УДК 004.02
Matkarimov Jasur, Andijan state university, Uzbekistan, Andijan E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. In the presented work some features of application of the concept of cloud computing in the process of teaching, learning and evaluation in the discipline of computer science are considered. The article highlights the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud computing technology and free software products offered by it in teaching computer science. Also here is a comparative analysis of desktop and cloud applications, showing the obvious advantages of the latter for schools that do not have the means for licensed software.
Аннотация. В представленной работе рассмотрены некоторые особенности применения концепции облачных вычислений в процессе обучения в информатике. Подчеркиваются преимущества и недостатки использования технологии облачных вычислений и бесплатных программных продуктов, часто используемых преподавателями в области информатики. Также приведен сравнительный анализ облачных приложений, показывающий очевидные преимущества их использования для школ, у которых нет средств для лицензированного программного обеспечения.
Key words: informational technologies, cloud computing, free software, teaching-learning-assessment.
Ключевые слова: информационные технологии, облачные вычисления, бесплатное программное обеспечение.
In the conditions of the developing information society, information technologies, having reached a high level of development, more and more often penetrate into all spheres of the life activity of society, including in the sphere of education. Man, in fact, does not think his existence without Internet technology. Thanks to the Internet, the volume of electronic information has increased many times, but cheap computer equipment can not always satisfy the user's needs for storing and processing information. The problem is not only the speed of development of information technology, but also the cost of powerful computer systems. To partially solve this problem, you can use a technology called cloud computing, which involves
the use of Internet resources for creating, storing, presenting, exchanging and processing information.
Cloud computing, literally "cloud computing" (the expression comes from the symbolic graphical representation of the Internet, often found in the form of a cloud ("the cloud")). This is a modern concept in the field of information technology, which is a distributed set of computing services, applications, access to information and data storage, without requiring the user to know the location and physical configuration of the systems providing these services [1].
In the definition of cloud computing, there are two concepts of storing and processing information that lead us to a new concept of using Internet resources. If until recently the Internet was used as a source of information and communication (including information exchange), then with the advent of the concept of cloud computing, the user received a tool for creating, processing and storing information on the Internet, which allowed to unload our computers from a fairly large amount of information, which can now be stored in the cloud, and get free software for processing documents of various types.
It's no secret that in the CIS space, pirate software is often used, which belongs to well-known software companies, both at home and at work, which violates the copyrights of the respective owner firms. This problem can also be partly solved with the help of cloud computing technology, which provides the user with some office programs, such as: text editor, spreadsheets, applications for creating presentations, drawings, etc. Thus, the user has received free access to all these programs and
The main purpose of this work is to answer the following questions: is it possible to conduct lessons in the discipline of Information Technology, using only Internet resources and, in particular, cloud computing technology and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using this technology for teaching computer science in school and University.
Let's analyze various applications of cloud technology that can be used in the process of teaching-learning-assessment in the discipline of Information Technology. Discipline Information technology pursues the main goal - the formation of a specialist capable of conducting scientific research and presenting the results of research in various forms: manuscript, graphic materials, etc. To this end, the student must go through the following stages:
1. Collection of information, including the method of interviews;
2. Selection of collected information, etc .;
3. Analysis and processing of selected information;
4. Presentation of information in the form of manuscripts, electronic presentations, etc.
To go through the stages of collecting and selecting information, you can use Internet services such as: various scientific thematic social networks, specialized forums, access to electronic libraries of various educational institutions, specialized
sites, etc. For the purposes of analysis and information processing, you can use electronic tables, and for the organization of information in the form of a report -editors of texts and electronic presentations. Also, in order to collect, select and process information, you can use various online questionnaires, graphic editors, etc.
A significant place in the course Information technologies are occupied by office technologies: graphic and text processors, electronic calculation tables, systems for creating and processing presentations and managing databases. In this sense, you can note the following resources: Google documents (docs.google.com), Skydrive.live.com - Microsoft Web Apps (Windows Live), iCloud (icloud.com), Dropbox (dropbox.com), etc. For a brief comparative analysis of these resources, go to https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-us/compare/. These resources offer the following options: creating text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. At the same time, the programs used for this are similar to the corresponding programs from the Microsoft Office suite. Documents, spreadsheets and electronic presentations are created and stored in the cloud, but can be downloaded to the computer or vice versa, downloaded from the computer to the cloud. To take advantage of these opportunities, you must register on the appropriate resource and create an account on it. Registration and account use are free. Access to the tools of database management systems can be obtained through online resources https://creator.zoho.com or https://grubba.net/ index.php, with an interface in English.
