нацюнальний аграрний унгверситет DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-15102-41-47 ТЕОРЕТИЧН1 ОСНОВИ МОТИВАЦП ПРАЦ1 ТА II СТИМУЛЮВАННЯ НА В1ТЧИЗНЯНИХ


Krasnyak O.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department Associate

Professor of Agricultural Management and Marketing, Vinnitsia National Agrarian University

Amons S.

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Botany,

Genetics and Plant Protection, Vinnitsia National Agrarian University




У статт1 розглянутг основнг питання сучасного етапу стимулювання працг персоналу на пгдприем-ствах Украши. Проанал1зовано вплив поточнихумов економ1чно'{ кон'юнктури на продуктивтсть працг i процес мотивацИ сniвробiтникiв оргатзацш. Перераховано приклади методiв ефективного стимулювання працi персоналу на укра'тських тдприемствах.

Встановлено, що для втчизняних тдприемств джерелами пiдвищення продуктивностi пращ ста-ють органiзацiйно-економiчнi фактори, ят впливають саме на ефективтсть «живоЧ» працi, доповню-ють матерiально-технiчнi фактори та створюють передумови реалЧзаци особистюного потенщалу пра-цiвника.

Наголошено, що мотивацтний мехатзм, як важливий фактор формування ефективно'1 системи стимулювання в процес управлтня персоналом, вимагае постшного до^дження процесу розвитку та його структуризацИ i вдосконалення.


The article considers the main issues of the current stage of stimulating the work of staff at the enterprises of Ukraine. The influence of current conditions of economic situation on labor productivity and the process of motivation of employees of organizations is analyzed. Examples of methods of effective stimulation of work of the personnel at the Ukrainian enterprises are listed.

It is established that for domestic enterprises the sources of increasing labor productivity are organizational and economic factors that affect the efficiency of "live" work, complement the material and technical factors and create the preconditions for the realization ofpersonal potential of the employee.

It is emphasized that the motivational mechanism, as an important factor in the formation of an effective system of incentives in the process ofpersonnel management, requires constant research of the development process and its structuring and improvement.

Ключовi слова: мотивацiя працi, система стимулювання, персонал, працiвник, пiдприемство, ефективтсть.

Keyword: work motivation, incentive system, staff, employee, enterprise, efficiency.

Formulation of the problem.

With the intensification of the process of formation of market relations, the essence of such important economic categories and processes as material incentives and income generation fundamentally changes.

Modern market conditions of Ukraine's economy require business leaders to constantly work to improve the quality of their products and increase the level of financial stability, which is important for attracting foreign investment capital. By achieving these goals, the company is able to increase the level of competitiveness of both business and its products /

services. There is only one question: to find the tools with which the management implements the above tasks. Among them - the management of labor and productivity, which depend on the volume of products produced in relation to the cost of their labor.

The development of the incentive system is a comprehensive approach to addressing the issue of improving the efficiency and quality of work in the formation of new economic relations in the agricultural sector of the economy. When using it in the management of an agricultural enterprise, it becomes clear how well developed the current system of selection, adaptation, training, placement of personnel,

as well as the formation of relationships between employees of enterprises.

The peculiarity of a comprehensive approach to the system of labor incentives is the formation of working conditions of agricultural personnel, which depends on the specifics of the industry, seasonality of production and other components of production processes. Therefore, the system is a unity of interdependent and interacting elements that are able to actively interact with the environment to change its structure, while maintaining integrity, to choose one of the possible lines of behavior to achieve a common goal. Social order systems are self-governing systems. Any self-managing system is divided into two subsystems: managed and control.

Implementation of economic reforms in the state, change of forms of ownership, its privatization and privatization, creation of a multidisciplinary sphere of management in agriculture require changes in approaches to remuneration and systems of material incentives for all categories of workers. There are also significant changes in the legislation of Ukraine, the basic rights and responsibilities for wages and its promotion have been transferred by the state to agricultural producers.

The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and develop practical recommendations for the system of stimulating labor motivation of employees of agricultural enterprises in market conditions.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

In modern conditions, the formation of an existing system of material incentives for labor, which provides competitive advantages of agricultural enterprises is the most important condition for increasing the effectiveness of agricultural enterprises. Evaluation of the effective use and formation of a system of material incentives in the center of attention of many economists. A significant contribution to solving this problem was made by domestic and foreign scientists: A. Maslow, V.S. Diesperov, D. McClelland, M.Y. Malik, O.A. Bugutsky, O.G. Shpykuliak, L.I. Mikhailov, but some issues still remain relevant and modern.

