Научная статья на тему 'The torsional natureof Consciousnes'

The torsional natureof Consciousnes Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
cluster / spin configuration of consciousness / torsional field / informational influence / consciousness

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Kovalenko V. F.

The time dependences in change of the water structure containing both alcohol and the test/sample positive and negative information after the influence on it was researched by the method of laser emission scattering. It was determined that the thinking process of the brain and the dynamic character in after-action of the informational influence on the water structure are similar which indicates formation in it spin configurations of thinking in cluster atoms of oxygen. Their transformation in time testifies to a wave character of the torsional field of the configurations in contrast to stable spin memory configurations creating steady torsional field and existing in water structure for a certain period of time (short-term and long-term memory). The correspondence of experimental results to statements of the torsional field of brain consciousness enables us to draw conclusion that water has consciousness implying that it possesses the ability to thinking. The correlation of findings about the alcohol blocking the spin restructuring of water with negative influence of it on human consciousness testifies to the veracity of the inference. The obtained results and conclusions make it possible to explain the impliable connection of collective consciousness and nature abnormalities of the planetary scale.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The torsional natureof Consciousnes»

DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7665233 LCC - № QC1-999


Kovalenko V.F.1

1 Kherson national technique university

Address for Correspondence: Victor Kovalenko, professor, doctor of science E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The time dependences in change of the water structure containing both alcohol and the test/sample positive and negative information after the influence on it was researched by the method of laser emission scattering. It was determined that the thinking process of the brain and the dynamic character in after-action of the informational influence on the water structure are similar which indicates formation in it spin configurations of thinking in cluster atoms of oxygen. Their transformation in time testifies to a wave character of the torsional field of the configurations in contrast to stable spin memory configurations creating steady torsional field and existing in water structure for a certain period of time (short-term and long-term memory).

The correspondence of experimental results to statements of the torsional field of brain consciousness enables us to draw conclusion that water has consciousness implying that it possesses the ability to thinking. The correlation of findings about the alcohol blocking the spin restructuring of water with negative influence of it on human consciousness testifies to the veracity of the inference.

The obtained results and conclusions make it possible to explain the impliable connection of collective consciousness and nature abnormalities of the planetary scale.

Keywords: cluster, spin configuration of consciousness, torsional field, informational influence, consciousness.

Introduction. The research of various aspects of consciousness phenomenon is paid much attention. However, the endeavors taken for a long period of time to determine its nature and mechanism were ineffective. The erroneous initial understanding of consciousness and memory to have electrochemical nature [1-4] makes the problem insuperable.

In fact, the nature and mechanisms of consciousness have other - field basis. The number of theoretical conceptions and subsequent experimental results confirming them enable us to assert that the

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basis of the aspects constitute physics of torsional fields having spin origin. [5,6] Some conclusions of

torsional fields theory determining substantiation for veracity of the above drawn conclusion are as follows:

1. torsional fields possess memory;

2. the influence of torsional field on the material object causes changes in the object only its spin condition.

The first supposition about the field nature of consciousness mechanism was formed in [5], according to which every act of consciousness is correlated with its stable spatial spin configuration in brain generating its own torsional field emitting by a human - a torsional soliton. The work [7] represents the conception of consciousness mechanism developing the idea of its torsional nature. According to it the fundamentals of the mechanism are informational interactions of such spin configurations.

The carried-out research of dependencies in structural water parameters on the character of the mental influence in [8] by the method of light scattering made it possible to experimentally determine that the nature of its memory is a field one and comprises forming of spin-oriented configuration of tetravalent oxygen atoms clusters which corresponds to spin configuration of influencing torsional soliton.

Based on experimentally determined in [9] analogy in properties of water memory and of the brain memory there was drawn a conclusion about the torsional nature of the latter one. The physical carrier of the brain memory is spin configurations of tetravalent oxygen atoms of water clusters contained in neurons the part of which is 84% of their chemical composition. [10] The results of the research in changes of water structure containing alcohol which causes the abatement of human brain memory while taking alcohol confirm prove veracity of the conclusion about the torsional nature of brain memory and its physical carrier. [11]

Memory is an essential component of consciousness. The identity of nature and mechanism in forming of water memory and the one of the brain enables us to understand better the mechanism of brain consciousness.

To scrutinize the mechanism the research on time dependencies in changes of water structure both containing alcohol and the test /sample one after the influence on it by positive and negative information was carried out by method of laser emission scattering in the given work.

Materials and methods. The principle of the method and methodology of measurements were thoroughly explained in [8].

Under T=300°K dependencies of I intensity of the scattered light from the scattering angle Q - the indicatrices of scattering in initial water samples I(Q)int immediately after the influence and further time exposition texp I(Q)inf were measured.

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Computational and graphic processing of the measured indicatrices let us to determine the set (the

ensemble) and sizes of clusters, their relative concentrations, the degree and character of changes in these parameters of water structure before the influence and after the exposition. Methodology for ascertainment of the ensemble and sizes of clusters is given in [8].

