Научная статья на тему 'The theory of evolution'

The theory of evolution Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Базалук Олег Александрович

The book The Theory of Evolution: from the Space Vacuum to Neural Ensembles and Moving Forward, an edition of 100 copies, was published in Russian language, in December 2014 in Kiev. Its Russian version is here: http://en.bazaluk.com/journals.html. Introduction, Chapter 10 and Conclusion published in English for the first time. Since 2004 author have been researching in the field of theory of Evolution, Big History. The book was written on the base of analysis of more than 2000 primary sources of this research topic. The volume is 90,000 words (with Reference). The book is for a wide range of professionals, from students to professors and researchers working in the fields of: philosophical anthropology, philosophy, Big History, cosmology, biology, neuroscience and etc. In the book, the author defines the evolution as continuous and nonlinear complication of the structure of matter, the types of interaction and environments; analyzes existing in modern science and philosophy approaches to the research of the process of evolution, degree of development of the factors and causes of evolution. Unifying interdisciplinary researches of evolution in cosmology, biology, neuroscience and philosophy, the author presents his vision of the model of «Evolving Matter», which allows us to consider not only the laws of transition of space vacuum in neural ensembles but also to see our Universe as a complication, heterogeneous organization. Interdisciplinary amount of information on the theory of evolution is systematized and a new method of world perception is proposed in the book.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The theory of evolution»


Oleg Bazaluk — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology (Kyiv, Ukraine)

E-mail: [email protected]

The book The Theory of Evolution:from the Space Vacuum to Neural Ensembles and Moving Forward, an edition of 100 copies, was published in Russian language, in December 2014 in Kiev. Its Russian version is here: http://en.bazaluk.com/journals.html. Introduction, Chapter 10 and Conclusionpublished in Englishfor thefirst time.

Since 2004 author have been researching in the field of theory of Evolution, Big History. The book was written on the base of analysis of more than 2000 primary sources of this research topic. The volume is 90,000 words (with Reference). The book is for a wide range of professionals, from students to professors and researchers working in the fields of: philosophical anthropology, philosophy, Big History, cosmology, biology, neuroscience and etc. In the book, the author defines the evolution as continuous and 'nonlinear complication of the structure of matter, the types of interaction and environments; analyzes existing in modern science and philosophy approaches to the research of the process of evolution, degree of development of the factors and causes of evolution. Unifying interdisciplinary researches of evolution in cosmology, biology, neuroscience and philosophy, the author presents his vision of the model of «Evolving Matter», which allows us to consider not only the laws of transition of space vacuum in neural ensembles but also to see our Universe as a complication, heterogeneous organization. Interdisciplinary amount of information on the theory of evolution is systematized and a new method ofworldperception isproposed in the book.


In the previous works, more than a decade, the author had been perfecting the argumentation of the model of evolution of the world — «The Evolving Matter» developed by him since 2000 year. The peculiar result of these researches was the works: «Cosmic Travels — Travelling Mind» and «Philosophical Problems of Cosmology» [Bazaluk, 2012; Bazaluk, 2013], in which the author presented the latest versions of the model. Approbation of the ideas took place at many scientific and philosophical meetings of various formats. However, the main discussions took place in the course of communication with members of Philosophical and Cosmological Society (organized in 2004) (http://www.bazaluk.com/) and in the journal "Philosophy and Cosmology» (http://ispcjournal.org/) (published since 2004).

In the suggested research, the author analyzes the existing approaches in the modern science and philosophy as to researching of evolution, the degree of development of its factors and causes. Unifying interdisciplinary researches of evolution in cosmology, biology, neurobiology and philosophy, the author presents his vision of evolution in the model of «Evolving Matter». The author defines «evolution» as continuous and nonlinear complication and presents it as a formal model. The formalization of the factors and causes of evolution allowed operating by them in constructing of certain logical models (schemes) that led the author to the debatable conclusions, which are essentially different from modern ideas of evolution of our Universe.

© Bazaluk Oleg, 2015

In the course of writing the book, the author solved the following tasks:

1. Carry out a general historical-philosophical analysis of the theory of evolution in cosmology, biology, neurobiology, and philosophy;

2. Clarify the meaning of the concept of «evolution»; define evolution as blocks of continuous and nonlinear complication of the structure of matter, types of interaction and environments; argue characteristics of this definition;

3. Unify the factors and causes of evolution of the Universe, biological life and humanity; show their universality in the scale of evolution of any state of matter;

4. Prove that evolution of Material World is a consequence of the variability of the factors and causes of evolution («Evolution ofEvolution»);

5. On the basis of the unified and variable factors and causes of evolution, offer the systematization ofknowledge in models of evolution of inert, lively and intelligent matter;

6. Having taken as the basis, features of construction of evolution models of inert, lively and intelligent matter; formalize and extrapolate them in the scale of Cosmos. The results are represented in the model of «Evolving Matter».

