Научная статья на тему 'The state of territorial communities and analysis of their investment attractiveness'

The state of territorial communities and analysis of their investment attractiveness Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Lytvyn Nataliia Mykhailivna

Today, the acute problem is the state of local budgets, indicating the limited financial resources. As a result, local authorities cannot perform properly the functions and tasks assigned to them. Now Ukraine is in need of effective, dynamic and highly professional institutions of state power. Quantitative indicators are important in assessing the effectiveness of local communities, but they must be taken into account in a strong correlation. It is extremely important to measure the population of the community, which depends on how much money from the budget the local community for their needs will receive. As a matter of fact, the use of the statistical indicator of the population in the territorial context indicates that it is taken into account during the formation of many important budget-forming indicators. This indicator is used both in the calculation of indicators of provision of the population of the territorial community with social infrastructure, and in the calculation of other expenses in the system of inter-budgetary relations. The number of permanent residents of the territorial community is used for the calculation. The main elements of ability territory communities is their size and population. The larger the area is, the more it allows to implement infrastructure, investment and innovation projects. This indicator affects the prospects of the territorial community of Ukrainian and foreign investment and innovation resources, as well as increases the competitiveness of the region. Key indicators of territorial communities allow to distribute local communities according to their level of ability and investment attractiveness. Of course, to create an effective policy for the development of territorial communities, it is not enough to use only quantitative indicators of the population. It is important to rely on qualitative indicators, such as the satisfaction of the local population, the level of communication of public authorities with the public and the like.

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На сегодня острой проблемой является состояние местных бюджетов, которое указывает на ограниченность финансовых ресурсов. Как следствие, местные органы власти не могут выполнять надлежащим образом возложенные на них функции и задачи. Сейчас Украина испытывает потребность в эффективных, динамических и высокопрофессиональных институтах государственной власти. Количественные показатели важны при оценке эффективности местных общин, однако они должны учитываться в жесткой корреляции. Крайне важным является показатель численности населения общины, от которого зависит сколько денег из государственного бюджета получит местная община на собственные нужды. На практике использование статистического показателя численности населения в территориальном разрезе указывает на то, что он учитывается при формировании многих важных бюджетообразующих показателей. Данный показатель применяется, как при расчете показателей обеспеченности населения территориальной общины объектами социальной инфраструктуры, так и при расчете других расходов в системе межбюджетных отношений. Для расчета используется численность постоянного проживающего населения территориальной общины. Основными элементами способности территориальных общин является их площадь и количество проживающего населения. Чем больше территория, тем больше она позволяет реализовать инфраструктурные, инвестиционные и инновационные проекты. Данный показатель влияет на перспективу местной территориальной общины по привлечению украинских и зарубежных инвестиционных и инновационных ресурсов, а также увеличивает конкурентоспособность региона. Основные показатели территориальной общины позволяют распределить местные общины по степени их способности и инвестиционной привлекательности. Конечно, для создания эффективной политики развития территориальных общин недостаточно использования только количественных показателей населения. Важно опираться и на качественные показатели, такие как удовлетворенность местного населения, уровень коммуникации государственных органов власти с общественностью и т. д.

Текст научной работы на тему «The state of territorial communities and analysis of their investment attractiveness»

UDC: 353

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-4(19)-129-139

Lytvyn Nataliia Mykhailivna,

Member of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in Public Administration, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (073) 008-09-03, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-0120-3443 Литвин Наталiя MuxafaieHa, член Всеукратськог асамбле1 doKmopie наук з державного управлтня, старший викладач кафедри публгчного адмШстру-вання, Мiжрегiональна Академiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фро-метiвська, 2, тел.: (073) 008-09-03, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-0120-3443

Литвин Наталия Михайловна,

член Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, старший преподаватель кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (073) 008-0903, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-0120-3443


Abstract. Today, the acute problem is the state of local budgets, indicating the limited financial resources. As a result, local authorities cannot perform properly the functions and tasks assigned to them. Now Ukraine is in need of effective, dynamic and highly professional institutions of state power.

Quantitative indicators are important in assessing the effectiveness of local communities, but they must be taken into account in a strong correlation. It is extremely important to measure the population of the community, which depends on how much money from the budget the local community for their needs will receive.

As a matter of fact, the use of the statistical indicator of the population in the territorial context indicates that it is taken into account during the formation

of many important budget-forming indicators. This indicator is used both in the calculation of indicators of provision of the population of the territorial community with social infrastructure, and in the calculation of other expenses in the system of inter-budgetary relations. The number of permanent residents of the territorial community is used for the calculation.

