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The main principles of inclusive education / the place and role of the resource teacher in increasing the goals and tasks of inclusive education. Basic principles of inclusive education.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zamira Shavkat Kizi Suyunova, Mavzuna Shavkatovna Otaqo’ziyeva

In this article, the ideology of inclusive education is a social concept. Inclusion in education is the stage of inclusion in society. The idea of an inclusive society is to transform society and its institutions in a way that promotes the acceptance and participation of all members of that society. It is said that inclusion is recognized as a developed, humane and effective education system not only for children who need special education, but also for healthy children.

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Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-332-338



Zamira Shavkat kizi Suyunova Mavzuna Shavkatovna Otaqo'ziyeva

Chirchik State Pedagogical University


In this article, the ideology of inclusive education is a social concept. Inclusion in education is the stage of inclusion in society. The idea of an inclusive society is to transform society and its institutions in a way that promotes the acceptance and participation of all members of that society. It is said that inclusion is recognized as a developed, humane and effective education system not only for children who need special education, but also for healthy children.

Keywords: The main principles of inclusive education, the place and role of the resource teacher in increasing the goals and tasks of inclusive education. Basic principles of inclusive education.


The implementation of the educational system always requires the basis of certain laws and principles. The implementation of the inclusive education system is based on the following principles:

1) Recognition of inclusive education.

2) The principle of inclusive education being open to all.

3) The principle of existence of connection.

4) The principle of decentralization.

5) The principle of a comprehensive approach to inclusive education.

6) The principle of flexibility in inclusive education.

7) Qualification principle.

The principle of recognition of inclusive education.

The essence of this principle is that since 1990, several declarations and decisions have been made on the world level regarding the education of children with

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-332-338

special needs in the system of general education institutions. Many countries of the world recognized them. But to date there are many problems in their implementation. In some countries, when laws or decisions on general education are adopted, the issue of education of disabled children is not included in it. But the recognition of inclusive education will not depend only on passing laws. Fighting discrimination and social prejudice is the most important thing. In other words, the first thing to do is to carry out propaganda among the population, recognizing inclusive education.

The principle of inclusive education being open to all.

Over the past twenty years, significant work has been done on the education of children with special needs in the system of general education institutions. However, the implementation of the inclusive education system is mainly at the urban level, and in rural areas, children with special needs are still excluded from education, or parents in rural areas face difficulties to ensure that their children with disabilities attend special institutions in cities. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the involvement of children with special needs in inclusive education covers all children with special needs in all regions.

The principle of existence of connection.

At the heart of the word "accessibility" is the quality of public buildings, especially the accessibility of schools for children with disabilities. A child should not be excluded from regular school because they cannot enter the school building (because the stairs are not wheelchair accessible) or because the school toilet is not wheelchair accessible. Creating such facilities does not require much money. The new school building should be built from the time it was planned, taking into account the needs of children with disabilities. Facilities that are good for children with disabilities do not pose any problems for children with normal development. Creating physical connections serves to solve the main problems of inclusive education.

The principle of a comprehensive approach to inclusive education.

Children with disabilities should not only be treated as disabled, but they should be treated comprehensively. This requires planning education for children with special needs, taking into account their possible needs throughout their life. In addition, in inclusive education, it is necessary to carry out in parallel the acquisition of knowledge and skills, along with the elimination, correction, and compensation of the existing shortcomings of a disabled child. At the heart of this principle is an early approach to children with special needs. The education of children with special needs should not end before they receive primary and secondary special education.

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-332-338

Vocational education and higher education of disabled children also needs to be implemented. Because one of the tasks of the inclusive education system is to comprehensively develop children with special needs and ensure all their rights.

The principle of flexibility in inclusive education.

The essence of this principle is that the curriculum, programs and textbooks should be flexible to the capabilities of children with special needs. The child's needs for special education should form the basis of any integration activity. Due to the different levels and types of individual needs, such activities are required to be flexible and variable.

Qualification principle.

Highly qualified teachers are required to teach in classes where children with special needs are taught inclusively. In addition, the teacher of the inclusive class must have advanced qualifications in the field of defectology. The lives of disabled people are mainly connected with isolation. In many countries, people with disabilities are looked down upon and excluded from society. As a result, the educational opportunities of disabled children are becoming more limited. One of the ethno-psychological features of the nation, the cases of locking up a disabled child from the home, is a very tragic situation for the future life of disabled children. In order to prevent such negative consequences, it is necessary to carry out propaganda among the population. It is necessary to properly explain to the family, that is, mainly to the parents, that even a disabled child must receive school education. With such methods, it is possible to find disabled children who are left out of education. Enrolled children are attracted to general education schools in their immediate vicinity. Education of children with special needs in general education is organized taking into account their characteristics, type of disability, level and number of children in the class. First of all, it should be noted that although the students are of the same age, they are not alike. All children have different psychological characteristics, level of acceptance, intelligence and perception. Therefore, the issue of organizing the educational process in inclusive classes where a child with special needs is educated requires solving more complex problems. In an inclusive classroom, if the teacher is able to take into account the iconography of children and plan lessons accordingly, if he knows how children's disabilities affect their learning and uses methodological ways to overcome these difficulties, then the school and family cooperation will be fully established. It is possible to achieve a successful learning process only if a disabled child has confidence in his future. Each child

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-332-338

develops at the level of his potential, as L.S. According to Vygotsky's scientific views, it can be confirmed with the opinion that "progress continues even with any mental or physical disability". The interpretation of new ideas on inclusive education requires national, organizational and methodological reforms. Children with special educational needs are children whose needs are not being met by the current school system. For this reason, schools should respond to the diverse and common goals, aspirations, and interests of all children and ensure their education. Inclusive education can be organized under the following conditions: receiving general and special support in public preschool educational institutions, general secondary school classes (groups), receiving correctional pedagogical support in speech therapy rooms, special correctional classes (groups) in the form of education.