The degree of changes in total cluster concentration Ns = £ N (N - cluster concentration of i type (size)) was stated according to the integral intensity of the scattered light after the influence I^inf to the initial one int


According to [9] in approximation of the single scattering the value I^ numerically is equal to the area under the curve I(Q). Arguments for veracity of the ratio N^rel ~Iirel under the condition is provided in [8].

The degree of change in cluster concentration of certain sizes was defined on computational values of relative indicatrices of scattering R(Q) for every episode of influence which is ratio of measured scattering indicatrices of one and the same water sample after I(Q)inf and before I(Q)int influence. R(Q) enables us to simultaneously determine the direction and degree of a change in cluster concentration in the result of the change upon its numerical value. Thus, the value R(Q)>1 indicates increase and R(Q)<1 implies decrease in the concentration of clusters forming intensity of scattering in the corresponding angle sector. Additional findings about informative abilities of R(Q) are stated in [8].

The water from the artesian water well was used in the research. As alcohol vodka was taken in volume ratios in the examined samples of water and alcohol (3:1). The mutual influence of alcohol and information on water structure was performed in the following way. Equal in volume water samples from one and the same container were put into the two identical cuvettes. After measuring of initial scattering indicatrices of both samples I(Q)int a dose of alcohol was added to one of them. The other sample was the test one. Further simultaneous exposition of both water samples - the one with alcohol and the test one -was executed for 20 minutes; afterwards they were influenced by information.

The influence was performed mentally simultaneously on both water samples for 5 minutes. For the purpose cuvettes were placed in front of the operator at the distance of 50-60 cm; the distance between the cuvettes was 35-40 cm. After that the operator recited mentally the text of canonical prayer "Our Father" (a positive effect) for one pair of water samples with alcohol and the test one.

For the other pair of water samples with alcohol and the test one a targeted text with negative emotions of hatred, wrath, and condemnation was performed in the analogical way (a negative effect). The volumes of the texts were approximately equal in both cases.

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Scattering indicatrices, I(Q)inf of the samples were measured in both experiments immediately after

the cease of the mental influence as well as in certain exposition periods. The research on dependencies of structural properties of water in all tested samples on exposition time was made under its additive increase.

Except the mentioned experiments the research on influence of the water sample location on after effect of the informational soliton was carried out in the work. The additional information about the methodology of the experiment is given in the part "Experimental Results'.

Experimental Results.

1. Indicatrices of Scattering in the Initial Water

Scattering indicatrices in the initial water were decreasing functions with the increase of scattering angle.1 According to [12] scattering centers are clusters -microcrystals of ice being present in the liquid phase of water in all of the temperature interval of its existence the presence and parameters of which (sizes, a form, concentration) determine structural properties of water. The observed character of the curves I(Q) in small-angle plain (Q<10°) is formed by diffraction of the falling light on (conditionally) large-scale ( further large) clusters with the radius 0,9 ^m< r <2,0 ^m; in the angle interval 10°<Q<30° their character is formed by diffraction on medium-scale ( further medium) clusters (0,4^m<r<0,9^m); in the interval of angles Q>30° it is formed by scattering on fine-scale ( further fine) clusters with r< 0,4 ^m partially due to diffraction as well as due to reflection the significance of which increases with the growth of Q. [13]

Present on curves I(Q) insignificant fluctuations in intensity of the scattering light in the angle interval Q>50° is connected with interference of the reflected from the present in the initial water oversize clusters with r>2^m and refracted by them rays.

2. Time Dependencies of Cluster Concentration

Fig. 1 represents time dependencies of total relative concentration in clusters of water samples with alcohol (1;2) and corresponding to them test samples (1';2') under mental influence by positive (1;1') and negative (2;2') information in various time periods after its cease. It is shown in Fig. 1 that the character of dependencies N rel(texp) was essentially influenced both by alcohol and the content of information.

1 The form of dependencies I(Q) was analogous to the outlined in [11]and corresponding to III degree of structuring which is characterized by slight concentration of fine clusters.

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The present in samples alcohol conditioned decrease in total concentration of clusters compared to its

initial values immediately after it was added to water up to the terminal phase of the exposition where N^rel >100%. The influence of the positive information lead to insignificant oscillations of dependencies N^rel(texp) (Fig.1, curve 1). The negative information caused lower values N^rel almost independent from texp except the last period where essential increase in N^rel was observed.

Peculiarities of dependencies N^rel(texp) in the test sample with positive information (curve 1') were large oscillations in all of the exposition interval with changing in time amplitudes and periods as well as its anticorrelation character in relation to the curve 1.

Oscillating character of dependencies N^rel(texp) of the test sample with negative information (curve 2') was evident at the initial period of torsional soliton aftereffect (texp< 10 hours). Its significant distortion and attenuation occurred under further increase of texp.

It is worth mentioning that the observed amplitudes, periods of oscillations and extreme values N^rel can differ from the real values of the parameters due to the arbitrary choice of time intervals among neighbouring measurements and caused by it discordance of moments in the onset of true extremes N^rel and measurements of scattering indicatrix.

