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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Taktasheva Dinara Rinatovna

This article is devoted to the research of the problem of the formation of students’ communicative competence by identifying the didactic potential of social and humanitarian disciplines studied at an engineering university. In addition, the article presents the technique developed for the formation of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university, which has been elaborated in the process of the dissertation research.

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вимога зосередженосп, уваги, вмшня вслухатися у музику, що виконуеться. Велику роль при цьому грали навички аналiзу гармони, форми, фактури, знаходження доцiльноï аплiкатури, педалiзацiï. З цих завдань випкали i проблеми розвитку пiанiстичноï технiки, що розглядаеться в органiчному зв'язку з художньо-виконавськими цiлями.

Педагогiчна дiяльнiсть цих видатних музикантiв визначила головнi традицiï росшсько1' фортепiанноï педагогiки дореволюцiйного часу, що отримали свiй подальший розвиток в школi пiанiзму ХХ столiття.

Висновки i пропозицп. Щдсумовуючи вищевикладене, зазначимо, що iсторiя фортепiанноï педагогiки показуе, що ïï розвиток багато в чому залежав ввд розумiння сенсу i завдань виконавського мистецтва. Якщо у перших трактатах епохи клавiрiзму акцентувалося на технiцi iмпровiзування, перекладу музичних творiв, правилах гри, то вже в трактатах шнця XVIII столггтя з'являються мiркування про стиль i

East European Scientific Journal #1(65), 2021 35 завдання виконавського мистецтва. Б^шють методичних праць Х1Х столiтгя присвячено висвiтленню прийомiв гри, як1 б давали можливють ташстам-виконавцям досягти вiргуозноl технiки. Але методичш принципи кращих педагогiв Х1Х столiтгя були спрямованi на виховання музиканта, виконавське мистецтво якого може передавати в живих, образних формах змют художнього твору.

Перспективи подальших дослвджень автор вбачае у розкритгi проблем розвитку европейсько! фортетанно! методики та педагопки перiоду ХХ -початку ХХ1 столiть, а також у висвгтленш педагогiчних принципiв кращих представнишв украшсько! шашстично! школи названого перюду.

Список лiтератури

1. Алексеев А.Д. Из истории фортепианной педагогики: хрестоматия. Киев, 1974. 165 с. [Alekseev A.D. Iz istorii fortepiannoj pedagogiki: hrestomatija. Kiev, 1974: 165. (In Russ).]

УДК 378 ГРНТИ 14.35.09

Taktasheva Dinara Rinatovna

Senior teacher of "Foreign Languages " department of the Branch of Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent city


Такташева Динара Ринатовна

Старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки» Филиала Российского Государственного Университета нефти и газа (Национальный исследовательский университет) им. И.М. Губкина в г. Ташкенте


Summary. This article is devoted to the research of the problem of the formation of students' communicative competence by identifying the didactic potential of social and humanitarian disciplines studied at an engineering university. In addition, the article presents the technique developed for the formation of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university, which has been elaborated in the process of the dissertation research.

Аннотация. Данная статья посвящена исследованию проблемы формирования коммуникативной компетентности студентов путем выявления дидактического потенциала социально-гуманитарных дисциплин, изучаемых в техническом вузе. Кроме того, в статье представлена методика формирования коммуникативной компетенции студентов технического вуза, разработанная в процессе диссертационного исследования.

Key words: communication, competence, communicative competence, communicative skills, engineering university.

Ключевые слова: коммуникация, компетенция, коммуникативная компетенция, коммуникативные навыки, технический вуз.