The main elements of ability territory communities is their size and population. The larger the area is, the more it allows to implement infrastructure, investment and innovation projects. This indicator affects the prospects of the territorial community of Ukrainian and foreign investment and innovation resources, as well as increases the competitiveness of the region.

Key indicators of territorial communities allow to distribute local communities according to their level of ability and investment attractiveness.

Of course, to create an effective policy for the development of territorial communities, it is not enough to use only quantitative indicators of the population. It is important to rely on qualitative indicators, such as the satisfaction of the local population, the level of communication of public authorities with the public and the like.

Keywords: financial solvency, investment attractiveness, territorial community, economic development of regions, local governments.


Анотащя. На сьогодш гострою проблемою е стан мюцевих бюджепв, ко-трий вказуе на обмежешсть фшансових ресурав. Як наслщок, Mic^Bi орга-ни влади не можуть виконувати належним чином покладеш на них функцп та завдання. Наразi Украша вщчувае потребу в ефективних, динамiчних i високопрофесшних шститутах державно! влади.

Юльюсш показники е важливими шд час ощнювання ефективносп мю-цевих громад, однак вони мають враховуватися в жорсткш кореляци. Вкрай важливим е показник чисельност населення громади, вщ якого залежить скшьки грошей з державного бюджету отримае мюцева громада на власш потреби.

На практищ використання статистичного показника чиcельноcтi населення в територiальному розрiзi вказуе на те, що вiн враховуеться шд час формування багатьох важливих бюджетоутворюючих показникiв. Даний показник застосовуеться як шд час розрахунку показниюв забезпеченоcтi населення територiальноl громади об'ектами сощально! iнфраcтруктури, так i шд час розрахунку iнших витрат в cиcтемi мiжбюджетних вiдноcин. Для розрахунку використовуеться чисельшсть поcтiйного проживаючого населення територiальноl громади.

Основними елементами спроможност територiальних громад е !хня пло-ща та кiлькicть населення, що проживае на нш. Чим бшьша територiя, тим бiльше вона дозволяе реалiзувати iнфраcтруктурнi, iнвеcтицiйнi та шнова-цiйнi проекти. Даний показник впливае на перспективу мюцево! територ^

ально! громади щодо залучення украшських i закордонних iнвестицiйних та iнновацiйних ресурав, а також збiльшуe конкурентоспроможнiсть регюну.

Основнi показники територiальноl громади дають змогу розподiлити мю-цевi громади за рiвнем 1хньо! спроможностi та швестицшно! привабливостi.

Звичайно, для створення ефективно! полiтики розвитку територiальних громад недостатньо використання тшьки кiлькiсних показниюв населення. Важливо опиратися й на яисш показники, такi як задоволешсть мюцево-го населення, рiвень комушкаци державних органiв влади iз громадсьистю тощо.

Ключовi слова: фiнансова спроможнiсть, швестицшна привабливiсть, те-риторiальна громада, економiчний розвиток регiонiв, органи мiсцевого само-врядування.


Аннотация. На сегодня острой проблемой является состояние местных бюджетов, которое указывает на ограниченность финансовых ресурсов. Как следствие, местные органы власти не могут выполнять надлежащим образом возложенные на них функции и задачи. Сейчас Украина испытывает потребность в эффективных, динамических и высокопрофессиональных институтах государственной власти.

Количественные показатели важны при оценке эффективности местных общин, однако они должны учитываться в жесткой корреляции. Крайне важным является показатель численности населения общины, от которого зависит сколько денег из государственного бюджета получит местная община на собственные нужды.

На практике использование статистического показателя численности населения в территориальном разрезе указывает на то, что он учитывается при формировании многих важных бюджетообразующих показателей. Данный показатель применяется, как при расчете показателей обеспеченности населения территориальной общины объектами социальной инфраструктуры, так и при расчете других расходов в системе межбюджетных отношений. Для расчета используется численность постоянного проживающего населения территориальной общины.

Основными элементами способности территориальных общин является их площадь и количество проживающего населения. Чем больше территория, тем больше она позволяет реализовать инфраструктурные, инвестиционные и инновационные проекты. Данный показатель влияет на перспективу местной территориальной общины по привлечению украинских и зарубежных инвестиционных и инновационных ресурсов, а также увеличивает конкурентоспособность региона.

