Научная статья на тему '“the village of Kulak” in the years of the mass repression (1937-1938)'

“the village of Kulak” in the years of the mass repression (1937-1938) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Abdullaev Muzrobjon

In given article looks into a question a repression realizable in special village Uzbekistan in 1937-1938. In it lit process repressions specposelensy former fists and is brought given repression about speaker and amount subjected to repression.

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Текст научной работы на тему «“the village of Kulak” in the years of the mass repression (1937-1938)»

Section 6. History

Abdullaev Muzrobjon, candidate, of Historical Sciences, associate professor, Andizhan State University E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract: In given article looks into a question a repression realizable in special village Uzbekistan in 1937-1938. In it lit process repressions specposelensy - former fists and is brought given repression about speaker and amount subjected to repression.

Keywords: specposelensy, OGPU, NKVD, GULAG, repression, special settlements, "Tribe".

Dehkan households deported as "gulag" during the years of mass collective farming in Uzbekistan were placed in special settlements under the control of the Main Directorate of Camps of the OGPU (United State Political Administration) (GULAG). In the 1930s and 1950s, they were called "specials" (specposelensy) in official documents. In 1936-1937, special settlements were formally organized and systematized. General management and control over private settlements The NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR) bodies have established employment contracts with the NKVD and related economic organizations.

In 1937, the number of special populations excreted in the earliest in Uzbekistan was 15, with an average of 3538 "ear" families or 13924 people. In 1937, the following quantitative changes took place in the number of private settlements: 582 people were born, 433 people were killed, 816 people escaped from the settlements. In previous years, 126 fugitives were detained and 182 were voluntarily returned to their homeland. Out of the total number of refugees, 46 were convicted [1, 42].

It is well known that the 1937-1938 periods entered the Soviet history by the totalitarian regime's mass repression against society. Public repression is a special Matter left a mark on the fate of those who were exiled to the villages. The repressive policy of the Soviet state began in the days when this system was settled and continued until various times. However, the repressions of 1937-1938 were terrible because of its broadness, directed against all layers of society. The Stalin-led Bolshevik leaders sought to consolidate power and strengthen the totalitarianism in the country by widespread use of repressive practices.

In May-June 1937, the Communist Party and the Soviet authorities developed the intensive plans of the future mass repression campaign and made decisive decisions on the fate of hundreds of thousands of victims of repression. At the July 2,

1937 meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the VKP(b) a decision was made on the "Anti-Soviet" elements [2, 26]. This directive indicates that old-fashioned ears and criminals who escaped from exile in all urban and rural areas were engaged in anti-Soviet activities in industrial enterprises, collective farms, state farms, transport and other industries. The VKP(b) recommended the Republic, provincial Party leaders and the NKVD authorities to immediately detain the ears and other criminals who were fleeing, and to execute their executions with "thugs" and the rest to be deported to the districts through the NKVD bodies.

At the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee ofthe Communist Party ofthe VKP(b) onJuly 11, 1937, the "Tribe" of the Uzbek SSR was determined by Zagvozdin (the People's Commissar for Internal Affairs of the Uzbek SSR), Ikramov (secretary ofthe Central Committee ofthe UzKP(b)), Boltaboev (Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR) shoot imprisonment, and 3952 executions [3, 326].

On July 30, 1937, on the basis of the decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on July 2, operative order № 00447 of the USSR NKVD "On the operation of repression of old ears, criminals and other anti-Soviet elements" was issued [4, 96-104]. The quota for the repression was divided into 7 groups, the main object of repression, the former ears that had been sentenced to prison, and who were operating against the Soviet, escaping from camps or labor camps, and hiding from punishment. Therefore, this command is also called "the commandment of the gulags".

In order to eliminate the "anti-Soviet" elements, the NKVD authorities were tasked with starting the repressive operation on August 5, 1937 and completing it within four months. Those who were repressed were divided into two cat-


egories. Those in the first group were "relatively heavy" and were immediately imprisoned and imprisoned by the "thugs", and the second category was all the hostile elements that had to be sentenced to between 8 and 10 years in prison.

This order also outlines the number of repressed people. In particular, the Uzbek SSR sentenced 750 people of the first category and 4000 people on the second category, and 4750 people [4, 99]. Thus, on August 10, 1937, mass repressions in Uzbekistan became more frequent. During the period from August 10, 1937 to January 1, 1938, 5924 people were sent from the "ears" throughout Uzbekistan, 1679 from the "criminals" and 3097 from other "anti-Soviet elements". 3613 of them were sentenced to Type 1, and 7087 persons were sentenced to 8 to 10 years in category 2. Judgment on the horse1376 of them were "ears", 952 were criminals and 1285 were "anti-Soviet elements". In the second category, 4548 were "ears", 727 were criminals and 1812 were "anti-Soviet elements" [3, 387-388]. These figures testify that during the period from August 10, 1937 to January 1, 1938, the repressions in Uzbekistan made more than twice the amount specified by the NKVD No. 00447.

Some of those repressed were former ears who were suffering from exile in the labor camps. During the years of collectivization, punished ears were reprinted again during the Greater Terror. Since 1934, the NKVD authorities have been consistently establishing agency jobs in the private towns. The agents brought various protesting moods to the party, the party-Soviet bodies, and its leaders to the relevant departments of the NKVD. The agency's information was the basis for repression of "ears" on exile.

In 1937-1938, the mass repression of the country did not overlook the "ears" that had been deported. From 1935 to 19366530 people from the USSR's special settlements were captured, 4,1215 in 1937-1938 and 5467 in 1939-1940. In 1935-1940, 100% of the repressed displaced persons, 12.3% of1935-1936, 77.4% in 1937-1938 and 10.3% in 1939-1940. 38230 of the repressed repatriates in 1937-1938 lived in RSFSR territories (92.8%), and 2985 (7.2%) lived in the territory of other former Soviet republics. In 1937-1938, 156 Uzbek "former ears" were repressed in Uzbekistan's special settlements [5, 58-59].

In the archives collection of the names of those who were repressed in Uzbekistan in 1937-1938, the "triplet" under the NIS of the Uzbekistan SSR provided information on 97 people who were repressed by the special settlements [6, 7, 8].

They were distributed as follows: 9 people (1 person, 6 people 10 years, 2 people 8 years in prison), 4 people from "Boyovut" special settlement (2 persons for 10 years, 2 persons) 8 years of imprisonment, 8 people from Special Strelkovo village (2 people, six people were sentenced to 10 years), 1 person from Stalin (10 years in prison), 6 people from the "5 Years of Uzbekistan" (1 person, 5 people - 10 years), 26 people from the "Dalvarzin" special dump № 6 (3 people, 19 people - 10 years, 4 people - 8 years), "Savay" (5 people, 5 people - 10 years), 5 people from the "Norin" special settlement (1 person, four people were sentenced to 10 years), 7 people from special settlement № 9 named Kuybishev (5 people two people were sentenced to 10 years), 21 people from "Bulungur" special district (5 people, 16 people 10 years in prison) were reprimanded [9]. In their nationalities, 69 Uzbeks (including 19 assaults, 43 sentenced to 10 years, 7 to 8 years in prison),

9 Russians (1 assault, 8 years in prison), Ukrainians 4 (all

10 years in prison), Gabardines Turkmens were sentenced to three (1 shootout, 3 to 10 years in prison), 3 Turkmen (1 robbery, 2 to 10 years in prison), 3 Tadjiks (2 for 10 years, 1 to 8 years in prison), Ossetia's 1 person the Uighur people were sentenced to 1 person (shoot), Ingush one person (10 years in prison), one from Dagestan (one to 10 years in prison), and one to Bulgarian (10 years in prison) [10].

The abovementioned numbers refer only to the number of people who were repressed by the "Trinity" under the NKVD UzSSR, and the number of persons sentenced to various penalties by the courts during these years was not included.

At each of the "Thirds" at the NKVS of the USSR, on average 310-315 people were convicted. In most cases, the "Trinity" quickly ruled out the charges against the NKVD sectors. Employees of the NKVD operatives in the regions have been charged with physical and psychological torture and have fabricated various fraudulent offenses. The accusations were generally similar. Specifically, most displaced persons were convicted of involvement in the "aggression" or anti-Soviet propaganda.

In summary, in the years of mass repression "gulags" expelled to special settlements were again repressed. Part of the repressive limit set by the Supreme Soviet authorities was made at the expense of special repatriates. The local penitentiary institutions did not abandon any kind of misconduct to fulfill the above task. Even when the detainees were subjected to torture and psychological exploitation, it was widely known that in that time that former system was recognized by juridical organs.


1. Archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 32-stock, 1-list, 2-work.

2. Репрессия - 1937-1938 гг. Документы и материалы. Выпуск 1. Сост.: Шамсутдинов Р. Т., Каримов Н. Ф., Юсупов Э. Ю. / Отв. ред. Каримов Н. Ф.- Ташкент: Шарк,- 2005.

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5. Земсков В. Н. Спецпоселенцы в СССР - 1930-1960.- М.: Наука,- 2003.

6. Репрессия - 1937-1938 гг. Документы и материалы. Под. ред. Н. Ф. Каримова. / Сост.: Р. Т. Шамсутдинов, Э. Ю. Юсупов, А. Мамажонов, Э. Дусматов. Выпуск 3. Жертвы большого террора из Узбекистана.- 1937 год ноябрь.-Т.: Шарк,- 2007.

7. Репрессия - 1937-1938 гг. Выпуск 4. Жертвы большого террора из Узбекистана. - 1937 год, декабрь. / Отв. ред. Каримов Н. Ф., Шамсутдинов Р. Т. // Сост.: Р. Т. Шамсутдинов, М. Абдуллаев, Э. Дусматов, Х. Курбанов.- Т.: Шарк,-2008.

8. К^атагон курбонлари (1938 йил февраль, сентябрь). Бешинчи китоб / Тадрир дайъати Р. Шамсутдинов ва бошк,. // Тузувчилар гуру^и: Р. Шамсутдинов, Х. Курбонов, Ж. Расулов, Ф. Эгамбердиев, У Бекимметов.- Т.: Шарк,- 2009.

9. The information was collected based on the abovementioned titles.

10. Author collection.

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