Introduction: Within the framework of ongoing socio-economic conditions, the development of education in the Republic of Uzbekistan receives a high status, since it is the factor that will facilitate transition to the information society and the formation of priorities for the development of the state. This is

proven by the fact, that currently the government focuses on the problems of the formation of harmoniously developed youth as the main strategic reserve of socio-economic reforms in Uzbekistan, without which the further development of society is impossible,

At the beginning of 2017, Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved a program of the Action Strategy for five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 20172021. Section 4 of this Strategy implies necessity to pay a particular attention to the development of education, culture, science, literature, art and sports. Further, in reliance upon this program, there was adopted the Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan "On measures for the further development of the higher education system" which highlighted the following:

- establishment by each higher educational institution of the country of close promising partnerships with leading specialized foreign research and educational institutions, widespread introduction of advanced pedagogical technologies, curricula and teaching materials based on international educational standards into the educational process,

- further improvement of the educational process, curricula and programs of higher education based on the widespread use of the most advanced pedagogical technologies and teaching techniques, qualitative renewal and implementation of modern forms of organization of the scientific and educational process of the master course program (Mirziyoyev, 2017).

In its intention to acquire the status of a developed state, Uzbekistan supports the development of its entire multi-stage education system, the growth of the intellectual potential of society. It should be noted that according to UNESCO forecasts, the level of national well-being that meets world standards, will be achieved only by those countries whose working-age population will constitute 40-60 percent of people with higher education.

In this regard, one of the top-target priorities of contemporary higher education is to master professional language in terms of the development of communication skills. Therefore, communicative competence, along with the terminological competence of the corresponding field of knowledge, traditionally serves as an indicator of the quality of assimilation of educational material within the educational process, and its active use in communication among professionals contributes to mutual understanding and cooperation in the exchange of experience.

Literature review. Within the framework of contemporary education, when realizing the goals, objectives, essence and its results, the priority role is assigned to the competence-based approach, which basic concepts imply "competence". The competence of a specialist is manifested as a requirement for a professional to act independently and responsibly, guided by his rights, obligations and the area of professional tasks to which all the necessary powers apply. (Shishov, 2002).

The essence of competence is determined through skills by J. Raven, V. Hutmakher. Herewith, the "essence" of something, according to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, is interpreted as a core (Raven, 2002).

The "competence" concept of is associated with a specific type of activity. The specificity of the activity



performed assumes that a person possesses certain types of competencies. A.K. Bolotova, Yu.M. Jukov, L.A. Petrovskaya consider skills as a compulsory component of any kind of competence (Petrovskaya, 2002).

Studies conducted by A.M. Pavlova, E.E. Symaniuk have demonstrated that skills are the dominant feature in the structure of communicative competence. A.K. Yerofeev, S.A. Lipatov and I. Ya. Zimnyaya emphasize the universality of communicative competence, and determine it as cross-cutting, core, not only included in various types of competencies (professional, social, interpersonal, etc.), but also connecting them (Zimnyaya, 2006).

In reliance upon the considerations specified above, we think that communicative skills constitute the "core" of communicative competence. This point of view is considered of particular importance, since only skills are amenable to observation, fixation, and evaluation (Emelyanov, 2006). This provides grounds to consider the process of developing communicative competence through the management of the communicative skills development.

Within the framework of current educational policy, a graduate of an engineering university must be ready for innovative engineering activities - the development and creation of new technologies, marketable products that provide a new social and economic effect, and, consequently, the competitiveness of all created products. In the opinion of I.N. Zotova, representatives of the "man-technician" professions manufacture material products of labor, types, forms of energy, create various conditions and objects of the human environment, means of their existence and development (Zotova, 2006).

Problems which need solution. It is obvious that the problems of the communicative competence have always been on the focus of the scholars, however, for the time being there is no single technique used for developing communicative competences of the students of the engineering university in terms of mastering social and humanitarian sciences.

The aim of this research is to perform comparative analysis of the degree of the communicative competence development of the students of the engineering university who have already studied social and humanitarian academic subjects and of those who haven't studies yet. In reliance upon the research results to work out conclusions how study of social and humanitarian sciences impact the communicative competence development.

Research Methodology. In reliance upon the goals and objectives of this scientific article, in order to develop the communicative competence of students of an engineering university, such research methods as observation, pedagogical experiment, comparison, analysis and synthesis have been widely used.

Analysis and Results. Engineering activity consists in solving arising production problems and consists of activities, operations, interaction of specialists of various levels and profiles. Such types of engineering and technical activities as project, design, production and technology, etc. are implemented in


direct contact with people. Therefore, a significant requirement for the implementation of engineering activities is the ability to organize productive interaction, which will contribute to the achievement of a socially valuable result.