Unfortunately, perform tasks within the framework of the scientific methodology it is not feasible. Therefore, in cases of retrospection and extrapolation of cosmic scale, we used philosophical methodology that performs the function of intellectual intelligence in cognition, and also admits more arbitrary interpretation of scientific facts as applied to the scale of the Universe. Thus, the logic of the book is based on scientific and philosophical methodology [Bazaluk, 2012], which, in our opinion, allows us to consider evolution ofMaterial World, even in the scale of our Universe.

Structure of the Universe: the model of «Evolving matter» (Chapter 10)

Having considered the model of evolution of inert, living and intelligent matter, and two transition states of matter — bioinert and bio-intelligent matter [Bazaluk, 2014], we came very close to the author's understanding of evolution of the Universe.

Preliminary, summarize known facts:

1. Complication of the structure of matter, types of interaction and environments in the Universe are effected by centers, continuously and nonlinearly, approximately 13.7 billion years.

2. Complication of structure and functions of the Universe happens under the influence of the same (Universal) factors and causes of evolution.

The author distinguishes three main factors of Evolution as complication:

a) Continuity of self-complication structure, types of interaction and

environments of any state of matter, which is supplemented by:

- Blocks of continuous self-complication;

- Principle ofdominance ofblocks of continuous self-complication;

b) Nonlinear complication of structure, types of interaction and environments

of any state of matter, which is specified by factors:

- Hierarchical nonlinear complication;

- Direction of nonlinear hierarchical complication;

c) Isolation of complication.

The author considers that the causes of evolution as complication are:

a) Active principle, which is inherently the basis for the initial elements of any

state of matter, and forms a self-complication;

b) Natural selection as the impact of external environment. The author believes that in the course of evolution there is complication of the factors and causes, which lead to the formation and development of a definite number of states of matter.

3. Each state of matter is a new level of complication of the structure of matter, types of interaction and environments. As a result of complication of each new state of matter is the formation of invariant hierarchies, providing fixation of the state of matter in the structure of the Universe and its co-evolution with other states of matter. Each new state of matter it is new opportunities in the organization of cycling of matter, energy and information, as well as ways of moving in space.

4. On an example of the Solar System it can be clearly seen only one sequence complication of the structure of the Universe: inert ^ living ^ intelligent matter. Or: inert ^ bioinert ^living ^ bio-intelligent ^intelligent matter. The modern understanding of evolution and co-evolution of these states of matter in varying degrees is considered in the standard model of the Universe, the synthetic theory of evolution and concepts of noogenesis.

5. In the scale of the Solar System, states of matter have been formed sequentially, at intervals of approximately 3 billion years:

A) Approximately 6 (5.5) billion years ago the Solar System had formed (a system of inert matter);

B) Approximately 3.5 (3) billion years ago, as a result of the geological evolution, on one of the planets of the Solar System the first biological organisms emerged and gained a foothold. For 3 billion years the modern biosphere had been formed (a system ofliving matter);

C) Approximately 5 (2) million years ago, as a result of neuroevolution, on the basis of the highly advanced biosphere of the Earth, the first structures of intelligent matter appeared. The Noosphere started forming (a system of intelligent matter). Thus, three states of matter known to modern science (on an example of complication

of the Solar System) can be represented as follows relative to the arrow of time (Fig. 1):

Figurei. Inert matter — 1; Living matter — 2; Intelligent matter — 3. The bases of nesting cones are bifurcation points, to which are suitable transitional states of matter, but they overcome the structures of matter, types of interaction and environments which are not typical for "mother systems" of functions.

Extrapolate the received results in the scale of the Solar System on the structure of the Universe. In the base of the model, complication of the Universe (the model «Evolving matter»), the universal factors and causes of evolution which were established by us are laid down, their ability to variability, as well as observations and conclusions resulting from the modeling of continuous and non-linear complication of the structure, types of interaction and environments, inert, living and intelligent matter in the scale of the Solar System [Bazaluk, 2014]. As a result of the formalization of the information, which is known to Modern Science and various combinations with this information, we get the following conclusions:

1. Inert matter is not the initial state of matter. Apparently, it was preceded by another state of matter, which is represented by the concept «dark matter» in modern cosmology. Our Universe as «daughter» state of matter is nested in «dark matter» and complicated under its direct influence.

