Kurbon Sodikovich Rakhmanov
Head of Department of "Information and Communication Technologies in Management", The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan [email protected]
Botir Kudratovich Makhmanov
"Information and Computer Center "MEHNAT.UZ", LLC The Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan mr. mahmanov@mail. ru
As you know, the development of states is played by civil servants. Therefore, training and retraining of civil servants and monitoring of their activities is an urgent task. This article examines the conduct and monitoring of civil servants. And dedicated to the role of public servants in the digitization of public administration in the development of methods and models for a comprehensive assessment of professional performance.
Keywords: civil servants, evaluation system, complex evaluation, monitoring, professional qualities, qualification evaluation, performance efficiency, competence.
Today, a large-scale work is underway in our country to develop a national strategy "Digital Uzbekistan-2030". In particular, it is planned to identify and eliminate barriers to the digitization of all sectors of the economy, study best international practices in this area and prepare a "road map" containing appropriate measures based on the recommendations and elaborated according to the results of the analysis [1].
It can be said that there is no development without digitalization at the moment [4-6], and the pandemic shows how important it is.
Proper implementation of digital integration in public administration will save state budget funds. This in turn prevents corruption while ensuring openness and transparency [2].
Therefore, one of the important priorities of public policy in public administration is the need to introduce effective mechanisms to provide public services with highly qualified specialists capable of solving complex tasks of public administration. To improve the state personnel policy, it is necessary to introduce modern management technologies in the personnel service of the civil service, which will increase the efficiency of the civil service and the professional activity of civil servants of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the development of the digital economy.
The model of the integrated assessment system includes the assessment of the level and direction of specialization of the civil servant, work experience in the civil service, professional knowledge and skills, as well as the position in the civil service, his professional qualities, professional performance. The model of the complex assessment system can be applied at different stages of the civil service (at the end of the probationary period, before dismissal from the civil service, in the formation of the personnel reserve of the public body, etc.). The results of the integrated assessment system help the government body to make decisions in the entire personnel system
In the dissertation work of T. A. Filichev presents methods and procedures for data analysis of monitoring the quality of professional training of civil servants on the basis of the use of expert analytical methods, cognitive modeling, linguistic variables and fuzzy inference, as well as an experimental version of an information and analytical system for monitoring the qualities and professional training of civil servants [7].
In the dissertation work T. T. Abilmazhinov proposed a coefficient for use by personnel management services that allows tracking the professional prospects of applicants and current civil servants, and also proposed the main directions for optimizing the mechanism for assessing the professional activities of civil servants [8].
The system of comprehensive assessment of the professional activity of a civil servant is a set of methods, algorithms, technologies for obtaining a comprehensive assessment of the professional activity of a civil servant.
Types of integrated assessment and their main features:
Criteria-based comprehensive assessment is a comprehensive assessment of the qualifications of a civil servant, his professional characteristics, as well as the
effectiveness of the professional activity of a civil servant, which is carried out in accordance with the criteria (requirements) established by the state.
Extraordinary comprehensive assessment - includes an assessment of the professional qualities of a civil servant, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the professional activity of a civil servant.
Assess the formation of human resources. When conducting a competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve of a public body, the professional qualities of a civil servant are assessed, and a model of professional qualities of a group of civil servants is used, which is planned to be included in the civil service personnel reserve. When conducting a competition for inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve of a public body representing a specific position of the civil service, the evaluation is carried out by comparing it with the evaluation during the competition for vacancies in the civil service.
Evaluation of competition for vacancies in the civil service. During the competition for vacant public positions, the assessment is carried out in order to decide on the appointment of a civil servant to a vacant position, as well as to decide on the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve of the public body. This assessment includes an assessment of the civil servant's qualifications and his or her professional quality.
Comprehensive testing of civil servants. Based on the results of the tests, a comprehensive assessment is conducted to verify the suitability of the civil servant for the replaced civil service. This assessment includes an assessment of the civil servant's qualifications, his or her professional qualities, and the effectiveness of his or her professional activities.
The general mathematical model of integrated complex assessment is calculated according to the following formula (Kb):
Kb=Bm *Pm +Bf*Pf+Bfs *Pfs (1)
Here: Bm , Bf ,Bfs - civil servant qualification assessment (Bm), its professional qualities assessment (Bkf) and professional performance evaluation (Bf), respectively.
Pm ,Pkf, Pfs are weight indicators of complex evaluation elements. The sum of the weights is 1.
Table 1
Weight indicators of complex assessment elements
Types of complex assessment Qualficatio n assessment Professio nal quality assessmen t Evaluating the effectiveness of professional activities
Criteria-based complex assessment 0,2 0,3 0,5
Extraordinary complex assessment 0,2 0,3 0,5
Assess the formation of human 0,8 0,2 -
Evaluation of selection for 0,8 0,2 -
vacancies in the civil service.
