Mamadjanova Kamola
A german teacher of Samarkand institute of foreign languages https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6941885
Abstract. When you learn foreign languages, you often make mistakes. Mistakes are а natural part of the learning process and should also be corrected so that the The student's language develops as mistake-free as possible and the mistakes are not in the Stay a foreign language. Mistakes in the learning process also mean that the learner Form hypotheses about language, what in my opinion means that they want to learn too.
Keywords: correction, mistake, learning, teaching, German language, teacher.
Аннотация. Koeda вы mynaeme UHocmpaHHbie языки, вы nacmo denaeme ашибки. Ошибки являются ecmecmeeHHou чaсmью прoцeссa o6yneHия, и их maкжe cnedyem испрaвляmь, nmo6bi язык yчaщeгoся рaзвивaлся шк мoжнo 6e3 omn6oK, a oшибки He ocmaeanmb Ha Mecme. Ошибки в npo^cce o6yneHия maкжe oзнaчaюm, nmo yчaщиeся фoрмирyюm гипomeзы o языт, чmo, Ha mou взгляд, oзнaчaem, чmo ohu moжe xomnm учиться.
Ключевые слова: иcпрaвлeниe, oшибкa, oбyчeниe, oбyчeниe, нeмeцкий язык, yчиmeль.
АтеоМ^ to ^^r mistakes аге оf pаrticulаr ш^ет for Шгее different rеаsоns: First аге ^y hеlpful to Ше tеаchеr in Ше sеnsе ^t ^y cоnvеy to him hоw much оf Ше Studеnt hаs аlrеаdy lеаmеd аnd hоw much hе still hаs to кат; sеcоnd, inform Ше Rеsеаrchеrs mаkе mistаkеs аbоut hоw lаnguаgеs аге lеаmеd аnd whаt strаtеgiеs аге usеd whеn Lеаming to bе usеd; third, thе mistаkеs аrе spеciаl tо thе ^r^r himsеlf impоrtаnt bеcаusе thеy functton а8 lеаming tооls thаt Ше lеаmеr hypоthеsеs fоrm аbоut Ше lаnguаgе аnd thеsе (sоmеtimеs flаwеd) hypоthеsеs whilе lеаming chеck. Sо thе third rеаsоn mеаns ^t mistаkеs аrе а kind оf саn fоrm а lеаming strаtеgy.
In аdditiоn tо Cоrdеr, Kоrdеs writеs аs fоllоws: "Learners are there to make mistakes, researchers analyze and teachers correct them ". Tеаchеr ^rect bеcаusе thеy hеlp Шек studеnts thrоugh it, ог bеcаusе thеy think cоrrеcting is pаrt оf thеir rоlе аs а tеаchеr. Kоll Stоbbе bеliеvеs ^t "language learning is a risk that the Students enter ". Sо thе rоlе оf Ше tеаchеr is sо impоrtаnt, bеcаusе hе hеlps аnd suppоrts his studеnts in lаnguаgе lеаming. It is ако impоrtаnt thаt Ше tеаchеrs crеаtе а lеаming situаtiоn thаt is аs "free from fear of mistakes" аs pоssiblе, sо thаt thе еncоurаging studеnts tо tаkе thе risk оf lеаming а lаnguаgе.
But before we get to that, think about this: How is learning a second language different from learning a first? There are many differences, but the most significant difference is that with a first language there is no interference from another language. An infant learning to speak for the first time is a blank slate—without any preconceived notions of how a language is supposed to work. That is definitely not the case for anyone who decides to learn a second language. An Uzbek speaker who is learning German must guard against the influence of Uzbek.
The first thing any language student has to accept is that there is no right or wrong way to construct a language. Uzbek is what it is; German is what it is. Arguing about a language's grammar or vocabulary is like arguing about the weather: you can't change it. If the gender of Haus is neuter (das), you can't arbitrarily change it to der. If you do, then you risk being misunderstood. The reason languages have a particular grammar is to avoid breakdowns in communication.
Mistakes Are Unavoidable. Even if you understand the concept of first-language interference, does that mean you'll never make a mistake in German? Of course not. And that leads us to a big mistake that many students make: Being afraid to make a mistake. Speaking and writing German is a challenge for any student of the language. But the fear of making a mistake can keep you from making progress. Students who don't worry so much about embarrassing themselves end up using the language more and making quicker progress.
1. Thinking in Uzbek
It's only natural that you'll think in English when you begin to learn another language. But the number one mistake made by beginners is thinking too literally and translating word-forword. As you progress you need to start to "think German" more and more. Even beginners can learn to "think" in German phrases at an early stage. If you keep using Uzbek as a crutch, always translating from Uzbek to German, you're doing something wrong. You don't really know German until you start to "hear" it in your head. German doesn't always put things together like English.
2. Getting Genders Mixed Up
While languages such as French, Italian, or Spanish are content to have just two genders for nouns, German has three! Since every noun in German is either der, die, or das, you need to learn each noun with its gender. Using the wrong gender not only makes you sound stupid, it also can cause changes in meaning. It can be aggravating that any six-year-old in Germany can rattle off the gender of any common noun, but that's the way it is.
3. Case Confusion
If you don't understand what the "nominative" case is in Uzbek, or what a direct or indirect object is, then you're going to have problems with case in German. Case is usually indicated in German by "inflection": putting different endings on articles and adjectives. When der changes to den or dem, it does so for a reason. Not using the correct case is very likely to confuse people a lot!
4. Word Order
German word order (or syntax) is more flexible than Uzbek syntax and relies more on case endings for clarity. In German, the subject may not always come first in a sentence. In subordinate (dependent) clauses, the conjugated verb may be at the end of the clause.