Основные показатели территориальной общины позволяют распределить местные общины по степени их способности и инвестиционной привлекательности.

Конечно, для создания эффективной политики развития территориальных общин недостаточно использования только количественных показателей населения. Важно опираться и на качественные показатели, такие как удовлетворенность местного населения, уровень коммуникации государственных органов власти с общественностью и т. д.

Ключевые слова: финансовая независимость, инвестиционная привлекательность, территориальная община, экономическое развитие регионов, органы местного самоуправления.

Problem statement. The territory of the community, the number of residents and the level of investment attractiveness are important elements of the socio-economic system, which is aimed at achieving the main goal — improving the quality of life of the local population and the economic development of the country as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the main indicators of territorial communities and determine the economic potential of the regions for their further development.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The study of problems of socio-economic development of regions was performed in the works of well-known scientists such as O. Vasy-lyk, I. Vahovych, V. Pylypiv, S. Popov, G. Kozoriz, O. Kyrylenko, V. Kravchen-ko, I. Lunina, V. Oparin, L. Tychkovska, I. Radionova, S. Yuriy, etc. Given the analysis of the works, both local and foreign scientists considering contemporary challenges for socio-economic development there is a need for in-depth study of economic potential of the regions of Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization of power.

Formulation of the objectives of the article. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main indicators of terri-

torial communities, to determine their economic potential and investment attractiveness.

Presentation of the main material of the study. The analysis was carried out at the end of 2018, the indicators of which characterize the population and the area of the united territorial communities (UTC), namely: the number of UTC in Ukraine, the total population in these UTC, the total area of which is occupied by UTC from the area of the region, the average population and the average area of one UTC by regions.

As it can be seen from table, the population in Ukraine, which lives in all UTC as of 1.01.2018 amounts to 5,581 mln people, or 13,2 % of the total population. The area occupied by UTC is 164 thousand km2, or 28,5 % of the total area of Ukraine. On average in Ukraine 8,4 thousand people live in one UTC, and the area of one UTC on average is 247 km2.

Vinnytsia region contains 34 UTC. The population that lives in these UTC amounts to 241,8 thousand people, or 15,4 % of the population of the entire region. This is 2,2 % more than the average in Ukraine. The average number of people in one UTC is less than the national average by more than 1000 people and is 7112 people per UTC.

Region Number of utc Population as of 01.01.2018 The utc area, (km2) The population, the average number as of 01.01.2018 )2 m2 (3 e r < utc population in % of the total population of the region the utc area in % of area of the region the average number of the population of one utc Area (km2) under one utc on average

