THE ROLE OF TASK-BASED TEACHING METHOD TO PROMOTE STUDENT'S INTEREST IN “HOMETASK” Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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teaching method / hometask / communicative approach / interaction / game form / student's interest.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Наурызбай Жансая Бауржанқызы

The relevance of the article is the role of task-based teaching method to promote student’s interest in "hometask". Hometask currently occupies an insignificant place in the practice of teaching a foreign language both at school and at the university. However, it is fraught with great potential not only for the development of communicative competencies, but also for the development of extracurricular activities, which is of great importance for the future professional life of young professionals. The purpose of the article is to analyze the method of teaching based on tasks, to promote students' interest in "Hometask", as well as to consider typical tasks used during hometask.

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Магистрант 2-го курса, Каспийский университет инжиниринга и технологий им.

Ш. Есенова Актау, Казахстан

Abstract: The relevance of the article is the role of task-based teaching method to promote student's interest in "hometask". Hometask currently occupies an insignificant place in the practice of teaching a foreign language both at school and at the university. However, it is fraught with great potential not only for the development of communicative competencies, but also for the development of extracurricular activities, which is of great importance for the future professional life of young professionals. The purpose of the article is to analyze the method of teaching based on tasks, to promote students' interest in "Hometask", as well as to consider typical tasks used during hometask.

Key words: teaching method, hometask, communicative approach, interaction, game form, student's interest.

A special role in the project activity is given to hometask, involving the wide involvement of linguistic and cultural materials through independent search and analysis. It should be noted that the project method is considered as one of the main forms of organizing extracurricular activities for children. In the course of the implementation of the project technology, we are convinced of the effectiveness of this approach.

Task-based teaching methods can enhance students' interest in "Hometask" by making assignments more engaging and relevant. Designing tasks that connect to real-life situations or involve problem-solving can capture students' attention and motivation. Incorporating a variety of activities within the assignments, such as group projects or interactive elements, can further stimulate interest. Additionally, providing clear objectives and demonstrating the practical application of the tasks can help students see the value in completing "Hometask," making it a more meaningful and enjoyable learning experience.

Furthermore, incorporating student choice and autonomy into the tasks can foster a sense of ownership and increase motivation. Allowing students to select topics or approaches that align with their interests can make the "Hometask" more personalized and enjoyable.

Regular feedback and positive reinforcement also play a crucial role. Recognizing and praising students' efforts and achievements in their assignments can boost their confidence and enthusiasm for completing future tasks. Moreover, creating a supportive and collaborative learning environment where students can discuss their assignments, share ideas, and learn from each other can contribute to a more engaging "Hometask" experience.

The task-based teaching method promotes student interest in "Hometask" by incorporating real-life relevance, varied activities, student choice, and positive reinforcement. Creating a dynamic and interactive learning experience can make the completion of assignments not just a requirement but an opportunity for meaningful learning and personal growth.

Additionally, integrating technology into task-based assignments can be a powerful motivator for students. Utilizing online resources, interactive platforms, or multimedia elements can make "Hometask" more engaging and aligned with students' digital preferences. This approach allows for a dynamic and contemporary learning experience that resonates with their daily lives.

Teachers can also foster a sense of curiosity and exploration within tasks. Encouraging students to explore beyond the basic requirements and delve deeper into the subject matter can stimulate intellectual curiosity. This can be achieved through open-ended assignments, research components, or encouraging students to apply critical thinking skills to solve real-world problems.

Moreover, incorporating collaborative elements into "Hometask" can enhance students' interest. Assigning group projects or encouraging peer collaboration fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility, making the tasks more enjoyable. This approach also allows students to learn from each other, exchange ideas, and experience the satisfaction of working together to achieve a common goal.

Additionally, connecting "Hometask" to students' individual goals and aspirations can be a powerful motivator. Helping them see how the skills developed through assignments align with their future ambitions provides a meaningful context for their efforts. This perspective shift can turn "Hometask" into a purposeful endeavor, driving intrinsic motivation.