The Guidelines for the organization of material incentives for employees of enterprises and organizations state that material incentives are a means of meeting the material needs of workers depending on the results of their collective and individual work through a system of legislative, regulatory, economic, social and organizational factors and measures, associated with production. The system of material incentives - a set of basic and additional indicators for assessing the collective and individual results of work, in which workers are made various incentive payments in excess of basic wages in order to use their material interest to increase productivity, efficiency and competitiveness [1].

The economic encyclopedic dictionary defines that economic forms and methods of motivating people, based on the use of material interest of man in raising the level of wages, in obtaining additional monetary rewards, gifts and other incentives [2].

V. Petty in his work "Motivation as a factor in activating labor behavior" emphasized: "land - the mother of wealth, and work - his father" [3].

The system of motivation at the level of the agricultural enterprise should be based on the following requirements: provision of equal opportunities for employment and promotion according to the criterion of labor productivity; reconciling the level of remuneration with its results and recognition of personal contribution to the overall success; creating appropriate conditions for the protection of health, safety and well-being of all employees; providing opportunities for the growth of professional skills, the realization of the abilities of employees; maintaining an atmosphere of trust and interest in the team to achieve the common goal [4].

Staff incentives are measures taken to provide employees with decent working conditions and the satisfaction of their personal interests. Naturally, these measures are aimed at achieving the goals of the organization [5, p. 53].

According to N. Pitel "... stimulation in the process of labor relations management is the main way to realize the motivation of labor activity." In his opinion, the higher the quality of the workforce, and the better the organization of labor relations, the less there is a need for direct incentives in the process of managing people in the enterprise [6].

M.S. Bashmak emphasizes that the encouragement of employees with cash benefits should be based on the results of work [7].

According to research by the Harvard Business School, only 10% of people work consistently well or consistently poorly. The remaining 90% need clearly defined tasks and incentives to benefit the company. From this we can conclude that the success of the whole enterprise largely depends on a well-thought-out system of motivation [9].

The main motives for employment for employees of agricultural enterprises, as noted by A. Babenko and O. Vasiliev are: wages, property income, working conditions, professional and career growth, the right to participate in economic issues, receiving from the company socio-cultural services [8].

According to O. Kovalenko and A. Gogolenko, the purpose of incentives is not only to encourage people to work, but also to force them to do it better than provided by labor relations, ie an effective system of incentives should be based on the results of work [11].

A number of authors [12] define incentives as a set of external conditions created by business entities themselves for more successful realization of their own needs.

Regarding the motivational process, the situation with its implementation in the agricultural sector is even more critical, as noted by M. Shatokhina and M. Blazhko [10].

In our opinion, work in agricultural enterprises has its own specifics, which affects its payment and incentives.

Results of the research.

Stimulation of labor is a way to manage the behavior of social systems of different hierarchical levels, is



one of the methods of motivating labor behavior of objects of management. Therefore, every agricultural enterprise is interested in increasing labor productivity and efficient use of its labor resources.

"Labor efficiency" and "quality of work" are key factors in increasing the company's profits in the long run.

In the economic literature, various definitions of labor quality are given.

V.Ye. Shoemaker notes that the quality of work -a set of properties of the labor process, due to the ability and desire of the employee to perform certain work along with certain requirements [13]. The quality of labor can be defined as a relatively stable set of properties, which creates its essential certainty as a special type of activity and causes different production results.

In the economic encyclopedia, this definition of the quality of labor is a set of specific actions aimed at achieving a certain material goal, which distinguishes one type of specific work from another. The qualitative side of work is characterized by such indicators as complexity, intensity, efficiency of mental effort [14].

The quality system is closely related to the quality of work. In the conditions of scientific and technical progress the technological aspect of quality of production acquires special value. This implies a high level of compliance with production technology, compliance with all parameters of finished products and services, compliance with international standards and environmental standards. In the modern economy, a high level of international cooperation of production and division of labor, which also makes it necessary for products to comply with established quality systems and the international quality system.