Thus, it is more correct Evolution of our Universe to be portrayed as continuous and non-linear complication of the four states of matter (Fig. 2).

2. As we know from the previously considered transient states of matter (bioinert and bio- intelligent matter) [Bazaluk, 2014], «daughter» state of matter at the earliest stages of its development includes certain elements of the structure, types of interaction and environments of the "mother" state of matter. Following the regularity, we assume that the space vacuum as the initial and determining space of inert matter consists of the manifestations of the state of matter Y, from which, and in the scale of which, is carried out the continuous and nonlinear complication of the structure of matter, types of interaction and environments in our Universe. The author admits that different states of plasma and other manifestations of «dark matter» are environments of the state of matter Y.

3. Given the facts that virtually the whole volume of knowledge about the structure and the Evolution of the Universe was received as a result of the research of the past, we suppose that the number of processes and phenomena are ascribed to our Universe, and features of its complication, in fact, belong to the system state of matter Y, in the scale of which our Universe is becoming more complicating. Among them, it is gravitation, etc.

Figure 2. Y— state of matter which was preceded of our Universe (so-called «dark matter»), 1 — inert matter (our Universe), 2 — living matter, 3 — intelligent matter.

4. The author believes that the Universe under the influence of the «mother» state of matter Y and the universal factors and causes of evolution, just as (by analogy) as observed in the scale of the Solar System states of matter, is complicated not in general but peculiar «centres». In some parts of the Universe the structure of matter, types of interaction and environments are in one evolutionary state (e.g., as in the scale of the Milky Way and the Solar System in particular), in another part, in a state of greater or lesser complication.

If we extrapolate the numerical values of complication of states of matter in the scale of the Solar System to the scale of the Universe (more precisely its separate «centres»), we obtain the figures and conclusions which may undermine any scientist's reputation. However, as in our research we use the scientific and philosophical methodology and do not affirm, but only make assumptions as part of the formal model, we can announce the results. If the age of the Universe, which naturally arose in the preceded («mother») state of matter Y, is 13.7 billion years, that on the average, every three billion years, in its separate "centres" new state of matter appears (in the result of variability of the factors and causes of evolution). After the simplest calculations, it turns out that intelligent matter which is in the scale of the Solar System only begins to be formed; in other parts of the Universe it complicated by more than 3 billion years. Moreover, on its basis the fourth state of matter arose (called Xt), which had also been developing for 3 billion years and lay the basis for the formation and development of the fifth state of matter.

Thus, it is more correct to represent evolution in which involved our Universe as consistent complication of five states of matter (Fig. 3).

5. Extrapolation of observations over complication of states of matter in the scale of the Solar System on the structure of the Universe arrives to one more conclusion. Continuous and nonlinear complication of structure of matter, types of interaction and environments may promote understanding of the concept of dark energy, which, according to modern representations, is 74% of our Universe. Pay our attention how in the scale of biosphere and then noosphere, cycling of matter, energy and information as concentrated, are reduced to the notorious singularity point from which is supposed to have originated our Universe. Assume that intelligent matter of the Earth will really have been evolving for 3 billion years. However, as cosmologists predict that in 1 billion years a biological life on the Earth, in modern understanding, by the reason of the Sun heating (whose activity increases by about 10% every billion years) will become basically impossible. Therefore, in the struggle for existence, intelligent matter of the Earth has to reach to new, cosmic scale. As the future of intelligent matter is connected with the cosmic scale, it is possible to conclude that in the next state of matter Xt, and especially X2, which arise on the basis of intelligent matter, possible processes will be happening and bring to the formation of the new Universe (or states of matter Y which was preceded of our Universe)?!

Following the logic of formalization and combination of obtained elements of a formal model, we postulate that the so-called «new universes» are born in certain periods of time. If it is assumed that the cycle of continuous and nonlinear complication of states of matter in the separate centres consists of six variant transitions of the factors and causes of evolution (perhaps a little less or a little more), it can be assumed that «new universes» are born approximately every 18 billion years, without cancelling the «old universes».

Figure 3. Y— state of matter which preceded our Universe (so-called «dark matter»), 1 — inert matter, 2 — living matter, 3 — intelligent matter, Xj — state of matter which follows after intelligent matter.