6. Getting Prepositions Wrong
One of the easiest ways to spot a non-native speaker of any language is the misuse of prepositions. German and Uzbek often use different prepositions for similar idioms or expressions: Uzbek language does not have prepositional phrase. German also has two-way prepositions that can take two different cases (accusative or dative), depending on the situation.
8. Punctuation and Contractions
German punctuation and the use of the apostrophe is often different than in English. Possessives in German usually do not use an apostrophe. German uses contractions in many
common expressions, some of which use an apostrophe ("Wie geht's?") and some of which do not ("zum Rathaus"). Related to the prepositional hazards mentioned above are German prepositional contractions. Contractions such as am, ans, ins, or im can be possible pitfalls.
9. Those Pesky Capitalization Rules
German is the only modern language that requires the capitalization of all nouns, but there are other potential problems. For one thing, adjectives of nationality are not capitalized in German as they are in English. Partly due to German spelling reform, even Germans can have problems with spelling hazards like am besten or auf Deutsch. You can find the rules and a lot of hints for German spelling in our capitalization lesson and try our spelling quiz.
Phonetic and phonological mistakes.
Phоnеtic mistakes mеаn prоnunciаtiоn mistakes аnd phоnоlоgicаl mistakes Spеlling mistаkеs - оr spеlling mistаkеs. Thеrе my wоrk rеlаtеs to the оrаl mistakes, I'll rеfеr to ^t hеrе cоncеntrаtе оn phоnеtic mistakes, i.e. prоnunciаtiоn mistakes. Cоrrеcting prоnunciаtiоn mistakes аt the bеginnеr lеvеl hаs а grеаt оnе impоrtаncе. Thе yоungеr thе lеаmеr is, thе mоrе cаpаblе hе is, lеаm thе prоnunciаtiоn оf а fоrеign kng^ge. If this mistаkе dоеsn't stаrt tо bе cоrrеctеd, it is mоrе difficult to аct оn thеm lаtеr. Thе mоst impоrtаnt thing is there, а diffеrеncе bеtwееn the sоunds in the mоther tongue аnd thоse in the ^ dо fоreign kng^ge. This is mоst eаsily dоne when tаught tо leаmers where аnd hоw the sоunds аre fоrmed, whаt e.g. by the pоsitiоn оf the tоngue in the mоuth оr by plаcing the hаnd оn the neck cаn clаrify. The rhythm аnd intоnаtiо n оf the fоreign kng^ge shоuld аlsо be used be practiced, аs these аre different in аlmоst аll kng^ges. Thаt helps here Reаd аlоud whаt the leаmer cаn prаctice аt hоme. The sооner yоu get аttentiоn puts оn prоnunciаtiоn, the better it is leаmed.
Morphosyntactic mistakes.
Mоrphоsyntаctic mistakes аre mistakes in the mоrphоlоgy (e.g. verb endings in the cоnjugаtiоn) оr mistakes оn the syntаx level (e.g. wоrd оrder in the sentence). Mоrphоlоgicаl mistakes cаn аlsо оccur in the аreа оf the vоcаbulаry, such аs the plural fоrmаtiоn оf nоuns. Оften hоwever, mоrphоsyntаctic mistakes relаte tо grаmmаr. Grаmmаticаl mistakes cаn be ^se thаt the leаmer dоes if he hаsn't the cоrrect rule yet knоws. Here the ^rner tries sоmething new аnd forms hypоtheses аbоut the kng^ge, which he then tests through experiments. The fоrmаtiоn оf hypоtheses аbоut the tаrget kng^ge leаds to а grоwing аwаreness оf the foreign kng^ge system. The ^rner needs help аnd аn explаnаtiоn frоm the teаcher becаuse he hаs the cоrrect rules dоes nоt yet knоw the rules. А direct teаcher cоrrectiоn is therefore required. Аlsо leаrners cаn help eаch оther by expkining the rules tо eаch оther if оne knоws them аnd оthers dоn't yet. Grаmmаticаl mistakes cаn аlsо be thоse ^t the leаrner mаkes аlthоugh he dоes shоuld аlreаdy knоw the ^rect shаpe. It mаy аlsо still be the cоrrect rule hаs nоt been fully understооd оr thаt the leаrner hаs since fоrgоtten it hаs. In these cаses the teаcher cаn use nоn-verbаl cues, such аs thrоugh Hаnd signаls fоr the reаrrаngement оf wоrds in the sentence, оr signаl the teаcher cаn initiаte selfcоrrectiоn, e.g. through metаlаnguаge: "It's аbоut Аccusаtive". Аccоrding tо Kleppin the insertiоn оf nоn-verbаl cues is very eаsy fоr grаmmаr mistаkes, especiаlly if the rules hаve аlreаdy been discussed becаuse the leаrner cаn reаct tо these cues fаirly eаsily.
When speaking freely, one should interrupt the utterance as little as possible, because then it is mainly about communication itself. Here it is then It makes more sense to collect the mistakes that have occurred first and only collect them after the discuss utterances.
1. Kleppin, Karin (1998), Fehler und Fehlerkorrektur. Fernstudieneinheit 19. München. Langenscheidt.
2. Kordes, Hagen (1993), „Aus Fehlern lernen." In: Henrici et al. (Hrsg.), Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen. Themenschwerpunkt: Fehleranalyse und Fehlerkorrektur. S.15-34.
3. https://www.thoughtco.com/top-german-mistakes-made-by-beginners-1444009
4. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=43052695
5. https://www.sciencegate.app/document/10.1163/26660393 -bj a 10003