Teaching children with special needs in the general education system requires teachers to work with double responsibility. That is why only teachers with higher pedagogical education and who have received inclusive education pedagogical qualifications after passing professional development courses can be appointed as inclusive class teachers. In addition to the tasks specified in the charter of the general secondary education institution, the teacher of the inclusive class

- corrects and normalizes the physical and mental development of students;

- uses methods that increase children's activity and educational efficiency;

- develops attention, memory, observation, accuracy and other abilities;

- develops self-control skills, children's interest and ability to learn.

In the process of inclusive education, the educator of the institution also occupies a special place. The educator should plan and conduct activities with healthy and special-needs children in cooperation with teachers-defectologists, parents and other specialists in the organization of work activities. Also, the educator provides methodical support to parents and legal representatives in raising a child with special needs in the family, keeps the necessary work documents. In the institution where inclusive education is introduced, a psychologist must work. Thus, the educational process in an inclusive educational institution is effective only on the basis of comprehensively implemented reforms.

The place and role of the resource teacher in increasing the goals and tasks of inclusive education.

Teaching children with special needs in general education requires the activity of a teacher traveling between schools, that is, a resource teacher. Inclusive education can be implemented in practice through the joint efforts of a teacher traveling

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-332-338

between schools and a regular classroom teacher.

In some classes, it may be necessary to separate the child from the class for a certain time. It is always required that the resource teacher works together with the classroom teacher and has expertise in this area of special education.

The important tasks of the cross-school resource teacher include providing the necessary manuals and equipment for children with disabilities, finding sponsors, engaging parents to help the school, and helping children with disabilities, healthy children, and the classroom. building a strong relationship between the teacher, assisting by providing special resource guides, providing advice to parents, children's regular classroom teachers and school administration, as well as activities for children with special educational needs and they include discussions about appropriate educational programs, and information is provided even to parents of non-disabled children.

The main goal of the resource teacher is to provide support to students with special needs and their teachers studying in general education institutions.

Provision of support that meets the requirements of interschool resource teachers for special education;

Creating and evaluating individual programs together with the class teacher;

Implementation of services that teachers need;

Managing the delivery of information about the child when the teacher or school changes;

Understanding and meeting the needs of new teachers;

Helping teachers adapt to regular classes that need special education;

Provide individual and group-based instruction outside of the classroom as needed;

Managing the temporary nature of individual programs;

It consists in supporting the development of inclusive education.

It is very important that the resource teacher traveling between schools does not work and does not spend a lot of time on the road.

It is very important to take into account the opportunity of children with learning difficulties in education policy. In order to develop the educational policy of inclusive education, it is necessary to pay attention to financial support: measures to eliminate barriers between special education and general education schools; according to statistical data, introduction of education of disabled people in inclusive schools; creating an opportunity to use special infrastructures, issues, and technical

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-332-338

means is also an integral part of education policy.

Inclusive education ensures that people with disabilities receive education along with their social peers, and (if there are no serious reasons for their development) they are admitted to regular schools.

In some cases, children with severe disabilities receive education in special schools and special rehabilitation centers or in special classes at regular schools with the help of correctional programs. Education in these schools is provided taking into account the needs of the child.

The regular educational process is based on the personal characteristics of a child with disabilities, using individually corrective methods and customized curriculum, programs, and other factors, organizing various forms of teaching together with the surrounding community, and using special assistive devices (hearing devices, contact lenses, etc.), magnifying glass, wheelchairs) implies implementation based on the use of various technical means and special visual aids. In turn, pedagogues of special educational institutions should act as consultation departments and resource centers for general education students, parents, state and non-state community organizations.

Involvement in inclusive education is one of the global problems. The main part of inclusive education is to create a friendly environment for children to learn and learn. If attention is paid to the life of children with special needs from the first age, i.e. up to 6 years, much higher results can be achieved. Developing policies that meet the educational needs of children with disabilities is the basis for supporting inclusive education.


In short, the main part of inclusive education is to create a friendly environment for children to learn and study. Children should be able to get to school safely and without difficulties. In addition, instead of adapting the child to the current general education methodology, it is necessary to change the lesson schedule, conditions, methodology, and educational tools. Such changes are not limited to children with special needs. Maybe it will improve the quality of education for children with normal development.

The image of adults is very important in the development of self-confidence and self-esteem in a child. But many children with special needs grow up and do not meet adults with special needs like them and cannot even imagine what it would be

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 2 | Issue 11 |November, 2022 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |

www.carjis.org DOI: 10.24412/2181-2454-2022-11-332-338

like to grow up. That is why adults with special needs should constantly participate in the education of children with special needs. Because parents with special needs can explain the importance of educating their children. For this, it is necessary to invite adults with special needs to schools. Then they will talk about their achievements in life.

Policy plays a key role in supporting an inclusive education system. Policy support of inclusive education ensures the effectiveness and development of this education system.


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