0 10 20 30

texp, hours

Fig.1 Time dependencies of relative total concentration of clusters N^rel of water samples containing alcohol (1; 2) and test samples (1'; 2') exposed to the influence of positive (1; 1') and negative (2; 2')

information during 5 minutes.

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3. Relative Scattering Indicatrices

The analysis of forms of the curves R(Q) given below of the tested water samples measured at different stages of the experiment lets us determine the influence mechanism of impacting factors on structural transformations of water.

Fig.2 presents the curve family R(Q) of the sample imposed to influence of alcohol and positive information. The peculiarity of all the curves 1-4 is periodic fluctuations of R(Q) values in the interval of scattering angles Q>20° bought about by interference of rays scattered on oversize clusters. The analysis of their periodicity on the curve1 implies that the influence of alcohol caused forming of the following clusters with radii r^3,6 ^m; r~4,5-5,3 ^m. The mechanism of their forming while alcohol is present is stated in [11] and it includes formation of clusters of mixed type due to interaction among alcohol molecules and the nearest to the water molecules which are in clusters of the initial water.


O 4 -1-1-1-1-1-1-1—

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Q, degr.

Fig.2 Relative indicatrices of scattering in water samples in 20 minutes after alcoholization (1); further positive informational influence during 5 minutes (2); following exposition during 10,25 hours (3) and its

increase up to 31 hours (4).

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Their forming was followed by decrease in concentration of fine and medium clusters which is proved

by values R(Q)<1 almost in all of the angle interval of scattering (Fig.2, curve 1) and decrease of N^rel (Fig.1, curve1).

The influence of positive information (Fig.2, curve2) brought about forming of medium and fine clusters with r~0,32-0,63 ^m which is indicated by values R(Q) > 1 in the angle sector 15°<Q<30° (Fig.2, curve 2) and it also caused increase in sizes of oversize clusters up to r~5,5 -7,2 ^m and growth of N^rel immediately after the influence. The fact indicates commencement in forming of fine clusters used to form more large-scale ones.

While the following exposition the generating effect under texp~10 hours led to increase of N^rel up to 100% (Fig.1, curve 1) due to increase in concentration of fine and medium clusters which is shown by the upward shift of the curve 3 in Fig.2 and it also caused increase in dimensional scatter of the present oversize clusters up to r~4,5-7,2 ^m and birth of the new ones with r~2,8-3,2 ^m.

Under texp- 18-19 hours which corresponds to the minimum on the curve 1 Fig.1 the relative scattering indicatrix in the time interval was similar to the one on the curve 1 Fig.2. All its values were <1, however the interferential component of the curve had significantly higher amplitudes of periodic fluctuations which indicates increase in concentration of oversize clusters with r~2,8-4,7^m due to binding of generated fine clusters.

At the final stage of exposition, the amplification of generating effect in fine clusters led further to their binding into more large-sized clusters which is proved by the values R(Q)>1 in the angle interval Q<40° and R(Q)~1 under Q>40° (Fig.2, curve4) and it caused increase in N^rel.

Fig.3 shows relative indicatrices of scattering in the test sample after the influence by positive information in various periods of exposition. It follows from the curve 1 Fig.3 that in the process of influence the formation of oversize clusters with r^4,5 - 4,7 ^m took place due to binding in clusters of fine sizes. It is indicated by R(Q)<1 in the angle interval Q<40° and insignificant decrease of N^rel (Fig.1, curve 1').

Increase in sizes of oversize clusters up to r= 4,7-7,2 ^m due to binding fine and medium clusters of the initial water and the commencement of generation of fine clusters with r~0,23 ^m took place after the exposition during 80 minutes (Fig.3, curve 2). It is demonstrated by values R(Q)<1 in the angle interval Q< 42° and R(Q)>1 1 in the angle interval Q> 42° correspondingly as well as increase of N^rel.

Increase of time exposition up to texp~6,3 hours conditioned abnormally high growth in total concentration of clusters up to Nx rel =244,4% (Fig.3, curve 3) because fine, medium, and large clusters formed. Values R(Q)>>1 in all scattering angle interval indicate it.

Further increase of texp up to 10,3 hours led to significant increase of^L rel and formation of minimum on the curve 1' Fig.1. It might be evidently caused by the following. The character of the interferential

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component in curve 4 Fig.3 and the shift of the curve 4 downwards show that at high concentration of spin-

oriented medium and fine clusters the mutual torsional attraction among them [15] caused their binding into new oversize clusters with r^4,7-6,7^m additionally to the present ones on the one hand increasing concentration of the latter clusters and from the other hand significantly decreasing concentration of fine and medium clusters.

Fig.3 Relative indicatrices of scattering in test water sample after the influence by positive information during 5 minutes (1); further exposition during 80 minutes (2) and its increase up to 6,25 hours (3); the

one up to 10,25 hours (4); the one up to 24 hours (5).

