на складе в соответствии с правилами и стратегиями размещения.
2) Автопланирование размещения товара в зоне хранения: Solvo.WMS ищет оптимальное место на складе, исходя из состава партии, заполненности штабеля, группы товара, класса ABC. Планирование заказов на отгрузку осуществляется на основе анализа партий. Заказы определенных типов планируются автоматически сразу после загрузки из ERP.
3) Автопланирование работ на погрузку: Solvo.WMS ищет оптимальное место для размещения груза, исходя из соответствия партии, класса АВС, количества принимаемых грузов. Менеджер (кладовщик) запускает заказ в работу, указывает имя дока. Заказ планируется в соответствии с партиями М3 (ERP). Водитель автопогрузчика регистрируется на доке, видит заявку в терминале. Solvo.WMS показывает, из какой ячейки и какое количество продукции нужно отвезти в док. Далее водитель сам выбирает, в каком порядке ему ставить грузы в машину.
4) Автоматизированное пополнение зоны коробочного отбора: Сборка заказов в зоне коробочного отбора происходит с учетом хрупкости и остаточных сроков годности продукции, FEFO и др. После окончания сборки автоматически печатается упаковочный лист. По мере отгрузки из зоны коробочного отбора водителю погрузчика поступают работы на пополнение зоны (комиссионирование) с учетом требуемых партий
5) Автоматизированный процесс инвентаризации: Solvo.WMS формирует как бумажные инвентаризационные ведомости, так и задания на пересчет на ТСД операторов.
Внедренная система позволяет создавать грузы в системе в автоматическом режиме без участия человека, что обеспечивает:
- Исключение возможности перепутать сорт (например, пива);
- Полную прослеживаемость каждого груза на каждом этапе: от момента приёмки на склад и до
попадания на полки магазина, в том числе покоро-бочно;
- Простоту сверки с розливом;
- Оптимизацию выдачи работ водителю погрузчика.
Благодаря Solvo.WMS удалось оптимизировать процесс кросс-докинга, когда система по заранее настроенным правилам сама определяет, размещать ли выходящую с линий продукцию в ряды или везти на отгрузку. При этом Solvo.WMS учитывает приоритеты на тот или иной способ кросс-докинга: на транспортёр (транзит на второй склад), с использованием автомашины, на железнодорожные вагоны и так далее.
Кроме того, благодаря Solvo.WMS стало возможным планирование заказов в автоматизированном режиме с учетом ограничений по остаточному сроку годности (ОСГ), FEFO и других требований клиентов.
Склады компании AB InBev стали одними из первых в практике «СОЛВО», работающими по технологии IAAS (Infrastructure as a service), которая предполагает использование виртуальных серверов во внешнем ЦОДе. Так, например, складские комплексы в Омске и Клину используют виртуальный сервер на базе VMware vSphere 5 в датацентре компании Capgemini (Амстердам, Нидерланды), связь осуществляется через MPLS-туннель. При этом на складах с использованием клиентских приложений работает более 30 менеджеров и 50 операторов с мобильными терминалами сбора данных.
Автоматизация складского хозяйства необходима для любой компании. С ее помощью получается значительно ускорить обработку заказов и минимизировать издержки, сократится количество ошибок по вине персонала, а приемка будет занимать меньше времени.
1. [Электронный ресурс] // Режим доступа: https://tass.ru/ekonomika/9023025 Дата обращения: 18.11.2020
2. [Электронный ресурс] // Режим доступа: https://www.solvo.ru/ Дата обращения: 18.11.2020
Lanska S.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, The Institute of Personnel Training of the State Employment Service of Ukraine, Kyiv,
orcid.org/0000-0003-1986-8777 Mishchenko S.
Assistant of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, The Azov State Technical University, Mariupol orcid.org/0000-0003-0946-9940
The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of the formation and development of the labor market, the analysis of the basic methodological principles of labor market regulation in the context of labor support of the economy. The genesis of economic theories of the labor market is developed, the structural scheme of functioning of the labor market is offered, the global factors of influence on the development of the labor market
are systematized. It is concluded that the labor market needs mechanisms to increase the competitiveness of the labor force and create incentives to encourage the population to work productively.