In accordance with the growing requirements for product quality and its compliance with international standards and quality systems, agricultural enterprises face the need to improve staff skills. Therefore, the role of training and retraining systems is increasingly growing in accordance with the increasing requirements for their skills, knowledge and skills to ensure the required product quality. With the growth of production automation, reduction of manual labor, and even the complete replacement of man by machines and mechanisms, the qualification of personnel plays an important role in improving product quality based on international standards and systems.

Closely related to the concept of "quality of work" is the concept of "labor efficiency", which depends primarily on employees of agricultural enterprises. Currently, labor efficiency is determined not only by labor productivity, but goes through all stages of production, from development to production or service. Currently, the growth of production efficiency is ensured by the transition to modern technologies, which provides a high level of automation, reduced material consumption and a high level of product quality. Thus, the growth of product quality and improving production efficiency are inextricably linked and present at all stages of agricultural production, which affects the level of extensive use of labor, labor intensity and technical and technological state of production.

T.O. Galaida and N.B. Tenytska believes that among the main indicators of labor efficiency are labor productivity, labor intensity of production, capital adequacy and wage intensity of production [15].

Thus, we can emphasize that increasing labor efficiency is an improvement of the technological process, reducing the material consumption of products, optimizing the labor process of employees, leading to increased profits. Stimulating the efficiency and quality of work of employees leads to increased profits and increase the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in the market.

A more thorough identification of the place and role of incentives in the general mechanism of regulation of labor behavior requires to determine its functions in relation to this behavior. We can distinguish economic, social, socio-psychological and moral, educational functions of labor incentives.

The economic function is to help increase production efficiency.

The meaning of the social function of labor incentives is that the socio-economic position of workers is largely determined by the set of economic and social benefits that a person has, occupying a position in the system of social division of labor.

Socio-psychological function of stimulation is the influence of the entire organization of the incentive system on the formation of the inner world of the employee: his needs, values, attitudes, orientations, work motivations, his perception as the most important social value.

Moral and educational function is determined by the fact that incentives to work form an active life position, a high moral climate in society. At the same time, it is important to ensure a correct and reasonable system of incentives, taking into account traditions and historical experience.

Socio-psychological function is closely linked, intertwined with the moral, educational function, which reflects the "contribution" of stimulation in the formation of moral qualities of the employee, in the formation of labor morality.

Social, socio-psychological and moral functions of stimulation are the subject of study of sociology, social psychology, ethics [11].

Despite all the variety of forms and methods of increasing the incentives for staff of the organization, the problem of choosing the optimal system of remuneration does not lose its relevance. Their effectiveness depends on how fully they take into account the nature of production, features of labor processes, technological level of production, "age" and position of the enterprise in the market, fierce competition, the stage of the life cycle of products.

It is also important how the system is perceived by employees and whether unions are active. For all the uniqueness of each organization, there are some patterns, accounting for which in the practice of building reward systems helps to ensure the greatest return.

Any goods, material or spiritual, that meet human needs, if their receipt involves activity, should be called incentives to work. Or we can say that the good be-

comes a stimulus to labor, if it forms the motive of labor. Generally speaking, incentives are everything that a person considers valuable.

Stimulation of labor involves the creation of conditions under which, as a result of active work, the employee will work more efficiently and more productively, ie perform more work than previously agreed. In this case, the stimulation of labor creates the conditions for the employee to realize that he can work more productively, and when the desire arises, which in turn gives rise to the need to work more productively. For the employee, these are manifestations of motives for more efficient work and the realization of this motive (motives) in the process of work.

Incentive is a purposeful influence on a person, which, regardless of the source and nature, affects the activity of staff. This impact is based on the provision of guarantees of achievement as a result of their own activities of the subject of the train, which meets the needs of staff [16].

A significant number of scientists claim that the employee is affected by a significant number of incentives:

- system of economic standards and benefits;

- the level of wages and fair distribution of profits;

- working conditions;

- relations in the team;

- career development;

- creative impulse and interesting work;

- desire to assert itself and constant risk;

- tough external commands and internal culture, etc. [17].

The incentive system is based on administrative and legal methods of management, but does not replace them, because incentives are effective if the authorities are able to achieve the level for which they are paid. The purpose of stimulation is not only to motivate a person to work in general, but to motivate him better (more) than what is due to the employment relationship.