6. If it is assumed that the variability of the factors and causes of evolution really differs in different centres of the Universe, the view of our Universe changes significantly. It turns out that the Universe, which is «observed» by a man, is no more than a fragment of heterogeneous space «universes» which are in different stages of complication. While the Milky Way with the adjacent space passes one stage of continuous and nonlinear complication, in other centres of the Universe, the structure of matter, types of interactions and environments are in other stages of complication. That, what a person observes in Cosmos, is not accelerating expansion of our Universe, and accelerating expansion of «universes» — various «centres» of complication of the structure of matter, types of interaction and environments.

7. According to modern concepts accelerating expansion of the Universe began about 6-5 billion years ago. We assume that the birth of each new state of matter influences (or at least — is connected with) on the accelerating expansion of our Universe.


On the basis of our research, based on the main results of the universal theory of evolution, presented in the model «Evolving matter», we will sum up those objectives which were set at the beginning of the monograph [Bazaluk, 2014]:

1. In the first chapter of the monograph, we have carried out a historical — philosophical analysis of the concept of «evolution», and also considered the degree of development of the theories of evolution in cosmology, biology, neurobiology and philosophy. As a result of our analysis we have found that, despite the recognition of the fact of evolution in science and philosophy, the concept of «evolution» is understood differently; in a different way the factors and causes of evolution are defined; not decided as for reducibility or irreducibility of micro and macro evolutionary processes, etc. Between scientific and philosophical theories of evolution there is no continuity and correlation of the main results. Each scientific discipline

and philosophy researches the evolution through its specialization, and considers its understanding as absolute truth.

2. In the theory «Evolving matter», the author has decided to consider evolution not as the development "evolutionary" or "revolutionary", but as a complication. The author defines the evolution as complication of the structure of matter, types of interaction and environments and in unity and conflict of opposites. Speaking about evolution as complication of the world, the author means complication of three components of physical reality: l) the structure of matter; 2) types of interaction (relations) between the structure of matter; 3) environments, in which complication of these structures and interactions, are carried out, and in a varying degree, determines the characteristics of the environment. The complication of three components of physical reality occurs according to the law of dialectics established by Friedrich Engels: «The movement and development in the nature, society and thinking due to the split single interpenetrating opposites and a resolution of the contradictions which arise between them through the struggle».

3. Having considered all factors and causes of evolution in the scientific and philosophical theories, the author chose three main factors and two causes of evolution, which, in his opinion, determine complication of any state of matter (known to modern science or not discovered yet). At the same time, the author believes that namely complication of the factors and causes of evolution (evolution of evolution) makes the transition from one («mother») state of matter to another («daughter»).

To the factors of evolution as complication, the author attributed:

a) Continuity of self-complication structure, types of interaction and environments of any state of matter, which is supplemented by:

- Blocks of continuous self-complication;

- Principle ofdominance ofblocks of continuous self-complication;

b) Nonlinear complication of structure, types of interaction and environments

of any state of matter, which is specified by factors:

- Hierarchical nonlinear complication;

- Direction of nonlinear hierarchical complication;

c) Isolation of complication.

The author considers that the causes of evolution as complication are:

a) Active principle, which is inherently the basis for the initial elements of any

state of matter, and forms a self-complication;

b) Natural selection as the impact of external environment.

Interaction of internal active origin of any state of matter with natural selection, as the influence of the environment, forms a regulatory compromise, which is manifested in invariant states of the structure of matter, types of interaction and environments of any state of matter.

According to the author's research, all material facts, which is used by modern science and philosophy, is explained by the established factors and causes of evolution, which allow speaking about their universality in the scales of complicating matter.

4. Studying the modern scientific and philosophical theories of evolution, the author discovered the unity of micro and macroevolutionary processes. The basis of this unity is the variability of the factors and causes of evolution. The transition from the Microcosm to the Macrocosm in inert, living, intelligent and any other states of

matter (Y, Xt, X2, etc.) are a consequence of the impact of regulatory compromise and variability of the factors and causes of evolution which are complicated during the time, complicate the structure and functions of the Universe.

5. Based on the formulated universals of evolution, the author reviewed the material facts, which are used by modern science, considering the evolution of the Universe and biological organisms, and offered his understanding of evolution models of inert, living and intelligent matter. At the same time, if the consideration of the main stages of complication of inert and living matter was greatly facilitated thanks to achievements of evolutionary theories in these fields, the author made the model of complication of intelligent matter (noogenesis) «start from scratch», that was impacted on its quality.

