Rasulov A.N.
Associate Professor of the Department of Management Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD) Chirchik State Pedagogical University
Abstract. This article discusses the importance, role, and conditions of organizing and conducting the educational process, and offers recommendations.
Key words and phrases: education, upbringing, technology, innovation, economy, social environment, stewardship, progress, honesty, integrity, pedagogy, nationalism, pedagogical innovations, hard work, ethics, the educational process, patriotism, the innovation process, and ethics.
Today, the progress of science and education is defined as the basis for the well-being of society's members. A close acquaintance with the educational system of the world's leading countries, innovations in the field of education, educational literature, pedagogical skills of teachers, specificity, goals and strategies of educational technologies, exchange of experience serve as a criterion for creating a quality educational environment.
The Third Renaissance requires reforms and innovations to achieve a high ranking among developed countries in social, economic, spiritual, moral and cultural fields. The world community needs to learn from the experiences of countries with high socio-economic status, adapt and test the learned experiences to national conditions, and use national and international intellectual resources as an opportunity to achieve innovations that will reform the life of society. "First of all, the development of education and upbringing, the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, the development of science and innovation should serve as the main pillars of our national idea. Creating a modern school based on the idea that the new Uzbekistan "begins from the school doorstep, from the education system" and developing a national education system that can meet international standards is becoming more and more important today.
The development of technology, the growth of science, the effectiveness of training, the interdependence of education and upbringing, the growth of production and services, the competitiveness of the health care sector determine the modern state strategies. The experience of developed countries has made it clear that the progress of society depends on the students who are educated and educated today.
"We must educate free, well-adjusted people who know their rights, rely on their strengths and capabilities, approach events independently, and at the same
time build their personal interests in harmony with the interests of the country and the people".
A student today can take on responsibility and accountability for tomorrow based on the education, knowledge, literacy, and upbringing that he or she has received. The result of the education received in the educational institution can be considered the ability of the trainee to find his place in social life, to become self-employed through the chosen field and profession, and to become a specialist who can independently find positive solutions to existing problems in the development of society. Measures to improve the system of continuous education and upbringing are also related to the reconstruction of the system in a democratic and humanitarian direction. Because the ideas and principles of humanitarianism are inextricably linked with the national idea, embodying the material and spiritual well-being of man, free, independent, creative activity, the highest and most advanced human qualities of human interaction, friendship, harmony, solidarity and caring for each other. The manifestation of humanitarianism is the highest human qualities such as justice, honesty, purity, honesty, hard work, patriotism, decency, conscience, faith, hospitality, humility, respect for dignity, shame and chastity, love of peace, nobility, putting the interests of the nation above one's own interests. And that, of course, puts the need to humanize the continuing education system on the agenda. This need expresses itself in the guidelines for the introduction of the ideas and recommendations put forward on this issue into the educational system, the content of social and human sciences.
From the soil of modern Uzbekistan have emerged many great thinkers and scholars who have made a significant contribution to the development of world civilization and are recognized on a global scale. The rich heritage of our ancestors continues to fascinate people all over the world with its great importance and scientific value. One of the most important tasks of our time is the careful study of the valuable jewels of the history of our country and the formation of mature people using the examples of this heritage. Today's task is to use the treasure of ancestors who left an indelible legacy in the education of a perfect person. In fact, the heritage of our ancestors is our identity, our spirituality, our origin. Take a look at the work of pioneers who codified the problems of education, the problems of perfection, and the problems of human development. The problem of educating young people to become fully-fledged human beings is the main theme of the study of the creative, pedagogical, literary, and intellectual life of people.
Imam al-Bukhari is the most powerful of the Hadith. He has more than 20 books, both large and small, which are listed in the "Al-jome as-sahih ". In his works, Imam al-Bukhari reflects on morality and urges people to respect their parents, to fulfill their duties to them. In their view of human qualities, insanity is a deadly disease. It makes people speak the truth and forget their promises. He points out three characteristics of a loyal person: lying, breaking promises, and betraying trust. He considers the strength of a person not in physical aggressiveness, but in controlling himself when ignorant.His works reflect
universal moral values such as the harmony of the family environment, peace, health and well-being of family members, respect for the young, respect for the elderly ... In the Hadiths of al-Termizi, there are many hadiths that call people to be brothers, to join the community in faith, to friendship and unity. All Muslims are brothers. They should never think of doing harm to each other. Whoever helps his Muslim brother, Allah will help him in the Hereafter. Whoever relieves the need of his ruler will be relieved by God. There is a saying that goes, "There are two things that most people don't appreciate: silence and leisure". Another great scholar, Muhammad ibn Musa Khorazmi, emphasized the importance of personal observation in education.
He considered superficial knowledge to be partial knowledge, and logical knowledge to be true knowledge. Khorezmi made an important contribution to the theory of knowledge. He believed that science and education were the primary means of bringing humanity to intellectual development. And Abu Nasr Farabi outlined the seven essential qualities of a person who can respond to the demands of society and serve that society. The philosopher believes that the highest quality of a human being is the attainment of happiness. Happiness, they say, is only achieved through the accumulation of useful knowledge. Because the highest level of human happiness is the process of learning. Almost all social qualities of a person are shaped and developed by the influence of the external social environment. Therefore, the goal-oriented education and upbringing and the free choice of the pupil play a crucial role in the formation of human qualities, says Farabi.