According to the type of needs or needs that meet the incentives, the latter can be divided into internal and external. The first include a sense of self-esteem, satisfaction with the results, a sense of content and significance of their work "luxury of human communication" that arises in the process of work and others. They can also be called moral incentives. The external reward is what the company provides to each other: wages, bonuses, career growth, symbols of status and prestige, praise and recognition, various benefits and incentives. They can also be called monetary and material and social incentives. The source of material incentives is determined by the nature of the incentive system.

We will consider the types of incentives listed above in more detail, because together they are the main elements of an effective system of incentives for employees of agricultural enterprises.

Wage organization is an organizational and economic mechanism for assessing the labor contribution of employees and the formation of wage parameters in accordance with this assessment, the cost of labor services and the state of the labor market. The organization of wages should also include the use of a mechanism

for establishing certain social guarantees, aimed primarily at ensuring the subsistence level for the poorest categories of workers [17].

The bonus is an additional remuneration that is paid to the employee of the enterprise only in cases of performance of work and is individual and collective.

Career growth, which gives both higher wages and manifests itself for the employee as an economic incentive, and interesting, meaningful work in the form of administrative incentives, and reflects the recognition of professional development, merit and authority of the individual by "transferring" the employee to a higher status group with a manifestation of moral stimulus.

Status and prestigious reward is an internal driving force of employee behavior, associated with its desire to occupy a higher position, to perform more complex and responsible work in the enterprise.

Praise and recognition, which can be personal or public. The essence of which is that the employee or team, which is particularly noted, mentioned in special reports to senior management or personally presented to him, get the right to sign the responsible documents in the development of which they participated.

The world experience of work incentive systems is conventionally divided into three models: Japanese, American and European. The Japanese model is based on outpacing the growth of labor productivity in relation to the growth of living standards, including wages. To encourage entrepreneurial activity, the state does not take serious measures to control the property stratification of society.

The existence of such a model is possible only with the high development of all members of society of national identity, the priority of the interests of the nation over the interests of a particular person, the willingness of the population to make certain material sacrifices for the welfare of the country. The system of labor incentives in comparison with other industrialized countries in Japan is very flexible.

Traditionally, it is based on three factors: professionalism, age and experience. The amount of salary of a worker, engineer, and manager of lower and middle levels, depending on these factors is determined by the tariff grid as the sum of payments in three sections: age, work experience, qualifications and skills, which are characterized by category and category, and is conditionally constant part of the employee's salary.

The system of labor incentives in the United States is based on wages. The most widespread are various modifications of the hourly wage system with standardized tasks, supplemented by various forms of bonuses. Currently, one of the most common forms of remuneration for both primary and secondary workers is remuneration, which combines elements of piecework and hourly systems.

In this case, the employee's daily earnings are defined as the product of the hourly wage rate for the number of hours worked. If the employee fails to comply with the daily norm in kind, the work is continued until the norm is met. This system of remuneration does not provide for the payment of bonuses, because, according to American economists, these amounts are laid down in the high wage rate of the worker and the

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salary of the employee. A distinctive feature of this system is the simplicity of accrual of earnings and planning of wage costs.

The French model of labor incentives is characterized by a wide variety of economic instruments, including strategic planning and incentives for competition, a flexible system of taxation. Its distinctive feature is the inclusion of strategic planning in the market mechanism. The basis of market relations in the French model is competition, which directly affects the quality of products, meeting the needs of the population in goods and services, reducing production costs.

There are two trends in the wage policy of French firms: indexation of wages depending on the cost of living and individual wages. Consumer price indices are taken into account in the wages of almost all large enterprises, which is reflected in collective agreements with trade unions. The principle of individualization of remuneration is carried out by taking into account the level of professional qualification, the quality of work performed, the number of innovation proposals, the level of employee mobility [18].

Of interest are the results of research in the field of employee motivation, obtained in the European Union in opinion polls. Surveys conducted in Germany showed that about 30% of employees are completely satisfied with their work. At the same time, 65% of employees indicated that their work brings them satisfaction in general. 94% of surveyed professionals and employees said that their work satisfies them, and only 2% of managers categorically answered that work does not bring them a sense of satisfaction [2, p. 29]. The results of surveys show that the system of motivation of managers and professionals should be based on the commitment of employees to work.

