Yulduz Khurramovna Amanova
Lecturer, Termez State University
This article is about the theme of war in ancient literature: mythological thinking and historical reality. The importance of this article is the social, political, cultural, philosophical consciousness and scientific-enlightenment thinking of the people formed over the centuries are reflected in these artistic monuments. In particular, the philosophy of war and peace, the ideas of the struggle for peace are also in the leading position.
Keywords: "antique", mythological thinking, allegorical representations, historical reality, cultural perspectives.
Данная статья посвящена теме войны в античной литературе: мифологическому мышлению и исторической реальности. Значимость данной статьи заключается в том, что в этих художественных памятниках отражено общественное, политическое, культурное, философское сознание и научно -просветительское мышление народа, формировавшееся веками. В частности, ведущее положение занимают также философия войны и мира, идеи борьбы за мир.
Ключевые слова: «античность», мифологическое мышление, аллегорические изображения, историческая действительность, культурные перспективы.
It is known that the Latin word "antique" (antiguus) means "ancient". This term applies not only to Greco-Roman literature, but also to Eastern countries, which are the original cradle of culture. We know that the first literary monuments are a new socio-scientific reality created primarily in countries such as Egypt, Iran, China, India, Babylon (Babylonia). With this, the status of Greco-Roman literature will not fall, it will not be
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lowered, of course. Greco-Roman literature, classical monuments will always be the first swallows of the world's artistic thinking.
The word "antique" applied to Greco-Roman society, art and literature is considered a European interpretation and concept. Since the European peoples were connected only with Greco-Roman culture in the way of their cultural development, they considered the spiritual wealth and literary monuments created by these peoples to be the most ancient. For example, Greek literature was not influenced by the literature of any nation, it is considered to be a literature that appeared independently. Perhaps, this is the result of God-given profound talent and artistic thinking of these peoples.
Ancient literature was also an expression of the psychological conditions, feelings and hopes of the Greco-Roman people who created this literature. The Greco-Roman peoples tried to solve age-old problems of humanity, including the attitude to wars, in their artistic creations, they praised and glorified the bravery, fighting spirit, patriotism, human power, and cursed terrible and senseless wars. On the other hand, the wars glorified the adventures of hardworking people, innocent servants, heroes who sacrificed themselves for the peace and development of the Motherland and the well-being of the population in an artistic form. They depicted brave warriors like Heracles and Odysseus as the epitome of virtue.
The theme of war in ancient literature often intertwines mythological thinking with historical reality, creating a complex tapestry of narratives that reflect both the cultural beliefs and the actual events of the time.
1. Mythological Thinking:
Mythological thinking permeated ancient literature, where wars were often depicted as clashes between gods, heroes, and mythical creatures. These stories served not only as entertainment but also as explanations for natural phenomena and moral lessons for the audience. For example, in Greek mythology, the Trojan War, as narrated in Homer's "Iliad," portrays the conflict as the result of divine intervention and human folly, with gods and goddesses actively influencing the outcome of battles.
2. Allegorical Representations:
Wars in ancient literature were frequently allegorical representations of broader themes such as the struggle between good and evil, the pursuit of glory, or the consequences of hubris. The characters and events in these stories often symbolize deeper philosophical or moral concepts. For instance, the wars described in the epic poem "The Mahabharata"
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from ancient India not only recount historical battles but also explore themes of duty, honor, and the moral dilemmas faced by its characters.
3. Historical Reality:
While ancient literature often embellished events with mythological elements, it also reflected historical realities. Many ancient texts contain accurate descriptions of warfare, military tactics, and the consequences of conflict. These accounts provide valuable insights into the political, social, and cultural dynamics of ancient societies. For example, Thucydides' "History of the Peloponnesian War" offers a detailed and analytical account of the conflict between Athens and Sparta, shedding light on the geopolitical tensions and power struggles of ancient Greece.
4. Cultural Perspectives:
The portrayal of war in ancient literature varied depending on cultural perspectives and societal values. Some texts glorified conquest and military prowess, while others critiqued the horrors and tragedies of war. The "Epic of Gilgamesh," an ancient Mesopotamian poem, explores themes of friendship, mortality, and the consequences of warfare through the experiences of its legendary hero.
As in the history of all developed cultural nations, Greek literature inevitably emerged on the ground of oral folk creativity. Although very few examples of Greek folklore have been preserved in the pages of history, it can be determined that in ancient times, in the primitive tribal times, the Greek people had a rich and colorful oral literature - tales, proverbs, proverbs, riddles, songs. Including the existence of large epic and lyric-epic works is a proof of how strong the spiritual and aesthetic potential of the people of this land. The importance of this is that the social, political, cultural, philosophical consciousness and scientific-enlightenment thinking of the people formed over the centuries are reflected in these artistic monuments. In particular, the philosophy of war and peace, the ideas of the struggle for peace are also in the leading position. Of course, there is a thousand-year-old history of Greek mythology, which was formed in the distant steppes.
In summary, the theme of war in ancient literature encompasses a rich tapestry of mythological thinking and historical reality, offering valuable insights into the beliefs, values, and experiences of ancient civilizations. These narratives continue to resonate with audiences today, serving as timeless reflections on the human condition and the enduring nature of conflict.
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