Since the clusters mainly account for their total concentration in N^, the results of such a restructuring is its considerable decrease.

Fig.3 curve 5 shows dependency R(Q) which is measured in the neighborhood of the second maximum after texp- 24 hours. It is seen from the comparison of the curves 3 and 5 in the picture that the second maximum was formed mainly by fine clusters with r<0,30 ^m unlike the first one which was formed by medium and more large-scale fine clusters with r~0,80-0,32^m. The significant width of the second maximum compared to the first one can be conditioned by longer period in bonding of fine clusters.

Parameters of the interferential component on the curve 5 indicate the decrease in concentration of oversize clusters with r~ 4,7-7,2^m and forming of the new ones with r~3,5-4,0^m.

Fig.4 shows relative indicatrices of scattering of the sample imposed to the influence of alcohol and negative information in various exposition periods.

Curve 1 measured after alcoholization and its influence during 20 minutes was qualitatively similar to the curve 1 Fig.2 of the above descried experiment. Higher concentration of fine clusters in the initial water in the given case conditioned the increase in sizes of blended oversize clusters up to r~4,2-7,2^m and decrease of N^rel compare to the parameters in the previous experiment (Fig. 1,curve 2).

Relative indicatrix of scattering measured immediately after the informational influence is shown in Fig. 4, curve 2. Its form is similar to the one of the curve 1 in the same picture. Insignificant increase of N^rel is connected to generation of fine clusters which is indicated by the upward shift of some part on the curve 2 compare to the curve 1 in the angle interval Q>50°. Dependencies R(Q) measured in the exposition period texp<24 hours looked similar to the curve 2 Fig.4. Stabilization of N^rel in the time interval ( Fig.1, curve.2) indicates absent cluster generation.

Fig.4, curve 3 shows relative indicatrix of scattering under texp~24 hours. The shift of the curve upwards in the angle interval Q<45° testifies to the increase in concentration of fine, medium and large clusters as the result of regenerating effect resumption.

Relative indicatrix of scattering in the tested sample measured after the final exposition (texp = 31hours) is given in Fig.4, curve 4. Values R(Q)>1 in the angle interval Q>10° indicate considerable generation of fine and medium clusters. Similarity of amplitudes of interferential components on curves 4 and 2 Fig.4 and values R(Q)<1 in small-angle plain Q<10° testify to inalterability in concentration of large and oversize clusters.

Fig.5 presents relative indicatrices of scattering in the test sample in various periods of exposition after the influence by the negative information. It follows from the form of the curve 1 measured immediately after the influence that it caused forming of oversize clusters with r~3,1-4,7 ^m due to binding of fine,

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medium and large clusters of the initial sample. Values R(Q)<1 on curve 1 almost in all of the angle interval

of scattering 4°<Q<70° testify to it.

Following exposition was accompanied by significant increase in total cluster concentration similar to the one in the sample with positive information. Fig. 5 curve 2 shows relative indicatrix of scattering measured after texp- 4hours in the neighborhood of maximum on curve 2 where N^rel -220%. Intensive generating effect bought about forming of fine clusters and their binding into the oversize (with n-3,5-4,5^m, r2-4,7-7,2^m), large (with r-1,19^m), medium (with r-0,68^m) clusters and increase in concentration of fine ones (with r<0,40^m). 2.2 -

O lO 20 30 40 50 60 70

Q, degr.

Fig.4 Relative indicatrices of scattering in water samples in 20 minutes after alcoholization (1); further influence by negative information during 5 minutes (2); following exposition during 24 hours (3) and its

increase up to 31 hours (4).

Fig.5 Relative indicatrices of scattering in test water sample after the influence by negative information during 5 minutes (1); further exposition during 4 hours (2) and its increase up to 18,25 hours (3); the one

up to 31 hours (4).

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Further increase of texp led to decrease in N^rel and crossing of dependencies N^rel(texp) through minimum

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after texp - 18,3 hours (Fig.1, curve 2'). The relative indicatrix of scattering measures in neighborhood of the minimum is given in Fig.5 curve 3. Its form satisfactorily correlates with the curve 1 of the same picture. It should be noted that higher concentration of medium and large clusters was observed in the given case which is proved by values R(Q)>1 in small-angle plain Q<24°.

The gradual increase of N^rel took place under the following increase of texp >18,3 hours. Fig.5 curve 4 represents the dependency R(Q) measured after the exposition under texp- 31 hours ceased. In the angle interval Q>10° values R(Q)>1 had tendency to grow with increase of Q which indicates generating effect of fine clusters. The set and sizes of more large-scale clusters did not change.

4. The Influence of Location of Water Samples on the Aftereffect of the Informational Impact.

After the preliminary measurement of I(Q)int the mental influence by the prayer during 5 minutes was synchronically performed to two identical samples of the initial water which were located -0,5 m from the operator and - 0,3 m from each other. After the influence ceased one of the samples (conventionally - the first one) was left on the place of influence and the other one (conventionally - the second one) was immediately taken from the place of influence on the distance of 10 meters in horizontal direction and 2 meters into the vertical one downwards before the first measurement of scattering indicatrix I(O)inf.

