УДК 379.8
DOI: 10.26140/anip-2020-0903-0057
© 2020
SPIN-код: 2467-1528 AuthorID: 707157
Степанова Элина Вячеславовна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры «Менеджмент в АПК» Красноярского государственного аграрного университета
Сибирский Федеральный университет (660041, Россия, Красноярск, проспект Свободный, 82 А, e-mail: [email protected]) SPIN-код: 4348-8340 AuthorID: 832040
Рожкова Алена Викторовна, старший преподаватель кафедры «Менеджмент в АПК» Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (660049, Россия, Красноярск, проспект Мира, 90, e-mail: [email protected]) Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются перспективы участия молодежи в социально-культурной жизни населения сельских территорий. В современных условиях возрастает роль социально-культурных учреждений в воспитании молодежи сельских территорий. Определены цели государственной политики в социально-культурной сфере в соответствие со Стратегией государственной культурной политики. В рамках исследования выявлены тенденции развития социально-культурной сферы в РФ в целом и в Красноярском крае, в частности. Идентифицированы проблемы социально-культурной сферы Красноярского края и муниципальных образований, предложены мероприятия, направленные на решение выявленных проблем. Особое внимание уделено созданию условий для развития потенциала молодежи и его реализации в интересах развития сельских территорий. На примере молодежного центра представлены основные направления развития учреждения социально-культурной сферы. Создание благоприятных условий для разностороннего развития личности, реализации творческого и интеллектуального потенциала молодежи позволит решить задачи социально-культурного учреждения в воспитании молодежи сельских территорий. В статье представлены особенности получения финансирования для муниципальных социально-культурных образований при организации мероприятий в сфере молодежной политики. Обоснована необходимость внедрения проектно-организационного механизма в социально-культурную деятельность учреждений для преодоления трудностей, связанных с правовым, организационным, кадровым, материально-техническим обеспечением и административными ограничениями муниципального характера. В работе обоснована возможность расширения перечня разрешенных законодательством услуг с целью повышения роли социально-культурной учреждения в воспитании молодежи сельских территорий.
Ключевые слова: развитие сельских территорий, социально-культурная сфера, социально-культурные учреждения, молодежный центр, потенциал сельской молодёжи, творческий потенциал, интеллектуальный потенциал, проектно-организационный механизм.
© 2020
Stepanova Elina Vyacheslavovna, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department «Management in agriculture» Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University Siberian Federal University (660041, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, pr. Svobodniy, 82 А, e-mail: [email protected]) Rozhkova Alena Victorovna, senior teacher of the department «Management in agriculture»
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (660049, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, prospect Mira, 90, e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract. The article discusses the prospects of young people participation in the socio-cultural life of the rural territories' population. In modern conditions, the role of socio-cultural institutions in the education of young people in rural territories is increasing. The goals of the state policy in the socio-cultural sphere are defined in accordance with the strategy of the state cultural policy. The research identifies trends in the development of the socio-cultural sphere in the Russian Federation as a whole and in the Krasnoyarsk region in particular. The problems of the socio-cultural sphere of the Krasnoyarsk region and municipalities are identified, and measures aimed at solving the identified problems are proposed. Special attention is paid to creating conditions for the development of the young people potential and its implementation in the interests of rural development. On the example of the young people center, the main directions of the institution development in the socio-cultural sphere are presented. Creating favorable conditions for the versatile development of the individual, the realization of creative and intellectual potential of young people will help solve the problems of socio-cultural institutions in the education of young people in rural territories. The article presents the features of obtaining funding for municipal socio-cultural institutions when organizing events in the field of young people policy. The article substantiates the need to introduce a design and organizational mechanism in the socio-cultural activities of institutions in order to overcome difficulties related to legal, organizational, personnel, material and technical support and administrative restrictions of a municipal nature. The article substantiates the possibility of expanding the list of services permitted by law in order to increase the role of socio-cultural institutions in the education of young people in rural territories.
Keywords: rural development, socio-cultural sphere, socio-cultural institutions, youth center, potential of rural young people, creative potential, intellectual potential, design and organizational mechanism.
Problem definition in general form and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. In the XXI century, the socio-cultural sphere has acquired a special significance in the development of Russian society. The socio-cultural sphere is an independent, economically developed system of institutions at various levels. The activities
specifics of socio-cultural institutions are to provide services of a socio-cultural orientation. In modern conditions, the social significance of culture is growing, moreover, due to the crisis existence of society, it is becoming more acute, as the need of society for a stabilizing factor of development, which is culture, increases.
Степанова Элина Вячеславовна, Рожкова Алена Викторовна РОЛЬ СОЦИАЛЬНО-КУЛЬТУРНЫХ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЙ В ВОСПИТАНИИ ...