Lastly, regularly revisiting and adjusting the teaching methods based on student feedback can ensure ongoing relevance and effectiveness. Soliciting input from students about what types of tasks resonate with them and incorporating their suggestions can create a more student-centric approach, making "Hometask" an evolving and adaptive aspect of the learning experience.

This method, when enriched with collaborative elements, personalized connections to students' aspirations, and a feedback loop, can create a positive cycle of engagement, making "Hometask" a more enjoyable and fulfilling part of the overall learning process.

Lastly, promoting a growth mindset can positively impact students' attitudes towards "Hometask." Emphasizing the idea that challenges are opportunities for learning and improvement can help students view assignments as a chance to develop their skills rather than a mere obligation. The task-based teaching method, when combined with technology integration, fostering curiosity, and promoting a growth mindset, can significantly enhance students' interest in "Hometask" by making it a more interactive, relevant, and personally meaningful part of their learning journey.

At the final stage, the results of the project are presented to various audiences. It can be held for a certain class, parents, as part of the Foreign Language Week or festivals of various levels.

The practical use of the results of the project can be assessed by getting acquainted with visual aids, booklets, newspapers, and presentations.

As a result of the use of this technology, the motivation of students to learn English significantly increases, which allows students to increase the basic level of program material, using additional sources of information and, accordingly, the level of quality of students' knowledge increases.

In the process of implementing the project technology in English lessons, in addition to increasing the general motivation to study the subject, the following meta-subject skills are developed and improved:

-the ability to regulate and plan one's speech and non-speech behavior; -development of communicative competence, including the ability to interact with others, performing various social roles;

-research skills, including skills of working with information (search and selection of the necessary information, its generalization and fixation, analysis and synthesis);

-the ability of semantic and exploratory reading, including the ability to determine the topic, predict the content of the text by title/keywords, highlight the main idea, the main facts, establish a logical sequence of the main facts;

-the ability to carry out regulative actions of self-observation, self-control, self-assessment in the process of communicative activity in a foreign language.

Mini-projects and projects that do not require long time expenditures can form the basis of more serious and significant projects with the prospect of further implementation of the project method. Studying the theoretical foundations and getting acquainted with the practical application of project technologies, I came to the idea of the need and possibility of reviving international friendship clubs, but of course, in a new format, taking into account modern realities and opportunities. The prerequisites for this are communication via the Internet (social networks, email, Skype) with my graduates who continue their education abroad. In particular, it seems possible to organize interactive communication between my pupils and students of schools in

English-speaking countries. In the future, I believe, this could serve as a platform for participation in international projects.

Furthermore, creating a sense of relevance by linking "Hometask" to real-world applications or current events can increase students' engagement. When students understand the practical implications of their assignments, they are more likely to find value in the tasks at hand. Teachers can provide examples or case studies that demonstrate how the concepts being covered in "Hometask" apply in everyday life.

Implementing a variety of assessment methods, beyond traditional written assignments, can also contribute to sustained interest. This may include oral presentations, multimedia projects, or hands-on activities. Diversifying the evaluation methods accommodates different learning styles and allows students to showcase their understanding in ways that resonate with their strengths.

Ultimately, fostering a positive attitude towards "Hometask" involves creating an environment where learning is enjoyable, meaningful, and connected to students' interests and experiences. By embracing these strategies, the task-based teaching method can play a pivotal role in promoting sustained engagement and curiosity among students when it comes to completing assignments outside the classroom.

The main principle of teaching foreign languages is the student-centered orientation of learning, that is, the focus on the student's personality. Students' abilities, inclinations, and capabilities are at the center of the learning process. Student-centered learning involves the use of educational communication, cooperation, active creative activity, as well as the inclusion of the student in real language communication, immersion in the language environment.

Selection of information

/ \

The level of development of skills and abilities

Capabilities and abilities

Figure 1. Selection of Individual Information in Student-Centered Learning

Therefore, the student-centered approach includes: the selection of tasks of varying complexity and volume, both in the classroom and when doing hometask independently, the variability of the pace of mastering the educational material, assistance from the teacher in organizing work in pairs of shifts, involving students in working with individual creative tasks (projects). For students with different levels of learning and motivation, a situation of success is created, taking into account individual abilities, thereby increasing the interest of students in learning a foreign language.

