d ) https://dx.doi.org/10.36522/2181-9637-2022-2-6 UDC: 632.7.8
Anorboev Azimjon Raimkulovich,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Director of Scientific Research Institute on Plant Quarantine and Protection, e-mail: [email protected];
Rahmonov Ahliddin Xabibullaevich,
Basic Doctoral Student of the Department of Plant Protection, Tashkent State Agrarian University, e-mail: [email protected]
Some species of the Tetranychidae family are considered harmful and significantly reducing yields and productivity in the intensive seed orchards.
For a few years, mites have been observed to cause severe damage to pear, quince, and apple orchards. The apple red mite strongly damages young branches of apple orchards. White-yellow spots appear on the surface of the affected leaves, then the spots enlarge, the leaves turn yellow and fall off as a result of photosynthesis and metabolic disorders in the leaves. Within a few years, as a result of strong damage leaves become completely dry [4, 5, 7].
In our country, apple red mites (Panonychus ulmi Koch) can cause severe damage. This pest is common for intensive seed orchards. The apple red mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch) infects quince and pear as well. During the spawning season, the orchards overwinter at the base of three buds, leaving offspring 5-6 times during season.
The Lacewing entomophagy is effective against the apple red mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch), and the adult larva of a single lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata was) feeds on 60-70
Abstract. The article elucidates the use of the lacewing (Chrysoprase septempunctata webmail) against the apple red mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch), found in the orchards which are raised in the territory of the republic, at different consumption rates (1 : 5, 1: 10, 1: 15), based on its pest ratio and biological effectiveness. The use of the lacewing contributed to 87.8% reduction of the number of apple red mites by the end of the season. Our studies, which were less effective against hemp in the intensive apple orchards on these entomophages, showed that 1 (one) ha of apple trees on the territory of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Kibray district, the Tashkent region, against the harmful red cane (Panonychus ulmi) in Fuji orchards; studies were conducted to determine the biological effectiveness of septempunctured chrysoprase using entomophages.
Keywords: apple red cane, goldfish, larva, orchards, damage, pear, apple.
Анорбоев Азимжон Раимкулович,
кишлок хужалиги фанлари доктори, профессор, Усимликлар карантини ва ^имояси илмий-тадкикот институти директори;
Ра^монов А^лиддин Хабибуллаевич,
таянч докторант, Тошкент давлат аграр университети
Аннотация. Мацолада республикамиз худудида интенсив олма мевали богларда учрайдиган олма цизил канасига (Panonychus ulmi Koch) царши олтинкузни (Chrysoprase septempunctata webmail) турли сарф меъёрда (1 : 5, 1 : 10, 1 : 15) цуллаб, унинг зараркунандага нисбати ва биологик самарадорлиги буйича олиб борилган тадцицот натижалари ёритилган. Олтинкуз цулланилганда, мавсум охирига келиб, олма цизил канасининг сони 87,8% гача камайганлиги аницланган. Бу энтомофаглар буйича интенсив олма мевали богларда каналарга царши тажрибалар самараси камроц булган бизнинг тадцицотларимиз Тошкент вилояти %ибрай туманида жойлашган Ахборот-маслахат маркази (extension center) ДУК худудидаги 1 (бир) гектарлик олманинг Фужи навли богларидаги зарар келтирадиган олма цизил канасига (Panonychus ulmi) царши курашда, олтинкуз (chrysoprase septempunctata was) энтомофагини цуллаб, биологик самарадорлигини аницлаш буйича тадцицотлар олиб борилган.
Калит сузлар: олма цизил канаси, олтинкуз, личинка, мевали боглар, зарари, нок, олма.
Анорбоев Азимжон Раимкулович,
доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, профессор, директор Научно-исследовательского института по карантину и защите растений;
Рахмонов Ахлиддин Хабибуллаевич,
базовый докторант кафедры защиты растений
Ташкентского государственного аграрного университета
Аннотация. В статье освещено применение златоглазки (Chrysopa septempunctata wesmael) против красного яблоневого клеща (Panonychus ulmi Koch), встречающегося в садах, возделываемых на территории республики, при различных нормах расхода (1: 5, 1: 10, 1: 15), исходя из соотношения вредителей и биологической эффективности. Использование златоглазки способствовало снижению числен-ности красных яблоневых клещей к концу сезона на 87,8%. Исследования, проведенные на 1 га территории интенсивных садов яблони сорта Фуджи ГУП Кибрайского района Ташкентской области, показали, что применение каналов
mite imagos, eggs, and larvae a day. In the wild, lacewing plays an important role in reducing the number of apple red mites, with predominant species (Chrysopa septempunctata was, Chrysopa carnea Steph) [1].