In our opinion, the communicative competence of a student of an engineering university is perceived as an integral characteristic of the professionally and personally significant qualities of a student of an engineering university, reflecting the level of his knowledge, skills and experience in organizing productive interaction to achieve an optimal result in specific conditions of educational activity, to develop and create competitive products in future professional activities, innovative projects and technologies, which determine the socio-economic progress of the society (Shishov, 2002).

Our understanding of the structure of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university is based on the fact that the core of communicative competence are communicative skills, which development constitutes a compulsory condition for training specialists. In addition to the core, we single out personal-motivational, cognitive, operational-activity components as structural components of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university.

To develop the technique for developing communicative competence of students of an engineering university, we have planned and implemented a pedagogical study on the basis of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent. The study involved 170 1st-3rd year students of the faculties "Oil and Gas Business" and "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations". With the aim of arranging the research, an experimental group (EG) consisting of 90 people and a control group (CG) consisting of 80 people have been formed.

According to the standard curricula in the engineering university, in addition to academic subjects on the specialty, social and humanitarian disciplines are studied as well. The list of social and humanitarian disciplines that provide the required level of communicative competence of students of an engineering university was determined on the basis of a survey of fourth-year students of the Branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin in Tashkent, who had successfully accomplished these academic subjects, analyzing curricula and the content of academic programs in social and humanitarian disciplines in order to identify their opportunities for the formation of communicative competence and taking into account the opinions of lecturers of these academic subjects. The following academic subjects: Russian language, cultural studies, foreign language (English), philosophy, history of the oil and gas industry, psychology have been distinguished as social and humanitarian disciplines that have the greatest opportunities for the formation of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university.

Comparative analysis of the pilot study results, analysis of standard curricula for a number of engineering specialties of an engineering university and consideration of communicative skills as the core of communicative competence have enabled to identify the peculiarities of its formation in the conditions of an engineering university. In particular, such factors have been revealed: the level of communicative skills development of first-year students of an engineering university is lower than that of their peers who have chosen humanitarian sphere of activity; the natural predominance of engineering subject areas in the educational process of a technical university which study does not assume communicative competence development at the high level; lack of ways and means of developing communicative competence of future engineers in the current practice of professional education at the engineering university.

The communicative competence development of students of an engineering university occurs within the initial, normative and optimal levels. The generalized characteristics of each level are determined in reliance upon the selected criteria of communicative competence. Herewith, the shift to a new, higher level of communicative competence is impossible without mastering the previous ones.

The communicative competence development of students of an engineering university within the framework of the essential characteristics specified above can be ensured in the educational process by creating appropriate didactic conditions. These conditions are the following: targeted creation of a communicative environment; ensuring the interiorization of the social experience of interaction into the personal experience of the subject of knowledge; implementation of the integrated development of communication skills as the core of communicative competence. Management of the developing communication skills of students of an engineering university is considered both as a compulsory component that determines the development of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university, and as an activity for the rational use of the didactic potential of social and humanitarian disciplines, all methods, types and forms of organizing educational activities which can ensure development of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university.

The structure and content of communicative competence, the peculiarities and conditions of its development in a technical university in the process of studying social and humanitarian academic subjects have enabled to shift to the development of the technique for developing communicative competence of students of an engineering university. In reliance upon the research results, we have proposed an invariant technique for developing communicative competence of students of engineering universities.

In reliance upon the study of the definitions of the concept of communicative competence of students of an engineering university, we have identified the criteria and indicators of the studied phenomenon

38 East European Scientific Journal #1(65), 2021 within the framework of the communicative competence development technique.