Keywords: labor, labor market, human resources, factors, economy.
Socio-economic development of the state is determined by the state of the labor market as an important element of a market economy, which through ensuring the use and reproduction of labor affects the dynamics of economic development. In today's world, the labor market is significantly influenced by the growing dynamics of technical, technological and organizational innovations that are constantly changing the structure of national industries, vectors of labor markets, quantitative and qualitative needs of industries in the labor force.
The situation in the modern labor market of Ukraine is due to the influence of many factors, including the violation of functional links between the needs of the economy in labor and the system of vocational training. The result is an unstable state of labor supply of the economy with a pronounced imbalance of supply and demand of labor in quantitative and qualitative characteristics. This is labor volatility.
In the labor market, labor volatility is a serious problem, demonstrating an imbalance between labor supply and demand for jobs, while emphasizing the availability of unused labor in its shortage, which leads to lower industrial production, creating constraints on national economic growth.
Under these conditions, the study of conceptual views on the patterns of formation and development of the labor market from the standpoint of the latest trends in labor supply. This involves a meaningful analysis of the relevant theoretical and methodological foundation in order to determine areas for counteracting labor volatility.
Theoretical and applied aspects of the functioning of the labor market have developed under the influence of fundamental research of such representatives of economics as: J. Galbraith, J. Keynes, K. Marx, W. Petty, D. Ricardo, J.B. Say, A. Smith, R. Harrod and others. Modern economists - S. Bandur, D. Goddess, V. Va-silchenko, O. Volkova, V. Druzhinina, A. Kolot, E. Li-banova, S. Kalinin, L. Lisogor, Y. Marshavin, V. Savchenko and others ., - studied the problems of ensuring equilibrium in the labor market, regulating its supply and demand, efficient use of labor, achieving full employment.
Given that there is a lot of scientific work on this topic, emphasis should be placed on addressing practical issues related to leveling the impact of labor volatility on the labor market, which requires the study and rethinking of economic theories relating to the functioning and development of the labor market.
In a market economy, the labor market is an indicator, the state of which allows us to assess the effectiveness of socio-economic transformations. Modern views on the labor market were formed by a long process of evolution of economic thought on the formation and development of this market.
The first scientific research in this area was devoted to the role of labor in the economic system of the
state. They highlighted the problems of labor use in the spontaneous, unregulated market economy of England.
Economic theory of the XVIII-XIX centuries. was based on the doctrine that the source of the country's wealth is land and other natural resources. In economics, a discussion has begun about the need and possibility of state intervention in the economy. A. Smith was confident in the perfection of market regulators. He denied the expediency of state regulation, believing that a market economy free from state regulation is able to ensure the full use of productive resources, including labor [14, p. 60].
Unlike A. Smith, D. Ricardo stated the existence of multidimensional types of work that create its value. D. Ricardo argued that the cost of labor also includes the cost of past labor, which is spent on tools, instruments and buildings.
According to D. Ricardo, value cannot consist of income, because it is the product of labor. He first introduced the concept of "natural wage rate", which corresponds to the physiological minimum necessary for the normal reproduction of labor [14, p. 66].
The scientific views of the classical school were formed at a time when there was free competition and the market system did not experience economic crises. This situation has contributed to the formation of scientific thought, according to which the market system is able to ensure full use of labor resources. The classics interpreted labor as one of the factors of production, in fact considering it as a commodity. Their theory assumed that full employment ensured a balance of supply and demand in the labor market.
The transition from manual, handicraft and large-scale machine production (industrial revolution - the second half of the XVIII century.) Contributed to the expansion of the range of research on labor and human labor.