To measure I(Q)inf the samples were alternatively placed in the measuring unit located on the distance of 1,6m from the spot of influence and after each measurement lasting 8 minutes every of the tested samples was put back on the corresponding place (the first one - on the place of influence, the second one was withdrawn on the stated distance).

Fig.6 shows time dependencies in total concentration of clusters of the first (curve1) and the second (curve 2) samples. It is seen from Fig.6 that between curves 1 and 2 there is strict correlation while all the exposition time (texp =22,2 hours), as well as a good correlation with curve 1' Fig.1 exists. Herewith N^1rel(texp) > 2 N^2rel(texp). Considerable deference in total concentration of clusters was caused by influence of the location of water samples while the exposition.

Fig.7 represents relative indicatrices of scattering in samples 1 and 2 immediately after the influence and the cease of exposition 1' and 2' correspondingly. As it follows from the picture at the beginning of exposition the concentration of fine clusters in samples 1 and 2 decreased which is proved by values R(Q)<1 in the angle interval Q>30° and Q>15° correspondingly. Decrease in concentration is connected to forming medium (with r- 0,53-0,60 ^m), large (with r-1,19 ^m) and oversize clusters (with n -4,5 -4,7 ^m in sample 1 and with r2-4,5-6,7 ^m in sample2) from them. Higher values R(Q) of curve 1 compared to curve

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2 in the mentioned angle intervals were caused evidently both by the commencement of fine clusters

generation and their lower spending to form oversize clusters.

Fig.6 The influence of location on time dependencies of relative total concentration of clusters N^rel(texp) of both water samples after the simultaneous impact by positive information during 5 minutes: sample 1 was left on the spot of the influence (1); sample 2 was withdrawn from the spot of influence immediately after its cease on the distance of 10 meters in horizontal direction and 2 meters into

the vertical one downwards (2).

Fig.7 The influence of location on relative indicatrices of scattering in both water samples after the simultaneous impact by positive information during 5 minutes (1;2) and the following exposition during 22 hours (1';2'). The location is given in the script to picture 6.

After the exposition ceased the values of relative indicatrix of curve 1' R(Q)>1 practically in all of the angle interval indicate intensive generation of fine clusters and more large-scale one including the oversize clusters. It is proved by increase in amplitudes of fluctuations R(Q) of the interferential component on curve 1' as well as the increase in sizes of the last ones up to r-4,5-6,7^m.

The sample 2 withdrawn from the place of influence showed insignificant shift of curve 2' upwards in relation to curve 2 which testifies to considerably smaller generation of fine clusters that brought about increase in concentration of medium and large clusters mostly. Values R(Q)>1 on curve 2' in the angel interval Q<28° indicate it.

Discussion of the Results.

The Torsional Nature of Consciousness

The given results correspond to the assumptions and ideas of Akimov A.E. and Shipov G.I. about the nature of consciousness to the full extent. Thus, the work [5] expressed the assumption about the mental and sense perceptions of the brain as the work of the system similar to the spin glass. Such a system in a living organism is able to perceive external torsional fields and generate its own.

Several definitions of the category "consciousness" are given in the work. [6] According to one of them consciousness is identified as interaction of matter and informational field generating thought-forms, stable field formations, which are spin configurations of material objects interacting with the informational field in its structure. In the definition thought-forms are the product of consciousness. It follows from the definition that any matter possesses consciousness, herein the higher degree of interaction is, the higher the consciousness of the matter is. [6]

According to another definition [6], consciousness can be characterized as an ability of a system to targeted informational self-action or interaction with other systems. Self-action of the systems leads to their ability to form stable field formations - solitons, that can be sustainable for rather a long period of time.

Below we can discuss correlation of experimental results and before given perceptions about the nature of consciousness.

1. The change in cluster water structure under the informational influence indicates perception of external torsional field by material system (water). The important peculiarity of the given interaction which was not stated in the before given definitions should be noted. Under such interaction the process reverse to formation of a thought-form in the informational field takes place. Namely it is a spin configuration in cluster water structure which is adequately kept in the influence of the

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informational field formed by the field (conditionally) - a cluster soliton. It is reasonable to suppose

that the semantic content under the external influence of information is fixed in the cluster soliton, mainly on the deepest level of a spin restructuring which is the change in a form of clusters as it is shown in [9,16].

