Научная статья на тему 'The use of diesel fuels with improved low temperature properties in winter conditions'

The use of diesel fuels with improved low temperature properties in winter conditions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические технологии»

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European science review
Ключевые слова
Diesel oil / temperature of the clouding and pour depressor of the additive / concentration additive hydrocarbon composition / compatibility influence natures depressor additive / paraffin hydrocarbons / physico-chemical characteristic depressor extra blend efficiency depressors additive

Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Riskulov Alimzhan Ahmedzhanovich, Barhanadzhyan Aida Levonovna, Hakimov Ravshan Muminovich, Karpushkin Sergey Igorevich

In work is studied influence of the hydrocarbon composition sample diesel fuel on their lower temperature characteristic. They are received new depressor of the additive, experimental studied influence their concentration on the temperature pour sample diesel fuel. At present powerfully increased need for diesel oils in connection with growing cargo and bus park.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The use of diesel fuels with improved low temperature properties in winter conditions»

Section 13. Transport

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-1.2-250-252

Riskulov Alimzhan Ahmedzhanovich, The Doctor of the technical sciences, rector Barhanadzhyan Aida Levonovna, candidate of the chemical sciences, professor Hakimov Ravshan Muminovich, candidate of the technical sciences, PhD Karpushkin Sergey Igorevich, master, leading engineer Tashkent Institute of Design Construction and Maintenance of Automotive Roads E-mail: [email protected]

The use of diesel fuels with improved low temperature properties in winter conditions

Abstract: In work is studied influence of the hydrocarbon composition sample diesel fuel on their lower temperature characteristic. They are received new depressor of the additive, experimental studied influence their concentration on the temperature pour sample diesel fuel.

At present powerfully increased need for diesel oils in connection with growing cargo and bus park. Keywords: Diesel oil, temperature of the clouding and pour depressor of the additive, concentration additive hydrocarbon composition, compatibility influence natures depressor additive, paraffin hydrocarbons, physico-chemical characteristic depressor extra blend efficiency depressors additive.

The Buses, trucks and is cherished-building technology consumes all year round diesel oil. However the certain problems appear at winter period of the usages.

It is known that in hydrocarbon composition of the diesel oil contents paraffin hydrocarbon reaches 30-40%. Also known that at reduction of the temperature paraffin crystals have formed, this brings about clouding fuel.

When functioning working the diesel engine crystals paraffin ram the times a filter fine peelings decreases presenting a fuel, is broken mixture formation. Under more low temperature educated crystals paraffin accrete, form the framework and fuel freezes.

Usually in practice for the reason achievements of the low temperature of pour diesel oil conduct dewaxing or add in diesel oil les octane petrol, kerosene.

However it is herewith spent valuable oil products increases the wear-out of the cylinder groups and fire risk.

One of the most efficient ways of the improvement lower temperature characteristic diesel fuel and expansions of their resource is an use the chemical join — an depressor additive. Exist the different theories of the action depressor additive [1; 2].

The modern concept of the mechanism of their action comes from that that they storage batteries as usual superficially-active material on faces crystal n-paraffin and disturb its growing in point, where concentration depressor most, growing of the crystal the brakes are going and crystal grows toward the least concentration depressor on

corners that promotes formation such original forms, as dendrite. Such change the form crystal n-paraffin is a main reason of the reduction of the temperature of the forming the spatial framework.

With thread "Chemical technology" us are developed new depressor of the additive on base departure local production. There was synthesized additive variety of depressor. The preliminary studies are organized on introduction different on nature depressor in diesel fuel.

The results preliminary experiment on using depressor additive have shown that entering the additive concentration 0,1% allows to reduce the temperature of pour diesel oil before minus 27-29 C with [3].

The deep studies are organized on influence of the nature depressor additive on low temperature characteristic diesel ronAHB, their compatibility, determination to the most efficient concentration of the introduction additive in diesel oil, as well as influence of the hydrocarbon composition of the diesel oil on efficiency of the influence depressor additive [4].

The diesel oil for car technology get from kerosene, gasoil and diesel oil faction. Depending on correlations these faction in diesel oils sometimes exists the difference in hydrocarbon composition fuel, in connection with than will be changed and physico-chemical characteristic diesel fuel. Such as the temperature of the flash, viscosity, low temperature characteristic. So study of the influence of the hydrocarbon composition foul on their physico-chemical and working characteristic presents scientific and practical interest.

