Sarvinoz Burkhonovna Sharipova
Teacher at Uzbekistan State University of Physical Culture and Sports
Bakhtiyor Ergashevich Kodirov
Teacher at Uzbekistan State University of Physical Culture and Sports
The importance of Article communication rests on the fact that people do not know and do not use the right words, and stops when people lack the necessary words. Given the communicative power of vocabulary, language teachers make every effort to facilitate the learning process. In recent years, there has been a trend for teachers to shift focus away and make students be more responsible for their learning. Attempts have been made to design more student-centered activities for the intended lexical inclusion. Although it may also seem a great help in learning the vocabulary of a teacher's explanations and examples, they are unlikely to become a long-term part of the reader's vocabulary storeonida, provided the words are just Iceberg.
Keywords: to engage with, to shift focus away, to ensure, to contribute, knowledge affect, task-based activities, Furthermore, students begin to consider, to relevancy, to learning language, in relation to, to the amount of enjoyment and interest, traditional approach to teaching, to focus on helping learners, the results of the study.
It has long been known that vocabulary is one of the main components of a language and all language learners are aware that limitations in their vocabulary knowledge affect their communication skills. Communication breaks down when people do not know and do not use the right words and it stops when people lack the necessary words.
Taking into account the communicative power of vocabulary, language teachers make every endeavor to facilitate the learning process. In recent years, there has been a trend to shift the focus away from the teacher and make students be more responsible for their own learning. Attempts have been made to design more student-centered activities for intended lexical input. Furthermore although a teacher's explanations and examples may seem of great help in vocabulary learning, they are
unlikely to become a long-term part of the learner's vocabulary store, presenting words is only the of the iceberg. Vocabulary in effective when it entails active engagement in learning tasks. To ensure that learner get to know the new words, they will need plentiful opportunities to engage with the words and to put them to work in a variety of contexts. That is, the teacher's responsibility does not only lie in helping learners meet some new words, but also in making sure that those new words are learned, stored, and recalled. In other words, the leaner need not only to learn a lot of words, but to remember them as well.
Therefore, in promoting vocabulary learning, there is a need for an approach, in which all leaners are required to make contributions. Most importantly, language students need the willingness to be active learners over a long period of time: otherwise, there will be a low chance of retaining vocabulary regardless of the quality of instruction. Moreover, in order to learn and remember new words, learners should take part in different task-based activities such as conversation making games, role-plays, narrative writing, or even speaking tasks which especially focus on helping learners develop and use words in different contexts by making the lessons enjoyable. Language teachers' main concern, therefore, is to ensure that what is taught will be permanently retained in long tern memory. In fact, retrieving vocabulary is an effective way of learning. In other words, for acquisition to take place, language learners must work with a word or phrase many times. Despite the abundant number of methods and techniques proposed to help learners learn the new vocabulary items at instruction phase, less attention is paid to techniques which may help the retention of those items. Learners are usually left with a large number of items they are expected to recall after the initial instruction on definition and use of the words, most of which fade away by the passage of time. Although research has been carried out on vocabulary teaching methods for language learners, research pertaining to providing opportunities to use new vocabulary in authentic contexts is limited. Thus, to contribute to the thriving body of research in this field, this study sought to investigate activities which can help encourage the above mentioned processes to occur and which can facilitate learning vocabulary. It aimed to examine the effect of narrative writing, games, role-play and other speaking activities on the vocabulary learning of elementary EFL students in order to find out which activity would be of more help in the vocabulary learning process.
Vocabulary learning is a memory task, but it also involves creative and personalized use, that is, learning and using.S. Brumfit, K. Johnson argue that meeting a word in a number of different environents will help learners grasp its full meaning. Moreover, it will help the learner realize what part of speech the word is, that is, it it is a noun or a verb, etc.he further highlights the importance of progressive fashion that goes beyond rote memorization in vocabulary learning. Students need to practice regularly what they have learnt:otherwise, the material will fade item. As H.G.Widdowson has demonstrated, at the beginning ,an explicit approach which focuses directly on establishing the form-meaning link can be most effective, while later, the exposure
Approach can be most beneficial in enhancing contextual knowledge .H.G.Widdowson wrote " The traditional approach to teaching the transmission model promotes neither the interaction between prior and new knowledge nor the conversation that are neccessary for internalization and deep understanding. The information if acquired at all, is usually not well integrated with other knowledge held by the students ".
S.Brumfit, K.Johnson explain that good word instruction takes place in classrooms where lessons pay special attention to specific words and word-learning strategies, where learners are provided with sample opportunities to talk about words, and there are many occasions for applying the taught material into content-rich texts with motivating purposes. For this means the reseachers of the present study opted for your different activities namely,game, role-play,narrative writing and speaking task. The importance of writing good quality narrative has long been recognized in the field of education. H.G. Widdowson points out that writing in context is a tool for general second language improvement provided that pays special attention to vocabulary use. Furthermore, students begin to consider the relevancy of learning language in relation to the amount of enjoyment and interest they receive through narrative writing. Previous studies have assessed effects of writing target words in sentences or compositions. Several studies have drawn the conclusion that using new words to write a composition results in better word learning compared to reading a text for comprehension, regardless of whether new words are glossed or looked up. Ye.L. Passov found that learners writing compositions remembered a set of target words better than those who saw the words in a reading comprehension task, and learners who supplied missing target words in gaps in the reading text remembered
more of those words than learners who read marginal glosses. In both comparisons, the "better learning" case had higher involvement according to Ye.L.Passov's scheme.
The results of the study carried out by G. Makhkamova on English as a second language (ESL) learners' vocabulary use in writing and effects of explicit vocabulary instruction and indicated that 13,9 % of recognized target vocabulary was productive in writing after reading instruction and comprehension exercise and before target vocabulary instruction . This increased significantly to 63, 62 % after target vocabulary instruction and productive use of newly learned vocabulary. Thus, newly learned productive vocabulary increased significantly in an immediate writing task after explicit instruction.
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