2. The observed in the experiment changes in concentrations and sizes of clusters during the exposition indicate that the formed cluster soliton (i.e. new torsional field of water) performs further changes in its structure which causes new cluster solitons formation. Dynamic character of the after-effect has attributes of the thinking process typical of to the one of the human brains which lies in the following. A certain thought that appears in the brain can cause new ones in it, the content and directedness of which are determined by the informational content of the initial thought. While interacting with each other and/or with the spin configurations of memory their spin configurations including the incentive one can form other spin configurations of thinking thus causing the train of thoughts representing the thinking process. [7] Since while the exposition there was no new influence on the tested water with other information, evidently the formed in the subsequent cluster solitons new spin configurations (new thoughts) refer to the other aspects of the primary information that created influence. In particular, formation of new oversize clusters due to binding of fine clusters of the initial water at the early stages of the exposition and the periods of declining parts with increase in texp and minima of dependencies N^rel(texp) of test samples can result from the informational content of a cluster soliton about formation of long-term memory of the influencing information which is preserved in oversize clusters as shown in [9] and its accumulation followed cyclicity in change of dependencies N^rel(texp).

Increase in concentration of fine and medium clusters on ascending part of the curves N^rel(texp) can presumably be stipulated by the informational content of the cluster soliton about the increase in the degree of interaction between torsional fields of water and physical vacuum in order to fortify memorizing of the initial information.

3. Dependency of after-effect dynamics of positive informational influence on the location of the water sample, namely the difference in values of total cluster concentration under identical character of dependencies N^rel(texp) (Fig.6, curves 1 and 2) is determined by the following condition. The water sample withdrawn from the location of informational influence (Fig.6, curve 2) showed the dynamic character of curve 2 and values N^rel(texp) which are provided by the torsional field of the water sample only formed under the influence of the external information. In the given case there is a

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display of self-action of the system (water) alone which consists in forming of new cluster solitons

i.e. implementation of the thinking process.

The samples located on the place of informational influence (Fig.6, curve 1, Fig.1, curves 1' and 2')

displayed mutual influence of torsional fields of the physical vacuum (external environment) and

water induced by the informational influence.

Considerable abatement of dynamism in aftereffect of water with alcohol and positive information (Fig.1, curve 1) and its absence in the sample with alcohol and negative information (Fig.1, curve 2) under texp< 24 hours correlates with aftereffects of influence of alcohol on human consciousness. It is well known that alcohol consumption even in small doses causes aggravation in perception of the real environment, collapse of reasoning, absent concentration of consciousness, memory abatement and the number of other dysfunctions of consciousness.

In the work [11] as well as in the present one it is stated that alcohol present in the water leads to the blocking of spin restructuring process under informational influence. According to [11] the main cause in the blocking is considerable decrease in concentration of fine clusters in water with alcohol. Low mechanical stability and high mobility of the clusters [8,9] stipulate their easy destruction under the influence of electrostatic filed within hydroxyl group of OH spirit molecules and rapid forming of mixed clusters from the fragments of destructed fine clusters. Another cause contributing to the blocking of spin restructuring is high mechanical stability of the clusters containing molecules of water and alcohol. [11]

The degree of deficit of fine clusters in water with alcohol is influenced the character of affecting information. Positive information decreases it by generating fine clusters and provides insignificant dynamism in spin restructuring (Fig.1, curve 1'). At the initial stage of influence negative information increases deficit with its following stabilization during a rather a long period distinguished by the absent dynamics i.e. the one of the spin restructuring (Fig.1, curve 2').

Since affecting external information is fixed primarily in fine clusters [9] their deficit hampers or excludes its perception.

The increase of total cluster concentration at the final exposition stage under texp> 24 hours

is supposedly connected to the decay of the mixed clusters and as a result commencement of the generating effect in both samples. It is proven by the character of relative indicatrices of scattering (curves 4 on Fig. 2 and 4). In this regard it should be noted that the time period texp- 24 hours is consistent to the commencement of brain sobering after alcohol consumption.

Thus, similarity of informational influence and its after-effect on structure of test water samples and thinking process of the brain as well as consistency of alcohol influence on both structure and informational water properties and consciousness testify to the torsional nature of the latter one.

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Spin configurations of consciousness in cluster atoms of oxygen cytoplasm contained in neurons of

the brain generated by external informational or energy influence and internal informational incentive (motivating) influence can generate new spin configurations of thinking directed on realization of the inducement while interacting among themselves and /or with spin configurations of memory by their own torsional fields. In the time of thinking process they transform, thaf s why they are instable and represent wave torsional field radiated by the brain.

It is important to note that there are differences among the spin configurations of thinking and the ones of memory. The latter are the stationary field formations permanently kept in the brain for a certain period of time. [9] It is supposed that spin configurations of memory undergo the stage of thinking configurations before becoming the spin configurations namely. They form total internal static torsional field of the brain.

It follows from the experimental findings that the essential prerequisite of the thinking process is the present external or internal incentive influence and sufficient concentration of fine clusters in water. Quantitative criterion of sufficiency in concentration of the clusters is evidently impossible to determine for it is the function of many factors: content and volume of influencing information, duration of influencing condition, presence of foreign chemical and physical factors, their doses and etc. Thus, for instance, it follows from the experimental findings that presence of alcohol in the initial sample of the given experiment decreases the concentration of fine clusters up to ~ 60% which causes blocking in perception of external information and forming spin configurations of thinking. Influence by positive information on water with alcohol partially decreases the blocking due to 'triggering' of generating effect.

