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Role of Village Assistant / Utilizing Village Fund Allocations / Village Community Empowerment

Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Sri Suatmiati, Rapen Astori

The background of this research is the importance of village assistants in utilizing the village fund budget to realize village community empowerment. This study uses the type of empirical juridical research. This research's primary data is secondary data supported by primary data. Secondary data in this study were obtained from library materials, such as official documents, books, research reports, diaries, newspapers, and papers. Then the primary data is obtained directly from research informants, namely village heads, sub-district heads and community leaders, and village assistants, who are intentionally selected to obtain information relevant to the research problems. Based on the results of the research shows that 1) The Role of Village Facilitators in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Empowerment of Village Communities in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency is not following its role, especially the role in providing direction, namely only providing directives only administrative directives, providing direction so that village funds do not depart from the principles of the village law. Moreover, the role of the village assistant as a facilitator, the facilitation carried out by the assistant is only carried out with the village government so that the relations and contributions related to empowerment to the community are not so significant; and 2) Factors that influence the implementation of the Village Facilitator's role in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Village Community Empowerment in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency, namely the Village Facilitators who are owned are inadequate in terms of the quantity of Village Facilitators who are domiciled in the Village or known as Village Facilitators are only two people who are assigned to assist eight Villages and their facilities and infrastructure. Inadequate means of transportation where the distance between the companion's residence and the assisted Gemiung village is very far.

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Master of Law Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang, Indonesia12 Email: [email protected], rapenastoril @gmail.com, "Correspondence author: [email protected]

Abstract: The background of this research is the importance of village assistants in utilizing the village fund budget to realize village community empowerment. This study uses the type of empirical juridical research. This research's primary data is secondary data supported by primary data. Secondary data in this study were obtained from library materials, such as official documents, books, research reports, diaries, newspapers, and papers. Then the primary data is obtained directly from research informants, namely village heads, sub-district heads and community leaders, and village assistants, who are intentionally selected to obtain information relevant to the research problems. Based on the results of the research shows that 1) The Role of Village Facilitators in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Empowerment of Village Communities in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency is not following its role, especially the role in providing direction, namely only providing directives only administrative directives, providing direction so that village funds do not depart from the principles of the village law. Moreover, the role of the village assistant as a facilitator, the facilitation carried out by the assistant is only carried out with the village government so that the relations and contributions related to empowerment to the community are not so significant; and 2) Factors that influence the implementation of the Village Facilitator's role in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Village Community Empowerment in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency, namely the Village Facilitators who are owned are inadequate in terms of the quantity of Village Facilitators who are domiciled in the Village or known as Village Facilitators are only two people who are assigned to assist eight Villages and their facilities and infrastructure. Inadequate means of transportation where the distance between the companion's residence and the assisted Gemiung village is very far.

Keywords: Role of Village Assistant; Utilizing Village Fund Allocations; Village Community Empowerment.


Development is something that the state knows. The purpose of development itself is to improve people's welfare. The State of Indonesia's governance system consists of Regions covering several Cities/ sub district. At the same time, Regency/City regions are divided into Villages and sub district, which are the lowest administrative units. Regions are given wider discretion to regulate all governance outside the central government's authority to formulate regional policies for improving services, community empowerment, and true and responsible independence (Zastrow & Hessenauer, 2022).

The village government has the power or authority to manage its household as well as the authority and power as a delegate from the government, where the Village is the place for all matters of all aspects of the unity of the village community (Kondratyev & Fadeeva, 2021). The village head, the highest leader, must properly carry out his duties and obligations in implementing development. There are also many reviews of villages in government laws and regulations stipulated in Law 6 of 2014 concerning information.

The achievement of village development goals is an important part of development. The village has a very important place in the State of Indonesia as a tool to achieve the goals of the State and as an institution that strengthens the structure of the State government. Rural development aims to improve the welfare of rural communities, the quality of human life and reduce poverty. This can be achieved by fulfilling basic needs by developing village facilities and infrastructure, developing local

economic potential, and using natural resources and the environment sustainably (Hajar, Tanjung, and Yenni 2017).