To compile various questionnaires, the Google Form application is used, which allows the compilation of questionnaires, tests, etc. Such a questionnaire can be published on the Internet for all its users or only for specific individuals who must answer the proposed questions. Such a questionnaire can contain most types of questions: questions such as essays, questions with the choice of a single correct answer or several correct answers, questions like scale, grid, etc. The results of filling out the form are transferred to the spreadsheet sheet in the cloud, where in the future there may be processed by the teacher.
Plan activity and working mode can be implemented using the Google Calendar application. Using this application, you can easily keep a record of all important life events and activities in one single place. You can also give access to your personal calendar to others, for example, colleagues from the training group to view the schedule of classes or plan joint activities. You can add a training schedule, deadlines for submitting projects and other tasks, scheduling events, holidays, etc. The Google Calendar application automatically sends free alerts about events from the calendar or not e-mail, or as a banner, or even via SMS to the user's phone.
Using the Google Talk application, you can conduct online consultations with students, both in writing and in video conferencing. Also, students can communicate with each other to solve specific problems.
As for graphical editors, there are a lot of resources, among them again the Google cloud with the Picture app, but this application is quite primitive. It allows you
to create only drawings based on elementary geometric shapes. A more productive program is the Pixar program (http://pixlr.com). This graphics editor is similar to the Photoshop program and provides a multilingual user interface, allows the creation of new images, downloading them from the computer, from the network, from various libraries. Other editors are Photoshop (https://www.photoshop.com), Aviary (http:// www.aviary.com) and many others.
To process video information, you can use the software built into YouTube (youtube.com). This software has limited functionality, but it allows you to create video transitions, overlay music on video, edit video materials, uploaded to the site. Some of the editors can be found at http://savedelete.com/category/software. This resource offers us a variety of software for multimedia processing, including video.
As for e-mail, in our opinion, here everyone has long ago chosen one or even several mail servers. For those who just start using the Internet, we can list some of the most popular mail servers, of which https://mail.google.com, https://www.yahoo.com/, https://mail.md// , http://mail.ru/, http://hotmail.com/ etc. Using mailboxes, you can quickly master the principle of working in the cloud. Most mail servers are free and, as we noted earlier, registration in the cloud requires a registered account in an email.
The work presented to your attention acquaints us with a new technology that can be successfully applied in the process of teaching and learning-assessment in the discipline of Information Technology, as well as any other discipline where office applications are required [3]. This technology is called cloud computing (cloud computing). The following conclusions can be drawn from the presented material:
1. Process of teaching-learning-assessment in discipline Information technology can be implemented through cloud computing technology more efficiently and economically than using licensed paid applications;
2. To implement the teaching-learning-evaluation process using cloud computing, it is necessary to have a stable and high-speed Internet connection;
3. The use of cloud computing involves a number of advantages, such as:
a. minimum material costs (only for Internet access);
b. free access to a variety of applications that require only the Internet and a browser and do not require their installation on our computers;
at. simplicity and convenience of organizing individual student work (access to the cloud at any time and in any place where there is an Internet connection);
The simplicity and convenience of organizing the evaluation of projects implemented by both a student and a group of students;
etc. motivation of students to perform laboratory work in a well-known and preferred environment (Internet).
1. Using a cloud, any researcher can realize all stages of scientific activity from gathering information to presenting research results.
Thus, using cloud computing in the process of teaching-learning-assessment, you can get free access to the newest methods of processing information. In addition,
there is no need to waste time and resources on the purchase, installation, configuration, maintenance of software and information protection, since all this is done by the cloud administration.
1. Cloud computing. - URL: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing
2. Sultanova N., Tischenko D. Promotion of the use of information and communication technologies in technical and vocational education and training in the CIS countries [Report]. Moscow: UNESCO, 2012.
3. Chao L. Cloud Computing for Teaching and Learning: Strategies for Design and Implementation. University of Houston-Victoria, 2012.