Consistency of experimental findings to the provisions of torsional nature of consciousness enables us to draw conclusion that water possesses consciousness which implies that it possesses not only memory but also ability to think. Correlation of the data about blocking in spin restructuring of water by alcohol with its negative influence on human consciousness also proves veracity of the drawn conclusion.

Indirect validation of the conclusion about water having consciousness is information obtained in 2003 about a French state officer Mathieu R. who didn't have a typical brain. Almost his entire skull cavity was filled with cerebrospinal fluid. [17] Brain tissues themselves - cinerea and alba was located on the walls of the skull in a thin layer. The volume of the brain is so minuscule that it can be identified as absent. However, having such physical anomaly the French is absolutely sound in his mental development. His coefficient of total intelligence according to IQ tests is 75 while the lowest limit makes up 70.His neurological and psychic development happened to be in the norm. The Frenchman is married, has 2 children who have a regular structure brain.

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The given situation is not the only one observed. In [17] it is reported that in 1980 the British

neurologist professor John Lorber informed about the children suffering from the congenital hydrocephalus who normally grew up. Some of them distinguished themselves by high level of intelligence although in their skull cavity there was little brain matter. Instead of it there was only water.

The case with a still living Latin American Carlos Rodgers whose most part of the skull and brain is absent as a result of a car accident is worth mentioning as well as the other cases. [17, 18]

All the situations cannot find the explanation nowadays. However, they can be easily explained by the present in water consciousness and its most important component memory. There are grounds to suggest that all cases with anomalies connected to the life with either entire or partial brain absence, its functions are implemented by water containing in the skull cavity or presumably even in the cells of an organism.

Another powerful evidence to verify the conclusion about the presence of consciousness in water is the following fact. It is known [19] that the elderly suffering from Alzheimer disease possess almost no liquid in the brain neurons. They suffer from loss of memory and dementia.

About the Possible Connection of Collective Consciousness and Natural Anomalies.

Increasing frequency and variety of natural anomalies in the forms of hurricanes, earthquakes, climatic fluctuations, volcano eruptions, floods, pest invasions and the other natural disasters are impossible to explain only by classical reasoning - formation of front atmospheres, tectonics of lithospheric plates, change of solar activity and etc.

The obtained results and conclusions of the given work let us make a statement about the possible connection of collective consciousness to natural anomalies and suppose its mechanisms leading to one and the same consequence.

According to one of them it follows from the dependency of intensity in afteraction effect of informational influence on location of the tested water sample that in the vicinity of the influence spin polarization of physical vacuum with the configuration of a prayer occurs which is still present for a long time after its termination. On one hand the fact confirms veracity of the concept of phyton structure of physical vacuum [5], on the other hand it speaks to its filling with human thoughts, emotions all over the world. Last years the ideas of violence, aggression, hatred, cruelty and other similar notions are constantly cultivated and enforced on a massive scale all over the world. Since the thoughts and emotions being wave torsional fields spread in the entire circumterrestial space and penetrate depthward of the Earth crust (they are mostly not screened), nowadays the configuration of informational field of the Earth filled with this information of evil is badly distorted. Water of the entire Earth both terrestrial and subterranean fixes the

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information in its cluster structure. Experimental confirmation of collective consciousness influence on

water structure within one country Ukraine is given in [20].

Negative thoughts diverse in character of a great number of people determine formation of oversize clusters due to the binding of smaller clusters, especially fine ones and accumulation long-term memory of negative information in them. [20]

To understand the mechanism of such information influence at the planetary scale it is important to point out a significant peculiarity of properties in torsional interaction. According to [15] external informational field influencing the object can change internal spin structure of the latter one without spending energy for the process. The essence of informational character of the torsional field lies in it. But the change of the object spin structure can lead in its turn to the change of physical characteristics that are connected to its energy.

In the given case the external torsional field is negative collective consciousness and the object is water of the Earth. At present density of negative information both in the informational field of the Earth and in its water is extremely high. The Earth is a living organism. It can be supposed that her water as a thinking substance forms structures of thinking corresponding to the reaction of the Earth to the violence committed to her by the human civilization or her disease caused by the informational contamination. In fact, the character of energy manifestations of natural anomalies in the majority of cases is similar to reactions of ill human body. Thus, some of its diseases are accompanied by high body temperature. At the planetary scale the analogy can be global climate warming taking place nowadays. Heart attacks, apoplectic attacks, chronic diseases recurrences correspond to earthquakes, volcano eruptions, floods, fires, hurricanes, whirlwinds, droughts and etc.

Torsional structures of thinking formed by water can be directed to commencement of natural anomalies in order to destroy the source of contamination - the human civilization - or to clear out the informational field of the Earth from the infestation.

