UDK 1.740
Haipova E.A.,
master student.
University of Engineering Technologies of Turkmenistan named after Oguz Khan.
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
As explained in the glossaries, any tool or instrument used to perform a task is called a tool. Different types of teaching aids are used in teaching foreign languages. In classifying them, scientists approach from different points of view. Constant use of technical means in teaching foreign languages is a requirement of the times. Children get acquainted with a real model of a foreign language through technical means, they have the opportunity to compare their conversations with it and correct their mistakes.
Key words:
English language, pedagogy, vocabulary, teaching.
Хаипова Э.А.,
Университет инженерных технологий Туркменистана имени Огуз хана.
Ашхабад, Туркменистан.
Как объясняется в глоссариях, любой инструмент или инструмент, используемый для выполнения задачи, называется инструментом. При обучении иностранным языкам используются различные виды учебных пособий. К их классификации ученые подходят с разных точек зрения. Постоянное использование технических средств в обучении иностранным языкам - требование времени. Дети знакомятся с реальным образцом иностранного языка с помощью технических средств, имеют возможность сравнивать с ним свои разговоры и исправлять свои ошибки.
Ключевые слова:
английский язык, педагогика, лексика, преподавание.
As explained in the glossaries, any tool or instrument used to perform a task is called a tool. Different types of teaching aids are used in teaching foreign languages. In classifying them, scientists approach from different points of view.
Constant use of technical means in teaching foreign languages is a requirement of the times. Their appropriate and effective use has the following importance and features:
a) promotes the development of students' communication skills and abilities through technical means. Children get acquainted with a real model of a foreign language through technical means, they have the opportunity to compare their conversations with it and correct their mistakes. They develop the skills and abilities to listen to and understand the conversations of strangers, including children and adults, men and women;
b) dialog situations created by technical means increase students' motivation to learn a foreign language. This makes for a faster paced and more interesting learning experience. Thus, the amount of time each student spends speaking and listening increases several times. It also creates a favorable condition for expanding the
volume of the study material;
c) constant use of various technical means enriches the methods and methods used by the teacher, makes his work more active and forces him to work;
d) as noted by the methodologists, the role of technical means in significantly improving the efficiency of students' independent work is especially great;
e) Technical means such as television and radio greatly contribute to the collective learning of foreign languages not only by children and schoolchildren, but also by people of different ages. Examples of this include special programs for teaching foreign languages, news broadcasts in these languages, speeches by guests from the countries where the language is studied in their native languages;
f) By using tape recorders, testing machines, language devices and computers, the teacher can continuously test and evaluate the knowledge, skills and abilities of the students. The use of such tools helps to determine the answers of the students of the whole class at the same time. Based on previous records, students themselves can determine the quality of their answers and the mistakes they made at any time;
g) technical means play a major role in the successful implementation of the tasks of teaching children along with their practical goals. In the lessons, folk songs of the countries where the language is being studied, speeches of famous people, and calls are played on a mechanical record. Such valuable materials are of great importance in teaching students a foreign language and educating them in aesthetic, moral, patriotism, friendship-fraternity feelings. Despite the great importance of technical means, it is clear to everyone that they cannot replace a highly qualified teacher. Accordingly, all activities carried out with various technical means in the language room and outside it should be carried out under the direct supervision of the teacher. Methodologists divide technical means into different categories. It should be noted that no definite conclusion has yet been reached in this matter.
It is recommended to meet the following requirements in the use of technical means:
a) the use of these means should not be arbitrary, they should ensure the fulfillment of specific didactic
b) it is not appropriate to use them continuously during the entire lesson or to accumulate a large number of technical means in one lesson. It is enough to use the technical means in one lesson for at least 8-10 minutes;
c) for the effective use of technical means, the teacher must have high skills and abilities; References:
1. Rogova G. V., Rabinovich F. M., Sakharova T. E. Methods of teaching foreign languages in secondary school. M., 1991.
2. Shatilov S. F. Methods of teaching German in secondary school. L., 1977.
© Haipova E.A., 2023
УДК 37
Sapayeva B., Hezretguliyeva G.,
teachers of the department of the foreign languages at TSU named after Magtymguly
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.
In this article, we would like to talk about the main areas for improving the teaching of English as a foreign