Jamalova G. senior lecturer Economics Department Namangan Engineering and Construction Institute
Abstract. Public transport is one of the most important elements of the infrastructure of any country, providing people with the transport services necessary for their daily life. In this article, we will look at public transport in Kazakhstan, Russia, Europe and Uzbekistan, compare them and identify what Uzbekistan can implement to improve its transport connection.
Key words: Public transport, transport services, transport system, bicycle transport, personal car.
In Kazakhstan, public transport is represented by buses, trolleybuses, trams, minibuses and metro. However, the transport system in the country is not always reliable, which is why many prefer a private car.
The cost of public transport in Kazakhstan is low, but prices have started to rise recently. However, the system of travel tickets allows passengers to save on travel. Also, in the cities of the country, a system of bicycle paths is developed, which contributes to the development of cycling.
Transport in Russia includes buses, trolleybuses, trams, subways, minibuses, taxis and electric trains. The metro in Russia is one of the most developed in the world, providing a convenient and fast transport connection between different areas of cities.
The cost of public transport in Russia is also not very high, especially if you use a ticket. The country's transport system is well developed, and traveling by public transport is often a more convenient and faster way to travel than a private car.
European countries usually have a well-developed public transport system, which includes buses, trolleybuses, trams, metros, electric trains, ski jumps, funiculars and even water vehicles. The cost of public transport in Europe can be high, but there are many different types of travel cards that can make using public transport more cost-effective.
The public transport system in Europe is also known for its environmental friendliness, which is achieved through many measures, such as the use of electric vehicles and the reduction of harmful emissions.
Public transport in Uzbekistan is represented by buses, trolleybuses, trams, minibuses and metro. However, the transportation system in the country is still in the process of development, and many passengers prefer a private car.
The cost of public transport in Uzbekistan is low, but sometimes the vehicles are in poor condition, which can negatively affect the comfort of passengers. In addition, the system of travel tickets is not very developed, which limits the ability to save on travel.
To improve the public transport system in Uzbekistan, many measures that are used in other countries can be introduced. For example, the cycle path network can be expanded and made safer for pedestrians and cyclists. It is also possible to introduce a system of travel tickets, which will make the use of public transport more cost-effective for passengers.
What Uzbekistan can implement
To improve the transport system in Uzbekistan, the following measures can be introduced:
Development of an online payment system and transport cards. This will allow passengers to quickly and conveniently pay for travel and reduce the time it takes to find change for cash payment.
Creation of separate lanes for public transport. This will improve the speed and comfort of public transport.
Introduction of wireless internet in public transport. This will enhance passenger convenience and allow them to work or play while traveling.
Improving the condition of vehicles. This will ensure the safety of passengers and increase the level of comfort.
Development of measures to combat congestion in public transport. This will improve the accessibility of transport for all passengers and increase the level of comfort.
It is also important to pay attention to environmental aspects in order to make the transport system more environmentally friendly. The use of electric vehicles and other environmentally friendly modes of transport can be encouraged.
In conclusion, public transport in different countries has its own characteristics and problems. However, through analysis and comparison, solutions can be found that will help improve the public transport system in Uzbekistan. Attention should be paid to the development of infrastructure and the renewal of the vehicle fleet in order to improve passenger comfort and improve the quality of service.
It is also important to create a more developed fare system to make the use of public transport more accessible to all population groups. For example, you can introduce discounts for students, pensioners and other categories of citizens.
In addition, attention should be paid to the environmental side of the transport system, especially in light of the growing attention to climate issues. This may include increasing the use of environmentally friendly modes of transport such as electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as improving the waste management system.
In general, the public transport system in Uzbekistan still needs to be further developed and improved in order to become more convenient, accessible and environmentally friendly for citizens. However, by analyzing the experience of other countries and implementing appropriate measures, significant improvements in this area can be achieved. Let us now consider some examples of best practices in public transport in other countries.
In Russia, major cities have a developed public transport system, including buses, trams, metros and taxis. The cost of public transport is relatively low, making it affordable for most of the population. In addition, many cities in Russia have free travel for pensioners and children under 7 years old. The fare payment system is also convenient for users - passengers can use travel tickets, transport cards or pay in cash.
In Europe, many cities have developed public transport systems based on environmentally friendly modes of transport such as electric and hybrid cars, bicycles and public transport based on gas and hydrogen. In some cities in Europe, such as Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Zurich, bicycles and pedestrians have priority over cars on the roads. In addition, many cities in Europe offer free travel for large families and people with disabilities.
In Kazakhstan, major cities such as Almaty and Nur-Sultan have an extensive public transport system that includes buses, trams, metros and taxis. The cost of public transport is relatively low, making it affordable for most of the population. The fare payment system is also convenient for users -passengers can use travel tickets, transport cards or pay in cash. However, in some cities in Kazakhstan, such as Almaty, there are problems with congested transport networks and outdated fleets of vehicles.
In order to improve the public sports situation in Uzbekistan, some of these examples can be considered and adapted to local conditions.
First, we can pay great attention to environmentally friendly modes of transport. Installing more stops for buses and trolleybuses along long routes can also be an additional incentive to use this mode of transport. The development of a program to expand and develop the public transport system, including the development of routes and timetables for public transport, can significantly improve the convenience of using transport for the population.
Secondly, you should pay attention to the fare. The development of an efficient fare collection system that allows passengers to use transport cards, travel tickets or pay in cash can significantly improve the quality of service and ease of use of public transport.
Third, investment programs can be introduced to modernize the vehicle fleet, including the purchase of environmentally friendly buses and trams, as well as the renewal and expansion of the metro system.
In addition, some of the practices applied in other countries can be used to improve the public transport system in Uzbekistan. For example, Korea's experience in developing an intelligent transportation system can be used to
improve transport management and ensure the safety of passengers. Or take the experience of the Netherlands in the development of the cycle path system and give them more priority on the roads.
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