Эмгупронный н<учяо-жтодичесгу.й журнал
E. Khudinsha, E. Pestova, N. Saitova The Scientific and Technical Literature Reading on the Foreign Language as a Way of the Professional Competence Formation of the Agrarian University Students // Электронный научно-методический журнал Омского ГАУ. - 2018. -№2 (13) апрель - июнь. - URL http://e-journal.omgau.ru/images/issues/2018/2/00589.pdf. - ISSN 2413-4066
УДК 378. 147: 81'243
Elena Khudinsha
Candidate of Philology Sciences, Associate Professor FSBEI HE Omsk SA U, Omsk [email protected]
Elena Pestova
Senior Lecturer
FSBEI HE Omsk SA U, Omsk
Natalia Saitova
Senior Lecturer
FSBEI HE Omsk SA U, Omsk
The Scientific and Technical Literature Reading on the Foreign Language as a Way of the Professional Competence Formation of the Agrarian University Students
Abstract. The article is devoted to the reading of the authentic texts and the necessary information extraction for the best language adaption among the students of the agrarian higher educational institution. The modern specialist must know as the scientific and technical literature so as the authentic literature and must be able to read and work with such literature. The student of the non-linguistics higher educational institutions must have the formed reading skills on the foreign language. For reading skills forming the student must know some kinds of reading: reviewing (searching reading), reading with the total scope content (introductory reading) and learning reading. Each kind of reading has its own peculiarities and the teacher should pay special attention to them.
Keywords: foreign language, reading, scientific and technical literature, skills, text information, competence.
Nowadays there is the necessity in the foreign language possessing. The Russian Federal State Educational Standards of the higher education are worked out for students forming knowledge, skills and abilities of the studied subjects and on the subject "Foreign Language" as well. The modern specialist must know the technical literature and the authentic literature too.
The student of the non-linguistics higher educational institutions (e.g. the agrarian higher educational institutions) must have the formed reading skills. The texts of the technical character "the students of non-linguistics educational institutions must be able to translate, their future professionally-oriented activity will depend particularly upon the skills of their mastering
competence through the ability to work with the authentic technical and scientific literature" [3, p. 100]. The reading of the authentic texts and the necessary information extraction often cause the difficulties among the students because the metaphors, comparisons and epithets from the text should be matched with the corresponding equivalents of Russian. These difficulties in grammar and lexicology stop the students in reading and translating such texts and also the loss of the interest and techniques of the text reading continuation can be given by the unknown facts from the field of science. The teacher should provide for them and prevent these difficulties.
To be an independent kind of communicative activity, reading is the important condition and the means of students' communicative competence formation: it improves lexical and grammar knowledge, it widens vocabulary and it helps to develop oral and writing language. The reading of authentic literature also widens the knowledge about the language-speaking countries, forming the social and cultural competence for the best language adaptation.
In the history of the mankind reading appeared later than the oral speech and on its foundation. It became the autonomous means of the communication and cognition. Thanks to the reading, in the process of which the information extraction from the text is, the passing and appropriation of the experience can be. And the process of reading itself supposing analysis, synthesis, generalization and mind, carries out the greater educational role. It polishes the intellect and it sharpens feelings [4, 139].
While reading the special literature one should differentiate such kinds of reading as reviewing (searching reading), reading with the total scope content (introductory reading) and learning reading.
The purpose of reviewing reading is the text content understanding in general. Before the beginning of reading it's better to put away the language difficulties. "One should draw attention at German complex nouns translation because they have the known words in their compounds [2]. The distinctive peculiarity of German complex nouns which you should translate into Russian as the word combination can stand the definite difficulty under their reading and translating. The students usually read the connective consonants with the consequent words and the meanings of these words can be distorted by the students. One should pay attention at this problem doing the corresponding exercises which can help to read and to translate them correct.
The introductory reading aims the meaning of the text at whole. To prevent the difficulties under the translation of the text the teacher should offer to the students to give the title of the text and make a plan of the studied material. The students read the text first and then they try to determine its main topic. Reading every part of the text, the students remark the main information of every part and some additional information. They determine the text parts which contain the very important information from the text. After it they generalize the information in whole one.
The learning reading makes the readers extract the information from the text entirely. The students read the text again and translate it. To work out the skill of such kind of reading the teacher should offer the students to make a summary of the text, to make an annotation, to translate definite parts of the text into Russian, to distribute facts from the text according their importance. It's better to do exercises to the text elements and to the whole text. The practice of one of these skills helps reduce the working time and do more training exercises [1, p.116].
These kinds of reading must be used jointly. The skill of reading the texts supposes all kinds of reading possessing and the easiness of transition from one kind of reading to another one. It depends on the change of purpose of getting information from the text. The skill of foreign language possessing mustn't be formed without the teaching reading. The modern graduate of the agrarian higher educational institution must be able to cope with the technical literature reading on the foreign language as well.
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