The genus (Chrysopa septempunctata West) has some advantages over other species, manifesting low norm distribution, rapid reproduction, and high efficiency.
Lacewing (Chryzopa carnea Steph) is green and feeds on the nectar of unusual flowers. It flies well towards the light. The body size of the lacewing mature breed is 19-25 mm, which varies depending on the way the larvae feed. They differ from each other in the location of the internal and transverse radial-medial vessels relative to the triangular cell located in the anterior wing [2, 3].
Only worms of the lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata we) live in the wild. They will eventually turn black. It has fast migration and excellent wintering properties. It is very omnivorous and feeds on more than 70 species of arthropods, including 11 species of mites. The lifespan of the lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata web) is as follows: in the Imagolic phase, it partially overwinters in cocoon-covered soil lumps, under plant debris, in tree and bark hollows, and indoors. Wintering goldfish are naturally active in early spring, i.e. in late March to early April, when the average daily temperature reaches 10-11 °C. Insects appear from the winter feed on the pollen of flowering plants at this time, mating, and then begin to lay eggs.
In most cases, the lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata was) lays its eggs in places where the aphids are very abundant, where they can easily find food for their larvae. Laying is smooth, one female can lay up to 65 eggs a day and 500-750 eggs throughout her life. The length of embryonic development varies from 4 to 15 days, depending on weather conditions [6].
Lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata web) is an effective species in intensive seed orchards and is resistant to high temperatures. The larvae do not leave the garden even at temperatures of + 38; + 40 °C. This situation increases the possibility of
the effective use of entomophagous against mites in horticulture. In this case, lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata wes) can be used in the ratio of 1 : 20 in calculation of prey. Our research, which is less effective against mites in intensive seed orchards on these entomophagous species, is aimed at combating pandemic apple mites (Panonychus ulmi) in the Fuji orchards of 1 (one) hectare apple orchard on the territory of SUE in the Kibray district, the Tashkent region, Chrysopa septempunctata wes has been studied
против вредоносного красного плодового клеща (Panonychus ulmi) менее эффективно, чем использование энтомофагов. Также проведены исследования по определению биологической эффективности применения златоглазки (Chrysopa septempunctata wesmael) как энтомофага.
Ключевые слова: красный яблоневый клещ, златоглазка, личинка, сады, повреждения, груша, яблоня.
to determine its biological effectiveness using entomophagous. The results of our experiments are shown in Figure 1.
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
1 Option 1:10
2 Option 1:15
3 Option 1:20
■ May «June »July ■ August
Figure 1. Effectiveness of lacewing against apple red mite*
*A. Rakhmanov 2020-2021.
Research materials and methods
The laboratory-propagated lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata) was distributed in different proportions, taking into account the apple red mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch) in the intensive seed orchards.
Lacewing eggs were placed on tree branches in pieces of cloth. The lacewing eggs were distributed separately in each case; the tests took place every 7, 14, and 21 days, and the highest biological yield of lacewing was calculated on the 14th day. Distributed in ratios of 1:10, 1:15, 1:20 to the lacewing pest (Panonychus ulmi Koch). According to him, the appearance of the apple red mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch) began to spread, that is, in April and May. Distributed 3 times at 15-day intervals
throughout the season. In the above ratios, an average of 3,000 lacewing eggs were distributed per season, with a total of 1,000 eggs per hectare.
Research findings and discussion
The number of apple red mites (Panonychus ulmi Koch) on a single leaf after the spread of the lacewing, the ratio of lacewing larvae was studied.
The average number of images of the lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata was) was calculated by changing the number of apple red mites in each variant over the months. In the first option (1:10), the biological efficiency was 65.7% in May, the number of red apples decreased slightly, in June it was 74.2%, in July it was 79.2%, and in August the biological efficiency was 87.8%.
In our second variant, when the lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata) was used in the ratio of 1:15, the highest biological efficiency was 85.4% in July.
In August, however, the lacewing apple failed to exert its effect to control the number of red mites (Panonychus ulmi Koch). In the third case, the proportion of apple red mites (Panonychus ulmi Koch) increased sharply up to 1:20, and the biological efficiency was low in May, 33.9% in June, 29.4% in July, and 25.8% in July.
From our research, it can be maintained that the use of the lacewing (Chrysopa septempunctata) in the ratio of 1:10 in early spring against the apple red mite cell ensured high biological efficiency of 85.4% in July. By this time the apple red mite was much rarer. The use of the lacewing apple red mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch) in intensive seed orchards with low yields ensured a positive result, which contributed to a gradual increase of their number.
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