In general, village development is a process of change carried out carefully and planned through development steps supported by Village Fund Allocations. Allocation of village funds is often used to develop and administer village governance. In its development, the village has developed various types of empowerment to become an independent, advanced and strong village to achieve a just, prosperous and prosperous society. There are several regulations regarding Village Fund Allocation, namely: Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, Government Regulation No. 72 of 2005 concerning Villages, and Government Regulation No. 37 of 2007 concerning Guidelines for Village Financial Management (Yulihantini & Wardayati, 2017)

The presence of the Village Fund has a major influence on the welfare of village communities. The implementation of government administration financing, implementation of development, community development, and community empowerment is regulated in Government Regulation Number 60 of 2014 Article I; Village Funds are funds sourced from the Government Revenue and Expenditure Budget, which are intended for villages transferred through the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget. Districts/cities sourced from the Government Revenue and Expenditure Budget, currently the village government can manage its village finances. Each village is given the ability to manage these funds for village development (Nonet, Selznick, and Kagan 2017). Utilization Allocation of Village Funds Poured out by the government should be used as appropriate according to the regulations made by the government. Village funds, which are quite large, are very useful for the community's progress and empowerment of the people in the village (Ignatius & Fidelis, 2021).

OKU Selatan Regency is a developing district with a fairly large area and is even known for its rich natural products. This district has many villages that are starting to develop. However, in particular, the Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency, still needs to carry out development, where the local revenue helps or supports the community in the process of growth and development. This, of course, must be balanced with the performance of the village government in carrying out development which is supported by the village budget.

There are 8 villages in Buana Pemaca District, with a total Village Fund Allocation Accepted for each village which in detail can be seen in the table below.

Table 1. Amount of Village Fund Allocation for Each Village in Buana Pemaca District in 2022

No Village Realization of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) source of funds

1 Bandar IDR 760.000.000 APBN

2 Damarpura IDR 760.000.000 APBN

3 Gemiung IDR 660.000.000 APBN

4 Jagaraga IDR 782 .000.000 APBN

5 Sinar Danau IDR 760.000.000 APBN

6 Tanjung Beringin IDR 780.000.000 APBN

7 Tekana IDR 775 .000.000 APBN

8 Tunas Jaya IDR 770 .000.000 APBN

Source: Documentation of Buana District Office, Pemaca District, South OKU Regency, 2022

The table above shows that of the 8 villages in Buana Pemaca District, the amount of Village Fund Allocation in 2022 received by each Village is almost the same on average. Only one Village, namely Gemiung village, where the realization of Village Fund Allocations received sourced from APBN funds shows the figure of IDR 660,000,000, which means that the funds received by Gemiung Village were the lowest compared with other villages. As Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number190 PMK.07/2021 about Management Village Fund. Village funds are the obligation of the Central Government to allocate transfer funds to inner Village APBN as mandated in Article 22 paragraph (1) letter b and paragraph (2) of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning villages. This is also in line with Article 96, paragraphs 1 and 2 of Government Regulation 47 of 2015 amendments to Government Regulation 43 of 2014 as implementing regulations for the Village Law where the amount of Village Fund Allocation receipts for each Village is regulated in calculations made by Regency/Municipal Governments by taking into account the administrative procedures the method regulated by Government Regulation which is then outlined in a Regent/Mayor Regulation. As with the Regulation of the District Head of OKU Selatan Regency Number 8 of 2021, the Government is intensively implementing a village assistance program to assist village governments in advancing villages and empowering village communities to utilize the Allocation of village funds. Village assistants have a very important influence on village government, namely exploring, accommodating and channeling community aspirations in rural and regional development in a participatory manner and capacity building for village governments and village social institutions to develop and empower village communities. So that at this level, it becomes the foundation of community expectations for programs that will be implemented by the Government, especially for community welfare and the development of the Village itself (Richardson et al., 2019). Village assistant is a position under The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia whose formation was based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages whose task is to assist villages in the maintenance of village development and village community empowerment. Judging from the duties and functions of village assistants based in sub-districts, they are facilitators who carry out community empowerment actions through village assistance, organization, direction and facilitation. It was also emphasized that the issuance of Government Regulation Number 47 of 2015 concerning amendments to Government Regulation Number 43 of 2014 concerning Regulations for Implementing Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages which added Local Village Assistants who are directly domiciled in the Village is a positive thing to be a liaison between assistants at the sub-district level and village level so that in escorting the implementation of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages it can be carried out in a participatory manner by village communities (Angelia et al., 2020).