Vinnytsia 34 241 800 3 894 1 568723 26 513 15,4 14,7 7 112 115

Volyn 40 271 900 8 993 1 035 729 20 144 26,3 44,6 6 798 225

Dnipropetrovsk 56 417 800 15 617 3 227 831 31 974 12,9 48,8 7 461 279

Donetsk 9 121 600 3 460 4 187 576 26 517 2,9 13,0 13 511 384

Zhytomyr 45 434 000 15 976 1 232 008 29 832 35,2 53,6 9 644 355

Zakarpattia 6 71 400 616 1 255322 12 777 5,7 4,8 11 900 103

Zaporizhzhia 36 282 200 12 872 1 722382 27 180 16,4 47,4 7 839 358

Ivano-Frankivsk 23 212 900 2 370 1 374770 13 928 15,5 17,0 9 257 103

Kyiv 9 96 700 2 044 1 748 505 28 131 5,5 7,3 10 744 227

Kirovohrad 13 95 800 2 400 949 835 24 588 10,1 9,8 7 369 185

Luhansk 8 81 100 4 462 2 163 205 26 684 3,7 16,7 10 138 558

Lviv 35 281 300 3 832 2511 238 21 833 11,2 17,6 8 037 109

Mykolaiv 28 190 800 8 726 1 140609 24 598 16,7 35,5 6 814 312

odesa 24 246 900 7 963 2372015 33 310 10,4 23,9 10 288 332

Poltava 39 263 900 7 528 1 405991 28 748 18,8 26,2 6 767 193

Rivne 25 171 400 4 697 1 159587 20 047 14,8 23,4 6 856 188

sumy 28 211 100 7 973 1 092 092 23 834 19,3 33,5 7 539 285

Ternopil 40 327 300 5 394 1 049 061 13 823 31,2 39,0 8 183 135

Kharkiv 12 151 700 3 753 2 678 371 31 415 5,7 11,9 12 642 313

Kherson 26 181 000 7 798 1 045 549 28 461 17,3 27,4 6 962 300

Khmelnytskyi 39 445 500 10 706 1 271 246 20 645 35,0 51,9 11 423 275

cherkasy 26 160 000 3 478 1 216734 20 900 13,1 16,6 6 154 134

chernivtsi 26 268 300 3 206 903 636 8 097 29,7 39,6 10 319 123

chernihiv 37 355 500 16 396 1 011 536 31 865 35,1 51,5 9 608 443

Ukraine 664 5 581 900 164 152 42 216 766 575 844 13,2 28,5 8 406 247

Developed by the author on the basis of open sourc

The area of UTC in Vinnytsia region amounts to 3,89 km2. This is 14,7 % of the area of the region, which is almost half of the average in Ukraine. Also, the average area of one UTC is more than half that of the state and is 115 km2.

Volyn region has 40 UTC, the total population of which is 271 thousand people, or 26,3 % of the population of the entire region. Despite the average population in UTC in Ukraine, this indicator of the Volyn region exceeds it

twice. The average population in one UTC is 6 798 people, which is 1 608 people less than the average number in Ukraine. The total area of all UTC in the Volyn region is 8,99 thousand km2, or 44,6 % of the area of the region, which is 16% more than the average in the country. The average area of one UTC is 225 km2, which is almost equal to the state average.

The largest number of UTC is contained in Dnipropetrovsk region -there are 56 of them with the number of inhabitants of 417 thousand people, or 12,9 % of the total area. This indicator is at the level of the average population in UTC in Ukraine. On average, in one UTC of Dnipropetrovsk region the number of residents equals to 7 461 people, which 1000 people less than the average in the country. The area of all UTC of the region is 15,61 thousand km2, or 48,8 % of the total area of the region, which is 23 % more than the national average. The average area of one UTC is 279 km2, which is slightly higher than the average in Ukraine.

In Donetsk region there are 9 UTC, the total population of which equals to 121 thousand people, or 2,9 % of the total area, this figure is less (by more than 10 %) than the average in Ukraine. The average number of people in one UTC is the highest in Ukraine and is 13 551 people, this figure exceeds the average by more than 5 000 people in the country. The total area of all UTC Donetsk region is 3,46 thousand km2, or 13 % of the total area of the region, which is half the average in Ukraine. The average area of one UTC is 384 km2 and exceeds the national average.

Zhytomyr region has 45 UTC, the number of inhabitants equals to 434

thousand people, or 35,2 % of the population of the entire region, which is three times more than the average in the country. The average population in one UTC is more than the average in Ukraine by more than 1000 people and equals to 9 644 people per UTC. In Zhytomyr region, the total area of all UTC is the highest in the state and equals to 15,97 thousand km2, or 53,6 % of the area of the region, which exceeds the average for Ukraine by 25,1 %. The average area of one UTC is 355 km2 and it is above the national average.

Zakarpattia region is the smallest region the country, the number of created UTC equals to 6. The total number of people residing in these UTC is also the smallest in Ukraine and equals to only 71 thousand people, or 5,7 % of the total population of the region. This figure is almost three times lower than the national average. The average population of one UTC in Zakarpattia region equals to 11 900 people, which is more than 3000 more than the average in Ukraine. The total area of all UTC equals to 616 km2, or 4,8 % of the area of the region, this figure is six times less than the average for the state. Also, the average area of one UTC is the smallest in Ukraine — 103 km2.

In Zaporizhzhia region there are 36 created united territorial communities, the total number of inhabitants of which equals to 282 thousand people, or 16,4 % of the population of the whole region. This figure is 3,2 % higher than the average for Ukraine. In one UTC the average number of population equals to 7 839 people, which is almost the same as the average for the country. The area occupied by UTC in Zapo-rizhzhia region equals to 12,87 thou-

sand km2, or 47,4 % of the total area of the region, which exceeds by 18,9 % the average in Ukraine. The average area of one UTC is 358 km2 and is well above the national average.

In total, 23 UTC operate in Ivano-Frankivsk region. The number of residents equals to 212 thousand people, or 15,5 % of the population of the entire region, this figure is 2,3 % higher than the average for the state. The average population in one UTC is higher than the national average by more than 1,000 people and equals to 9,257 people per UTC. The total area of all united territorial communities in Ivano-Frankivsk region equals to 2,37 thousand. km2, or 17 % of the area of the region, which is almost half the average for Ukraine. The area of one UTC averages 103 km2 and, together with this figure in the Za-karpattia region, is the smallest in the country.