Comprehensive testing of civil 0,2 0,4 0,4
Table 2
To obtain the final values of the integrated complex assessment, the results obtained for the various elements of the assessment are plotted on a single scale:
2 Demand is high
1 The demand was met
0 Demand is low
-1 The request did not match
The results of a comprehensive assessment of civil servants are also determined on this scale.
A comprehensive assessment is carried out in relation to all civil servants of a state body, with the exception of:
a) pregnant women;
b) citizens temporarily filling civil service posts;
c) civil servants on maternity leave until their children reach the age of three
Assessment of the professional qualities of a civil servant is evaluated in accordance with the professional qualities that are manifested in their professional service.
Three groups of professional qualities of a civil servant are distinguished:
a) general professional qualities;
b) applied professional qualities;
c) managerial professional qualities.
In order to assess the professional qualities of civil servants, the personnel department of a state body develops a model of professional qualities for each civil service position in a government body or for a group of civil service posts, the replacement of which involves the implementation of similar tasks and functions.
The directory of professional qualities of civil servants contains an exhaustive list of professional qualities required to fill civil service posts depending on their group and category. Detailed description of the professional qualities and standards of conduct of civil servants in the process of civil servants performing their duties for a civil service position which are presented of a certain professional quality and the degree of its development.
General professional qualities include the qualities that every civil servant should possess, regardless of their position.
They include:
a) orientation to the result;
b) strengthening the authority of civil servants;
c) interpersonal understanding, communication style.
General professional qualities are included in the model of professional qualities for all posts (groups of posts) of the civil service in a state body.
Applied professional qualities include qualities, which are mandatory for all civil servants, with the exception of heads and deputy heads of state bodies. It is necessary for the effective and efficient performance of official duties for a civil service position, depending on its functional features.
Applied professional qualities include:
a) collection and analysis of information;
b) high-quality preparation of documents;
c) orientation to ensure the protection of the legitimate interests of citizens;
d) creative approach, innovativeness;
e) the credibility of communications;
f) teamwork;
g) self-development;
h) transfer of experience and knowledge.
Managerial professional qualities include qualities necessary for civil servants in a linear or functional subordination (head of a state body, its structural unit, their
deputies, etc.) for the effective implementation of the managerial functions assigned to them.
The managerial professional qualities include:
a) planning activities and resources;
b) setting goals and organizing activities;
c) control and assessment of performance;
d) motivation and development of subordinates;
e) management decisions;
f) strategic vision;
g) change management;
h) public speaking and external communications.
Models of professional qualities are formed by the personnel department of a state body with the involvement of experts.
As an experts in the formation of models of professional qualities for posts (groups of posts) of civil service can be their direct and superior managers, as well as experts in the field of evaluation from third-party organizations.
When forming a model of professional qualities, it is mandatory to participate as an expert in a civil servant who replaces the position of civil service for which a model of professional qualities is being formed, and his immediate supervisor.
If the civil service position is vacant, the participation of the head of the structural unit as an expert is mandatory in which this vacant position is located.
When determining the list of applied managerial professional qualities which are included in the model of professional qualities for a particular position (group of positions) of the civil service, one of two methods can be used:
a) method of pairwise comparison;
b) ranking method.
The method of pairwise comparison consists of applied and managerial professional qualities from the point of view of their importance for the effective and efficient performance of official duties for a replaced civil service position.
In order to conduct pairwise comparisons, a matrix is constructed where the number of rows and columns are 18. The first row and column of the matrix contain the names of applied and managerial professional qualities.
Each expert independently fills in the matrix of pairwise comparison of professional qualities. The professional qualities indicated in column 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Compared Professional Qualities) are compared in pairs with all the professional qualities indicated in columns 2-17.
When comparing two professional qualities, the Compared professional quality is assigned one of the following values:
a) a value of "2" if the Compare Professional Quality is more important than the professional quality in the column of the table;
b) the value "1" - with the equal importance of two professional qualities;
c) the value is "0" if the Compare professional quality is less significant than the professional quality in the table column.
For each Compared Professional Quality, the final value is calculated as the sum of the values of all pairwise comparisons. The total value is entered in column 18.
The model of professional qualities for each post (group of posts) of the civil service includes 7 out of 16 professional qualities that have gained the highest total final value according to the results of evaluations of all experts
The ranking method is to evaluate all applied and managerial professional qualities and their ordering, depending on the importance of professional quality for the effective and efficient performance by civil servants of official duties for a replaced civil service position from the most significant to the least based on expert knowledge and experience.