The hopes and needs of the community that have been researched and responded to by the village assistant will not be realized if there is no harmonious collaboration between the village assistant and the village government to meet community needs which will affect development itself, such as in Gemiung Village, Buana District, Pemaca District, OKU Regency South with lowland areas that are mostly populated livelihood farmers, there is no government policy regarding village development, apart from the infrastructure sector and implementing state, local Government, and local government programs. The following is the use of village fund allocations following Presidential Regulation No. 104 of 2021 and Permendagri Number 114 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Village Development in Gemiung Village, Buana District, Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency in the following detail.

Table 2. Use of Gemiung Village Fund Allocation, Buana District, District OKU District

ReaderSouth Years 2022

No Utility Use of ADDs percentage

1 Covid-19 Funds IDR 52.800.000 8%

2 Animal Food Security IDR 132.000.000 20%

3 BLT IDR 264.000.000 40%

4 Village community development and empowerment IDR 211.200.0000 32%

Total IDR 660.000.0000 100%

Source: Documentation of Buana District Office, Pemaca District, South OKU Regency, 2022

Based on the table above shows that the Allocation of Village Funds, apart from being used as a BELT part, is mostly used for the Development and Empowerment of village communities. For this reason, the importance of village assistants in utilizing the village fund budget is aimed at realizing village community empowerment. This is carried out because Community and Village empowerment is always related to various problems, including poverty, access to fulfilling the needs of a decent life, social inequality, institutions that have not run effectively, and village community independence are described on community issues at the local rural level (Purnomo et al., 2020). The importance of this research was carried out because the aim of community and village empowerment was carried out because there was still community powerlessness (marginalization, isolation and community limitations); The ongoing issues of poverty and inequality; many programs are unsustainable and instead create dependence on the community; and powerlessness can be caused by the structural conditions of the community which contain elements of discrimination and domination. Through this research, it is hoped that it will become a reference for realizing community empowerment goals.

Based on the background above, the researcher is interested in raising the title "The Role of Village Facilitators in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Village Community Empowerment in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency)".


2.1 Types of research

This study uses the type of empirical juridical research. The research was conducted based on the main legal material by examining theories, concepts, legal principles and statutory regulations and supported by the results in the field by interviews related to this research (Hammond & Wellington, 2020).

2.2 Types and Data Sources

The primary data in this research is secondary data and is supported by primary data. Secondary data in this study were obtained from library materials, such as official documents, books, research reports, diaries, newspapers, and papers. Then the primary data is data obtained directly from research informants, namely village heads, sub-district heads and community leaders, and village assistants, who are intentionally selected to obtain information relevant to research problems (Corti et al., 2019).

2.3 Data Collection Techniques

Primary data is data obtained from interviews with research sources. Secondary data is legal materials related to research problems, and data researchers obtain from the literature (Burdon, 2020).

2.4 Data analysis technique

Data analysis used qualitative analysis, which was used to study practical juridical aspects through descriptive-analytical methods. The data that has been managed is then analyzed using inductive-abstractive logic. A logic that starts from "specific to general". Conceptualization, categorization and description were developed based on events obtained during field activities (Geberth, 2020).


3.1 The Role of Village Facilitators in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Empowerment of Village Communities in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan District Based on field observations, the Role of Village Facilitators in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize the Empowerment of Village Communities in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency, is not following its role, especially the role in providing direction, namely only providing directives that are administrative only, providing direction so that village funds do not go beyond the principles of the village law. This is evidenced by the previous government program, namely PNPM Rural, where the facilitator only works as a planner who dictates the village apparatus, and little is used for empowering the community. Related research explains that there is still a need for more supervision or village assistance, and it is recommended that village assistants be more active in conducting training on supervision methods and strategies and introducing supervisory models.

Besides that, the role of the Village Assistant is also referred to as a facilitator, who facilitates the Village government in the context of improving the quality of society and Village development. as has been explained in the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 47 of 2015 and the Regulation of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2015.