In the Kyiv region there are only 9 united territorial communities, like in the Donetsk region. The total number of residents in UTC of the region equals to 96 thousand people, or 5,5 % of the population of the region. This indicator of the population is half the average for the entire territory of Ukraine. In one UTC, the average population equals to 10 744 people, which is more than the average for the country by 2,338 people. The area occupied by UTC of Kyiv region equals to 2 thousand km2, or 7,3 % of the total area of the region, which is almost four times less than the average for Ukraine. One UTC occupies an average area of 227 km2, which is almost equal to the average of the state.

In the Kirovohrad region there are 13 UTC. The number of residents equals to 95 thousand people, or 10,1 %

of the total population of the region, and it almost corresponds to the national average. The average population of one UTC equals to 7,369, which is

I,000 less than the national average. The area of the Kirovohrad region which is occupied by UTC equals to 2,4 thousand km2, or 9,8 % of the total area of the region, which is three times less than the average of the country. On average, the area of one UTC is significantly less than the average for Ukraine and equals to 185 km2.

Luhansk region contains 8 UTC. The living population equals to 81 thousand people, or 3,7 % of the total population of the region, which is 10 % less than the average in Ukraine. In one UTC of Luhansk region the average number of residents equals to 10 138 people which is 1 732 persons more comparing with the average population in UTC in the state. The total area occupied by UTC equals to 4,4 thousand km2, or 16,7 % of the area of the region, which is less by

II,8 % of the national average. The area of one UTC is the highest from the average in Ukraine and equals to 558 km2.

In Lviv region there are 35 united territorial communities. The population that lives on their territory equals to 281 thousand people, or 11,2 % of the population of the region, and almost corresponds to the national average. The average number of people in one UTC i equals to s 8,037, which is also almost the same as the average for Ukraine. The total area occupied by UTC in Lviv region equals to 3,8 thousand km2, or 17,6 % of the area of the region, which is 10 % less than the average for the state. Also, the average area of one UTC is half that of the country and equals to only 109 km2.

There are 28 UTC in Mykolaiv, the total number of the population in them equals to 190 thousand people, or 16,7 % from the population of area that exceeds an average indicator of the state. In one UTC of the Mykolaiv region the average number of the population equals to 6 814 people that 1592 people less than an average on the country of an indicator. The total area of all UTC of the region equals to 8,7 thousand km2, or 35,5 % of the area of the region, which is 7 % more than the average for Ukraine. On average, one UTC occupies an area that equals to 312 km2, which is also higher than the national average.

There are 24 united territorial communities in Odesa region, with a total population of 246 thousand people, which equals to 10,4 % of the population of the region, which almost corresponds to the average population of the state. The average number of the population in one of UTC is 1 882 persons above the national average and equals to 10 228 people on one UTC. The area occupied by UTC Odessa region equals to 7,9 thousand km2, or 23,9 % of the total area of the region, this figure is less by 4,6 % of the average in Ukraine. On average, one UTC occupies an area that equals to 332 km2, this figure is higher than the national average.

In the Poltava region there are 39 UTC. The total number of people residing in these UTC equals to 263 thousand people, or 18,8 % of the population of the region, which is 5,6 % higher than the national average. In one UTC, the average population equals to 6,767 people, which is below the national average of 1,639 people. In Poltava region UTC occupy the territory that equals to

7.5 km2, or 26,2 % of the total area of the region, which is approximately equal to the average for Ukraine. The average area of one UTC is 193 km2, which is below the national average.

Rivne region has 25 UTC. The population living in them equals to 171 thousand people, or 14,8 % of the total population of the region. This indicator corresponds to the average population in the state. The average number of the population residing in one UTC equals to 6856 people, this figure is below the average for Ukraine. UTC of Rivne region cover an area that equals to

4.6 km2, or 23,4 % of the area of the region, which is less than 5,1 % of the national average. One UTC occupies an average area of 188 km2, and it is below the average for Ukraine.

In Sumy region 28 united territorial communities were created, the total population residing in these UTC equals to 211 thousand people, or 19,3 % of the population of the region, it is 6,1 % more than the average in Ukraine. In one UTC of Sumy region the average population equals to 7 539 people, which almost corresponds to the average population of the state. The area occupied by UTC equals to 7,9 km2, or 33,5 % of the total area of the region, which is 5 % more than the average state. The average area of one UTC equals to 285 km2, which is higher than the national average.

