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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Alimkhan F.

Language is a part of any culture within the country. Teaching English should therefore be closely related to the cultural characteristics of the English speaking countries. Intercultural approach blends the linguistic competences with the cultural. The article provides an overview of the literature about key concepts as approaches to the meaning and component structure of intercultural communicative competence; the details of the use of gaming technology in the sense of intercultural approach to foreign language teaching are discussed; assessment standards are suggested for English language textbooks on the implementation of intercultural approach; analysis of English-language textbooks is provided; intercultural competence level evaluation of students is conducted; gaming technology complex is developed to enhance intercultural communication skills; experimental work is carried out to develop intercultural communication skills. The following work will serve as a framework for the study of the theoretical foundations of the intercultural approach to English language teaching in elementary, elementary and vocational education, as well as the advancement of gaming technologies, organized by types of speech activity and language ability levels. It also indicates and analyzes a wide range of researches based on the concepts related with the authors research paper, by means of literature overview and the examined sources were grouped according to the issues, as well as followed by author's conclusions and analysis.

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Alimkhan F.

Second master's course of Education in Two Foreign Language,

University of International Business Almaty, Kazakhstan English teacher, No 172 school-gymnasium Almaty, Kazakhstan


Language is a part of any culture within the country. Teaching English should therefore be closely related to the cultural characteristics of the English speaking countries. Intercultural approach blends the linguistic competences with the cultural. The article provides an overview of the literature about key concepts as approaches to the meaning and component structure of intercultural communicative competence; the details of the use of gaming technology in the sense of intercultural approach to foreign language teaching are discussed; assessment standards are suggested for English language textbooks on the implementation of intercultural approach; analysis of English-language textbooks is provided; intercultural competence level evaluation of students is conducted; gaming technology complex is developed to enhance intercultural communication skills; experimental work is carried out to develop intercultural communication skills.

The following work will serve as a framework for the study of the theoretical foundations of the intercultural approach to English language teaching in elementary, elementary and vocational education, as well as the advancement of gaming technologies, organized by types of speech activity and language ability levels. It also indicates and analyzes a wide range of researches based on the concepts related with the authors research paper, by means of literature overview and the examined sources were grouped according to the issues, as well as followed by author's conclusions and analysis.

Keywords: communicative competence, intercultural communication, English for primary school children, English for children, junior pupils, methods of teaching English.

"Without a game, there is no and there cannot be a full mental development.

The game is a huge bright window through which

the life-giving stream of ideas, as well as concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world

of the child.

A game is a spark that ignites the light of inquisi-tiveness and curiosity."



In today's world, people are increasingly facing the need in cooperation with representatives of other cultures. Therefore, knowledge of the language of international communication is an essential aspect by which success and human education are judged. Certainly, English language teaching should be based on respect, understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between countries of native and foreign languages. Thus, the thesis underlies the intercultural approach to teaching foreign languages, as the high level of intercultural competency has its basis in the primary school [2]. Moreover, the task of the primary school teacher is not only to help students to master the curriculum, but also teach them to respect others' opinions, history and culture of other nations, as well as help them master initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically developing world.

However, in our opinion, the methods of teaching a foreign language that are used today in primary schools are not enough effective.

Purpose of this work is to prove that in a process of learning English, one of the most effective means of creating intercultural competence in elementary level students is a gaming technology.

The concept of modernization of Kazakhstan's education defines new social requirements for the formation of personal attitudes. There is a reorientation of the assessment of the results of education from the concepts of "preparedness", "training" to the concepts of "competence", "competence" of learners. As the First President of the country mentioned in his Address to the Notion, "Today I pose a challenge of carrying out the implementation of Kazakhstan's third modernization. It is necessary to create a new model of economic growth that will provide the country's global competitiveness" (Nazarbayev's Address to the Nation of Kazakhstan, 2017). [3]

Thus, one of the goals of teaching a foreign language is to develop students' communicative foreign language competence, ability and willingness to carry out interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers.

Based on the communicative approach in the process of teaching English, it is necessary to develop the ability to communicate in a foreign language, or, in other words, to acquire communicative competence.

Despite the huge amount of scientific work on the methodological and theoretical aspects of the cultural studies of students at all levels of education: from beginner to advanced levels, not enough attention has been paid to the concept of 'intercultural competence',

especially the development of intercultural competencies through playing among entry-level students.

The theoretical substantiation of the issues is the inclusion of materials of communicative, sociocultural and country-specific content that meet modern requirements for specialists.

In addition, the entire world community is committed to integration in various fields, including in the field of education. In the age of globalization, it is vitally important that a person becomes familiar with another culture, through the formation of his own intercultural communication and cultural competence.

The problem is also relevant in that the interest in communicating with other peoples and their cultures in our country is great, and the choice of the necessary teaching aids of local authors on communication is extremely scarce.

This study may be important for teachers in schools, universities, and primary schools.

Thus, in this study the following research questions are dealt with:

• What is the role of using game technologies in the formation of intercultural competence of elementary level students?

• How to use game technologies as means of didactic model of teaching?