However, the role of village assistant extension workers is limited to their obligation to convey innovations and/or to influence empowerment beneficiaries through certain methods and techniques until they are aware and capable of adopting the innovations themselves (Ledwith, 2020). Based on the results of the interviews, the government made regulations containing village community empowerment to ensure the well-being of all Indonesian citizens, especially in lagging areas. Therefore a Village Assistant was formed, namely a position under The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Indonesian Transmigration which was formed based on the Village Law and is tasked with increasing community empowerment in a village. The existence of village assistants formed by the government is a form of implementing regulations law-Invitation No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages enforced by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration in the village community development and empowerment program. The tasks given by the government to village assistants are in the form of mentoring and supervision, meaning that the task of village assistants is only to help direct them by providing suggestions, ideas and ideas, as well as guiding and increasing community empowerment so that people are more participatory in implementing village development. Alone.

The role of the village assistant is as a facilitator. The facilitation carried out by the assistant is only carried out with the village government so that the relations and contributions related to empowerment to the community are not so significant. As a co-organizer, it is different from the assigned functions and tasks, namely, being able to organize the community. This occurs due to the need for more interaction between the assistant and the community. This incident was also due to programs originating from village fund allocations mostly used for physical development only. The theory of the role of the village assistant states that a social circle (Social Circle) is a place where a person gets and carries out his social role (Braddock, 2020). The role relates to many parties involved in the role carried out depending on the big or not given role. Local government and other related institutions certainly have an important role, and that part is different in carrying out the role.

The disparity between cities and villages is one of the driving factors for establishing policies in village development and community empowerment following the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia, and village assistants are in charge of carrying out these activities. Following Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 47 of 2015 amendments to government regulation number 43 of 2014 concerning implementing regulations of law number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, it has been explained that village assistants consist of Village Local Facilitators (PLD) who are domiciled in the village, village assistant staff on duty at the sub-district, expert staff on duty at the district level.

Village Facilitators are professional facilitators recruited through labor screening professionals in community development and empowerment; Village Facilitators are contract workers, and Village Facilitators work under a work contract with a predetermined period. This policy on community empowerment is a procedural policy, namely a policy or decision made to be implemented by a companion village.

This is explicitly supported by the role of village assistants as stipulated in Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, whose implementation rules are described in Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 47 of 2015 amendments to Government Regulation No. 43 of 2014 concerning Regulations for Implementing Law No. 6 2014 concerning Villages accompanied by Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2015 concerning Village Facilitators. In this case, the Village Assistant is appointed to accompany Inner village development and carry out empowerment to the community in the form of responsibilities in the form of tasks that must be carried out, namely: This is in line with the Community Empowerment Theory, where Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning villages it is stated the notion of village community empowerment as an effort to develop self-sufficiency and well-being in society by increasing knowledge, attitudes, skills, behavior, abilities, awareness, and utilizing resources through the establishment of policies, program, activities, and assistance following the essence of the problem and the priority needs of the village community. The role of the Village Facilitator is to assist and empower the Village community in carrying out development following regulations of the Ministry Village to carry out the mandate of Law Number 6 of 2014.

3.2 Factors Influencing the Implementation of the Role of Village Facilitators in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Empowerment of Village Communities in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan District

The organization does not serve itself in the context of development, which includes the relationship between society and the state. Organizing is intended to develop or increase the participation of the community. Community organizing attempts to build people's power to utilize their potential optimally. On the other hand, other people can understand a critical environment and take independent, independent actions to overcome the problems faced.

Community development and empowerment activities can be interpreted as a process carried out by the government or a community empowerment institution so that people always know, want, and can adopt innovations to create increased productivity and income to improve the quality of life and welfare of society as a whole (Yusuf et al., 2019).

The factors that influence the implementation of the role of Village Facilitators in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Village Community Empowerment in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency, are as follows:

First, the Village Facilitators they have needs to be improved in quantity; Village Facilitators who are based in the Village or known as Village Facilitators, are only two people assigned to assist eight Villages. Meanwhile, in the procedure letter assistance, decision recruitment bykemenDec specified that one Local Village Assistant would be assigned in Districts with several Villages from 1 (one) to 4 (four) Villages. If the number of villages in one district is more than 4 (four) villages, then the calculation is that the number of Villages is divided by 4 (four). If there is a remainder of 1 (one) to 3 (three) Villages, then one Local Village Assistant will be added. However, only two village assistants assisted eight villages in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency.

