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Grabovec Nina Viktorovna, Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental project director, Biology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] Rafieva Feruza Umidullaevna, research assistants, Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] Shodmonova Gulnoza Erkinovna, assistant to chair of genetics, breeding and seed crops, Tashkent State of agricultural University
The study of morphological traits of seeds and ovaries in wild forms of cotton
Abstract: This article describes the size of the ovaries and seeds in the development process, as well as the change of number of seeds in the process of maturation. And also calculated the potential seed production and the real seed productivity. Keywords: cotton, seeds, ovary, ovule, morphology.
Cotton is one of the leading industrial crops. It is hardly possible to find a branch of the economy, which would not have used the products obtained from the cotton plant. That is why the cotton in its importance to the economy is on a par with metal, fuel and bread. Cotton is the most important economic culture and the most universal among other crops. From all parts of the cotton plant — the seeds, leaves, stems, roots, you can receive a variety ofproducts.
In the genus Gossypium L., according to a recent classifications, there are about 35 species [8, 36-42] and 50 species [5, 71-102; 7, 91-114], native to tropical and subtropical regions of the 5 continents of the world. They occupy space located on two sides of the equator and 200 north and south noun — in North and South America, Africa, Asia, India, Australia; on the islands: the Antilles, Hawaii and Cape Verde. Some of them are small or narrow ranges, while others are very narrow and are endemic species. Representatives of the genus Gossypium L. distinguished by great morphological diversity. The diversity of wild and cultivated species and forms of cotton, many of whom are carriers of economic and biological characteristics — a rich source of genetic resources. However, the coefficient of these resources in improving and creating new vital varieties of cotton in the world is extremely low. In practice, mainly used 4-5 representatives (out of 50), which served as the basis for creating varieties of past and present selection, the so-called cultivated tetraploid species — G.hirsutum L. (Mexico), G. barbadense L. (Peruvian) and diploid — G. arboreum L. (Indian), G. herbaceum L. (Afro-Asiatic). In world practice, dominated by varieties that are based on the Mexican (G.hirsutum L.), accounting for 90% of the annual cotton harvest. The remaining members of the genus Gossypium L., especially wild is still a potential gene pool. The limited use
of the existing biodiversity in the nature leads to genetic uniformity of modern varieties, degeneration and other negative consequences and a lack of modern domestic and foreign selection.
A large arsenal ofknowledge of this culture has accumulated in the past years literature. Much attention is given to the study of the morphological and anatomical structure of the generative organs of cotton, having great scientific and practical importance. Thus, the structure of the skin signs of mature seeds and leaves are used as a taxonomic scientists in solving problems of systematics of representatives of different families, and in particular the family. Malvaceae [1, 1-263; 6, 108-165; 11, 179-184].
In modern selection parents often used perspective varieties wild species, because they have very valuable biological properties for selection. In modern literature there are works devoted to the study of correlative links between the anatomical structure of the generative organs and biologically valuable signs.
In the literature on cotton are rarely given the size of the mature seed, but more often the terms are used in the characterization of fruits and seeds — large, medium, small [3, 1161-1169; 8, 74-81]. Corner has been studied the dynamics of development of seed dicotyledons in detail [2, 174-381]. Changes of size of ovaries and ovules of cotton in their development processes have not been studied.
The seed cotton productivity is little studied question and, especially, the potential that have important theoretical and practical value, these data allow us to judge the potential possibilities of plants and predicting yield. Data on seed production of varieties and some forms of cotton are available for work [13, 5-51; 12, 9296; 4, 52-55], linear hybrids [9, 188-190] and others. Typically, data are given on the number of full (knotted) and "undeveloped seeds" in mature pods.
Material and methods
The material of the study is based on three forms of Gossypium barbadense subsp. ruderale: pisco, parnat, ishan nigeria 2 species (brown and white) and lform subsp. Vitifolium brasilense 2 varieties (red and green). Experimental research work studies were carried out in conditions pushed plot experiments in the area of taxonomy laboratory and the introduction of cotton of the Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants of ANRUz. The phenological observations, surveys, morphological description of the test plants, labeling are conducted in the vegetation period.
In cotton fruit — 3-5 alopecia syncarpous boxes having a different shape, size and number of seeds in each nest. In studied rep-
resentative ofboxes have 3 folds. At all stages of development of the largest ovaries in ishan nigeria (white) and brasilense (green). And 4-week old, also have brasilense (red) (Figure 1).
Ovules and mature seeds largest in all stages of development and also in ishan nigeria (brown and white.). Most small ovules and seeds in both species subsp. vitifolium brasilense and subsp. ruderale: pisco.
The number of ovules and seeds in one ovary and mature pods varies greatly depending on the stage of development, with the exception of two brasilense (Fig.l) varieties. In all stages of development practically they have not formed undeveloped seeds. There are 16-18 pc in ovaries. The remaining in one-week ovaries there are 12-16 pc. and maturity is 6-10 pcs.
4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week mature
18 16 14 12 10
4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
mature seed
4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
ishan nigeria (brown)
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
mature seed
4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0
4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1
0,5 0
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week
seed -
lweek 2 week 3week 4 week mature
18 16 14 12 10
ishan nigeria (white)
brasilense (red)
brasilense (green)
ibond ovary width ovary
ibond seed
i width seed -^-quantity of seeds
Fig 1. Dimensions uneven ovaries and ovules, and the amount of the seed in a one ovary in the process of maturation
The findings provide a glimpse of a much greater seed production potential (CAP), in comparison with the real (CPR). The reasons for this phenomenon may be different- genetic, biological, physiological, biochemical, poorly studied in cotton. According to
some authors who have studied the interspecific compatibility and setting seed ofhybrids, they are associated with cytological and em-bryological disorders in the early stages of development — micro and megasporogenesis and the process of fertilization. All that matters is the quantity and quality of pollen, as well as external factors.
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