Научная статья на тему 'The structure of social communication'

The structure of social communication Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mogilevich B.R.

The article deals with interdisciplinary status of the social communication structure. It is shown that social communication is based on social psychological and linguistic components. The social communication channels, communicative competence and communicative situations and goals are characterized. The special attention is paid to the content of the social communication information. The main characteristic features of languages competence from the point of view of social context. The correlation between communicative competence and extralinguistic situation within the opposition “non-alien-alien” is stated. The structural peculiarities of communicative process neces-sary for achieving communicative goals are presented.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The structure of social communication»

Б. Р. Могилевич. Структура социальной коммуникации

УДК 316.344.3



Б. Р. Могилевич

Могилевич Бронислава Рафаиловна, доктор социологических наук, профессор кафедры английского языка для гуманитарных направлений и специальностей, Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского, [email protected]

Рассмотрена структура социальной коммуникации в междисциплинарном ракурсе. Показано, что социальная коммуникация имеет основой социальные, психологические и лингвистические компоненты. Дана характеристика каналов социальной коммуникации, коммуникативной компетенции и коммуникативной ситуации и целей. Особое внимание уделено содержанию информации социальной коммуникации. Приведены характеристики языковой компетенции в ракурсе социального контекста. Обоснована связь коммуникативной компетенции и экстралингвистической ситуации в рамках оппозиции «свой - чужой». Представлены основные характеристики структуры социальной коммуникации, необходимые для достижения коммуникативной цели. Ключевые слова: социальная коммуникация, экстралингвистическая ситуация, языковая и коммуникативная компетенции, социальный контекст.

The Structure of Social Communication B. R. Mogilevich

Bronislava R. Mogilevich, ORCID 0000-0002-4986-9183, Saratov State University, 83, Astrakhanskaya Str., Saratov, 410012, Russia, [email protected]

The article deals with interdisciplinary status of the social communication structure. It is shown that social communication is based on social psychological and linguistic components. The social communication channels, communicative competence and communicative situations and goals are characterized. The special attention is paid to the content of the social communication information. The main characteristic features of languages competence from the point of view of social context. The correlation between communicative competence and extralinguistic situation within the opposition "non-alien-alien" is stated. The structural peculiarities of communicative process necessary for achieving communicative goals are presented. Key words: social communication, extralinguistic situation, language and communicative competences, social context.

DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601 -2018-18-1 -19-21

Communication is a complex and multilevel phenomenon. On the one hand, it is a process of information exchange, aimed at communicators' mutual understanding and mutual activity. On the other hand, it is a realization of many-sided system of social interaction. The well-known sociological communication model integrates sociological, psy-

chological and linguistic components of generating speech actions1. According to this model, social structures and linguistic norms complement each other and, in their turn, influence social changes and social codes. Human communication consists of socially acceptable and mutually conditioned utterances (texts). Summarizing the investigations on this problem, R.Bell proposed his original system of communication channels:

- independent - dependent;

- static - dynamic;

- sound - visual.

Here, dependent channels include linguistic means and independent channels are presented by non-linguistic (gestures, facial expressions, space proximity) ones. Independent and dependent channels complement each other though some communicative situations demand the use of non-verbal means, only.

Static channels are represented by written language and by such static means as poses. Dynamic communication channels are reflected in oral speech, intonation, voice timbre and gestures.

Sound and visual channels are the most vivid manifestation of the dichotomy: written language - oral speech. However, some paraverbal means (exclamations and so on) can be visual and sound simultaneously2.

The channel choice and its correlation with other social skills characterize the level of language user communicative competence. Needless to say, that communicative competence incorporates the concept of language competence, as an inborn knowledge3.

D. Searle considers language competence from the point of view of social aspects of language usage, that is language competence forms the basis of communicative competence which makes it possible to generate utterances (texts) in a correlated context.

Thus, it is quite legitimate to affirm that communicative competence integrates language competence (the choice of language code) with social consequences of human interaction. Moreover, communicative competence allows language users to distinguish acceptability/unacceptability of speech actions in various situations - that is to distinguish aliens from non-aliens4.

U. Habermas defines communicative competence as the ability to take part in social interaction in accordance with extralinguistic situation pattern. It is quite obvious that communicative competence

© Могилевич Б. Р., 2018

Изв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер. Социология. Политология. 2018. Т. 18, вып. 1

influences the choice of communicative channels in the course of transmitting information5.