This means that in planning, implementing and monitoring as well as maintenance, the community is most importantly involved because it is the community who feels the problems they are facing at Village. With all the limitations of natural resources and human resources that are owned, this proposal is expected to be able to answer the problems faced, be resolved immediately and have a large impact on the community, both in terms of the economy and infrastructure. Second, facilities and infrastructure. Inadequate transportation facilities where the distance between the companion's residence and the assisted Gemiung village is very far because the village assistant has a travel distance of up to three hours, reducing time and influencing effectiveness in assistance.

Planning is the most important stage in managing Village Funds because planning is a process for determining appropriate future actions through a sequence of choices, considering available resources. The stages of planning include the preparation of the Village Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMDes), the Village Government Work Plan (RKP Village), and the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBDes), in which the amount of the village budget is sourced from the Village Fund (DD). In this stage, the village assistant has an important contribution in directing the preparation of an activity plan to suit the needs of the community and the priorities set by the government.

After the planning has been carefully prepared, the other most important thing is the implementation of the budget, which contains the allocation and realization of village funds. The allocation must follow the needs of the village community but still pay attention to the priority scale set by the government, which states that the Village Fund (DD) is prioritized to finance development spending and empower the village community. At this stage, village assistants are required to facilitate activities originating from village funds, including development which places more emphasis on procuring village infrastructure or facilities and the use of natural resources and the environment sustainably. Meanwhile, in community empowerment, village assistants are more emphasized on facilitating community development, especially for poverty alleviation and increasing access to the Village's economic, social, cultural, health and educational resources.

Then the monitoring stage is an important thing that must be considered in managing village funds. Monitoring can also be interpreted as monitoring, which means the continuous process of planning and implementing activities (Khalid et al., 2019). Therefore, monitoring needs to be carried out to evaluate the implementation and allocation of village funds to identify the success of an activity. In this case, the concern is the success of the program management of village funds. So monitoring of the management of village funds needs to be improved through new strategies and innovations so that the management of village funds can be utilized properly. For this reason, it is hoped that village funds can be allocated for the welfare of the village community and not solely for the benefit of officials. Therefore village assistants who are independent parties or external village structures should be able to monitor the management of village funds carefully and honestly so that the program of activities implemented can be in line with the government's expectations.

The Village Fund Program embodies the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) policy guided by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. This program has existed since the election of President Jokowi which was realized through Presidential Regulation Number 36 of 2015 concerning Details of the State Budget for the 2015 Fiscal Year which is a change from Presidential Regulation Number 162 of 2014 concerning Details of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the 2015 Fiscal Year, which was compiled based on Law Number 3 of 2015 concerning the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the 2015 fiscal year. For this reason, the village government must manage village funds properly based on the provisions determined following the planning, implementation and monitoring stages.


The Role of Village Facilitators in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Village Community Empowerment in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency, is not following its role, especially the role in providing direction, namely only providing administrative directions, providing direction so that village funds do not depart from the principles of the village law. Moreover, the role of the village assistant as a facilitator and the facilitation carried out by the assistant is only carried out with the village government so that the relations and contributions related to empowerment to the community are not so significant. As co-organizer, it is not following the assigned functions and tasks, namely being able to organize the community; this occurs due to the lack of interaction between the assistant and the community. This incident was also due to programs originating from village fund allocations mostly used for physical development only. On the other hand, the companion has also assisted the village government in providing information regarding village funds and directing village funds to be absorbed following existing provisions so that

everything runs smoothly in management. Factors that influence the implementation of the role of Village Facilitators in Utilizing Village Fund Allocations Guided by Law Number 6 of 2014 to Realize Village Community Empowerment in Buana Pemaca District, OKU Selatan Regency, namely village assistants who are owned are inadequate in terms of quantity in Village Facilitators who are domiciled in the Village or known as Village Facilitators, there are only two people assigned to assist eight Villages. Inadequate means of transportation where the distance between the companion's residence and the assisted Gemiung village is very far.


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