In the current situation, culture affects the quality of public life and various social groups [1].
Culture contributes to the development of socially significant values: tolerance, spirituality, moral education, harmonization of family and social relations. Socio-cultural institutions play a special role in the life of children and young people who actively participate in social activities. The role of culture in the young people environment is increasing, socio-cultural institutions contribute to the organization of free time, the development of the social potential for rural young people and their adaptation to new conditions of social life [2].
The goals of the state policy in the socio-cultural sphere in accordance with the strategy of the state cultural policy for the period up to 2030 are presented in figure 1 [3].
Figure 1 - Goals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the socio-cultural sphere
Analysis of recent researches and publications. The effectiveness of socio-cultural sphere management in the Russian Federation and the implementation of state policy goals can be assessed by analyzing trends in its development using Rosstat information (table 1) [4].
Table 1 - Dynamics in development of institutions and organizations in the socio-cultural sphere in the Russian Federation by type of activity
Indicator 2015 year 2016 year 2017 year changes, (+,-)
Number of libraries - total, thousand units 40,1 38,9 38,2 -1,9
cities andtowns 9,5 S,9 S,6 -0,9
in rural temtories 30,6 30 29,6 -1
Number of professional theaters- total, thousand units 661 665 651 -10
Number of theater's audience, million people 37,2 38,2 38,9 1,7
Number of museums- total, units 2731 2758 2742 11
The number of visits to museums, million 102,7 119 123,6 20,9
The number of cultural andleisure organizations— in total, thousands o f units 42,1 40,3 413 -0,8
cities and towns 5Д 4,9 5 -0,2
in rural temtories 36,9 35,4 36,3 -0,6
Number ofzoos - total,units 31 31 31 -
Number of visits to zoos, million 3,7 S,S 8,5 -0,2
Number of circuses - total 67 65 66 -1
Number of circus's spectators.miflion people 4,2 4Д 5,8 1,6
number of circuses' spectators 1.6 million people, says the rising demand for socio-cultural products in the society and encouraging people to cultural activities.
Formation of the article goals. Trends in the development of socio-cultural sphere within the framework of state policy implementation also persist at the regional level. In order to identify trends in the development of this sphere in the region and determine the role of socio-cultural institutions in the education of young people in rural territories, the object of research is the municipal budget institution «Youth center «Leader».
Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results. The Krasnoyarsk region has a rich cultural potential that provides the population with wide access to cultural values, information and knowledge. Public services are provided by libraries; institutions of museum, cultural and leisure type; theaters, concert organizations, cinemas, parks of culture and recreation, zoos. Educational organizations in the field of culture provide residents of the Krasnoyarsk region with secondary professional, higher professional and additional professional education, as well as additional education [5].
The Krasnoyarsk region is dominated by cultural values formed in the conditions of the historical development in the territory of Siberia [6].
Institutions such as libraries, museums, theaters, philharmonic halls, cinemas, cultural and leisure centers, recreation parks, and zoos of various formats have made a great contribution to the development of culture and continue to involve social groups. Educational organizations in the region provide services in the field of culture, organizing the activities of creative teams among young people. The development dynamics of institutions and organizations in the socio-cultural sphere of the Krasnoyarsk region by type of activity is shown in table 2.
Table 2 - Dynamics in development of institutions and organizations in the socio-cultural sphere of the Krasnoyarsk region by type of activity
Indicator 2015 year 2016 year 2017 year changes, {+,-)
Number of libraries - total, units 1166 1163 1153 -13
cities and towns 21S 215 21S
in rural temtories 948 94S 935 -13
Number of professional theaters - total, units 14 14 14
Number of theater's audience, thousand people 910 924 941 31
Number ofmuseums-total, units 73 70 65 -S
The numb er o f visits to museums, million 1791 1744 1779 -12
The number of organizations of cultural andleisure type—all units 1266 1253 1226 -40
cities and towns 96 90 88 -S
in rural temtorie s 1170 1163 1138 -32
An analysis of the data presented in table 1 shows that both positive and negative development trends are observed by type of cultural activity. Negative trends are associated with a reduction in 2017 relative to 2015, the number of libraries by 1.9 thousand units, including cities and towns of urban type by 0.9 thousand units, in rural territories by 1 thousand units. In addition, there was a reduction in the number of professional theaters by 10 thousand units, the number of cultural and leisure organizations by 0.8 thousand units, circuses by 1 thousand units. It should be noted positive trends in the development of socio-cultural sphere of the country: the growth of the theaters' audience of 1.7 million people, the number of visits to museums 20.9 million, the
On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region, there are 2,458 socio-cultural institutions of various types. The general development trend of institutions and organizations in the socio-cultural sphere of the Krasnoyarsk region is worse than at the state level.
