Mahamadhodjayeva U.^ Email: [email protected]
Abstract: the current article discusses the issue of the role of women in Indian society. The issue covers all spheres of society and relevant branches of education and religious literature. In order to understand the status of women in India we have to study the problem in socio-cultural context. It seems that, the indispensability of women as reproducers of human societies has become an instrument of their enslavement. It is often said that the inherent strength of a society, a culture and a system is judged by the way its women are treated and the role assigned to them by the society.
Keywords: society, women, brahmavadinis, female culture, gender equality, women society.
Махамадходжаева Умида Тураходжаевна - преподаватель, кафедра интенсивного обучения второму иностранному языку, Узбекский государственный университет иностранных языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье обсуждается вопрос о роли женщин в индийском обществе. Выпуск охватывает все сферы общества и соответствующие отрасли образования и религиозной литературы. Чтобы понять положение женщин в Индии, мы должны изучить проблему в социокультурном контексте. Похоже, что незаменимость женщин как воспроизводителей человеческих обществ, стала инструментом их порабощения. Часто говорят, что неотъемлемая сила общества, культуры и системы оценивается по тому, как с женщинами обращаются, и по той роли, которую им отводит общество.
Ключевые слова: общество, женщины, брахмавадини, женская культура, гендерное равенство, женское общество.
UDC 316-74
Introduction. In most of the human social orders, social separation between the genders, the male and female existed and in lion's share of them ladies were allotted an second rate position. In later times within the communist social orders balance of status has been allotted to ladies, but it is frequently lawful than existential. In this way ladies bookkeeping for about one half of the human populace live in ceaseless subordination to the other half the men. Ladies are considered basically as reproducers in spite of the fact that they concocted farming and create around fifty percent of world's nourishment. Their part as makers is recognized but it is seen as a transferable part [2].
Literature Review. Our old sacred writing, such as Rigveda, appears that ladies are completely the breaks even with of men as respects to get to and capacity for the most elevated information, indeed the information of the outright Brahma. The brahmavadinis were items of instructive teach of brahmacharya, for which ladies were moreover qualified. The Rigveda alludes to youthful young ladies completing their instruction as brahmacharinis
and after that picking up spouses, in whom they were consolidated like streams within the sea. The Yajurveda moreover states that a girl who has completed her bramhacharya ought to be hitched to one who is essentially learned [4].
Besides, "Indian girl isn't served from the company of her mother and the other ladies within the family, in spite of the fact that like her brothers, she proceeds to be cared for by her mother, but more casually than some time recently, as she slowly learns to be like her mother by taking care of herself as well as the other more youthful children within the family. Late childhood moreover marks the starting of an Indian girl's consider preparing for how to be a great lady, and consequently the cognizant teaching of culturally designated feminine parts. She learns that Excellencies of womanhood, which is able take her through life, are accommodation and resignation as well as ability and elegance in different family tasks". Be that as it may, female culture as reflected in numbers, wedding tunes and jokes, ladies tend to respond against the segregation of their culture by portraying men as unsuccessful, fickle and childlike. All these components offer assistance to diminish the harm to a girl's self-esteem when she realizes that she is considered second rate to a boy which she finds when she gets to be mindful of sex personality within the late childhood [1].
The incredible socio-religious progressive holy person, Swami Vivekananda expressed that, the nation which had no regard for woman-hood seem never ended up extraordinary. He said, "If you are doing not raise the lady who is but the living embodiment of the Divine Mother, don't think that there's any other way for country to rise" [5]. To talk of sexual orientation balance is to talk approximately the world where perfect circumstance would be that both men and ladies are treated rise to in all regards. In spite of the fact that the Indian religion and reasoning consider womanhood closer to holiness and our devout sacred writings relegate respectable position of pride and respect to a lady and womanhood has been worshiped with tall regard in our history, still in reality this mulled over correspondence has remained a myth.
In arrange to quicken the pace of advancement of ladies, the Government of India, made an isolated division in 1985 named "Department of Ladies and Child Welfare". The division capacities as a national nodal office and is in charge of arranging and executing different programs for ladies conjointly screens other programs related to ladies in other offices and Services, both at the national and state levels [3].
In expansion, Women Advancement Enterprises were set up in different states amid 1986-87, as arrange needs. These organizations are in charge of planning and checking the female particular plans and programs, particularly those for the improvement of financially in reverse women". They were setup in numerous states to require up different issues related to ladies, such as settlement, separate, outrages on ladies etc. The Government of India hence created Institutional system beneath arrange needs for the improvement of ladies additionally presented extraordinary plans for ladies to be actualized all through the nation. In 1987 "Support to Preparing and Business Program (STEP) was propelled for up gradation of expertise, preparing and giving consequent openings for the financially in reverse ladies, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) was made in 1993 to meet out the poor of little advances and credit of destitute, Provincial Water Supply Program (RWSP) and Least Needs Program (MNP) which had uncommon significance for ladies in provincial regions having issues of drinking water. Other offices such as 'Council for Headway of people's Activity and Provincial Instructing (CAPART) are working for giving help through organization courses of action. The National Imminent arrange for ladies (1988- 2000) driven to the setting up of State Ladies Improvement Enterprises in different states of India [5].
The World Bank depicts the picture of Women's Status in India as beneath: "Women are a crucial portion of the Indian economy, constituting, one-third of the national work constrain and a major donor to the survival of the family." The poorer is family, the more prominent its reliance on women's salary. In spite of advance in a few key pointers, a sexual orientation investigation of most social and financial information illustrates that ladies in
India proceed to be generally drawbacks in things of survival, wellbeing, nourishment, education and productivity [7].
More than 90 percent of rustic ladies in India are untalented, limiting them to paid occupations. Ladies by and large have no control over arrive and other profitable resources, which to a great extent prohibits them from get to organization credit and renders them subordinate on tall fetched casual sources of credit to secure capital for utilization and profitable purposes [6].
Conclusion. Indian women have been fruitful in making strides their status in India. Social laborers and political and lawful environment empowered them to demonstrate themselves as a break even with accomplice in advancing social financial and political improvement of the society.
References / Список литературы
1. Das Deenbandhu and Misha B.N. "Women Empowerment - Perspectives of Development" in Kalpana Sinha (ed) ibid., 1988. Page 98.
2. Purandeswari D. Myths and Realities of Women Empowerment". Univeristy News, 1972. Vol. 48. № 44. Page 42.
3. Government of India, Minister of Human Resource Development (IV World Conference Beijing) Country Report, 1995.
4. Kakar S' "Indian Childhood: Cultural ideals and social reality" New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1979.
5. Kalpan Sinha (ed) "Empowerment of Women in South Asia" Sunita Singh - Sengupta "Socio cultural Determinants of Women in Leadership", 2000. Page 127.
6. Omen T.K. and Venugopal C.N. "Sociology" Eastern Book Company, Lucknow, 1993. Page 360.
7. World Bank News Released 97/1292 SAS "Indian Rural Development Project to empower women". March 27, 1997.