The following article indicates and analyzes a wide range of researches based on the concepts related with the authors research paper, by means of literature overview and the sources were grouped according to the issues, and followed by authors conclusions and analysis.

The Concept of Intercultural Competence

The term 'intercultural competence' exists in a scientific world more than sixty years ago, however, its single definition and structure is still not formulated. Based on the review of the sources on the researched subject, we may conclude that intercultural competence plays a significant role in the core competency structure. V. V. Safonova describes intercultural competence as a part of the language person's communication skills [2].

The study of scientific and pedagogical literature enables us to determine that the different aspects of the intercultural competence of the personality of trainees were studied and described in the theoretical writings (A.V. Annenkova, V.G. Apalkov, K.E. Bezukladnikov, R.R. Bikiteeva, G.V. Elizarova, O. Leontovich, A.U. Muratov, O.G. Oberemko, L.P. Pavlova, M.V. Plek-hanova, I.L. Pluzhnik, A.P. Sadokhin, Y.A. Sinitsina, E.R. Khakimov, A. Artamonova, A.E. Fantini, G. Ellis, E. Jung, T. Nakayama, T.B. Rogers, Y. Sarkees, G. Tri-andis and others).

Intercultural competence as said by N. D. Galskova, N. I. Gez, has the potential to allow the individual to realize himself in cultural interaction, i.e. in terms of intercultural communication [4].

Knapp describes intercultural competence as the capacity to comprehend other cultures, as well as representatives of their own society [5].

Some scholars have a positive attitude towards cultural differences. Thus, intercultural skills according to N. D. Galskova, N. I. Gez, has the potential to allow

the individual to consider oneself in cultural interaction, i.e. in terms of intercultural communication [5].

The principles of international scholars, which show the complexity of the intercultural competence creation cycle were analyzed by foreign scholars as M. Bennet, G. Chen, D.K. Deardorff, K. Knapp, and others [2].

The modern world is revealed by rapid changes involving globalization, the acceleration of social transformation, the transition to a post-industrial, knowledge society, a drastic expansion of intercultural contact, the rise and growth of global issues, the role of human capital. The planet needs a society in this regard that will not only be able to maintain this speed of growth but will also be able to set ourselves and tackle new challenges relentlessly. Education plays a key role in creating a new phase of the community. Thus, according to Kudabayeva, 'Goals, paradigms, methods that were relevant ten years ago, must give place to new goals, paradigms and methods. If previously the result of the study was the student, who possesses all the knowledge, abilities and skills he had learned from his teachers, but today the result of learning is a person competent in the specific area of expertise' [6].

According to Kudrina, the structure of intercultural competence is as follows:

1. The cognitive component implies a system of knowledge, which includes knowledge of the cultural characteristics of both your country and the country of the language being studied.

2. Activity component provides skills and abilities to adapt their knowledge to a new cultural environment and put them into practice quickly adapt to the proposed circumstances, use verbal and non-verbal means, interact with representatives of other cultures.

3. The personal component assumes the presence of such personality traits, like tolerance, patriotism and empathy [7].

Thus, a special role in forming above mentioned competence can be played by the usage of game technologies in an educational process. As the use of gaming activities allows to make the learning process more creative and interesting for students at any step. With particular attention paid to the development of intercultural competence, which is an integral part of foreign language communicative competence, we will analyze the sources regarding the concept of game technologies, as the next subcategory of this article.

The Concept of Game Technology

The use of games dates from ancient times. The oldest board game in China has been discovered-it dates back to 3000 BC [8]. Some ethnographers are convinced the reason so many games were made was education. Their mission was to replicate normal human living conditions, share knowledge with the next generation and train them for proper social functioning. A good example could be the chess, which was used 2000 years ago as a standard simulation game. Its intention was to train the soldiers to fight [9].

Using all sorts of games when conducting classes helps to combine rational and emotional training components. The usage of games allows, among other things, to compensate information overload, organize

for students, the mode of psychological unloading, which ultimately contributes to better assimilation of knowledge and communication skills. Games, making high demands on the level of qualification of the teacher, allow you to create original, relaxed atmosphere at the same time pointing out ways to solve problems in specific communication situations. Thus, according to Vygotskiy, Istomina and Piaget game is the most effective form of teaching the culture of the learned language [2].

Jan Amos Komenski, the founder of modern pedagogy, proposed approaches that were taught by play. He has offered simulation and competitive games the most credit [10]. Some writers say that every game is a game but not every game is a game [10]. So understanding the differences between them is important. The most important distinguishing criteria for the game and the match are score, rules, competition and illusion [11].

The game is, thus, a higher level of play based on at least two students' strict adherence to rules [12]. Certain descriptions and classifications of games are also included in the literature, but most writers specifically use the word didactic game. Wincenty Okon characterizes the game as a mode of play that follows set rules. In this case attaining a clearly defined score is an essential aspect of the game. He also stresses the game's educational functions: upholding expectations, being able to play, knowing how to win, and losing. The educational game, on the other hand, is a game with a certain didactic intent, a teaching tool [12].