A negative assessment should be made of the reduction in the number of libraries, including in rural territories by 13 units, the number of museums by 8 units, the number of cultural and leisure organizations by 40 units, including in rural territories by 32 units. In addition, it was revealed that the number of visits to museums decreased by 8 thousand. A positive aspect is the increase in the number of theater's audience by 31 thousand people.
The main problems of the socio-cultural sphere of the Krasnoyarsk region and municipalities that make up it should include:
- low availability of socio-cultural services for rural residents;
- lack of qualified personnel, including young people [7];
- high degree of deterioration on socio-cultural buildings;
- insufficient provision of material and technical base, equipment, computer equipment [8];
- low rates of development in information and communication infrastructure and virtual cultural space;
- insufficient variety and quality of services provided by municipal cultural institutions;
- a small amount of funding for socio-cultural projects and initiatives of socio-cultural institutions located in rural territories of the Krasnoyarsk region.
The development strategy of the Krasnoyarsk region until 2030 year defines the following territories for solving the identified problems in the socio-cultural sphere:
- increasing the role of civil society institutions as subjects of socio-cultural policy;
- creation of favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of a person, his creative self-realization, receiving art education and familiarization with culture;
- support of value-oriented upbringing, education, and cultural activities;
- development and provision of infrastructure development for key cultural institutions;
- creating favorable conditions for attracting private investment in culture using various public-private partnership mechanisms;
- creation of an effective system for motivating talented young people to get education in the field of culture and art, including through the implementation of grant programs to finance training in creative federal universities located in the region, and a system for motivating young professionals of creative professions to work in cultural institutions of the region;
- development of interdepartmental interaction, both in the implementation of the cultural policy of the region, and in the infrastructure development of the industry, focused on the creation of multifunctional social facilities that provide various types of socio-cultural services.
The implementation of measures complex in these territories to help create an enabling and value-oriented socio-cultural environment, provides spiritual and moral development of the individual and life quality of local population, creating opportunities of creative self-expression [9]. Support of rural youth initiatives by socio-cultural institutions will allow to realize more fully the social and economic potential of rural territories and organize leisure activities for the population of these territories [10].
«Youth center «Leader» is actively involved in the process of creating a favorable social environment for young people.
The municipal budget institution «Youth center «Leader» (MBI «Youth center «Leader») is a non-profit organization established to address issues related to the organization and implementation of activities to work with young people in the Karatuz district, the implementation of educational, advisory, industrial and leisure activities of young residents of the Karatuz district, interaction with youth and public organizations.
The main purpose of the institution - the creation of conditions for development of youth potential and its implementation in development of the Karatuz district; creation of favourable conditions for the multifaceted development of the personality, realization of creative and intellectual potential of the young people; prevention of crime, drug and alcohol abuse among young people.
To achieve the main goal of MBI «Youth center «Leader» solves the following tasks:
- organization of summer recreation and seasonal employment of young people;
- support of youth initiatives, promotion of youth project activities;
- support for young people in the field of professional orientation [11];
- support for gifted and talented young people;
- informational and organizational support for youth public associations;
- prevention of negative manifestations in the youth environment;
- methodological assistance to specialists, public organizations, and municipal institutions that work with young people;
- ensuring that the municipal task is completed;_
- introduce information technologies [12];
- informing teenagers and young people about existing youth associations through the mass media;
- organizing a dialogue and interaction between the government, young people, business and society to coordinate interests, goals and ideas about the future, solving current problems in the field of youth policy.
The income of MBI «Youth center «Leader» is formed exclusively at the expense of:
- subsidies for the implementation of municipal tasks;
- targeted subsidies.
The largest share of income in the periods under review is income from subsidies for the performance of municipal tasks: in 2016 year - 82.6 %, in 2017 year - 83.5 %, in 2018 year -75.8 %. The reduction in the share of subsidies for performing a municipal task is associated with an increase in the share of targeted subsidies. At the same time, it should be noted that despite the reduction in the share of subsidies for the implementation of municipal tasks, there is an increase in the volume of such subsidies in 2017 by 2.2 %, in 2018 by 16.6 %.
Grants for the performance of a municipal task are financial support for the organization of the following activities in the field of youth policy:
- creation of conditions for self-realization of teenagers and young people, development of creative, professional, intellectual potential of teenagers and young people;
- civil and patriotic education of young people, education of tolerance in the youth environment, formation of legal, cultural and moral values among young people;
- involvement of young people in innovative, entrepreneurial, voluntary activities, as well as the development of civic activity of young people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
On the basis of the total population in the Karatuz district at the age of 14-30 years, which according to Krasstat made on 1 January 2018 year 2016 people, and the number of parties held per year events (1450 people), it is possible to analyze the coverage of MBI «Youth center «Leader» in accordance with figure 2.
