Научная статья на тему 'The steps to restructuring the incentive system in an enterprise'

The steps to restructuring the incentive system in an enterprise Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Adetunji Adenike Mary

The article explains the steps to restructure the incentive system of an enterprise and in order to deal with the restructuring of incentive systems at the enterprise there is the need to implement the business objectives first needed to carry out some preliminary work, from the success of the outcome which will depend on the success in building the system of incentives. Knowing fully well that incentive is a great instrument for employees to achieve the organization’s objectives. Also talks about Motivation systems which describe one of the management instruments that consists of purposely chosen motivators which are all connected to each other and satisfies the assumptions and the mission of company by encouraging the employees to certain behaviors and practices.

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В статье описываются шаги по реструктуризации системы мотивации предприятия и для того чтобы заняться перестройкой системы стимулирования на предприятии, необходимо для реализации бизнес-задач прежде всего провести некоторую предварительную работу, от успешности результата которых будет зависеть успех в построении системы мотивации, хорошо зная, что стимул это великолепный инструмент для сотрудников для достижения целей организации. Также рассказывается о системах мотивации, которая описывает один из инструментов управления, который состоит из специально выбранных мотиваторов, которые все связаны друг с другом, и удовлетворяет предположениям и миссии компании путем поощрения сотрудников к определенному поведению и практике.

Текст научной работы на тему «The steps to restructuring the incentive system in an enterprise»



ENTERPRISE Adetunji A.M. (Russian Federation) Email: [email protected]


Abstract: the article explains the steps to restructure the incentive system of an enterprise and in order to deal with the restructuring of incentive systems at the enterprise there is the need to implement the business objectives first needed to carry out some preliminary work, from the success of the outcome which will depend on the success in building the system of incentives. Knowing fully well that incentive is a great instrument for employees to achieve the organization's objectives. Also talks about Motivation systems which describe one of the management instruments that consists of purposely chosen motivators which are all connected to each other and satisfies the assumptions and the mission of company by encouraging the employees to certain behaviors and practices.

Keywords: system of stimulation, the business purpose, salary, strategic problems, human resource, the organization personnel, labor motivation.


ПРЕДПРИЯТИИ Адетунжи А.М. (Российская Федерация)

Адетунжи Аденике Мари — кандидат экономических наук, кафедра государственного и муниципального управления, Кубанский государственный аграрный университет им. И.Т. Трубилина, г. Краснодар

Аннотация: в статье описываются шаги по реструктуризации системы мотивации предприятия и для того чтобы заняться перестройкой системы стимулирования на предприятии, необходимо для реализации бизнес-задач прежде всего провести некоторую предварительную работу, от успешности результата которых будет зависеть успех в построении системы мотивации, хорошо зная, что стимул - это великолепный инструмент для сотрудников для достижения целей организации. Также рассказывается о системах мотивации, которая описывает один из инструментов управления, который состоит из специально выбранных мотиваторов, которые все связаны друг с другом, и удовлетворяет предположениям и миссии компании путем поощрения сотрудников к определенному поведению и практике.

Ключевые слова: система стимулирования, бизнес-цель, зарплата, стратегических проблем, людских ресурсов, персонала организации, мотивация труда.

The success of the enterprise depends on many factors. It is possible to articulate the purpose of the business and arbitrarily in detail prescribe the procedure of its achievement, but to turn plans into real results can only properly motivated employees. A tool for harmonizing the business objectives of the enterprise and aspirations of employees is the system of incentives [1]. Success when building a system of incentives depends on many factors, one of the key in which is the preliminary stage of work focused on the diagnosis and analysis of existing realities in the company and matching them with the General goal.

The restructuring of incentive systems, in order to accommodate all the necessary company aspects of its work, and to relate the remuneration system to business goals it is necessary to conduct some preliminary work, which is implemented in several stages.

To start the preparatory work should be diagnostic of the existing system of motivation in order to avoid the mistakes made in it.

The next step will be determining the strategic goals of the business. This will allow building a model of goal achievement, to allocate priorities, and to develop a system for evaluating the success of the enterprise. If you are unsure of what you need to strive, how to achieve it, for some indicators to evaluate the work, it is impossible to create a system of incentives. Target selection depends on the stage of development of the enterprise in the period of formation can dominate the tasks associated with the expansion of the market share,

increase awareness of the enterprise market (goods, services); in the maturity phase, when the position of the enterprise in the market is stable and provides sufficient returns is becoming a priority, for example, focus on improving the quality of products, high technologies and implementation of innovations.

Further, in accordance with the strategic goal of the management of the enterprise need to develop its organizational structure, which actually should be formulated the hypothesis that such a structure will allow to solve tasks. There are many types of organizational structures, and it does not matter, use the head of the ready scheme or come up with your own. Importantly, to build organizational structure is in line with economic business model and contributed to the success of the enterprise [4].

To create a system of material incentives for employees of individual units is possible only with a clear understanding of its role and place in the overall structure of the enterprise. Therefore, the definition of the objectives of individual departments should be the next mandatory step in the preliminary work upon restructuring of the system of material incentives, since it should be transparent, coherent and clear system of priorities [3]. Decomposition of the General goal can be made by building a single enterprise-wide "the tree of goals", where the goal of a higher level is implemented through a set of agreed objectives on a lower level. Having done this kind of work, we are able to define the tasks of each unit, focusing on achieving overall business goals.

The next step, in our opinion, becomes the stage for the development of functional duties of employees of division and the choice of these individual indicators of labor activity, for which the employee can fully respond privately. Here we are faced with elements of process management. Within its framework we need to describe the process of achieving local, but linked objectives; to highlight indicators of success activities in individual stages of the process; to explain these indicators and the employee to ensure that he understands them and will be able to achieve.

