Yu.O. Kholikov
This article highlights the philosophical significance of shaping a culture of tolerance in young people. The role of the family and society in the formation of a culture of tolerance among young people in connection with morality, as well as the large-scale work carried out in our country are highlighted. In addition, the importance of moral education in the educational process and the criteria for forming a culture of tolerance, the formation of a tolerant consciousness, tolerant worldview on the basis of spiritual-educational activities in educational institutions are covered.
Key words: Spirituality, customs, ethics, education, upbringing, worldview, tolerance, culture, enlightenment, globalization, mentality, national values, traditions, science, nation, ethnicity, pragmatism, strategy, pluralism, security.
At a time when the process of realization of national identity and spiritual values is underway due to independence, the attitude to the traditions and values passed down from our ancestors has changed radically. Great attention is also paid to the promotion of national values and their further development. It is the family that ranks first among the social institutions that have a great influence on the formation of human spirituality [1: 200].
Indeed, today only a truly spiritual person can understand human dignity, universal and national values, in a word, self, and fight for a worthy place of our independent state in the world community. It is also important in the educational process to develop young people in all respects, to realize their various abilities and to equip them with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for social life. Thus, the inculcation of national values in the behavior of young people is a socio-philosophical problem [2: 28].
© Yu.O. Kholikov, 2022.
According to the philosophical interpretation, values are the sum of all the qualities that are important to man and humanity, such as freedom, social equality, truth, enlightenment, beauty and goodness. Accordingly, universal values consist of a spiritual treasure that is in the interest of all nations and have a common educational basis with national values.
Research Methodology
A person who is acquainted with the world of beauty will never be separated from it. Methods of educating the population, especially young people, in the spirit of national values are divided into two groups [3: 232]. The first is called scientific methods. The purity of information, their scientific significance and validity are of great importance in the formation of the socio-philosophical worldview, which is based on scientific methods of assimilation of values. According to Farobi: "The purpose of the human body is to attain the highest happiness; first of all he must know what happiness is and what it consists of, he must make it his idea and his highest goal, he must be fascinated with his whole being" [4: 75], - it is emphasized.
Analysis and results
Ensuring the harmony of religion and morality in the social development of human society ensures the stability of the family by serving the inculcation in the members of society of high human feelings and qualities such as purity, goodness, humanity, humility, modesty, modesty. The role of the great institution called the family in the development of the nation's unique principles of moral tolerance is incomparable. Man's purest, most flawless feelings, initial life insights and imaginations are perfected in the family.
A child's character, moral tolerance, commitment to national and universal values, noble qualities, and honorable upbringing are always connected with the family. Respect and esteem for parents, on this basis, the understanding of the lifelong debt obligation that arises before them, is determined by the national values and attitudes towards the family in the individual. Through these thoughts, one can understand how sacred the family is.
After all, "spirituality is a continuous process in constant motion, and as progress continues, the demands of spiritual life will constantly arise due to its rapid movement." [5: 171].
The upbringing of spiritually mature people is a matter of state policy in our country, as noted by President Sh. Mirziyoyev: "We must bring up our children ourselves, not leave them in the hands of others. To do this, we need to talk more with our young people, listen to their hearts, give them practical help to solve their problems" [6: 125]. The work in this area is inextricably linked with the educational process.
The educational process is aimed at shaping the worldview of the individual - moral education, aesthetic education, tolerance education, as well as activities aimed at determining the political, economic, social, legal consciousness and culture, and plays an important role in educating a harmoniously developed generation.
Moral education.
The attention paid to the moral education of the youth in our country is growing day by day, and the minds of our people are beginning to influence the development of moral values related to tolerance. As a result, a new generation of young people capable of serving the future and the future of their country is being formed. Because at all stages of historical development, culture has had a positive impact on the hearts and minds of people. Therefore, the development of society was accompanied by spiritual and moral development.
Priority is given to the training of people who adhere to the rules of etiquette, have high moral and ethical qualities, feel responsible to society, the state and the family, are patriotic and enterprising, have modern knowledge and high human qualities, strong will, faith and a clear conscience. earns.
Moral upbringing is the process of upbringing from the day a child is born. This type of upbringing forms in young people a positive social attitude towards society and different groups of people. First of all, if we pay attention to the role and importance of morality in the spiritual and moral development of young people, the events taking place in our socio-spiritual life today set urgent tasks, such as improving the process of moral education. In this process, a modern system of education is being formed, which is associated with raising the moral culture of the younger generation, enriching their worldview, further developing their artistic and aesthetic taste. The need to form a tolerant attitude in young people in order to ensure the stability of society requires the development of the foundations of their moral outlook.
Aesthetic education.
Man's aesthetic attitude to being, his perception of events, happenings and processes on the basis of the laws of beauty play an important role in his spiritual maturity. Spiritually mature citizens, on the other hand, have a broad and independent outlook, and it is important for them to be educated as citizens who can contribute to the development of the state and its worthy place in the world community, joining the ranks of economically advanced countries.
For this, it is necessary to form in students the skills of creative thinking, the pursuit of new knowledge, the creation of innovative ideas and their improvement, which in turn stimulates the development of aesthetic worldview in young people.
Spiritual education.
Focusing on the current relevance of spiritual education, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said: "In this regard, we are working to create the necessary conditions for our children, to build new educational, cultural, artistic and sports facilities, to build housing for young families, to provide employment for young people, to involve them in entrepreneurship. stage. We consider it our primary task to improve the work of all parts of the education system in accordance with modern requirements" [6: 124].
