Karimov T.Kh. teacher
"Information technologies" department Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
Annotation. It is known that raising a healthy, well-rounded generation of our country's youth, a person with creative and intellectual potential, a comprehensively developed person, mentally and physically healthy, has been defined as one of the priority tasks of the state policy. is being implemented.
Keywords: innovation, pedagogical technology, quality of education, IT specialists, innovative approach, artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality.
Educational standards necessary to ensure the effectiveness of science, practical advanced pedagogical experience unit and interrelation of students receiving education in higher education on the basis of state educational standards., rules, level and quality indicators embodying in themselves, requires becoming a qualified specialist. The level of preparation of the students for the specialty they have received should meet the requirements of the time and the market economy. This puts demands on us teachers, such as finding progressive methods of creative research teaching, making effective use of non-traditional methods of teaching from the achievements of the sciences. under the guidance of the teacher, it is appropriate to use new methods of conducting the educational process by the student. In this case, the content of higher education, the components of educational activity, its pedagogical and psychological characteristics and laws, the ways and means of its composition, assimilation, acquisition methods should be inculcated in the students.
An example of this is the Law on Education and the National Personnel Training Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The development of our country, respect and attention at the world level requires the education of the future generation to be strong and knowledgeable in all aspects. The second stage of the National Personnel Training Program is to improve the quality indicators in the educational process, i.e. to train competitive, high-level specialists in accordance with world standards. Finding solutions to these complex problems and their wide application in practice set huge tasks for future preschoolers and teachers. In this regard, as specific tasks, the improvement of the direct educational process, the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies of teaching, the wide use and introduction of technical tools are defined. Today, educational technologies for teaching in the field of pre-school education and methodological recommendations for their application are described in higher educational institutions. These recommendations are designed taking into account the rules of technology of
education, including the methods and tools for the development of training technologies, their important features.
It is also possible to use these methods of modern pedagogical communication technologies in teaching classes in preschool educational institutions. Currently, it can be seen from the world experience that new, modern methods and tools of teaching are entering the educational process and are being used effectively. In particular, innovative and modern pedagogic ideas are being implemented in preschool education areas of higher educational institutions: the teacher should not be the only source of learning, but the organizer, consultant of the students' independent work process, should be a manager of the educational process. It is these ideas that underlie the development of educational technology. It is important to use modern pedagogical methods of teaching and information technologies for students to master subjects. It uses electronic textbook methodical manuals, handouts, virtual stents and newly published modern literature. It is known that development has its influence in every sphere. Due to progress, research, updates are introduced. It is one of the new information and communication systems to ensure the fundamental reform of the education system.
For teachers, the computer is not only a modern teaching method, but also creates opportunities to further improve their professional skills. In particular, —Computer technology creates conditions for the practical expansion of educational information projects for the pedagogue, that is, it gives an opportunity to clearly imagine the situation of the use of colors, graphs, and multiplications. Using a computer expands the educational process of the pedagogue. Teaching is not limited to the use of a computer, but also creates an opportunity for the pedagogue to change the level of problems and assignments to students in various options.
In the digital economy, payments for services and goods are often made using electronic money, and this is a clear example of this process. The digital economy is based on the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT), which play an important role in various aspects of the modern technological and business world. In this article, we examine the role and functions of ICT in the digital economy.
1. Communication and communication: ICT enables real-time instantaneous transmission of information and communication. They allow people to communicate with each other regardless of distance, exchange information in any format - text, voice, video, etc. Thus, ICT contributes to the development of global communications and the creation of international network communities.
2. E-commerce: ICT plays an important role in the development of ecommerce or online trading. They allow companies to sell goods and services online, accept payments, manage orders and ensure delivery. E-commerce opens access to global markets and improves business efficiency.
3. Digitization of processes: ICT enables automation and optimization of various business processes. They help to improve the management of production,
logistics, finance and other aspects of enterprise activity. Digitization of processes also helps to reduce costs and increase efficiency.
4. Big Data and Analytics: ICT provides a wealth of data and information that can be analyzed and used to make business decisions. Big data and analytics enable companies to understand market needs, predict trends, improve processes and increase competitiveness. ICT also helps in creating tools for data visualization and performance monitoring.
5. Innovation and development: ICT is a platform for creating and developing new technologies and innovations. They support research and development in artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality and many other areas. ICT helps to create new business models and expand the boundaries of possibilities. Thus, information and communication technologies occupy a central place in the digital economy. They provide effective communication, development of ecommerce, digitization of processes, data analysis, innovation and development of new technologies. They help companies stay competitive and people get new opportunities to learn, work and play.
In the process of education, a unit of learning and education is formed based on the values of culture. In the process of education, a person is prepared for the social and professional roles he has to perform in social life. Changes in science and technology have a serious impact on the education system. Without raising the quality and level of education, it is impossible to introduce scientific and technical achievements into production and increase its efficiency.
One of the important requirements in the application of educational technologies is to achieve high results in a short time without spending too much mental and physical effort. also, monitoring the activities of students, assessing the level of knowledge, skills and qualifications acquired by them requires a high pedagogical skill from the teacher and a new approach to the educational process.
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