Diagnostics of the motivational profile of employees - it is also one of the key stages of the preliminary work when you build a stimulation system, according to the author. With the help of diagnostics of the motivational profile is necessary to identify the motivational orientation of most employees of the company and to compare it with the goals of the company and subsidiaries. In the case that the General purpose of the company is the development of new areas of work or an abrupt break in the market at this stage or the work area he needs employees with "achievement motivation", for which the necessary priorities in the system of incentives. If the enterprise as a whole or in a particular area just planning to maintain stability in the work, focusing on quality, where all business processes are strictly regulated, it needs performers who are not able to achieve something, but it can clearly and scrupulously fulfil its duties. In case of discrepancy motivational profile of the employee assigned to it duties it will be difficult to get him out its tasks, and the actual priorities in the system of incentives will only cause his displeasure.

Therefore, in case if found to be different from the required motivational orientation the major part of employees before you introduce a new system of payment, it is necessary to conduct personnel movement, at least those employees who occupy key positions in this area of work.

Next, you need to work on setting the time and labor costs. The normalization allows calculating staffing requirements. Without addressing this challenge, we run the risk of "overload" or "not loading" workers, which is equally bad.

To adequately motivate the labor, wage levels in the enterprise should correspond to the market average. Therefore, the next step should be to find out the average wage level in the industry and the region. For considering the real situation on the regional labor market in determining pay levels for the position, you must use information from various sources (salary surveys, "salary expectations" of candidates, etc.) [2].This is a very important marketing component of constructing a system of payment.

When determining the level of remuneration should also consider the cost of the additional payments and benefits provided to employees: transportation, meals on workplace, medical service, use of boarding houses, kindergartens, sports halls, etc. These benefits can sometimes make up to 20% of the amount of wages (in some sense compensate for it). As a result, we will be able to determine competitive wage level, which will be for the employee an incentive to work effectively in our company.

In the end, after preliminary work, you can begin to build in fact most economic models of incentive systems, which should aim to motivate the employee for efficient and quality work, providing not only the costs of the employer for the organization of the production process, labor costs, but also allow you to obtain a certain profit [5].


1. Goncharuk V.A. The development of the enterprise. Textbook. [Electronic resource] // access mode: URL:

http://www.aup.ru/books/m62/4_5_2.htm/ (date of access: 27.03.2017).

2. Voskresenskaya O.L. the Organism and environment: a factorial ecology [Text]: tutorial / O.L. Voskresenskaya, E.A. Skochilov, T.I. Kopylova, E.A. Alyabysheva, E.V. Sarbayeva. - Yoshkar-Ola: Mari state University. MT, 2005. 180 p.

3. FatkhutdinovR.A. Strategic management [Text]: textbook / R.A. Fatkhutdinov. M.: Business, 2005. 448 p.

4. Economics and sociology of labor: Textbook / under the editorship of doctor of Economics, Professor A.Y. Kibanov. M.: Infra-M, 2012. 584 p.

5. Adetunji A.M. Economy and management. Topical issues of theory and practice. Volume 1. Materials of V international scientific-practical conference, 2016. 8 -11 p.


Yalmaev Rustam Alievich — PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, head, DEPARTMENT "MANAGEMENT OF REGIONAL ECONOMY", CHECHEN STATE UNIVERSITY, GROZNY

Abstract: the effectiveness of management of the organization's labor resources directly affects its competitive capabilities and is one of the most important areas for creating the advantages of an enterprise. The article deals with topical issues of the formation and use of the labor resources of the enterprise, the essence and characteristics of labor resources are considered. The main problems that limit the development of the labor resources of the enterprise and the country as a whole are revealed. Innovative approaches to personnel management in new conditions are considered. The basic directions on perfection of development and use of a manpower are offered.

Keywords: Labor resources, company, efficiency, staff, Frames, Stimulating.


Ялмаев Рустам Алиевич - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой, кафедра управления региональной экономикой, Чеченский государственный университет, г. Грозный

Аннотация: эффективность управления трудовыми ресурсами организации непосредственно влияет на ее конкурентные возможности и является одной из важнейших сфер создания преимуществ предприятия. В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы формирования и использования трудовых ресурсов предприятия, рассмотрены сущность и характеристики трудовых ресурсов. Выявлены основные проблемы, ограничивающие развитие трудовых ресурсов предприятия и страны в целом. Рассмотрены инновационные подходы к управлению персоналом в новых условиях. Предложены основные направления по совершенствованию развития и использования трудовых ресурсов. Ключевые слова: трудовые ресурсы, предприятие, эффективность, персонал, кадры, стимулирование.

На сегодняшнем уровне развития производства трудно переоценить значение трудовых ресурсов на предприятии, так как они выступают главным ресурсом предприятия и на данном этапе развития нет ни одного предприятия, которое бы функционировало без привлечения человека. Поэтому во время обострения конкуренции между предприятиями в борьбе за рынки сбыта своей продукции, когда очень быстро устаревают информация, техника и технологии, именно высоко конкурентный персонал становится главным конкурентным преимуществом предприятия. Как следствие, меняется понимание значения человека на предприятии и, соответственно, отношение к нему, ведь для того, чтобы сегодня успешно действовать на рынке, предприятиям недостаточно обладать материально-финансовыми ресурсами, но необходимо обладать и конкурентоспособным персоналом. В таком случае на первый план выходят внутренние ресурсы организации. Предприятия уделяют все больше времени и средств не на изучение конкурентов, поставщиков, посредников, клиентов или

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