Representative of French economic thought Zh.B. This, developing the theory of A. Smith, in his own works "Treatise on Political Economy" (1830) and "Course of Political Economy" (1829-1830) studied the role of the market in terms of opportunities to meet human needs. J.B. This substantiated the idea that a person produces and sells goods in order to purchase other goods, ie production creates its own demand [16, p. 70].
At the end of the XIX century. labor market theory was formed in the form of various concepts and schools. The evolution of classical political economy has contributed to the formation of fundamentally new views on the emergence, formation and development of the labor market. In accordance with the basic economic requirements of the time, there were gradual changes in the interpretation of terms.
K. Marx first introduced into scientific circulation the category of "labor force" - a set of physical and spiritual abilities possessed by the organism [3, p. 23]. Thus, a person becomes a carrier of labor, using their own labor in the process of labor.
The most influential trend that opposed Marxism in economic theory in the nineteenth century was marginalism. The theoretical opinion of the representatives of marginalism confirmed that the value of any product is determined by its marginal benefit to man, rather than labor costs for its production [14, p. 15].
In the last third of the XIX century. Classical and Marxist economic theories were replaced by neoclassical theory, the main idea of which was the thesis of free competition and non-interference of the state in the regulation of the economy. The neoclassicists attached great importance to investment in the development of human capital, considering it a driver of economic growth. According to this area of economics, the processes of economic and mathematical analysis, statistical study of trends and indicators of labor market development, the impact of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the labor market on the dynamics of capital markets, labor, innovation.
J. Keynes proved that insufficient effective demand is the basis of negative economic phenomena -economic crises, low growth rates of production, unemployment and more. He recognized unemployment as the most acute socio-economic problem and pointed to certain levers of regulation of processes occurring in the labor market. J. Keynes paid primary attention to the components of effective demand - consumption and savings (investment), as well as the factors that determine the movement of these components [7, p. 168]. The conclusions and proposals of the Keynesian school substantiated the idea of the need for state regulation of the market economy.
The change of emphasis in economic research led to the emergence of a new school, which was later called the Neo-Keynesian. English scholars R. Harrod and O. Domar played an important role in the formation of neo-Keynesianism.
In particular, to ensure equilibrium in the labor market, R. Harrod's theory involved the study of aggregate indicators that proved the need for full use of available resources and systematic government regulation of the economy. In turn, O. Domar expressed the opinion that the dynamic balance of aggregate demand and aggregate supply is determined by the dynamics of investments, which form new capacity and new income [6, p. 166-170].
In the theory of M. Friedman, the founder and leading theorist of monetarism, the supply of labor and the supply of labor, as well as the demand for labor and the demand for labor were divided. According to the scientist, the supply of labor means the supply of jobs, in turn, the supply of labor - the unemployed economically active population. M. Friedman emphasized the need to achieve a balance between the labor market and the labor market [8, p. 10].
At the beginning of the XIX-XX centuries one of the directions of modern economic thought became in-stitutionalism. Scholars in this field, in particular T. Veblen, J. Dunlop, J. Galbraith, W. Claire Mitchell, L. Ullman, considered the driving force of human society institutions, paid attention to the analysis of professional and sectoral differences in the structure of the workforce and, accordingly, in wage levels [1, p. 26]. According to W. Claire Mitchell, institutions are the embodiment of certain boundaries that directly create society, structuring political, economic and social interactions.
In the second half of the 1970s, as a reaction to the crisis of 1973-1975, the theory of "supply economy" emerged. Proponents of this theory were A. Laffer, R. Mandel, M. Feldstein, M. Boskin. They believed that excessive taxation reduced incentives to work and restricted freedom of enterprise.
A retrospective study of the category "labor market" allowed to develop the genesis of economic theories of the labor market (Fig. 1).
Economic theories of labor market formation
Classic XVII- XIX c.
W. Petty, A. Smith, D. Ricardo, J.B. Sei, F. Bastia, J.S. Mill
"labor" is defined as the object of purchase and sale
market system - self-regulating, able to ensure full use of labor resources the presence of the dependence of labor market development on the population human behavior is determined by personal interests, and full employment by the balance of supply and demand
Marxism XIX - XX c.