The need for wage reform is obvious. Since the low level of income of agricultural workers has a negative impact on their solvency and competitiveness of domestic products. Directions for further wage reform should be aimed at improving the quality of life of the rural population, increasing effective demand, reducing social tensions in society. To this end, it is necessary to move from the attitude to wages as part of the income of the enterprise, to the attitude as the price of goods "labor" in order to carry out the normal reproduction of labor [20].

The current stage of economic reforms in Ukraine is characterized by the fact that companies operate in an environment of growing demands of various social groups. In this regard, the creation of an effective system of incentives for employees becomes especially important. Let's consider some directions of the decision of this problem.

When creating an incentive system should be based on the principles developed in management theory and applied in a market economy: complexity; systematic; regulation; specialization; stability; purposeful creativity. Let's focus on the essence of these principles.

The first principle is complexity. Complexity implies that a comprehensive approach is needed, taking into account all possible factors: organizational, legal, technical, material, social, moral and physiological.

Organizational factors - is the establishment of a certain order of work, separation of powers, formulation of goals and objectives. As already mentioned, the correct organization of the production process lays the foundation for further efficient and quality work.

Legal factors closely interact with organizational factors, which aim to ensure compliance of the rights and responsibilities of the employee in the process of work, taking into account the functions assigned to him. This is necessary for the proper organization of production and further fair incentives.

Material factors determine specific forms of material incentives: wages, bonuses, allowances, etc. which has already been emphasized.

Social factors involve increasing the interest of employees by providing them with various social benefits, providing social assistance, employee participation in team management.

Moral factors are a set of measures aimed at ensuring a positive moral and ethical climate in the team, the correct selection and placement of personnel, various forms of moral incentives.

Physiological factors include a set of measures aimed at maintaining the health and efficiency of employees. These measures are carried out in accordance with sanitary, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements, which include rules for equipping workplaces and establishing rational modes of work and rest. Physiological factors play no less important role in improving the efficiency and quality of work performed than others.

All these factors should be applied not separately, but in combination, which guarantees good results. It is then that a significant increase in the efficiency and quality of work of workers in agricultural enterprises will become a reality.

The principle of complexity determines the conduct of these activities not in relation to one or more employees, but in relation to the entire staff of the enterprise. This approach will have a much greater effect at the level of the entire agricultural enterprise.

The second principle is systematic. If the principle of complexity involves the creation of a system of incentives taking into account all its factors, the principle of system city involves the detection and elimination of contradictions between factors, their relationship with each other. This makes it possible to create a system of incentives that is internally balanced through the mutual coordination of its elements and is able to work effectively for the benefit of the enterprise. An example of system city can be a system of material and moral incentives for employees, based on the results of quality control and evaluation of employee contribution, that is there is a logical relationship between quality and efficiency and subsequent remuneration.

The third principle is regulation. The regulations provide for the establishment of a certain order in the form of instructions, rules, regulations and control over their implementation. In this regard, it is important to distinguish between those areas of activity of employees that require strict compliance with instructions and control over their implementation, those areas in which the employee must be free in their actions and can show


ECONOMIC SCIENCES / «<g©LL©(MUM~JOUTMaL» #15102)), 2021

initiative. When creating a system of incentives, the objects of regulation should be the specific responsibilities of an employee, the specific results of his activities, labor costs, ire each employee must have a complete idea of what is part of his responsibilities and what results are expected of him. In addition, it is necessary to regulate the issue of evaluation of the final work, i.e. the criteria by which the final work of the employee will be evaluated must be clearly established. Such regulations, however, should not preclude a creative approach, which in turn should also be taken into account in the subsequent remuneration of the employee.

Regulation of the content of the work performed by employees of the enterprise should solve the following tasks:

- definition of works and operations that should be entrusted to employees;

- providing employees with what they need to perform the tasks assigned to them;

- distribution of works and operations between divisions of the enterprise on the principle of rationality;

- establishment of specific job responsibilities for each employee in accordance with his qualifications and level of education.

Regulation of the content of labor serves to increase the efficiency of work performed.

