Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
Pokiza Shamsiyevna Isamova
Ish joyi, lavozimi: O'zbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti, "Pedagogika va
psixologiya" kafedrasi dotsenti. [email protected]
Ushbu maqolada o'qituvchi kasbiy faoliyatida pedagodik qobiliyatlarni o'rni, pedagoglar uchun tavsiyalar bayon etilgan.
КаШ 8о'г1аг: motivatsiya, qobiliyat, o'qitish, maxsus qobiliyat
В данной статье описывается роль педагогического мастерства в профессиональной деятельности учителя, даны рекомендации для педагогов.
Ключевые слова: мотивация, способность, обучение, специальная способность.
This article describes the role of pedagogical skills in the professional activities of a teacher, recommendations for teachers are given.
Keywords: motivation, ability, training, special ability.
The specialty of the Teacher, as well as the specialty of the Doctor, is one of the oldest, it contains the centuries-old skill of the heredity of generations. In fact, a teacher is a connecting thread between generations, a bearer of socio-historical experience. In the rapidly changing world of specialties, the profession of a teacher remains unchanged, indestructible and unshakable, although its working conditions, content, quantitative and qualitative composition are constantly in progress. Teachers are busy educating and educating our future, they educate those who tomorrow will replace the present generation. They work with "living raw materials", the deterioration of which is compared with an irreversible catastrophe, since those years that were spent on training and education are lost.
Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
The profession of a teacher requires versatile knowledge and skills, boundless spiritual generosity, love and wisdom. Only every day, with joy, giving yourself to children, you can bring them closer to science, lay the foundation for moral values, and introduce them to work. The activity of a teacher is every time an intrusion into the inner world of a constantly growing person. We must always remember this, so as not to injure and break the still unstrengthened sprout of the soul. No textbooks can replace the commonwealth of a teacher with a pupil, and not everyone can become a teacher. The most important and important condition for the formation of a professional teacher is the availability of pedagogical abilities of the individual.
The basis of pedagogical abilities is the disposition towards students, which permeates all aspects of the teacher's activity. This is the only pedagogical ability, the lack of which the teacher cannot be filled with anything. It will not be possible to hide and mask its absence. Students are very observant and feel whether their teacher sincerely loves them, loves their work, or just performs a routine duty and an activity that is painful for him.
Abilities are individual personality traits that are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity.
Pedagogical abilities are understood as a set of individual psychological characteristics of a teacher's personality that meet the requirements of pedagogical activity and determine success in mastering this activity.
The relevance of the topic is due, on the one hand, to the inferiority of the formation of pedagogical abilities, on the other hand, the teacher must undoubtedly and unquestioningly endowed with pedagogical abilities and skills, develop them in professional activities.
Purpose of the study: on the basis of the theoretical substantiation of the problem, empirically substantiated research, to develop recommendations for the effective development of pedagogical abilities.
Research objectives: theoretical analysis of scientific materials on pedagogical abilities.
Research hypothesis: awareness of the presence of a system of pedagogical abilities of a teacher and their effective development will contribute to the professional development of a teacher-master.
Scientists and ideologists of pedagogical science have developed materials on pedagogical abilities that are conceptually significant for implementation of professional activities.
Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023 Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
Any modern teacher will be able to fully realize his professional potential, depending on the depth of understanding of the essence of education. Every teacher knows that there are two understandings of the inner side of the educational process: the development and formation of abilities or the acquisition of systematic knowledge.The mind has always been superior to knowledge. P.F. Kapterev said that if you own the mind, you will always acquire knowledge, and if you possess only knowledge, you will not always acquire the mind.
Pedagogical abilities are manifested not only in the process of mastering knowledge, but also in the development of skills and abilities necessary for the high-quality and successful performance of professional activities.
S.L. Rubinstein wrote in his writings that the main condition for the development of abilities is that the development itself occurs in a spiral: the realization of an opportunity that constitutes an ability of a lower degree opens up new opportunities for further development, for the development of abilities of a higher degree [1 ].
Being engaged in scientific research, A.N. Leontiev developed the position that all mental functions and abilities that are characteristic of a person as a social subject develop and are formulated as a result of mastering the experience of previous generations. Such a process appears in its function as a process of development and education.
Working on the problem of pedagogical abilities, attention is paid to the professional development of the teacher's personality [2].
Initially, abilities develop as an imitation of a cultural pattern of thinking and activity; then there is a change in the original sample, followed by reflection and fixation of the differences in their mode of activity .
Abilities are understood as individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another; abilities do not determine all individual characteristics, but only those that are related to the performance of any activity; the definition of "ability" does not correspond to all those skills, knowledge and skills that have already been established in each person.
General abilities are individual personality traits that provide a certain ease and effectiveness in mastering knowledge and performing various activities. The development of general abilities depends primarily on the psychophysiological characteristics of the individual: her temperament, charac intelligence.
Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023
Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
The special abilities of the teacher relate not only to the activity of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the ability to educate the individual.