Different attitude is shared by Czeslaw Kupisiewicz, who is highlighting the play features in the didactic game - categorized them as a well, defining the following types of games [13].

Simulation games - the goal is to portray a particular slice of truth in a simplified way, making it simpler to interpret or manipulate it;

Situational games - the aim is to encourage children and young people to solve imaginary tasks,

Staging games - involve the repetition of past events or the development of new plans for those events.

Moreover, according to the author of the manual, which is called 'Pedagogical Psychology' Zimnyaya A.N., games, by the type of activity can be divided as:

1. Physical (motive);

2. Intellectual;

3. Labor;

4. Social;

5. Psychological games;

Following groups of games are distinguished by the nature of the pedagogical process:

1) training, controlling and summarizing;

2) informative, educational, cognitive;

3) reproductive, productive, creative;

4) communicative, diagnostic, professional orientation [14, 16].

Thus, according to all abovementioned scholars, that games can encourage, entertain and promote fluency. Otherwise, for any of these reasons, they should be used just because they help students see beauty in a foreign language and not just problems. The games can

usually be used as activities to warm-up learners or to fill extra time left after the class. However, Rixon suggests that should be used at all of the stages of the lesson: during Presentation, Controlled practice or Communicative practice [12].

The Concept Of Didactic Method Of Teaching

According to the Oxford Dictionary, a didactic method is a teaching method that follows a consistent scientific approach or educational style to engage the student's mind. Therefore, the instructional didactic method is frequently contrasted with dialectics and the Socratic method; the term can also be used to refer to a particular didactic approach, such as constructivist didactics. Didactics is educational philosophy, and a philosophy and practical practice of teaching and learning in a wider context. Didactics, in the demarcation from "Mathetics," applies only to teaching science. This theory may be contrasted with open learning, also known as experiential learning, in which people can learn about topics of interest by themselves, in an unstructured way. This also relates to the basis or point of departure in a lesson plan, where information is the ultimate purpose. Throughout this position a teacher or instructor serves as an authority, but also as both a student guide and a tool.

The face of teaching has changed from teaching to learning facilitation, so teachers need to play different roles and use new techniques . It proposes three main teaching styles; didactic, socratic, and facilitative. The variety of styles offers a degree of versatility that enables one to alter the teaching role whether it is focused on teachers or focused on students. Jarvis believes that teaching is both an art and a science [14].

The concept of didacticism poses various restrictions including rotary learning, learning by taking notice, and possible frustration as the method restricts the involvement and reflection of students.

Most traditional lecturers continue to use the lecture as a teaching method, particularly when the topic is new to most students or when the students are dependent on teachers, nervous or disorganized as learners [14].

Many authors emphasize that didactic games are an effective method of persistence creation. Gabriela Kapica says they build determination, ability and resilience to resolve difficulties. They bear achievements which evoke optimism and self-confidence [16]. Maria Noga adds that "they establish characteristics of such character as regularity, patience, self-discipline and a sense of justice. 'We teach how to take on one's own responsibilities and how to move on within a peer group' [17].

Didactic games utilized in the teaching process at schools and universities are being met with increasing enthusiasm and recognition. The last few years have seen a sort of revival in games and plays. Learning with them has overwhelming didactic merits compared with the conventional model of teaching [18, 19]. There are also reports on connections between using didactic plays and games and teaching certain subjects effectively. The value of ludic activity as the basic human behavior was shown by Johan Huizing Roger Caillois [14].


Thus, based on Kapp and Sheldon's study findings, it can be concluded that games provide teachers with an ability to improve the efficacy of the teaching process. They allow for increased student participation. They are successful in addressing significant shortfalls in conventional teaching methods [19, 20]. Moreover, in the era of globalization, computer games are getting more and more popular, and Kazakhstan, as a part of a global world is to employ all of the new approaches and methods.

According to the literature analyzed during the research, games are one of the most important means of mental and moral education of learners. Especially elementary level learners are in need of being engaged to the lesson, they have to be entertaining. Thus, didactic method of teaching can evoke positive motivation for learning, as well as strengthen obtained knowledge. They can deepen the desire to learn more and be integrated to master all of the language skills.

Thus, the introduction of gaming technology in English classes of elementary level learners plays a vital role. According to the analyzed works, the use of gaming technology has a positive impact on the formation of intercultural competence among students, allows them to focus on the main thing - mastery of speech skills in the natural conversational situation.


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20. Sheldon, L., 2012. The Mulitiplayer Classroom. Boston: Course Technology - 2012.



Naiko D.

Candidate of Science, Associate Professor, VNAU, Vinnytsya


When analyzing experimental data, a number of important typical problems arise. These include, in particular, tasks such as checking the homogeneity of two numerical sets, checking the randomness of elements of an experimentally obtained numerical set, checking the independence of elements obtained experimentally with a numerical set, and the like. These problems are formulated in the form of statistical hypotheses.

In this paper, we focus on the so-called non-parametric statistical methods of testing statistical hypotheses. In particular, methods such as the Wilcoxon method, the sign method, and the series method are considered.

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