K. Marx, F. Engels
the category "labor force" was introduced for the first time the labor market is subject to general market laws
technical progress - contributes to the growth of the mass and cost of means of production per employee, which leads to a deviation of labor demand from the rate of capital accumulation
Institutionalism XIX - XX c.
T. Veblen, J. Dunlop, J. Gelbraith, W. Claire Mitchell, L. Ullman
• attention is paid to the study of legal and social causes of labor market imbalances
• analysis of occupational and sectoral differences in the structure of the workforce and the corresponding jobs and wage levels
• reforming institutions - solving employment problems
Marginalism XIX - XX c.
K. Menger, F. Wieser and E. Bem-Bawerk, W.S Jevons, D.R. Clark
the value of any product is determined by its marginal benefit to man labor costs are not crucial in determining the value of goods
Neoclassicism XX c.
W. Jevans, W. Walras, W. Pa-reto, D. Gilder, W. Hall, A. Laffer, K. Menger, F. Wieser, A. Marshall
spontaneous market economy - able to provide full employment; the value of "labor" is determined by the value of its usefulness the dependence of labor costs on the importance of meeting needs and the degree of their saturation the presence of voluntary unemployment, which is not opposed by the state introduction of mathematical methods of analysis in the study of economic processes
Monetarism XX c.
M. Friedman, E. Phelps, K. Brunner, A. Melzer, R. Kagan, R. Sel-den, and others.
the hypothesis of several independent markets: the labor market and the labor market
emphasizing the need to achieve a balance between the labor market and the labor market
the functioning of the labor market sets the natural rate of unemployment monetary policy is a tool to combat unemployment
Keynesianism XX c.
J. Keynes
imperfection of labor market self-regulation is proved
the basis of crisis phenomena - insufficiently effective demand unemployment - an acute socio-economic problem that requires government intervention
identified components of effective demand - consumption and savings (investments)
Neo-Keynesianism XX c.
R. Harrod and O. Domar. The theory of R. Harrod, J. Stiglitz
ensuring the balance in the labor market contributes to the full use of available resources
dynamic balance of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, determined by the dynamics of investment current asymmetric information in the labor market contributes to unemployment
Theory of "supply economy" XX c.
A. Laffer, R. Mandel, M. Feldstein, M. Boskin
an obstacle to expanding the supply of the labor market is an excessive level of taxation, which reduces incentives to work, restrictions on the freedom of enterprise
high amount of social benefits due to unemployment, encourages low motivation to work
Neo-institutionalism XXc.
R. Coase
activities of individuals and organizations in the labor market from the standpoint of legal, social and political "rules of the game" denial of the universal ability of the labor market to overcome internal and external contradictions property rights affect individuals in the labor market the need for state regulation of the labor market
Fig. ¡.Genesis of economic theories of the labor market [2, p. ¡5-25;17, p. 315-346; 9, p. ¡67-168;13, p. 69-74]
It should be noted that the peculiarity of domestic economic thought (A. Antonovych, A. Kaminka, I. Vernadsky, D. Pikhno, M. Tugan-Baranovsky, G. Tsekhanovetsky, M. Tsytovych, etc.), which was formed on the postulates of Western economic theories, is its social orientation.
In a general sense, the labor market as a component of a market economy is a system of public relations to reconcile the interests of employers and hired labor; the set of economic links between supply and demand of labor; the place of intersection of different economic and social interests and functions; place of relations of an individual enterprise and its employees, potential or actual, but interested in moving to a new place of work within the organization [15, p. 30].
The main components of the labor market include an individual offer, which has certain features that are closely related to the needs of the employee and the needs of his family. In turn, labor is a special commodity, which is a set of spiritual, physical, intellectual abilities of man, expressed as the labor potential of the individual.