In Ternopil region there are 40 UTC, the number of inhabitants in which equals to 327 thousand people, or 31,2 % of the total population of the region, which is 18 % more than the national average. The average population in one UTC equals to 8 183 people and corresponds to the average population

in Ukraine. The total area of the united territorial communities of Ternopil region equals to 5,3 km2, or 39 % of the area of the region, which is 10,5 % more than the national average. The average area of one UTC equals to 135 km2 and it is below the national average.

Kharkiv region contains 12 UTC. The total population that resides in UTC region equals to 151 thousand people, or 5,7 % of the population of the region, this figure is 7,5 % less than the average for Ukraine. In one UTC, the average number of residents equals to 12,642 people, which is 4,236 more than the state average. The area of all UTC of Kharkiv region equals to 3,7 km2, or 11,9 % of the total area of the region, which is less by 16,6 % of the average value in Ukraine. The average area of one UTC equals to 313 km2, which is much higher than the national average.

26 United territorial communities were created in Kherson region. The number of inhabitants equals to 181 thousand people, or 17,3 % of the population of the region, which is higher by 4,1 % for the average in the state. The number of inhabitants in one UTC equals to 6,962 people, this figure is less by 1,444 people on the national average. The total area of all UTC in the Kherson region is equal to the national average and equals to 7,7 km2, or 27,4 % of the area of the region. Also, the average area of one UTC equals to 300 km2, which is higher than the average of the country.

In Khmelnitsky region there are 39 UTC, the total number of people living in these UTC is the largest in Ukraine and equals to 455 thousand people, or 35 % of the population, this figure is higher than the average for the state by

21,5 %. The average population in one UTC equals to 11,423, which is more than 3,000 more than the national average. In Kherson region, the area of all UTC equals to 10,7 km2, or 51,9 % of the total area of the region, this figure is almost twice the average for Ukraine. The area of one UTC is above the national average and averages 275 km2.

Cherkasy region has 26 UTC. The number of residents living in UTC data equals to 160 thousand people, or 13,1 % of the total population of the region. This indicator corresponds to the national average. In one UTC, the average population equals to 6 154 people, which is more than 2 000 people less than the average in Ukraine. Also, the total area of all UTC in Cherkasy region equals to 3,4 km2, or 16,6 % of the area of the region, which is almost half the average of the country. On average, the area of one UTC equals to 134 km2, which is much less than the average in the state.

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In Chernivtsi region there are 26 united territorial communities. The total number of residents in them equals to 268 thousand people, or 29,7 % of the population of the region, exceeding 16 % of the average in the country. In Cherkasy region, the average population of one UTC equals to 10,319 people, this figure exceeds the average for the state by 1,913 people. The total area of all UTC equals to 3,2 km2, or 39,6 % of the area of the region, which is almost twice the average in Ukraine. Also, the area of one UTC is almost half the national average and equals to 123 km2.

There are 37 UTC in Chernihiv region. The population in them equals to 355 thousand people, or 35,1 % of the total population of the region, and

it is almost three times more than the average in Ukraine. On one UTC the average number of population equals to 9,608 people which is 1,000 people more than the average for the country. In Cherkasy region, all UTC occupy the largest area in the state which equals to 16,3 km2, or 51,5 % of the total area of the region, which is 23 % higher than the national average. Also, the area of one UTG is almost twice the average area of one UTC in Ukraine equals to 447 km2.

As it can be seen from the analysis, UTC occupiy a significant area in all regions, which are home to more than 13 % of the population of Ukraine. In four regions, namely Zhytomyr, Terno-pil, Khmelnytsky and Chernihiv, the population in UTC exceeds 30 % of the total population. Also in three regions (Zhytomyr, Khmelnytskyi, Cherni-hiv) UTC occupy more than 50 % of the region. In particular, it should be noted that in five regions the number of population in UTC does not exceed 10 % of the total population of the region (Donetsk, Zakarpattia, Kyiv, Lu-hansk and Kharkiv regions).

Conclusion. When determining the economic potential of communities and their level of investment attractiveness, the indicator of the area of the territorial community is decisive. It is worth noting that the actual population of the community is an important element for obtaining financial assistance from the state budget.

Analyzing the efficiency of territorial communities it is important to rely not only on quantitative indicators but also on qualitative indicators, such as satisfaction of the population of the territorial communities, participation

of the local the population in the processes that occur in the community and the level of communication and informatization of the local population with government authorities.


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