For study low temperature characteristic diesel fuel depending on their hydrocarbon composition were displayed 4 samples of the diesel oil Fergana oil refinery plant. The studies are organized on chromatograph 6890 N "Chromosomal" with masses-spectrum 5973 methods gas liquid to chromatography were explored 4 available samples fuel. The results called on experiment happen to in table 1.

The use of diesel fuels with improved low temperature properties in winter conditions

Table 1. - Hydrocarbon composition under investigation sample diesel fuel

Group structure, % Diesel fuel

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4

N-Paraffins are 27 30 25 40

C -C C5 C14 12 15,5 12 19,5

C -C C15 C18 9 8 7 13

C -C C19 C25 6 6,5 6 7,5

Isoparaffins 50 49 47 30

Aromatic hydrocarbons 10 10 10 8

nophthenes 12 9,5 14 12

Unsaturated hydrocarbons 1 1,5 4 10

From table is seen that on hydrocarbon composition diesel oils in determined degree differ. So, in all sample of the diesel oil contents n-paraffin hydrocarbon varies from 27-40%, is paraffin's from 30-50% and such differences exist beside aromatic, naph-thenic and unsaturated hydrocarbon.

It is known that low temperature characteristic foul basically hang from concentration paraffin hydrocarbon in diesel oils, than more contents normal paraffin hydrocarbon, that above temperature of the congelation. An organized experiments were in laboratory condition on determination of the temperature of the congelation sample diesel fuel. The results are brought on histogram.

Figure 1.

Depression of the temperature of the congelation different hydrocarbon faction:

1 - n-paraffin faction;

2 - an aromatic faction (the once back hydrocarbons);

3 - a faction bi- and tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon;

4 - a faction tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon;

5 - naphthenic is paraffin faction.

From result called on by us experiment on contents normal paraffin hydrocarbon and low temperature characteristic follows

that concentration paraffin hydrocarbon directly influences upon the temperature pour diesel fuel.

The most efficient and the most expedient with economic standpoint reduction temperature of the congelation of the diesel oil is an using depressor additive.

From literary sources known that introduction depressor additive in small concentration greatly reduces the temperature of the congelation petroleum.

Us explored influence of the concentrations synthesized addi-

tive on low temperature characteristic diesel foul. Table 2. — Depressor influence additive D1-D6 on Tz sample fuel

Additive Sample oil T, 0 c

Fuel sample,%

0 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,25

D1 1 -12 -14 -17 -14 -14

2 -14 -16 -19 -15 -15

3 -16 -17 -21 -17 -16

D2 1 -12 -18 -24 -27 -27

2 -14 -19 -25 -27 -27

3 -16 -21 -25 -27 -27

D D4 D5 and D6 1 -12 -12 -12 -14 -12

2 -14 -14 -16 -14 -14

3 -16 -16 -17 -17 -16

From table is seen by that most efficiency on reduction of the temperature pour fuel renders the additive D2 at concentrations 0,1 and 0,2%.



Before us was put delivered problem of the reception more efficient depressor additives (D7) possessing high factor quality. So studies were continued on reception new in a complicated way ethereal depressor of the additive.


2 2 22 64 22 17 35




C„H -C-O-CH -CH -O- CH -CH -O-C-CH -C-O-CH -O-C- C„H

The Results of the test have shown that when entering new depressor additives concentration 0,1% temperature of pour diesel oil falls before minus 27 29 C.

The new additive — a liquid light brown colour, well opens in diesel oils and does not fall out in sediment under retain. On rest

Table 3. - The Comparative results to efficiency of the action depressor additive in diesel oils

factor quality does not yield earlier synthesized additive.

Comparison got by us new additive D7 on efficiency does not yield the known foreign depressor an additive such as: "Total", "Mannol". Given are provided in table 3.

additive Fuel sample Т, ° С z'

Additive concentration, %

0,05 0,1 0,2 0,3

A7 1 -18 -29 -27 -28

«Total» 1 -12 -15 -17 -19

«Mannol» 1 -14 -16 -18 -20

Thereby, considering efficiency of the new additive D7, uncom- pose that additive can be recommended for year diesel fuel at usages plicated technology of the reception and raw materials base, we sup- of the technology at winter period.


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