Traditionally, in labor market theory, the demand for labor is determined by the amount of labor that can be purchased at a certain price and at a certain time. Demand in the labor market is formed by the number of vacancies in enterprises of all forms of ownership. It
depends on the level of labor productivity and technical equipment of production.
Vacancies are closed by hiring specialists with the appropriate level of education and qualifications. In this way, a relationship is formed between the employee and the employer, which contributes to the unification of labor and means of production, thereby satisfying the needs of the former in labor and wages, and the latter in production and profit. At the same time, the state ensures the balance of interests of the labor market, acts as an intermediary between the employer and the employee, creating conditions for the full realization of the right to work by citizens, thus ensuring the necessary social balance.
Thus, the system of relations of subjects in the labor market is built on several components: first, the relationship between employees and employers; secondly - between the subjects and their representatives; third, between the subjects and the state.
At the same time, the labor market is constantly under the influence of a significant number of external and internal environmental factors. Systematization of factors influencing the development of the labor market allows to combine them into three groups: global, institutional and local. Using the results of systematization of factors of direct and indirect influence on the development of the labor market, a structural scheme of the labor market is developed (Fig. 2).
Prerequisites for formation:
> demonopolization of the > the presence of demand for economy goods of labor
> development of a multisectoral > competition
-economy---------------tf - ----legat basis---------
freedom of entrepreneurshlp""^^""
and employment labor market
Interest representatives:
employers organizations, associations of employers' organizations, etc.
Entrepreneurs (employers)
■ owner of the enterprise, institution, organization
■ job owner
■ subj ect of labor relations
■ buyer of goods "labor"
■ labor user
■ has the right to enter into employment contracts and terminate them
■ has salary obligations
■ has the right to stimulate the labor of hired labor
■ is a taxpayer to the budget
Labor market actors
Purchase - sale of goods labor (hiring labor)
STATE (agent in the labor market)
■ rational use of labor resources
■ labor market development
■ employment and training
■ information support of labor market entities
■ stimulating labor market actors to be productive
■ social partnership
■ social support
Interest representatives:
associations of employees, trade unions, etc.
Workforce \
■ owner of labor
■ seller of goods "labor"
■ subject of labor relations
■ a person of hired labor who entered into an employment relationship on the basis of an employment contract
■ performer of a certain job function for the benefit of the employer
■ uses jobs for profit
■ has an indirect interest in the result of work
■ has the right to receive reliable information from the employer on working conditions
Innovative and technological
Natural and climatic, ecological
Labor resources
Institutional factors ' ^
State, regional, local authorities
Institutions of formal law
Institutions of organizational influence
Institutions of informal influence
natural, labor; educational; financial; material; technical; innovative; information; organizational; temporary
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the labor market Constructed and supplemented by the author on the basis of generalization of sources
[4; 3; 5; 9; 10;11]
Thus, institutional (authorities of different levels, legal institutions, etc.) and local (management, resources, organization, etc.) factors are aimed at ensuring the formation of labor supply of appropriate number and quality.
Under conditions of globalization, the instability of the labor market and the mechanisms of its formation - the general supply of labor and the creation of general demand (Fig. 3).
It should be noted that among the factors of direct and indirect influence on the development of the labor market, the leading role belongs to the labor factor. It provides:
- management of the process of formation of labor resources in quantitative terms;
- providing professional training of labor resources;
- management of distribution and redistribution of labor resources;
- ensuring full and efficient use of available labor resources.
Thus, the labor market under external influence is constantly deformed, acquiring signs of volatility. It is, first of all, expressed by the imbalance between professional and qualification requirements for the labor force and its real condition.
The presence of labor volatility becomes a direct factor restraining the ability to economic development. This is because the increase in the number and quality of labor resources is one of the factors of economic growth, which determines the scale of real volume and efficiency of production.