In the teachings of the nationalist scholar Abu Rayhon Beruni, he tells his students to guard their hearts against evil, against things that cannot be felt by the human being, against traditions, envy, greed, and lust. He believed that ignorance was the root cause of all evil. It emphasizes the role of curiosity, interest, and social environment in learning. He uses vain pride as a metaphor for virtue, saying in Reminiscences of the Ancients: "Pride is really the pursuit of virtue and high office, the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom, and the escape from existing notions beyond possibility". Whoever is found to have these qualities, the judgement will be to his advantage, and whoever is not found to have them, the judgement will be to his detriment. In the development of human intelligence, three things are important. It's the heritage, the social environment, and the correct education that is present in the current enlightenment, which also respects science. In the poet's opinion, the most important factors of human development are the acquisition of a lot of knowledge and high morality. Like many other thinkers, Ibn Sina expressed his vision of the perfect human being in a philosophical, sociological way. Let's look at the science of what it means to be a complete person. Abu Ali ibn Sina calls for the acquisition of knowledge, which is the first step to maturity. And the reason is that science breaks the laws of nature and society and passes them on to future generations. To achieve this goal, he says, one must not be afraid of the challenges one faces.
"Most people aren't afraid of trouble. The most feared of men is the one who fails to show maturity." Because a man of knowledge is brave, not afraid of death, but striving to know the truth, he said, continuing his thought. Ibn Sina suggests that the environment that surrounds a person's attractiveness plays an important role in the formation of a person, and that this environment not only affects a person's awareness of the world of attractiveness, but also affects the composition of positive or negative aspects in his behavior. She also believes that, it's important to be cautious in raising children, to keep them away from bad social environments. No matter what works of Ibn Sina on education and morality, we are convinced that these works still have a great importance in the education of our advanced generations, in making them wise, knowledgeable and strong, capable of responding to the demands of the time. In the teachings of the great thinker, Yusuf Hosse Hajib, human perfection and development were not considered at all.
Within pedagogy, the terms education, upbringing (physical and spiritual) are used in a narrower sense than described above. It's called education. It's an activity that aims to form students' perceptions of the world and social life. Education is based on a scientific worldview and the idea of accepted ideals, standards, and healthy relationships among members of society. Education in the pedagogical sense is the process by which moral attitudes, political, physical qualities, as well as psychological characteristics, behavioral reactions and habits are formed, thanks to which an individual can adapt to society and become an active participant in it. At the same time, for pedagogy, upbringing, education (physical, spiritual, moral) implies the result of some work. First of all, specific tasks are defined, and after a while, they are evaluated for their success. For pedagogy, not only education is important, but also self-education. It refers to the activity of creating positive qualities in oneself and destroying negative ones. It is known from the centuries-old observations of society that self-education is the main condition for the development of the personality, its perfection. Education is the process of imparting knowledge, acquiring skills and abilities, the main means of preparing a person for life, for work. In the process of education, knowledge is assimilated and education is implemented. Education refers to the concept of teaching in a narrow sense. But it's not just the process of learning in different educational institutions, but it's also the process of learning in the family, in production, and so on. The educational process includes:
a) acquisition of information about the properties of the world necessary for the successful organization of a particular type of experiment and practical activity (the product of this process is knowledge);
(b) development of methods and tools that create these types of activities (the product of this process is skills);
v) to master the methods of using the information provided for selecting and controlling the correct path and method according to the intended purpose and the given problem (the product of this process is the skill).
All human actions, which are directed by a conscious purpose in acquiring certain knowledge, skills and qualifications, are related to education. The essence, purpose and content of education are determined by the cultural progress of society, the development of science and technology, the level of implementation of production technologies, etc. Depending on social relations, the demand and need for general education, the professional training of the individual, the ideas about education, the essence, purpose, content, forms of organization, methods and means of implementation of education change and improve in different periods (stages) of human society. Education, by its very nature, is the result of the collaborative activities of those involved in the process. In the process of education, a person's worldview, abilities, and qualities change.
The purpose of education is determined by the progress, development, direction, content of social relations of the society. The main goal of education organized in the Republic of Uzbekistan today is to educate and develop a well-developed person. The main goal of our national model of training is to train well-developed individuals and professionals with intellectual potential, capable of ensuring the modern development of Uzbekistan in international standards, independent thinking, thinking, qualified, knowledgeable professionals, and at the same time, the inner qualities of the person have matured.
One of the main factors that make this possible is the educational process. The goal of education is to produce a well-rounded generation. This is a two-way process that requires organization and leadership, as well as activism on the part of the learner. The educator is the leader in this process. Because he understands the general goals and essence of social education, is well aware of the system of tasks being implemented in pursuit of the goal, selects and applies educational forms, methods and tools in a scientific way. Human personality is formed and developed by the influence of a multitude of factors: objective and subjective, natural and social, internal and external, dependent and not dependent on the consciousness of people. Therefore, the human being is not a passive entity that merely reflects external influences. He is the subject of his own personal formation and development.
Education is a pedagogical process organized for the purposeful improvement of the personality, which allows a systematic and systematic influence on the personality of the student.
Education is a practical pedagogical process aimed at the formation of certain physical, mental, moral, spiritual qualities in a person; a set of measures taken to ensure that a person has the necessary senses for living in society [6].
Therefore, education is a social phenomenon, the most ancient and eternal spiritual value that ensures the formation of a person as a person. Education is a part of humanity, without which neither the individual nor the human society can function. Because education is a value that ensures the existence of a person and society, and it is passed on from generation to generation.
The purpose of discipline is to develop a person's spiritual faculties. The transformation of worldview, belief, virtue, beauty, goodness, common sense and skills into personality qualities is achieved through education.
Experiments show that by following the above recommendations, it is possible to achieve educational and educational effectiveness in the organization of the educational and educational process.
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