In its turn, information incorporates three components:

- cognitive information deals with semantics and presents the subject of linguistics;

- indexai information reflects sociological and psychological characteristics of language users, which provides the communication to better evaluate each other in the course of interaction;

- regulative component of information serves as the means of constructing the proper communication patters in terms of space, behavior, start and conclusion of interaction6.

As for the concept of communication situation, the thing is, it is always conditioned by social human nature of communicators. D. Hymes introduced his original taxonomy model of situation components in the form of the acronym speaking:

- setting;

- participants;

- ends;

- act sequence;

- key;

- instrumentalities;

- norms;

- genres.

Here: setting presents temporal and special characteristics; participants - communicators; ends - goals and outcome; act sequence - format and content; key - the manner of performing communication; instrumentalities - communication channels; norms - the rules of performing communication; genres - text typology7.

Thus, communication is considered from the following points of view: communication channels, correlation of linguistic codes with various extralin-guistic situations, information content.

In the course of social communication the participants pursue three types of goals:

- cognitive - generating, distributing and acquiring information;

- motivative - stimulating activity;

- expressive - expressing and acquiring emotions.

While achieving these goals, the participants perform three types of social actions:

- imitating - distributing and acquiring new meanings and tendencies, which makes it possible to inherit traditions, customs (background knowledge);

- dialog - the equality of subject-subject relations between communicators;

- governing - subject-object type of communicators relations.

Nevertheless, the above mentioned types of social actions can complement each other, but one type dominates.

In their turn communicative social actions are performed at three levels of social communication. Microcommunication level means:

- the individual exchange of ideas and points of view (dialog); instructions (governing);

- copying actions and examples (imitating).

Group communication at this level is presented

in the following forms:

- references (imitating referential social groups); management (group governing);

- socialization (mastering social norms and social values);

- authorship (despotic government).

At midicommunication level social communication is represented by:

- fashion - transmitting attractive ideas, moral norms;

- negotiations - multisubjective dialogs;

- group hierarchy - limitation by group norms;

- adaptation - occurs between representatives of various ethnic groups, different cultures and religions;

- governing society - creation and propagation of ideas and meanings.

Macrocommunication level takes place in the course of interaction between states, cultures and civilizations. The forms of macrocommunication social actions are represented by:

- borrowing the achievements;

- cultural interaction under equal cultural dialog;

- information aggression.

Thus, the sociological structure of communication integrates the following components: communication channels, communicative and language codes, types of extralinguistic situations, types of information content, social actions, and communication levels.

Summing up, it is quite appropriate to consider communication as a process of generating, distributing and acquiring information aimed at achieving mutual understanding. It is a complex, multilevel process of social meanings' transmission within space and time. Only in the course of communication a human being realizes his/her personal potential. This process is characterized by heterogeneous structure and specific presentation at various stages of social development. Without taking into account this complexity it is impossible to reflect its unique character so important under globalization conditions.


1 См.: Соколов А. В. Общая теория социальной коммуникации : учеб. пособие. СПб. : Изд-во Михайлова В. А., 2002. С. 17.

2 См.: Леонтьев А. А Психология общения. М. : Смысл, 1999.

3 См.: HymesD. Models of the Interaction of Language and Social Life. Jumperz, 1972. P. 18-22.

4 См.: Сёрль Д. Природа интенциональных состояний //


Научный отдел

Б. Р. Могилевич. Структура социальной коммуникации

Философия, логика, язык : сб. ст. / сост. и предисл. В. В. Петрова ; общ. ред. Д. П. Горского, В. В. Петрова. М. : Прогресс, 1987. С. 136-140. 5 См.: Хабермас Ю. Публичное пространство и политическая публичность. Биографические корни двух мыслительных мотивов // Хабермас Ю. Между нату-

рализмом и религией. Философские статьи. М. : Весь мир, 2011. С. 15-26.

6 См.: Хомский Н. О природе и языке. М. : КанКнига, 2005. С. 82.

7 См.: Белл Р. Социолингвистика. М. : Международные отношения, 1980.

Образец для цитирования:

Могилевич Б. Р. Структура социальной коммуникации // Изв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер. Социология. Политология. 2018. Т. 18, вып. 1. С. 19-21. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2018-18-1-19-21.

Cite this article as:

Mogilevich B. R. The Structure of Social Communication. Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, рр. 19-21. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2018-18-1-19-21.



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