Baymuradova S.E. teacher of the Department of Geography and Teaching Methods Tashkent State Pedagogical University
Abstract: This article discusses the theoretical foundations of the development of innovative activity in future geography teachers based on a creative approach. Innovative activity is a creative approach to mastering existing methods, forms and tools for a teacher to improve his profession, which, as a subject and organizer of innovative activity, creates, applies and popularizes innovation, ensures that innovation is systematic, holistic and sustainable. The article also pays special attention to the issues of developing an innovative educational environment.
Keywords: Innovative activity, innovative approach, creativity, creative thinking, motivation, technology, creative orientation.
The task of determining the priority areas of systemic reform of higher education, raising the process of training highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and high spiritual and moral qualities, independent thinking to a qualitatively new level, modernizing higher education, developing the social sphere and economic sectors based on advanced educational technologies is set out in the Concept for the Development of the Higher Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030. How effectively this task is solved will have a significant impact on ensuring the achievement of the goals of socio-economic reforms and a radical restructuring of the life of our society being implemented in our country. Because, as practice shows, the effectiveness of any socio-economic changes directly depends on the professional development of specialists mobilized to fulfill the tasks set in this regard.
Today, education is one of the most important areas of human activity, and the increasing role of education in society is leading to the emergence of new directions of economic development. The need to develop and improve the education system in any country is due to new trends in socio-economic development in the modern world. Therefore, the process of training teachers for innovative activities based on creative approaches requires that they be carried out based on the latest achievements of modern science and technology.
When directing future specialists to innovative activities, the following should be taken into account:
- radically improving the personnel potential of the education system, increasing the professional prestige of educators, teachers, professors and researchers;
- radically changing educational and vocational programs, taking into account modern achievements in education, science, technology, economy and culture at the global level;
- developing the spiritual and moral qualities of students at all levels and stages of education based on the principles of national ideology and the priority of the rich intellectual heritage of the people and universal values;
- improving the education management system, developing forms of public management, regionalization of educational institutions;
- develop and implement measures to strengthen the role of family, parents, public organizations, neighborhoods, charitable and international funds in education, as well as in the spiritual, moral, creative, intellectual and physical education of young people [3].
It is clear from this that the development of innovative activity in future geography teachers is also a complex process, which requires the teacher to implement such stages as using existing innovations in practice, introducing new ideas and methods into the existing system, systematizing the content, forms and methods of implementing a new idea, and developing his own concept or methodology for teaching and upbringing.
In this context, innovative activity refers to a teacher's creative approach to mastering existing methods, forms and tools for improving his profession. The need for a stable scientific concept and classification of innovations in education and innovative pedagogical activity is a modern requirement. For this, it is advisable to systematically develop scientific knowledge aimed at education. It is also necessary to strengthen the integration between educational knowledge and practical pedagogical activity. The teacher, as a subject and organizer of innovative activity, participates in the creation, application and popularization of innovation. The goal of innovative activity is to get the highest result from the effort expended. Unlike other various spontaneous innovations, innovation is a mechanism for managed and controlled changes. Not every innovation in the education system can be an innovation. Innovation is systematic, holistic and continuous, designs a new system of activity in a certain practice, completely renews the positions of the subjects of practice. In this case, new areas of activity are opened, new technologies are created, new qualitative results of activity are achieved, and as a result, the practice itself is renewed. The introduction of innovation into practice is carried out in innovative processes. The innovative process is the process of preparing for innovative changes and their implementation.
A number of research scientists of our republic define innovative activity in their research works as follows - this is an activity aimed at acquiring and applying new knowledge. It includes the following:
- fundamental (theoretical, experimental) scientific research aimed at obtaining new knowledge;
- applied innovation aimed primarily at applying new knowledge to achieve practical goals and solve specific tasks;
- practical experimentation aimed at creating and further improving new projects, products, processes, production and use services, systems or methods as a result of scientific research or their further development [1,2].
The process of preparing future geography teachers for innovative activities based on creative approaches is manifested in: creativity in a future teacher (the ability to create clear ideas in students about the nature of the Earth, its population, and natural geographical processes occurring in the environment), computer literacy, high information culture (the ability to effectively use video and audio lessons, presentations, and Internet resources to convey geographic information to students), the ability to complete the activity in introducing innovations (expanding the scope of students' logical thinking based on geographical knowledge), the ability to be progressive in innovative activities, and the ability to acquire leading professional pedagogical skills (the ability to form practical geographical skills in students).
The level of preparation of future geography teachers for innovative activities, including the innovative process and innovative potential, is determined by directing them to intellectual and creative activities using new educational technologies. To achieve this, the main processes are the introduction of future geography teachers into innovative processes from the moment they enter a higher educational institution, their creative approach to the education system, the formation of their innovative resources based on creative approaches, and the formation of knowledge, skills and qualifications in organizing innovative activities.
One of the important components of the creative approach is motivation. In teaching, as in educational activities, the motivational sphere is distinguished. These are external and internal motives, for example, the desire to achieve something as an external motive, and attention to the process and result of one's activity as an internal motive.
Creativity is a personal characteristic of a person, associated with his self-improvement and development [4]. Creativity - this component refers to the teacher's ability to create and implement new ideas. The level of creativity in the work of a future creative teacher is taken into account by three indicators: productivity, creative orientation, and creativity diagnostics. The process of preparing future geography teachers for innovative activities based on creative approaches directly includes determining the actual problems of preparing them for innovative activities, creating scientific-methodological, software-didactic, software-informational support for optimizing the training of future teachers, and participating in competitions with scientific, scientific-methodological, innovative projects in this regard, and conducting regular creative activities to widely introduce them into training for innovative activities.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the acquisition of heuristic methods in innovative activity gives a great impetus to the development of creativity, but does not always guarantee the successful solution of creative problems. Innovative pedagogical activity means a new approach to the organization of learning and
education. This, first of all, involves the use of new methods of effective interaction between students and teachers, leading to the achievement of the desired results, innovative education involves the search and application of new ideas, the teacher develops and implements new methods and independently selects solutions. The innovative process is aimed at qualitatively improving the system into which the innovation is being introduced, and involves motivating its participants and changing their views from the standpoint of innovation.
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