This allows us to conclude that in order to form the economic potential of the state, the leading importance should belong to the spatial and labor aspect of labor market regulation. A sustainable system of labor support provides for the advance formation of appropriate quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor resources that meet the needs of the economy of a particular area in a certain period of time. The formation of this system should be considered as a set of methods and tools of institutional and organizational influence, through which the state performs interrelated functions for the formation of a targeted system of labor support in order to continuously improve the efficiency of the economy.
Thus, labor volatility affects the transformation of labor market regulation mechanisms in the direction of dominance of the spatial-labor aspect of the regulatory influence of the state on the state of the labor market. This determines the decisive role of the advanced formation of the balance of the labor market in terms of vocational and educational component._
- world labor market - consumer market
- information market
- financial market
- market of household and social services
- market of means of production
- market of educational and scientific services - healthcare market
- market of cultural and spiritual services - real estate market
- market of innovations
• political security and stability
• foreign policy strategy
• reputation of political leaders
• corruption component
• consistency between all branches of government
• external or internal military conflicts
• international politics, etc.
• increase the volume and improve the quality of fixed assets
• demand for products
• export-import relations
• fluctuations of the national currency
• tax policy, sectoral structure of the economy
• inflation, the shadow economy
• growth of entrepreneurial activity, etc.
■ demographic crisis
■ demographic explosion
• population reproduction
■ mortality
■ life expectancy
• gender and age structure health status mmigration movement, etc.
• social institutions
• social structure of society
• labor potential
• intensity and structure of labor mobility
• level of education and professional training motivational mechanisms of economic behavior financing of social programs cultural orientation of the population, etc.
r INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGICAL V • energy efficiency of production ^ • innovative technologies • innovative activity • innovation potential • innovative culture • scientific and technological progress • development of Internet technologies, etc. j
r NATURAL AND CLIMATE, ECOLOGICAL V • geographical coordinates ^ • local neighborhood political and geographical position • natural resource potential of the territory • cataclysms, natural disasters, catastrophes • man-made accidents, anthropogenic catastrophes • degradation of the natural environment under the influence of the results ofproduction activities, etc. j
• management of the process of formation of labor resources in the quantitative aspect, identification of their additional reserve
• providing training of labor resources, including vocational guidance, maintaining competitiveness throughout life
• management of distribution, redistribution of labor resources
• ensuring full and effective use of the existing labor force and its promising component
Fig. 3. Global factors influencing the development of the labor market Constructed by the author on the basis of generalization of these sources [¡2, p. ¡37-139; 4, p. 223; 3, p. 37]
Under such conditions, the Ukrainian labor market needs to find mechanisms to increase the competitiveness of the labor force and create incentives that can encourage the population to work productively. The solution of specific tasks on the formation and development of the labor market in conditions of labor volatility should be carried out by the regulatory policy within the framework of the national target employment strategy, taking into account the structural features of matching supply and demand at the regional level. This
strategy, firstly, should be aimed at a harmonious combination of state and market regulators, secondly, should be aimed at the strategic development of the workforce by bringing the characteristics of the latter in line with demand, and thirdly, should be able to effectively implement the staffing function at the micro level.
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Leliuk O.
Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work, Licensing and Accreditation of Educational Activities, Institute of Personnel Training of the State Employment Service
Лелюк О.
3aeidyea4Ka eiöörny навчально-методично1 роботи, лщензування та акредитацП освтньо'1 di^bHocmi, 1нститут пiдготовки Kadpie державноi службi зайнятостi
The article analyzes different approaches to the definition of the term "cyclicity". The definition of the category "crisis" is systematized. Own definitions of cyclicity and crisis are given. The classification of crisis phenomena and situations on various grounds is given. Анотащя
У статп проаналiзовано pi3Hi пвдходи до визначення термшу «циктчшсть». Систематизовано визна-чення категорп «криза». Надано власш визначення цимчносп та кризи. Наведено класифжащю кризових явищ i ситуацш за рiзними ознаками.
Keywords: cyclicality, cycle, crisis, human resource management.
Ключовi слова: циктчшсть, цикл, криза, управлшня людськими ресурсами.