Each stage contains multifaceted activities aimed at developing the communicative competence of a future specialist. The essence of the propaedeutic stage is targeted training of teachers of social and humanitarian academic subjects in order to intensify the activity on the development of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university. At the stage of diagnostic goal-setting, the initial state of the formation of personal properties and qualities is identified, mediated by knowledge of the basics of communicative interaction, communicative skills and constituting the essence of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university; determination of the goals and objectives of the activity on the development of the communicative competence of students of a technical university in the process of mastering social and humanitarian disciplines within the framework of the studied sections, subject areas, specific training sessions. The content-procedural stage includes a wide range of knowledge in the field of communication, interaction; construction of didactic conditions through the content of social and humanitarian academic subjects; systematic use of group, collective forms and technologies for organizing educational activities, active, interactive methods of

organizing educational interaction; management of the development of communication skills of students of an engineering university. The assessing-productive stage involves identifying the dynamics of the development of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university in the process of studying social and humanitarian academic subjects and assessing the efficiency of the work completed. The tasks of the reflexive-correctional stage include analysis, generalization of the results obtained, formulation of conclusions, recommendations, assistance to students in developing an individual program for self-improvement of personal and professional qualities that constitute the basis of the communicative competence of a future specialist.

The efficiency of the technique developed is confirmed not only by quantitative changes (3.3% of students have an initial level of communicative competence in the experimental group, 17.1% - in the control group, the normative level accounts for 23.9% in the EG and 52.3% in the CG, the optimal level shall equal to 72.8% in the EG and 30.6% in the CG), but also with qualitative modifications in all structural components of the communicative competence of students of an engineering university in the process of the implementation of the technique for the formation of communicative competence of students of an engineering university in the process of studying social and humanitarian academic subjects (Table 1).

Table 1

Analysis of the dynamics of the indicators formation of communicative competence among students ___of the experimental group3_

Criteria Indicators Intensity degree

Diagnostic experiment Control experiment

Personal Empathy Demonstrate the inability to comprehend the causes and consequences of the self-manifestations of another person, predict his behavior and adequately react in the current situation of interaction Can put themselves in the place of the companion, while predicting and adequately influencing his behavior; sensitive to the needs and problems of others; emotionally responsive; tolerate criticism well; in assessing events, they trust their feelings and intuition more than analytical conclusions

Orientability Desire for personal superiority and prestige prevails, are prone to rivalry, impulsive, irritable They are focused on joint activities, business cooperation, work in a team (group), are able to independently make decisions and be responsible for their consequences; reflect on the activities performed and personal contribution to the solution of the problem

Communicability They are sociable, but they converge with new people with caution, they are reluctant to participate in disputes, arguments, they do not have enough perseverance, patience, courage when faced with serious problems They strive to establish new business and friendly contacts, do not limit the circle of their acquaintances, they are characterized by ease of behavior in a new team, correlate their own opinion with the opinion of others, combine personal plans with the plans of the team

3 Developed by the author based on the experiment

Cognitive Knowledge about communicative interaction, experience in operating with this knowledge Knowledge in the field of interpersonal interaction is used at the level of reproduction and intuition Complete the tasks at a constructive, and in some cases at a creative level; communicative actions are performed in reliance upon a wide range of knowledge of the structure of the communicative process, stages of solving a communicative task, the basics of interaction management, algorithms of behavior in a specific situation; knowledge of communication styles

Practice-oriented Ability to actively listen and show interest in information coming from a partner; possession of non-verbal communication means; ability to create an atmosphere of cooperation Tend to make hasty judgments, focus on the manner of speaking, pretend, look for the hidden meaning of what was said, monopolize the conversation. Prevailing ways of resolving conflicts: avoidance, accommodation, competition Actively strive for communication activities; fast orientation in difficult situations is characteristic; clearly and reasonably defend their position; know how to find a rational solution to the problem posed; disputable issues are resolved on the basis of a compromise; they are creative in completing tasks; are able to understand the emotional state of another person by external manifestations

Conclusion. As a consequence of the research it is possible to make a conclusion that the technique for developing communicative competence of students of an engineering university in the process of studying social and humanitarian disciplines is of invariant nature. It enables to optimize the process of educating future engineers through the efficient use of the didactic potential of social and humanitarian academic subjects of an engineering university and does not require additional funding.

In addition, in the research process it has been revealed that the following characteristics are inherent in communicative competence:

1. Manifestation diversity. This type of competence is implemented in two aspects: as an integral characteristic of a person, which is formed in the process of mastering and applying the conceptual and terminological apparatus of a particular science and (or) the sphere of human activity, and as a situational characteristic of a person, manifested in the system of working with terms within the boundaries of a certain conceptual and terminological fields.