Systematizing available material facts to modern science, the author has proved: 1) despite the apparent incompatibility of evolution of the Universe, biosphere and noosphere, in fact it is unified process of complication of the structure of matter, types of interaction and environments; 2) all complication of matter that observed in the scale of the Solar System follow the same factors and causes of evolution; 3) transitions one state of matter to another: inert matter ^ living matter ^ intelligent matter, observed in the scale of the Earth, are caused by universals of the evolution and their variability; 4) complication of each state of matter begins with the initial and defining space, lasts about 3 billion years and has its limits; 5) having reached a limit of self-complication of structure, types of interaction and environments, the system of any state of matter creates conditions for the formation of new «daughter» state of matter. In consequence of full potential of opportunities cycling of matter, energy and information, «mother» state of matter is spent on co-evolution with «daughter» state of matter.

6. During the work on the models of evolution of states of matter, the author discovered and considered transitional states of matter. Their importance lies in the fact that: 1) namely, they complicate the systematization of researches, because, on the one hand, they are the highest structures of «mother» state of matter, on the other hand, they are included in the more perfect blocks of «daughter» state of matter, partially manifesting the functions in its activity; 2) Transition states of matter is maximum admitted limit of continuous and nonlinear complication of «mother» state of matter. Modern science does not know examples of complication of the structure, types of interactions and environments in «mother» state of matter to go beyond hierarchy of transition state of matter.

7. Having taken for a basis of features of complication of structure of matter, and types of interaction and environments in scales of the Solar System (inert matter ^ living matter ^ intelligent matter), the author extrapolated the obtained results to the scale of the Cosmos. The author presented the obtained results in the model of «Evolving matter». What new does the author offer in his model of understanding of the world?

The first, as minimum, five states of matter are evolving in the scale of the Universe. One of unknown states of matter to modern science is «mother» state of our Universe. The Universe is developing in it, and probably separate features which are attributed by humanity to the Universe (e.g. gravitation) are actually manifestations of states of matter Y. The second, unidentified state of matter by humanity was born on the basis of highly developed intelligent matter. In the model, it is indicated as the

state of Xt. The model admits the state X2, from which is probably formed the state Y — so-called «new universe» is born. These successive stages of complication of states of matter can include a certain number of chain links, but the result is one — the birth of «new universe» saving «old Universe».

The second, the Universe which is perceived by humanity, is a fragment of space in which continuous and nonlinear complication of structure of matter, types of interaction and environments are happening. This complication is happening by «centers», and the structure of matter, fields of interactions and environment in them, are at different stages of complication. Therefore, speaking about the observed Universe as «our Universe» from the author's point of view, it is incorrectly. «Our Universe» is nothing other than a plurality of universes which are observed by us in this or that state of complication.

The third, noosphere of the Earth is only the beginning of noogenesis. In future, as minimum 3 billion years of continuous and non-linear complication are expected. Humanity will expect big changes. About the scale of changes we can judge on the example of complication inert and living matter in the scale of the Solar System. Inert matter had been complicated for 3 billion years from quarks to polymers, living matter from RNA molecules to mammals. Complication of intelligent matter of the Earth began with neural ensembles of subconsciousness, which separates out the family of the most progressive primates (hominid) from the animal world. For 5 million years neuroevolution, socio-cultural evolution and evolution of technologies of the most ancient hominids have reached to the mastering of near Cosmos. Taking into account that in 1 billion years the condition of the Earth will be unsuitable for biological life due to physical changes in the sun, a strategy of evolution of intelligent matter becomes clearer:

a) Maximum full liberation from factors of the biological environment; substituting them with more reliable and controlled artificial constructs;

b) Mastering of near and far Cosmos; complication of the socio-cultural environment and technologies to the level which allow providing noosphere from the destructive influence of Cosmos.


Bazaluk, 2012 — Bazaluk Oleg Space Travels — Traveling Mentality: the course of

lectures — Kiev: KNT, 2012. — 424 p. Bazaluk, 2013 — Bazaluk Oleg, Vladlenova Iliana Philosophical Problems of Cosmology: monograph — Kharkov: NTU «Kharkov polytechnic institute», 2013. — 190 p.

Bazaluk, 2014 — Bazaluk O.A. The theory of Evolution: from the space vacuum to neural networks and moving forward: Monograph. - Kiev: ISPC, 2014. -3i2p.

Bazaluk, 2015 — Bazaluk Oleg. The basic postulates of the universal evolution model «Evolving matter» / Philosophy and Cosmology 2015 (Vol. 14) — Kyiv: ISPC, 2015. — P. 11-20

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