In secondary school, the task should be made more difficult by adding introductory and concluding phrases, limiting the time for preparation and response, indicating what grammatical structures and vocabulary should be used in the description, requiring a certain number of sentences. For example, in the 7th grade, when working with the first module, in the "English in Use" section, the topic "Buying an underground ticket" is offered, within which the types of

transport, the possibility of moving around the city by a certain type of transport and some other points are discussed. As part of the work with this topic, students were offered a description of two pictures as hometask:

The algorithm is as follows:

1. The teacher attaches pictures as an attachment to the hometask in the school portal.

2. Students work independently at hometask with the proposed pictures: they describe according to a pre-agreed plan, work with the necessary lexical and grammatical structures, if necessary, memorize the description of the picture (at first, this is extremely necessary).

3. In the lesson, there is training in the description of a picture with a timer and feedback. An alternative option is also possible: students should record their prepared description on a dictaphone and present it in class. With this approach to working with this task, the description should be something like this:

1. I'd like to describe this picture.

2. In the picture I can see a man.

3. He is on board a plane and he is reading a newspaper.

4. This man is smiling. I can guess that he is reading something interesting.

5. There is also one more man, who is sleeping while listening to music.

6. In the background of the picture I see a woman speaking to a flight attendant.

7. I like this picture because I like to travel by train.

8. I think it's the most comfortable means of transport.

9. That's all I wanted to say.

There are 10 sentences in this description, several grammatical constructions and the required vocabulary of the lesson. With correct pronunciation and fluent speaking, such a description can be rated at a fairly high score. When listening to the descriptions, the teacher must use a timer.

Here are specific examples of task-based teaching methods for English lessons:

1. Debates on Contemporary Issues:

- Task students with researching and debating a current social or environmental issue. This encourages critical thinking, research skills, and the development of persuasive language.

2. Literary Analysis through Creative Projects:

- Assign students a project where they have to creatively represent their understanding of a literary work. This could involve creating a visual presentation, a short film, or even a dramatic perfommance. This approach combines literature analysis with creative expression.

3. Storytelling Podcasts:

- Have students create their own storytelling podcasts. This involves planning, scripting, recording, and editing. It not only enhances their language skills but also encourages effective communication and digital literacy.

4. Role-playing Historical Events:

- Task students with researching a historical event and then role-playing key figures in a dramatic reenactment. This brings history to life, improves research skills, and allows students to embody different perspectives.

5. Collaborative Writing:

- Assign a collaborative writing task where students work together to create a short story, poem, or dialogue. This promotes teamwork, communication, and creativity.

6. Book Reviews with Multimedia Elements:

- Instead of traditional written book reports, have students create multimedia book reviews. This could include video presentations, graphic designs, or interactive elements, adding a creative dimension to their analysis.

These examples showcase how task-based teaching methods in English lessons can make "Hometask" more engaging, relevant, and effective in developing a range of language skills. This disciplines students properly and helps them learn to feel the time. Thus, it can be considered that the development of meta-subject skills in the process of teaching English is more successful if students have motivation formed through the involvement of additional learning tools. The use of project technology can definitely have a positive effect, due to the increase in motivation to learn English and the improvement of meta-subject skills in English.

1. Bredikhina, I.A. Metodika prepodavavaniya inostrannykh yazykov: Obuchenie osnovnykh vidov rechevoy deyatel'nosti [Methods of teaching foreign languages: Teaching the main types of speech activity]. Textbook / I.A. Bredikhina; M-vo obrazovaniya i nauki Ros. Federation, Urals. Feder. Un-t. - Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. University, 2018. 104 p. (in Russian)

2. Opanasenko A. A. Development of the socio-cultural competence of students in foreign language lessons in a modern school // Scientific and methodical electronic journal "Concept". -2017. - T. 33.

3. Tyurina G. A. Authentic video materials as a means of optimizing the process of teaching English at school. Moscow: National Book Center, 2018.


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