Sobirova G.R.
Abstract: the following article talks about the term which today is actively used in the field of linguistics called "Text". The author makes certain the phenomenon with the use of different distinction done by various scholars. According to their claims text is a message that exists in the form of such sequence of characters that have a formal coherence, substantial wholeness and a formal semantic structure arising on the basis of their interaction.
Keywords: text, sequence, concept, single system, completeness, semantic, human world, nature.
UDC 82-2
In modern linguistics, the concept of "text" as a multifaceted and diverse phenomenon, as a product of oral or written speech, representing a "sequence of verbal signs", is one of the most significant problems of linguistic research. However, to date there is no unambiguous definition of the concept "text" due to the existence of various textual forms and types and by virtue of the multiplicity of its structural-semantic and communicative-semantic organization. In this connection, Y.S. Kubryakov claims that to unite the texts into a single system is as difficult as the discovery of that set sufficient and necessary features which would be obligatory to the recognition of the text forming the category of the classical, Aristotelian type [1]. In accordance with this, we turn to the study of the views of researchers on this term.
I.R. Galperin gives the following definition of the notion "text": text is a work of writing process, possessing completeness, a work objectified in the form of written document, consisting of a name (title) and a number of special units (unity of hyper phrases), united by different types of lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connection, with a certain focus and pragmatic installation [2]. It should be noted that the researcher is talking about the implementation of the text only in writing. Other linguists also adhere to this view. However, most linguists believe that the text, as a communicative concept, focused on identifying the specifics of a particular activity, in any speech works. The text is understood as a speech realization of the author's intention and a communicative unit of the highest level, implemented both in written and in oral speech, as verbal works in different forms of incarnation, which can be spoken, written, electronic, etc [3].
P. Litvinov gets "an independent phenomenon of human world, which is analyzed as a materialized meaning. The author creates the text, but only the reader makes the text what it really is, he bring to life phenomenon of text via own relation. According to the thought of the researcher, the reader's intention is the most significant in defining the concept of "text". For the reader, text's existence in the present is as written in the past [4].
V. Serebryakova defines the text as an integral communicative unit, characterized by a complex semantic and formal grammatical organization of its components, while entering to the boundaries of the text in special system relations, acquires a qualitatively new, intentionally determined stylistic and pragmatic effect [5].
V. A. Lukin proposes the following definition: A text is a message that exists in the form of such sequence of characters that have a formal coherence, substantial wholeness and a formal semantic structure arising on the basis of their interaction. Despite some differences in the definitions given by scholars, the idea of the communicative nature of the text, called "material manifestation of communication", should be noted in all explanations.
There are various kinds of texts that relate to a particular style of speech. On accordance of this on this, texts are selected:
Colloquial (used colloquially, most often exist verbally; characterized by the presence of sentences simple in their composition, and special colloquial lexemes);
Official business (used in the official business style, most often exist in writing; they are characterized by the presence of sentences that are complex in their composition, an abundance ofpersonal parts of speech and specific vocabulary);
Publicist (used in the media and their main purpose - to attract the interest of readers or listeners, as well as informing them; exist in both written and oral forms; are characterized by liveliness, diversity and the selection of lexical means occurs depending on the purpose and content of the text);
Scientific (used in various fields of science, exist mainly in writing (although there are many oral scientific presentations); they are characterized by a rather complex syntactic organization, a large number of terms);
Literary (they can combine different types of texts depending on the author's goals). One of the most interesting and significant types of text is a literary text that differs from other by a number of characteristics.
Yu.M. Lotman defines literary text as "a certain model of the world, a particular message in the language of art, which has the property of turning into modeling systems" [5]. In order to support this statement L.Y. Ginzburg mentions that the literary text is formed by the image of the author, his point of view about object of the image and, in the text of a literary work, the author expresses his perception of the world and gives his assessment to the surrounding reality.
V.P. Belyanin views literary text as "a text that uses language means in their aesthetic function in order to convey emotional content'. The scholar believes that the literary text appears in a complex system, which incorporates the following: "reality - consciousness -model of the world - language - author - text - reader - projection" [6].
In this regard, as noted by the researchers in literary texts, many concepts and phenomenon that receive individual refraction in modern linguistics remain highly relevant and, at the same time they are extremely complex.
1. Arutyunova N.D. Naivnye razmo'shleniya o naivnoy kartine yazyka /N.D. Arutyunova I Yazyk o yazyke. - M.: Yazyki russkoy kultury, 2000. S. 7-23.
2. Galperin I.R. Tekst kak obyekt lingvisticheskogo issledovaniya/I.R. Galperin. M.: Vys. Shk., 2000. 192 s.
3. Loseva,1980. Tekstovaya inteligentsiya.
4. Karimova Z.A. Psychological aspects of teaching foreign language to kids. Problemy pedagogiki. № 3 (35), 2018.
5. Bozorova L.B. Sovremenno'e informatsionno'e texnologii v protsesse formirovaniya leksicheskix navo'kov na urokax angliyskogo yazo'ka «Nauka, obrazovanie i kultura». № 4 (19), 2017.
6. Mamatkulova B.R. Kontsept «ognya» i protsess ego izucheniya v istorii «Nauka i obrazovanie segodnya». № 5 (16), 2017. Str. 39.