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Tolepov Ernazar Tangatar oglu,
Assistant of the Department "methods of teaching geography"of the Faculty of history, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyoz, Nukus city of
Karakalpakstan Republic
In this article, scientific ideas about the Australian mainland and its natural geography were put forward. Specific methods of teaching this topic have been interpreted. Scientific opinions about the essence of the use of interactive techniques in the teaching of Australian matter have been put forward.
Keywords: Nature, Earth, environment, mainland, ocean, education, geography, relief, shell, Matter, movement, rhythm, cartographic method.
В статье были выдвинуты научные представления об материковой части Австралии и ее естественной географии. Осуществлены интерпретации конкретных методик преподавания данной темы. Выдвигались научные мнения о сущности использования интерактивных техник в обучении австралийской материи.
Ключевые слова: Природа, Земля, окружающая среда, материк, океан, образование, география, рельеф, оболочка, Материя, движение, ритм, картографический метод.
To date, the science of geography has formed students the knowledge and skills about the nature and the scientific worldview, the nature of the Earth, its economy and various information about its inhabitants. And this teaches logical thinking about the natural landscape of the Earth, rational use of nature, increasing production efficiency, means of improving the standard of living of the population, the state of the environment, methods of forming ecomadenism in humans.
In Uzbekistan, BP Farberman, N. Saidakhmedov, F. Jumabayev, A. Ochilov, L. Golish, B. Ziyamuhamedov, Sh. Abdullayev, JO Tolipova, AT Gafurov and others have created major scientific works and textbooks. In the field of geography education in our country M. Nabikhanov, O. Muminov, T. Abdullaeva, P. Musaev, M. Yunusova, R. Kurbanniyozov, H. Vahobov, P. Baratov, O. Safarov, P. Saidov, R. Gaypova, A. Khayitov, M. Abdurahmanov, H. Nikadamboyeva and others have
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 11
educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
carried out scientific and methodological work on the use of pedagogical technologies and the development of geographical technologies.
The following methods are effective for students to study natural geography independently. For example, in the course of natural geography of continents and oceans, it is important to summarize and organize a certain type of information in tabular form using the "Classification" graphic organizer. It also helps to memorize basic information about the continents and oceans by using data on climate zones and natural areas to map the basic information. The Classification graphic organizer teaches students to identify important features and aspects of the topic being studied and to summarize the information. Using it, students develop the ability to think logically, to systematize information that highlights important features. Although the interactive method of tabular data collection is not new, the number of users of this method is currently declining due to the fact that this method takes a little more time during the lesson. However, it is more effective to use this method in an independent study.
During the independent study of the course of natural geography of continents and oceans, it is useful for students to create the following tables. Geochronological table, air temperatures, precipitation, national parks and reserves, mainland capes, peaks, volcanoes, natural zones, climatic zones, basins, sediments, lakes, rivers, scientific stations, soils, plants, animals, and traveling geographers can compile tables such as the world's oceans, oceans, and other currents. When working with an unwritten map, it is effective to map basic information about a continent or ocean. For example, mapping Australia's climatic zones to a climate-specific map of the unwritten map would be more likely to make the data more memorable.
Studying the theme of climatic zones of the continents through unwritten maps requires mapping the information in the textbook (precipitation, air temperature, natural geographical objects in the area), delimiting the boundaries of climatic zones and painting them in different colors.
When studying the theme of natural zones of the continents through an unwritten map, it is necessary to map the various data on the subject (soil, flora and fauna) and to distinguish the boundaries of natural zones and paint them in different colors. Using maps of different colors to map this information is very useful when repeating them. Because the green inscription means plants, the black inscription means soil, and the red inscription means animal world. This is because students are required to use different colored pens to quickly identify and distinguish when they
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repeat what they have read using an unwritten map. This method can be used at all stages of natural geography lessons. In practical classes, students map the boundaries and relief of continents without writing, but they mainly map existing geographic objects in the atlas, but the student independently categorizes non-existent geographical objects in the atlas in order to consolidate their knowledge. the program memorizes the data, which takes more time to categorize and map the data without writing, but is well preserved in the students' memory.
The role of natural geography courses in the training of qualified geographers in higher education is enormous. Because by taking this course, students will be able to study the natural conditions and natural resources of our planet in depth, as well as understand the laws of the interdependence and interdependence of natural elements. As a result, geography teachers will be trained who will have a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the nature of the planet and use its natural resources wisely and pass it on to the younger generation.
Due to the lack of theoretical hours in natural geography courses in the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of Uzbekistan, students have limited opportunities to study the specifics of the nature of the earth in depth. Most of the total hours are allocated to lim. Therefore, in addition to consolidating their theoretical knowledge, students will develop independent thinking skills if they complete the assignments in practice and independently. Because in practical classes and in the process of independent assignments, if students carefully complete the assignments and questions using textbooks, manuals, various literature, maps and atlases, they will be able to: 'skills are formed: - by working with thematic maps and atlases in practical classes and comparing them, students develop the ability to know the current state of certain natural geographical objects, the processes that occur and can occur in it; -comparing the elements of nature with each other, not in isolation, but in an organic relationship, if one of its elements is adversely affected, it in turn can cause changes in the state of other elements of nature students develop the ability to draw conclusions independently; -develops the ability to analyze numerical data, create profiles, draw graphs and diagrams using tables provided in various sources and textbooks. The above methods are very effective in independent study and are very useful for students, especially those who work hard on themselves.
Today's demand is that young people become talented, intelligent, innovative, as well as mature and well-rounded in all respects, as a result of today's work in the field
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of education. Creating and completing spreadsheets is a testament to a student's ability to innovate.
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