The other mechanism is based on ethic aspect of informational influence on water structure. As it follows from the given results in the present work as well as in [9] the content of the payer directed on love to the Creator and accord with him causes generating effect even in the water containing alcohol. The influence by negative information containing emotions of hatred, aggression, spite, insult and etc. leads to decrease in concentration of fine clusters, blocking of spin restructuring, inability to perceive information.

The findings correlate to statements of system of the field self-regulation discovered and developed by Lasarev S.N.[21] The physical basis of the given system is conception about unity of the Universe at the level of consciousness field as a unitary world source. The entire Universe is arranged according to the

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laws of the highest ethics and driven by system of the field self-regulation implementing itself at the

information - energetic level.

Individually its essence lies in the following. Any action of a human, ether a good or bad one, reverts to him/her through the unanimity of the information - energetic field. A human consists of a physical body and field that form his/her thoughts, emotions, intelligence and soul (subconsciousness). The field is connected to information - energetic field of the Universe at the level of subconsciousness being at the same time a part of it.

Positive thinking of a human that corresponds to the laws of the highest ethics stipulates increase in its spiritual level and enhancement the bond with the first cause - the Creator.

Negative thoughts, emotions, actions violating the highest law of the Universe which is preservation and accumulation of the love to God cause deformation of its field structure, spiritual degradation. According to [21] an individual doesn't exist for the mechanism of the field self-regulation, but the negative process does (its deformed field structure) which is automatically stopped by its blocking (correction). The degree of blocking is proportional to the deformation degree in the field of a human. Manifestations of the blocking are diseases, adversities, sufferings, adverse fate and the other similar consequences including premature death.

The mentioned in the work findings and drawn conclusions can be extrapolated from an individual level to the planetary one.

As it was stated before the informational field of the Earth is overflown by negative thoughts, emotions of the entire human civilization as a result its configuration is heavily deformed. The system of the field self-regulation performs correction of deformations in the field of the Earth as a living organism. (In the given case the term correction is seen as the most appropriate one). The process of such correction in harmony violation with the field of the Universe on the planetary level is manifested in the form of various natural anomalies that are mentioned above. It should be noted that the planetary correction is performed simultaneously with the blocking at the individual level.


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1. Similarity in dynamics of afteraction of informational influence on water structure and thinking process of the brain indicate the torsional nature of the latter one. The physical carrier of the thoughts is spin configurations of thinking in cluster atoms of oxygen in cytoplasm which contains in neurons.

2. The required condition for commencement of thinking process of the brain is external or internal motivational influence and fine clusters in structure of neurons cytoplasm.

3. Spin configurations of thinking interacting with each other and/or spin configurations of memory by their torsional fields can form new configurations of thinking while generating the flow of thoughts.

4. Spin configurations of thinking form a wave torsional field emitted by the brain. Spin configurations of memory are stationary fields formations kept in the brain for a certain period.

5. The correspondence of experimental findings to the conceptions about torsional nature of consciousness enables us to draw a conclusion that water possesses not only memory but also consciousness i.e. ability to think.

6. Alcohol present in water blocks the process of its spin restructuring under informational influence which cause loss of ability to form spin configurations of memory and thinking.

7. The supposition about the possible connection of collective consciousness and natural anomalies is formulated on grounds of the obtained results in the given work.

Conflict of interest statement: The authors state that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this article.

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Unique OOILCC - № QC1-999 Ttie Torsional Nature of ConsciousnessKovalenko

Unique F 11 Kherson national techniaue universitvAddress for Correspondence: Victor Kovalenko.

professor, doctor of scienceE-mail:

Unique kovalenko . 1309 ¡Sgmail.corn Abstract

Unique Keywords: cluster, spin configuration of consciousness, torsional feld. informational influence.


Unique The research of various asDects of consciousness phenomenon is Daid much attention

Unique test/sample positive and negative information after the influence on it was researched bv the


Unique in after-action of the informational influence on the water structure are similar which indicates


Unique the configurations in contrast to stable spin memorv configurations creating steadv torsional field

and existing

Unique us to draw conclusion thai water has consciousness implying that it possesses the ability to

Unique The correlation of findings about the alcohol blocking the spin restructuring of water with

Unique The obtained results and conclusions make it possible to explain the ImDliable connection of


Unique However, the endeavors taken for a long period of lime to determine Its nature

Unique The erroneous initial understanding of consciousness and memorv to have electrochemical

naiture [1-41 makes

DOI:LCC - № QC1-999 The Torsional Mature of Consciousness Kovalenko V.F.ll Kherson national technique universityAddress for Correspondence: Victor Kovalenko, professor, doctor of scienceE-mail: [email protected]. The time dependences In change of the water structure containing both alcohol and the test/sample positive and negative information after the Influence on it was researched by the method of laser emission scattering. It was determined that the thinking process of the brain and the dynamic

character in after-action of the informational influence on the water structure are similar which Indicates formation in it spin configurations of thinking in cluster atoms of oxygen. Their transformation in time testifies to a wave character of the torsional field of the configurations in contrast to stable spin memory configurations creating steady torsional field and existing in water structure for a

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