From the point of view of stimulation of the performed work the regulation of results of the performed work plays a very important role. It includes:

- determination of a number of indicators that characterize the activities of units of the enterprise and each employee in particular, which would take into account the contribution of units and individual employees to the overall performance of the enterprise;

- quantification of each of the indicators;

- creation of the general system of an estimation of the contribution of the worker in achievement of the general results of activity taking into account efficiency and quality of the performed work.

Thus, we can say that the regulation of incentives plays a very important role in streamlining the system of incentives in the enterprise.

The fourth principle is specialization. Specialization is the assignment of certain functions and works to the company's divisions and individual employees in accordance with the principle of rationalization. Specialization is an incentive to increase productivity, increase efficiency and improve the quality of work.

The fifth principle is stability. Stability implies the presence of a formed team, the lack of staff turnover, the presence of certain tasks and functions facing the team and the order of their implementation. Any changes that occur in the work of the enterprise must take place without disrupting the normal performance of the functions of a particular unit of the enterprise or employee. Only then there will be no reduction in the efficiency and quality of work performed.

The sixth principle is purposeful creativity. Here it is necessary to say that the system of incentives in the enterprise should encourage employees to be creative. These include the creation of new, more advanced products, products, production technologies and designs of applied equipment or types of materials, and

the search for new, more efficient solutions in the field of organization of production and management.

Based on the results of creative activity of the enterprise as a whole, the structural unit and each individual employee, measures of material and moral stimulation are provided. An employee who knows that the proposal made to him will bring him additional material and moral benefits, has a desire to think creatively. It is necessary to take especially seriously the stimulation of the creative process in research teams.

When organizing the system of incentives at the enterprise it is necessary to take into account the proportions in payment between simple and complex work, between employees of different qualifications.

When creating an incentive system at the enterprise it is necessary to adhere to the principle of system flexibility. Flexible incentive systems allow the manager, on the one hand, to provide the employee with certain guarantees of salary in accordance with his experience and professional knowledge, and on the other hand, to make the employee's salary dependent on his personal performance and the results of the enterprise as a whole.

After analyzing modern approaches to work incentives, we can identify key types of motivation of workers, which can lead to increased productivity of Ukrainian enterprises:

- creating opportunities for career growth of employees of the enterprise;

- creation of a flexible schedule of working hours;

- providing the opportunity to choose the period for paid leave;

- holding corporate events;

- congratulations of employees on holidays;

- moral assistance during difficult life situations of employees of the enterprise;

- organization of internships and business trips;

- organization of training programs to improve the professional qualities of individual employees;

- compliance with ergonomics;

- polite treatment of company employees, without exception, their positions.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the process of motivation today is becoming a key element in personnel management and contribute to productivity growth. Ukrainian companies have a long way to go to reorganize their theory.

To ensure further wage growth in Ukraine in the coming years, it is necessary to use all sources of wage increases, both at the state level and individual enterprises. The solution to this problem can contribute to the projected increase in production and sales on the basis of increasing motivation and productivity, attracting investment.

Policy in this area should be aimed at creating conditions for outpacing growth of labor productivity on the basis of accelerated restructuring of the economy, reorientation of production to the production of competitive products. Gradual solution to the problem of hidden unemployment in enterprises will strengthen the state's influence on labor rationing, which will lead to more efficient use of working time.


Flexible incentive systems are now widespread in foreign countries with developed economies. Moreover, flexibility in wages is manifested not only in the form of additional individual surcharges to wages. The range of flexible payments is quite wide. These are individual allowances for length of service, experience, level of education, etc., and systems of collective bonuses, designed primarily for workers, and profit sharing systems designed for professionals and managers, and flexible systems of social benefits. Only the application of all forms of incentives, designed to apply to all employees of the organization, can give the desired effect.


After analyzing modern theories of staff motivation, we can conclude that the key motives for the work of workers - it's not physical needs, but respect, involvement and power. And their satisfaction is the task of modern technologies and tools of personnel motivation policy, which proves not high efficiency of only one material form of labor incentives.

The motivational mechanism, as an important factor in the formation of an effective system of incentives in the process of personnel management, requires constant research into the process of development and its structuring and improvement.

Thus, raising the material level creates the preconditions for the establishment of a motivational system in which values such as creativity, autonomy, the search for inner satisfaction, the desire for new experiences, the desire to search, self-improvement and inner growth are increasingly manifested.

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