The diagram shows that the share of participants at the age of 14-30 years who took part in the activities of MBI «Youth center «Leader» of the total population in the district of this age category was 72%, which is evaluated positively, and indicates that the services of the institution are in demand.
Figure 2 - Coverage of the population in the Karatuz district with the services of MBI «Youth center «Leader» in 2018, %
The analysis of the municipal services in terms of indicators that characterize the quality and volume of municipal services provided is presented in table 3.
Analyzing the indicators in table 3, it should be noted that the MBI «Youth center «Leader» is actively developing its activities, as evidenced by an increase in the number of events held in 2017 by 8.2%, in 2018 by 10.6%. The total number of participants in the events held increased in 2017 by 190 people or 15.6%, while in 2018 the intensity of youth participation in the events decreased, as the increase in participants was only 2.8% compared to 2017.
The improvement for the quality and volume of services related to the formation of a system for the development of talented and initiative young people deserves a positive assessment [131. In this way, there was an increase in the num-
Степанова Элина Вячеславовна, Рожкова Алена Викторовна
ber of events in 2017 by 5.9%, in 2018 by 11.1%, while the increase in the number of participants in events was 2.9% in 2017, and 14.3% in 2018. More stable is the increase in indicators for services provided within the framework of civil and patriotic education of young people - on average, the increase in the number of events held and the number of participants is 7% annually. The indicator describing the quality and volume of services in the direction of «Involving young people in innovative, entrepreneurial, voluntary activities, forming a healthy lifestyle» has increased by 10% [14].
Table 3 - Analysis for the quality and volume of municipal services rendered by MBI «Youth center «Leader»
Service title At the end of the year, thousand mbles Absolute deviation, thousand Growth rate, %
20 16 2017 year 2018 year 2017/ 2016 2018' 2017 2017/ 2016 2018' 2017
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Formation of a system for the development oftalented and initiative voungpeople:
- numb er o f ev ents 17 IS 20 1 2 105,9 111,1
- number ofp articipants 34 0 350 400 10 50 102,9 114,3
Civic andpatriotic education of young people:
- numb er o f ev ents 26 28 30 2 2 107,7 107,1
- numb er o f p articip ants, people 52 0 560 600 40 40 107,7 107,1
Involvement of youngpeople in innovative, entrepreneurial, voluntary activities, formation of a healthy lifestyle:
- numb er o f ev ents IS 20 23 2 3 111,1 115,0
- number ofp articipants, people 36 0 500 450 140 -50 138,9 90,0
Total activities conducted, 61 66 73 5 7 108.2 110,6
Total numb er o f p articip ants, people 12 20 1410 1450 190 40 115,6 102,8
The management of socio-cultural activities of the MBI «Youth center «Leader» is of an educational, presentation and resource nature, which is manifested in the theme of the events.
Recently, institutions are beginning to implement a project-organizational mechanism in their activities, but they face some difficulties, which are manifested in the fact that the focus of work is based more on legal, organizational, personnel, material and technical support, while there is no opportunity to go beyond the rules of work, use personal resources, which is more due to administrative restrictions of a municipal nature, lack of financial support [15].
In order to increase the role of socio-cultural institutions in the education of young people in rural territories, the list of services permitted by law should be expanded, including paid services that are in demand:
- educational orientation: training in additional educational programs, profound study of subjects, tutoring, preparatory courses [16,17];
- social orientation: sales of goods, works, services obtained as a result of the activities for educational workshops, catering services, printing activities;
- consulting and information services, and a number of other services [18,19].
- other: leasing of property.
The procedure for starting revenue generating activities includes several stages:
1) conducting an analysis for the potential of paid services;
2) preparation of estimates for the program of paid services;
3) development of local regulations in the institution;
4) coordination with the founder and adjustment of the financial and economic activity plan;
5) preparation and implementation of a plan to promote additional services.
The expanded list of services will increase the number of young people as users of services. The provision of additional socio-cultural services will attract qualified young people and increase their motivation to work in socio-cultural institutions [20].
Conclusions of the study and prospects for further research in this area. The variety and quality of services provided by socio-cultural institutions will ensure that the pop-
ulation of rural territories is provided with a cultural product in accordance with standards that ensure the attractiveness of the service provided at their place of permanent residence. In order to overcome the existing contradictions, it is necessary to focus on improving the availability, quality and diversity of cultural services for the young population, continue to modernize and develop the existing infrastructure, introduce information technologies, strengthening human resources, and create a positive image of rural territory, based on the criteria of the most complete satisfaction of the population needs, preserve and increase the cultural potential of the district.
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Статья поступила в редакцию 31.03.2020 Статья принята к публикации 27.08.2020