The growing attention to spirituality, the education of the perfect man, is having a positive effect on the public consciousness. The end result, in turn, will serve the peace and development of the country, the development of universal culture and spirituality. Therefore, it can be observed that in each period, spirituality has had a positive effect on the hearts and minds of people, and the development of society has gradually achieved spiritual and moral development.
Tolerance education issues.
The harmonious development of worldviews in the development of the individual has a positive effect on the development of intellectual, emotional and vital competencies of man. Today, great attention is paid to educating the younger generation on the principle of tolerance. Tolerance is a tradition that has always been characteristic of our people.
There are the following levels of tolerance: social institution - social institution; social institution - a person; social institution - group and others.
Culture of tolerance - culture of ethnic (interethnic) tolerance; a culture of racial tolerance; a culture of political tolerance; a culture of religious tolerance; culture of gender tolerance; youth tolerance culture; a culture of organizational or physiological tolerance; a culture of geographical tolerance; culture of social (class) tolerance; a culture of tolerance in education; can be divided into several groups such as marginal tolerance culture.
The principles of tolerance are: equal rights; mutual respect; friendship and tolerance to different groups; preservation and development of cultural identity and languages of national minorities; the ability to follow traditions; freedom of conscience and religion; cooperation and solidarity in solving common problems.
The search for and application of non-contradictory and harmonious ways and means of life of representatives of different worldviews and cultural traditions has always attracted the attention of philosophers, culturolo-gists, sociologists, theologians, psychologists, politicians, public figures and religious figures. Tolerance is such a topical issue.
"Raising a culture of tolerance in our country, strengthening mutual understanding and solidarity between nations and religions, educating the younger generation on this basis is identified as one of the priorities of state policy, and such an approach is yielding positive results" [7:455].
There is an objective approach to the education system to increase the spiritual and intellectual potential of young people, to help them find their place in society, to bring them up in the spirit of reforms in the spiritual sphere, especially moral tolerance, to strengthen moral immunity.
The most difficult principle of tolerance is implemented in the field of ethnic relations. The difficulty in implementing this principle is related to the different understanding of tolerance, which is explained by the peculiarities of cultural traditions, as well as the peculiarities of historical consciousness and human behavior.
In general, a culture of tolerance is necessary for everyone. Because the human race often emerges in life as a perceiver of a culture of tolerance. From a moral point of view, tolerance is a characteristic of a person that manifests itself in his interactions with other people.
At the moral level, tolerance is manifested in the form of internal relations, voluntary choice of respect for other people, communities, nations, states, cultures and religions, most importantly this aspect is not established externally, but each is strengthened by experience. It is this experience that is based on moral norms, that is, the behavior of tolerance. Tolerance behavior is assessed on the basis of our attitude to events, people, cultures, positive or negative feelings and actions.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that the idea of inter-religious tolerance as a high spiritual value has long been formed in the minds of our people, it is one of the main principles of building a strong democratic state and civil society in our country and plays an important role in society "Development of a culture of tolerance and humanity, strengthening interethnic and inter-citizen harmony and harmony, educating the younger generation on this basis, in the spirit of love and devotion to the Motherland have been identified as one of the most important priorities of state policy in Uzbekistan. All this has been proved in life" [6: 295], they say. It is important that the formation of a culture of tolerance in young people in the educational process is based on national values.
Due to the prevailing atmosphere of religious tolerance in our country, there are more than 2200 different religious organizations in the country. Developing mutual respect and friendly relations between people of different religions, ensuring their equality regardless of the religion and creed of citizens will remain one of our most important tasks.
In particular, it is necessary to strengthen tolerance in the moral thinking of young people, to develop such feelings as respect for national values in their behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the values of national and universal significance in society consist of a spiritual treasure that meets the interests of all nations, have a single educational basis with national values. The role of moral education in educating the population,
ISSN 2223-4047
Вестник магистратуры. 2022. № 11-4 (134)
especially the youth, in the spirit of national values is great. At the same time, it is expedient to form moral tolerance, to use the achievements of existing scientific and technical creativity wisely.
Therefore, "we are all proud that our young people are rightly able to take responsibility for the future of our country and are becoming a decisive force for today and tomorrow " [9: 13].
Uzbekistan is a country that is socio-politically stable, where universal values take precedence, and which has been able to restore spiritual heritage and religious values and raise human rights to the level of a priority area. Along with playing an important role in ensuring stability in Central Asia and the mutual integration of the countries of the region in the political, spiritual and economic spheres, Uzbekistan is also a model in the field of inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance.
Thus, in the process of social development, the spiritual world, moral wisdom, legal culture, philosophical heritage, political mentality and social activism of each nation, integrated into the rich traditions, have a special place. These, in turn, encourage young people in society to have their own "I" in order to preserve the historicity and authenticity of the social environment. The highest goal of a democratic state based on the rule of law and civil society is to bring up young people in our country who are well-developed and have a high moral culture.
In short, the pedagogical staff of all educational institutions should pay serious attention to the issues of educating young people in the educational process on the basis of a culture of spirituality and tolerance. Spiritual and educational events, celebrations of anniversaries of great people, national holidays have a special place in the formation of their aesthetic consciousness and worldview. Meetings on the prevention of crime, delinquency, terrorism, religious extremism, bigotry, missionary work among minors, conversations on political issues also help to develop students' worldview, raise their political and legal awareness. The spiritual and enlightenment educational events should focus on the issues of rich historical, spiritual heritage, harmony of national and universal values, national traditions, morality and sophistication.
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YUNUS ORTIKOVICH KHOLIKOV - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the philosophical science, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages.