Sadybayeva A.M.
English teacher Specialized Lyceum №20. Taldykorgan city (Taldykorgan, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Abstract: the article deals with the flipped classroom method in the study of English in high school. Practical recommendations are given for the use of this method in the learning process.
Keywords: pedagogy, flipped classroom, homework, methodological recommendations,
In the context of the pandemic and quarantine, all educational institutions were transferred to a distance learning format , in connection with this, students and teachers faced problems not only of a technical nature, but also in methodological terms. As a basic technology, we chose "Flipped class" or, as it is known in another way, flipped learning.
E. Mazur, a professor of physics at Harvard University in the USA, gave lecture material to students in advance so that they would come to class prepared[ 1].
Chemistry teacher Aaron Sams is considered to be the author of the Flipped Learning technology. and Jonathan Bergmann (USA).
The use of the Flipped Classroom pedagogical technology implies a teaching method, according to which students do not do traditional homework at home. Instead, they watch video lectures online , learning new material on their own. Coming to the lesson, students, together with the teacher, are engaged in the implementation of practical tasks that allow them to consolidate their knowledge.
M. Lebrun writes that flipped learning is essentially not a new method, but rather a new way of thinking, the purpose of which is to optimize classroom work with students through extracurricular activities aimed at in-depth study of the subject [2].
As a preliminary material, along with educational presentations and a lesson plan, where topics, goals and objectives are indicated, as well as all links to the necessary literature, we send a video lecture. To create a video lecture (i.e. training video), programs such as Zoom , BandiCam were used and the MyOwnVideoconferences site . All these resources are free and easy to use if you have minimal skills and competencies in the field of digital technology.
There is no single model for flipped learning - the term is widely used to describe the structure of virtually any class that is based on watching pre-recorded lectures and then discussing them directly in class.
After analyzing the results of the tests of students in grades 8, 9 and 10, we can say that with the introduction of the flipped classroom technology in online video conferences, the quality of the lessons has slightly improved (Table 1).
The results of examinations and the quality of knowledge were compared, the classes are indicated at the time of writing the article (Fig. 1).
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Figure 1. Comparison of the quality of knowledge
Given the specifics of the subject, it should be noted that all laboratory work is carried out using digital educational resources, and how this will affect the practical use of knowledge cannot yet be predicted.
What to do so that learning in the new format does not fail at the very first
S Check the technical component of the process in advance (availability of a computer, working Internet, students' understanding of the "rules of the game") - this will greatly simplify the learning process.
S Each video lesson (or other self-study material) is accompanied by instructions and points that students will have to note for themselves as they watch -this will help guide students and orient them in a large world of new topics .
S Ask students to ask questions about the material covered - this will avoid misunderstandings at the very beginning (and not on the exam) .
S Encourage students to take notes - this will help them more consciously approach the study of new topics.
S Set deadlines, or rather, give students a study schedule in advance - this will improve understanding of the overall lesson pattern.
The use of this technology is not a panacea, but in our opinion, under the conditions of distance learning, some elements can be taken and adapted according to the situation. Of course, full-time teaching is a format to which all teachers and students are accustomed, and it will not be easy to replace the methods and methods that were used in the lessons, but this technology is of interest.
1. Mazur E. Peer instruction: A User's Manual // Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997.
2. Dumont A., Berthiaume D. La pedagogy inversee. Ensigner autrement dans le superieur avec la classe inversee. - De Boeck Superieur sa, 2016. -P. 235.
3. Tikhonova Natalia Vladimirovna Technology "flipped class" at the university: potential and problems of implementation // KPZh. 2018. No. 2 (127).