Table 3
An example of a matrix of pairwise comparison of professional qualities
Name of professional quality Collection and analysis of informatio n High-quality preparation of documents Public speaking and communicatio n Summary
1 2 3 17 18= S (1-17)
Collection and analysis of information X 1 2 5
High-quality preparation of documents 1 X 0 2
Change management 0 2 1 3
Public speaking and communication 0 2 X 2
Using the ranking method, all 16 applied and managerial professional qualities are ranked by experts according to the degree of their importance for the effective
performance of official duties by position (group of positions) of the civil service from 1 to 16, where:
a) the value "1" is the most important professional quality;
b) a value of 16 is the least important professional quality.
It is forbidden to establish the same rank for two different professional qualities.
The model of professional qualities for each post (group of posts) of the civil service includes 7 professional qualities that have the lowest rank value by the sum of the ratings of all experts.
In order to increase the reliability of the model of professional qualities when using the methods of pairwise comparison and ranking, it is recommended to set different weights for the estimates of all experts. The greatest weight should be assigned to the assessments made by the immediate supervisor of the assessed civil servant.
Table 4
Ranking table example
№ Name of professional quality Rank
1. Change management 12
2. Strategic vision 9
15. Activity and Resource Planning 2
16. Collection and analysis of information 4
At the same time, when calculating the final value of professional quality, the expert estimates obtained as a result of multiplying the value put down by the expert by the weight established for his assessments are summarized.
Based on the final values of the selected professional qualities, their weight is determined in the model of professional qualities for the position (group of posts) of the civil service.
The methodology for determining the weights of professional qualities in the model depends on the method used for selecting qualities that included in the model of professional qualities for a particular position (group of positions) of the civil service.
The total weight of the three general professional qualities in the model of professional qualities is set at 0.2-0.3. The specific weight of each of the general professional qualities is set by an expert on the basis of the significance of these professional qualities for a particular position (group of positions) of the civil service.
The weights of applied and managerial professional qualities should be determined based on expert evaluations depending on the selection method used.
Professional qualities selected for the model, their weights, standards of professional behavior are entered by the personnel service in the form of a model of professional qualities.
The form of the model of professional qualities contains the following information:
a) state body;
b) structural unit of a state body;
c) the name of the civil service post, its category and group;
d) a group of professional qualities;
e) professional quality;
f) weight of professional quality;
g) standards of professional behavior (includes all standards of professional behavior contained in the Guide to Professional Qualities).
The model of professional qualities for a civil service post is an appendix to the job regulations for this civil service post.
If changes are made to the job regulations, the professional qualities model for a given civil service position should be revised if necessary.
Experts in assessing the professional qualities of a civil servant are the immediate supervisor of the assessed civil servant and a senior leader. Civil servants systematically interacting with the assessed civil servant in the process of performing their duties, as well as a civil servant of another state body interacting with the assessed civil servant in the process of fulfilling their duties, or an external expert in the field can be involved as experts assessment.
The summary report on the results of the assessment of professional qualities lists all the professional qualities and their weights included in the model of the assessment of professional qualities for a civil service position that is being replaced by an estimated civil servant, and also marks the professional qualities. Assessment of professional quality is considered according to the number of standards of professional behavior shown by civil servants (positive behavioral indicators).
In order to obtain the most objective and reliable results of assessing the professional qualities of the assessed civil servant, weights are established for the assessments of experts and the assessed civil servant.
Thus, having assessed the degree of development of the professional qualities of the assessed civil servant, experts, including the direct manager of the assessed civil
servant, can evaluate the personal qualities inherent in the assessed civil servant and the degree of their development.
It is recommended to include information on the dynamics of the development of professional qualities of the assessed civil servant in the summary report on the results of the assessment of professional qualities in comparison with the previous evaluation period for assessing the development of professional qualities of civil servants.
In addition to the final conclusion on the conformity or non-compliance of the professional qualities of a civil servant with the requirements imposed on them according to the results of the assessment of professional qualities, the following should be formed:
a) a list of the most developed professional qualities of a civil servant;
b) a list of professional qualities of a civil servant requiring development.
The most developed are recognized professional qualities, the final grade of which exceeds 1. Professional qualities that require development are recognized professional qualities, the final grade of which is lower than 1.
The results of assessing the degree of development of professional qualities should be the basis for an individual plan for the professional development of a civil servant, and also taken into account when organizing additional professional education of civil servants and other events.
The results of assessing the degree of development of professional qualities of a civil servant can be presented graphically in the form of radial diagrams.
The final document based on the assessment of the professional qualities of a civil servant is an individual report on the results of the assessment of the professional qualities of a civil servant.
As you know, the most valuable capital in the state is people. We train personnel from people. As they say, "Cadres decide everything!" Therefore, each state will try to create an automated system for the training and retraining of civil servants. Comprehensive assessment of civil servants based on the national concept of digital economy will allow to sharply reduce corruption and develop national information technologies as a result of the implementation of the monitoring system.
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