2. Integrativeness. The integrative nature of communicative competence is demonstrated in the fact that it, in one way or another, is present as a component

in other competencies. In particular, the adequate use of special terminology by students of a technical university ensures their implementation in professional, communicative, creative, social and other types of activities of a modern person.

3. High dependence on education. Communicative competence is developed in two ways - through training and self-education. In the first case, the communicative competence development can act as a specially set goal that depends/does not depend on the needs and cognitive interest of students. In the second case, the communicative competence development is determined by the motives and cognitive interests of the personality itself. The developed model of communicative competence of a future engineer constitutes a theoretical basis for the subsequent development of a methodology for studying it among teachers in the field of didactics.


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2. Emel'janov Ju.N. Teorija formirovanija i

40 East European Scientific Journal #1(65), 2021 praktika sovershenstvovanija kommunikativnoj kompetentnosti. M.: Prosveshhenie, 2015, s. 183 (In Russian)

3. Zaharova T.V. Kompetentnostnyj podhod kak jetap sovershenstvovanija soderzhanija obrazovanija // Bjulleten' KrasSU. Gumanitarnye nauki, 2006. - № 6/1. - s. 263-268 (In Russian)

4. Zimnjaja I.A. Kompetentnostnyj podhod. Kakovo ego mesto v sisteme podhodov k problemam obrazovanija // Vysshee obrazovanie segodnja. M.: 2006, № 8, s .20-26 (In Russian)

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6. Zotova I.N. Kommunikativnaja kompetentnost' kak aspekt socializacii podrostkov v uslovijah informatizacii obshhestva // Aktual'nye social'no-

pedagogicheskie problemy razvitija lichnosti v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve HHI veka. Kislovodsk, 2006. s. 109 (In Russian)

7. Mirzijoev Sh.M. Kriticheskij analiz, zhestkaja disciplina i personal'naja otvetstvennost' dolzhnye stat' normoj v dejatel'nosti kazhdogo rukovoditelja. T.: Uzbekistan, 2017. (In Russian)

8. Petrovskaja L.A. Kompetentnost' v obshhenii: social'no-psihologicheskij trening. M.: Izdatel'stvo MGU, s. 348 (In Russian)

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УДК 378.14

ГРНТИ 14.35.09

Chekhratova O.

Postgraduate Students, Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine


Чехратова Елена Андреевна

аспирант кафедры педагогики, иностранной технологии и перевода Харьковский национальный экономический университет имени Семена Кузнеца



Summary. The article presents the characteristics of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers as a component of the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions according to the requirements of the society for professional training of highly qualified teachers. The article considers the definition of "pedagogical model"; describes the pedagogical conditions necessary for its implementation; identifies methodological approaches and principles of fostering learner autonomy, and considers theoretical conditions for the creation of the model. The article identifies the structure of the model of fostering learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers, describes their components and relationships. It is assumed that based on using the presented model, a certain pedagogical technology will be developed to foster learner autonomy of future foreign language teachers, in order to increase the level of students' academic achievements and motivation, as well as the ability to take responsibility for their own learning.

Аннотация. В статье представлена характеристика модели формирования учебной автономии будущих учителей иностранного языка как компонента организации образовательного процесса в системы высшего образования, которая обусловлена социальным заказом на профессиональную подготовку высококвалифицированных учителей. Статья рассматривает определение понятия «педагогическая модель»; описывает педагогические условия, необходимые для её реализации; выделяет методологические подходы и принципы формирования учебной автономии, а также рассматривает теоретические предпосылки для создания модели. В статье определены структурные блоки модели формирования учебной автономии будущих учителей иностранного языка, описаны их компоненты и взаимосвязи. Предполагается, что на основе использования представленной модели будет разработана определенная педагогическая технология для формирования учебной автономии будущих учителей иностранного языка, с целью повышения уровня академических достижений студентов и их мотивации, а также умения нести ответственность за процесс обучения.

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