It is believed to determine that innate abilities can only be anatomical and physiological features, i.e., the inclinations that are the "core" of the development of abilities, while the abilities themselves are always the result of the development of abilities that arise in activity.
Pedagogical abilities, which is a whole range of qualities that are relevant to all aspects of the teacher's personality, and which are an essential condition for the successful implementation of pedagogical activity. These qualities include the following:
1)organizational ability, which is necessary to ensure the quality of the work of the teacher himself and to ensure a good student team; 2) the ability to understand students; 3) creative and independent way of thinking; 4) accurate orientation and resourcefulness; 5) the ability to transfer knowledge to students in a concise and accessible form.
The problem of pedagogical abilities implies a system in the content and structural components of this phenomenon in the implementation of many scientists and teachers of practical education.
Pedagogical skills are a set of various actions of the teacher, which, first of all, correspond to the functions of pedagogical activity, to a greater extent determine the individual psychological characteristics of the teacher and confirm his subject-professional competence.
The teacher's skills as a whole, in didactic terms, they come down to three main ones: 1) the ability to transfer the known knowledge of the teacher to the unforeseen pedagogical situation that has arisen; 2) the ability to find a new solution for each pedagogical situation; 3) the ability to create new elements of pedagogical knowledge and ideas and design new techniques to solve a specific pedagogical situation.
12 main and important abilities are distinguished, which are further combined into four groups of pedagogical abilities. The ability to present didactic material understandable and accessible to students and the ability to connect didactic material with real life organize the first group of pedagogical abilities. Comprehension by the teacher of the student, love for children, initiative, creativity and organization in work, observation in relation to students - all this makes up the second group of pedagogical abilities that are associated with the reflective-gncr"'~ abilities of a person. Pedagogically strong influence on stude
Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023
Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
pedagogical rigor and exactingness, competent interrelation in difficult pedagogical situations, the ability to organize an educational team - this is the third group of interactive and communicative abilities. And, finally, the most important fourth group of distinguished abilities contains abilities that determine the content, brightness, imagery, persuasiveness and accuracy of teaching speech. These pedagogical abilities make it possible to successfully carry out all facets of pedagogical activity. Thus, pedagogical imagination is of great importance for fruitful pedagogical activity - it consists in "projecting" the future knowledge of students, the ability to find suitable methods and techniques in advance. It is the pedagogical imagination that helps the teacher to implement comprehensive training and education. Pedagogical tact plays an important role in the communicative side of pedagogical activity. This is the ability to form the right relationship with students, teachers, parents. Organizational skills are also necessary for the successful activity of a teacher, since all pedagogical activity is of an organizational nature.
Pedagogical abilities are a set of individual psychological characteristics of the teacher's personality that meet the requirements of pedagogical activity and determine success in mastering this activity.
The difference between pedagogical abilities and pedagogical skills is that pedagogical abilities are personality traits, and pedagogical skills are separate acts of pedagogical activity that are carried out by a teacher at a high level.
Pedagogical abilities provide for a high level of development of general abilities and the fact that other special abilities are included in the scope of pedagogical activity only if there is a pedagogical orientation and pedagogical abilities in the conditions of their further development.
The main components of professional and pedagogical activity, which ensure its integrity, at the same time show its multifunctional nature, which allowed researchers to single out these components as independent activities, to determine their constituent actions, the development of which by the teacher ensures his professional skill and competence. All components of the activity are manifested in the work of a teacher of any specialty. Their implementation requires the teacher to possess special skills.
Pedagogical abilities ensure the accumulation of fruitful information about students, which allows the use of "creative" suggestion, stimulating the formation of self-control and self-regulation, thereby providing the student's n for self-development and self-affirmation.
Tashkent Medical Academy Integration of Science, Education and Practice in Modern Psychology and Pedagogy: Problems and Solutions
Volume 4 | TMA Conference | 2023
Zamonaviy psixologiya, pedagogikada fan, ta'lim va amaliyot integratsiyasi: muammo va yechimlar
As can be seen from the above definitions of pedagogical abilities, in their content, firstly, they contain many personal qualities and, secondly, they are revealed through certain actions and skills. At the same time, there are skills that are included in the content of several abilities, for example, the ability to organize the independent work of students, which is included in the didactic ability, is, in fact, the ability to organize the work of others.
The skills that develop the perceptual ability are very similar to the skills that go into the ability to distribute attention, and so on. This may indicate that certain pedagogical actions (skills), and even more so their combination, with the help of which this or that pedagogical function is implemented, may be based on several abilities.
1. S.Rubinshtein Psychology of personality in two volumes. Anthology. 5-89570-008-X 1999 . https://www.livelib.ru/author/15349/top-aleksej-leontev.
2. A.N.Leontiev Lectures on General Psychology. ISBN 978-5-89357-230-8, 978-57695-7285-2 2010. https: //www.livelib.ru/author/15349/top-aleksej -leontev
3. Slabaya O.S. The role of pedagogical abilities in the professional activity of a teacher // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. - 2016.